Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ You're an alien? ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
You’re An Alien?

Disclaimer: you should know by now.

Chapter 3

Our three traveling companions are seen heading towards a small town with dome like buildings which all have a number painted above the door frames. As they head towards the town Bulma on her motorcycle while the sisters sat together on the nimbus we hear a conversation between previously stated companions it goes something like this.

“Are we there yet Bulma?” Goku questioned obnoxiously loud.

“Almost, Goku!” Bulma answered her black haired companion irritated. “The dragon radar says its around here somewhere.” she mumbles mostly to herself glancing around.

“Sorry. But this is taking to long!” Goku whined.

“I agree with Goku! How many more dragon balls do we need anyway?” Naruto questioned with a scowl just as annoyed as her sister.

“Well lets see, I already had two when I met you, plus your grandpa,” she answered making a face at the last word “also the one I got from the turtle hermit makes four, so three left.”

“Well that’s not to bad I guess.” Goku stated.

“You forget the fact that they could be on opposite ends of the earth!” Naruto reminded her sister.

“I hadn’t thought of that!” Goku gasped looking panicky.

“Well look on the bright side, if that turns out to be the case we’d have to meet strong opponents some time!” Naruto added quickly seeing Goku freaking out.

“You’re right I guess its not that bad, but I’d still prefer to be in the mountains!” Goku replied a bit more calmly than before.

“You’re not the only one sis.” Naruto added flatly.

“If you guys done?” Bulma commented. “We’ve made it.” they walk up to a house with a number five on it and knock.

“No one is answering” Naruto complained a few minutes later.

“Why don’t we just kick the door down?” Goku questioned.

“Good idea sis!” Naruto jumped and kicked the door making it swing open. “Hello? Is anyone in here?” she questioned the darkness as she walked inside.


“Owwww!” she moaned as she rubbed her sore head. “What was that for?” she demanded of the man who now stood before her holding a broken axe.

“P-pl-please don’t take my daughter!” he pleaded.

“Why would we want your daughter?” Bulma asked him as she entered the house followed by Goku.

“You mean you’re not Oolong?” he asked confused.

“Oolong who’s that?” Goku asked clueless.

“Oh thank God!” he cried in joy “I was so worried that you were Oolong coming to take my daughter.”

“Yea, yea we get it you’re happy” Goku began disgruntled “But who’s Oolong?”

“Oolong is a terrible monster who can take any form he wishes, he’s been using these forms to terrorize the village and make all the girls here marry him! We tried to stop him but he’s just to powerful, and now he’s come after my poor daughter.” he wailed.

“AH that reminds me” Bulma commented as she pulled one of the dragon balls out of her bag “have you ever seen anything like this mister?”

“Hmm, no I can’t say I have.” he looked closely at it.

“WAIT!” an old lady who had crowded around the door with the rest of the town shouted “My gramy gave me something just like that see?” she pulled a dragon ball out of the pocket on her apron.

“Hey! Will you give me that if we defeat this Oolong person?” Bulma questioned.

“I guess, but aren’t you a bit skinny to fight” she answered.

“Oh not me them.” she pointed at Naruto and Goku.

“Them? Their just kids!” the old woman waved them off.

“Hey! Are you doubting we can fight?” Naruto questioned angrily.

“Well you’re only kids.” the old woman replied.

“We’ll show you!” Goku joined in “We’ll take down this Oolong guy and you’ll have to give Bulma the dragon ball!” she shouted.

“Alright, alright.” the woman tried to calm them down.

“Wait!” Bulma shouted as Goku and Naruto tried to run out the door “We need a plan first!”

“Oh, hehe, sorry” Naruto apologized rubbing her neck “We forgot.”

“Uh-huh sure.” Bulma rolled her eyes. “Anyway, when does Oolong get here?” she asked the man.

“O-oh around four o’clock.” he stammered.

“Great that gives us a few hours to make Goku look like your daughter!” she exclaimed.

“HUH! Me why me?” Goku demanded.

“Because I’m to old, and Naruto has blond hair.” Bulma explained calmly.

“Oh I guess that makes sense.” Goku deflated.

“Of course it does.” Bulma turned toward the little girl and her father “Do you have some clothes that might fit Goku?” she asked the little girl.

“U-um I should” she stammered “Let me go check.” she ran to her room and reappeared a few minutes later “This should work.” she threw the bundle of clothes at Bulma who turned to Goku.

“Ok, lets get you dressed!” she grabbed Goku and pulled her into the bathroom.

“Do you think we should help her?” Naruto asked the old woman as she watched her sister get forcefully pulled into the bathroom after Bulma.

“Nah, she should be fine right?” the old lady questioned her.

“Yah she should be.” she replied.

A few minutes later Bulma and a newly dressed Goku emerged from the bathroom.

“Not bad if I do say so myself.” Bulma declared as she looked over Goku.

“Why do I have to wear such baggy stuff?” Goku whined.

“Because there the only clothes she had that would fit you.” Bulma replied as she pointed at the little girl in the corner.

“Fine!” she huffed “Let’s just get this over with!”

“That’s the sprit!” Bulma cheered. “How much time do we have left?” she questioned the man.

“About twenty minutes.” he answered.

“Alright! Are you ready Goku?” Bulma questioned her raven haired companion.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Goku sulked.

“Than let’s get this show on the road!” Bulma declared loudly as she dragged the younger girl out the door and into the street to wait for Oolong while she and Naruto hid behind a tree. They heard some loud thumps before a large pig like creature with a horn on the top of his head walked around the corner toward Goku.

“So are you my bride?” he questioned when he reached her. Goku nodded her head. “What’s wrong cat got your tongue?” he asked trying to get a vocal response “Or do you not like this form?” he continued “If you don’t I can change it.” he informed “How about this?” he asked as he became a tall man with dark brown hair, dark eyes, tan skin, and dressed in a white suit with a matching hat and cane.

“Hi!” Bulma shouted as she ran around the corner and pushed Goku out of the way “My names Bulma.”

“Ah hello.” he told her.

“Why don’t you just forget about her and take me instead?” she questioned with a love-struck face.

“I don’t know,” he looked at her “What’s your cup size?” he asked after a moment.

“34C!” she told him enthusiastically.

“Hm, maybe.” he rubbed his chin.

Meanwhile with the twins

“Is this normal Goku?” Naruto sweat dropped.

“I-I’m not sure,” Goku tilted her head “I don’t think so.”

“What do we do than?” Naruto asked her.

“What do we always do?” they shared a wicked grin.

“I like the way you think sis!” Naruto exclaimed “Follow my lead.” she jumped with Goku not far behind as they attacked Oolong.

“AHH! You little brats!” he shouted as they kicked him “I’ll get you for that! PRESTO!” a smoke cloud covered their vision so they couldn’t see, as it dissipated they saw a large ox.

“I’ll get you now!” it yelled as it ran towards them.

The sisters shared a look, nodded, and jumped Goku landing on one of its horns while Naruto landed on its back.

“POWER POLE EXTEND!” Goku shouted pulling out her weapon and hit the ox between the eyes. Naruto pulled her new sword while this happened and tried to cut the side of the ox, of course having no previous training with said weapon this ended in failure.

“Okay bad idea.” she muttered as she picked herself up off the ground.

“Are you alright?” Goku questioned having temporarily taken care of Oolong.

“Yeah fine.” she rubbed her head with a wince “Just remind me to never do that again.”

Suddenly the ox looked around franticly as its eyes widened “Time out! Time out!” it shouted as it ran around the corner out of their sights.

“Where’s he going in such a hurry?” Bulma questioned as she came out of the house she had been hiding in during the fight.

“No idea.” the twins said in unison.

Meanwhile with Oolong

“That was close.” he exclaimed as he became a small pig in what appeared to be an army officer outfit “They almost found me out!” he panted.

The sound of running caught his attention and he quickly started whistling a tune as the twins came round the corner and looked around.

“Hey pig!” Naruto shouted “You seen a big ugly ox around here?” she questioned.

“Nope, sorry.” he said with a tick mark. “Why don’t you try that way?” he pointed to the left.

“Sure thanks!” they shouted as they ran.

A few minutes later

“Did you find him?” Oolong asked as he caught sight of the girls.

“Nope he must have turned into a bird and flew off.” Goku grumbled as they walked back inside the town “Hey guys!” she shouted “The chicken ran off!”

“Oh yeah?” Oolong muttered “I’ll show them a chicken! How about this.” he stated as smoke once again covered his frame, dissipating after a few minutes to show a giant robot with a Mohawk and holding chopsticks and what appeared to a giant bowl of ramen. “Do you really think the mighty Oolong would run from a couple of little girls?” he yelled as he walked back into town. “OW!” he clutched the back of his head as he turned around to yell at the little old lady whose grandson had just shot him with a slingshot “Can’t you control your kids in this town!”

“Forgive me! Forgive me! It won’t happen again!” she pleaded with him.

“Make sure it doesn’t!” he turned back around “Now where were we?” he asked the twins.

“Right about here!” Goku shouted as she and Naruto once more attacked him.

“Brats!” he shouted as he nursed a sore shoulder. “PRESTO!” he shouted as the smoke covered him for the fifth time that day and once again dissipated to reveal a large grey bat. “HAHAHA! Farewell!” he shouted as he flew off.

“That was weird.” Naruto commented.

“Yep.” Goku agreed as she and Naruto watched the bat fly off.

“Don’t just stand there!” Bulma shouted “Go after him!”

“OH! Right!” Goku shouted “NIMBUS!” the little yellow cloud flew down to them and stopped to allow the twins on. “Follow that bat!” Goku pointed toward Oolong and they sped off.

“Caught you!” Naruto shouted as she held the bat tightly to prevent it from escaping when a large cloud of smoke blew up in her face.

As Naruto finished coughing Goku was now holding up the pig from earlier “So you were Oolong the whole time?”

“Y-yeah but who are you?” the little pig demanded.

“My names Goku and this is my sister Naruto!” Goku introduced.

As they got back to the village Bulma asked “So this is Oolong?” as she along with the rest of the village looked the pig over “He’s not that scary.”

“Say it!” Naruto glared.

“I-I’m sorry.” he apologized.

“I can’t stay mad at him.” the man declared.

“Right, anyway, what did you do to those girls?” the old woman asked.

“They’re fine, they’re staying at my house.” he told the townsfolk.

“Well let’s go get them than!” the old woman told him as she started walking “Oh! And here’s that ball you wanted.” she said giving Bulma the dragon ball.

“Thanks!” Bulma told her as she put the dragon ball with the others.

“Here we are.” Oolong told them stopping at what appeared to be a temple.

“Huh” Bulma said “I was expecting a cave.”

“With all the money I’ve got?” Oolong asked her.

“Watch it pig!” Naruto told him as she hit him over the head.

The parents rushed into the house and calling for their daughters found them all relaxing around an expensive looking room.

“I brought them here to cook and clean,” Oolong began “but all they do is sit around and do nothing! Please take them with you!” he begged them.

“Um alright?” the man answered him.

“Good!” Oolong shouted.

Later that day

“What is this thing?” Naruto asked as she looked into the water.

“It’s a speed boat.” Bulma answered “And don’t lean over the edge it’s dangerous.”

“Yes sir!” Naruto said.

“I’M NOT A MAN!” Bulma shouted.

“Sorry!” she apologized.

“Whatever!” Bulma sighed “Let’s just find the other two dragon balls and get this over with!”

“Alright!” the twins shouted from either side of Oolong who was grumbling.

“I still don’t see why I have to come!” he told Bulma.

“Because that transformation trick of yours might come in handy on our quest!” she told him matter-of-factly.

“I don’t do quests!” he shouted.

“Well you do now!” she told him.

“Fine!” he grumbled “I’ll come along for now!”

“Great!” Bulma smiled “Now that that’s settled let’s get going!” and with that they headed off to the next dragon ball.
