Mahou Sensei Negima! Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Wait, did that happen before? ❯ I am Tora, Hear Me Roar! Part 3 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 11: I am Tora, Hear Me Roar Part 3

As the Power Rangers finished their impromptu posing, they prepared to do battle with the gigantic cat that was Tora. "So, does it have any special powers, or is it just a big cat?" asked the Blue Ranger.

"I think it's just a big cat," replied the Red Ranger. "But there's something you need to know. It's not one of Rita's normal monsters. It's a house cat that she made grow with her magic."

"What?" interjected the Yellow Ranger. "That can't be right. If it isn't one of her monsters, how is it talking?"

"I don't know," the Red Ranger replied. "But we can't just kill it. We need to find a way to capture it and change it back."

"Why?" asked the Pink Ranger. "It's just a cat. I mean, it would be one thing if we had a way to change it back, but we don't, and as it is, it's a threat to Konoha. Plus, it's a cat."

"It's not just any cat! It belongs to the Fire Daimyo!" Sakura shouted.

The Yellow and Black Rangers bristled. "That's Tora?" asked the Yellow Ranger.

"...Okay, I'm with Pinkie here. Let's kill it!" said the Black Ranger.

"Don't call me Pinkie!" snarled the Pink Ranger.

"Agreed. The world is better off without him," added the Yellow Ranger.

"Wait, what?" asked the Blue Ranger.

"That thing is a menace to society," commented the Black Ranger.

"Er..." said the Pink Ranger, feeling slightly guilty for starting this trend, but not actually wanting to voice a complaint.

"Uh, guys..." said the Blue Ranger.

"It's just an innocent house cat, guys," insisted the Red Ranger.

"THAT THING IS A MONSTER MADE FLESH!" yelled the Black Ranger.

"But that's Rita's fault," said the Red Ranger.

"NO IT ISN'T!" shouted the Black Ranger.

"Guys..." repeated the Blue Ranger.

"Tora runs away on a daily basis, steals food, poops everywhere it can, and regularly mauls genin and civilians. It hates people, and it hates its life as a pet of the Fire Daimyo's wife," said the Yellow Ranger. As she spoke, she gradually got louder and louder. For some reason, it was getting harder to hear herself speak.

"That doesn't mean we can just-" said the Red Ranger.

"GUYS!" shouted the Blue Ranger.

"WHAT!?" yelled the other Rangers. However, before he could answer, a loud crash drew their attention to the trees that Naruto and Negi were hiding behind.

"That innocent house cat is trying to eat Sakura's Team," the Blue Ranger flatly replied.

Sure enough, while the Power Rangers were arguing, Tora had turned around and rammed the trees that had been keeping Negi and Naruto out of its reach. Fortunately, the two were far enough back that it still couldn't reach them by clawing between the trees with its forelegs. Although that didn't stop it from trying.

"...Okay, let's kill the damn thing," said the Red Ranger. With their course of action decided, the Power Rangers attacked Tora.


Naruto was screaming. Not in the "I'm so excited I just can't keep it inside," way like Negi had been only a few moments earlier. More like the "Oh crap I'm going to die in a horrifically painful manner" way that he'd heard all too many times in his previous lifetime.

Tora had decided that the Power Rangers were busy and had turned its attention to him and his teammate. The monster-cat then started charging them. Naruto felt Negi pulling the back of his coat and obligingly stepped back.


Tora slammed into the trees, which once again held him at bay. Immediately, he began clawing at them from behind the trees, but they were just a little too far back for the cat to reach. As the cat tried futilely to reach them, Naruto's screaming died down. And then the cat started digging at the roots of the trees.

'Screw this. Sakura had the right idea. We need to get out of here.' Grabbing Negi, Naruto turned to run. However, he once again felt Negi pulling on the back of his coat.

"What are you doing? We need to go!" Naruto practically shouted to his younger teammate. 'Wait, how did I know that?' His only answer was the kyuubi snickering.

"Wait! Look!" As he spoke, Negi pointed at the cat, which was still digging. Suddenly, the cat was dragged backwards. Just as abruptly, it was forcibly lifted upwards, briefly revealing five costumed figures clutching its hind legs, before concealing them once again as it was slammed back down.

"Bad kitty. No eating genin," said the Pink Ranger.


Inside the mission office, Ryouga abruptly appeared.

"So, how did the mission go?" asked Jiraiya, an amused look on his face. Only for his amusement to abruptly vanish. "Wait. Ryouga, where's the rest of your team?"

"Er..." replied Ryouga. "I take it they haven't come by here, then?"

"...Dammit, Ryouga," grumbled the Hokage, as he rose from his seat behind the mission assignment desk. "Follow me. I'll see if I can't find them in my crystal ball." Creating a single shadow clone to man the desk while he was gone, Jiraiya began heading up to his office.


Tora the monstrously huge feline found himself in a very different situation now that the Power Rangers had stopped arguing long enough to fight it. Whereas before he had been able to overwhelm or outfight everyone he came across (which was an admittedly small selection of opponents), with the addition of four uninjured Power Rangers, he quickly found himself on the defensive. When he went after one, the other four attacked him. When he tried to run, the group would surround him. When he tried to force his way through, the nearest ranger would attack with their weapon while the others took pot shots at him with their blade blasters. And while one blade blaster was an annoyance, four at once were dangerous.

"Dammit!" snarled the cat. "If I can't win, I'll take at least one of you with me!" Turning, he crouched, preparing to lunge at the injured Red Ranger. Which was as far as he got before he was violently interrupted.

"Power Axe!" shouted the Black Ranger, driving her weapon into Tora's left hind leg.

"Ack!" yelped Tora, aborting his attempted pounce. Unfortunately, the Black Ranger's attacked seemed to signal the other rangers. Before the Black Ranger had even recovered from her swing, the other rangers joined in.

"Power Bow!" shouted the Pink Ranger, loosing an arrow into Tora's right hind leg.

"Power Daggers!" cried the Yellow Ranger, throwing both of her daggers into Tora's eyes.

"Power Lance!" yelled the Blue Ranger, as he swept the now blind-Tora's forelegs out from under him with a single sweep of his lance.

"Power Sword!" And as the sword in question found its way through his neck, Tora knew no more.


"This isn't over yet," said Rita from inside her underground base, where she had been watching the battle via her crystal ball. "MAGIC WAND," she cried, raising her magical staff above her head. "MAKE TORA GROW!" With a crash, she slammed it into her crystal ball. Immediately, the crystal ball showed the decapitated cat's head reattaching itself. The power daggers were ejected from his eyes, and his wounds began closing. A moment later, he began to rapidly expand.


As the monster-cat revived and began to grow, the rangers lunged at him. "Oh no you don't!" they cried, simultaneously lashing out.

Before the now airborne cat had time to land, the Power Rangers simultaneously threw their hands into the air.

"We need Dina-Zord power, now!"


"There they are," said Jiraiya. "Looks like they're in the park near the Ninja Academy watching the Power Rangers fighting outside the village. Alright, follow me."


Tora suddenly found himself reawakening. However, before he had time to recover from the shock of suddenly not being dead, he found himself being launched from the village via five synchronized uppercuts. Strangely, the individual strikes hurt significantly less than he expected them to. Soon enough, he found himself landing outside the village. Which looked much smaller than he remembered it being.

Before he could make sense of his situation, he found himself confronted by five dinosaur shaped robots (well, two dinosaur shaped robots, two prehistoric mammal shaped robots, and some sort of bird robot). The five robots quickly formed themselves into some sort of assault vehicle. And promptly started shooting him.

Yowling, Tora decided that this wasn't worth his trouble. Turning, he started to run.


For a moment, Tora felt himself being compelled to fight to what would likely be his death against the little vehicle that made him hurt in a manner far too similar to the barrage of blade blasters for his liking. However, his self preservation had kept him alive for almost a decade when his owner had the unfortunate habit of squeezing him so tightly he could feel his bones crack. It had lead to him learning how to regularly escape teams of genin. It had helped him survive against genin teams consisting entirely of Inuzuka's. And it was currently telling him that if he fought, he would die. So, in utter defiance of the voice in his head that demanded that he stay, fight, and try to destroy his home of nearly a decade, Tora turned tail and ran.

Consequently, he missed the vehicle transforming into a giant mecha.


"NOOOO!" shouted Rita Repulsa. "GO BACK! FIGHT THEM!" However, Tora refused to listen. Rita screamed in frustration as Tora did what he was best known for: running away.


As the Power Rangers' zords completed the transformation from Megazord Tank-Mode into Megazord Battle-Mode, the Power Rangers were treated to the sight of the monster that was once Tora fleeing into the distance.

"...Does this mean we win?"


From within Konoha, Negi and Naruto watched as the monster that was once Tora ran. "So, I guess we failed our first D-Rank," said Negi.

Before Naruto could answer, the bushes behind them parted, revealing their jounin instructor and the Hokage. "Ah, there you are. So, how did the mission go?"

After a moment, Naruto said a bad word, resulting in an amused grin from Jiraiya.

"...Hey. Where's Sakura?"

All Purpose Index

Blade Blaster: The standard red and gray transforming guns possessed by every member of the Power Rangers. They can be used as guns, or as short swords.

Megazord Tank-Mode: Exactly what it sounds like ? the Megazord in a tank-like configuration. In Tank-Mode, the Megazord is faster and is capable of firing a variety of weapons at enemies. When the zords come together to form the Megazord, they come together in Tank-Mode. As such, the Megazord must cycle through Tank-Mode in order to form Battle-Mode.

Megazord Battle-Mode: The humanoid robot mode that the Megazord appears most often in. In Battle-Mode, the Megazord is more maneuverable than in tank mode, making it more useful against monsters than Tank-Mode. In addition to this, Battle-Mode allows the Megazord to use its most powerful weapon, the Mega Power Sword, which cannot be accessed in Tank-Mode.

Genin: The lowest ranking a ninja can have in Konoha and most other hidden villages in the Elemental Nations.

Jounin: The highest ranking a ninja can have short of the Kage in Konoha and most other hidden villages in the Elemental Nations.