Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ From the Light Comes Darkness ❯ The Groups Depart ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Groups Depart

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

Orochimaru sighed as the group met at the exit to the Village. The boy named Sai was getting on everyone's nerves, even his own. The boy had given the majority of the group less than complimentary nicknames, and he wasn't afraid to use them. "Oi, Roses, what's up with Cradle Snatcher?" Sai shouted as he approached them. Orochimaru could see Kurama's eyes narrow. The kitsune had become even more protective over him than he had been before, and it wasn't just his red-haired Kurama either. On a number of occasions he had sworn that he had seen Youko Kurama's golden eyes only for him to take a second look and see green instead. It gave him a strangely comforting feeling to know that both sides of the person he loved was watching out for him. He couldn't help but wrap his arms around his kitsune.

"If only he knew who the real 'cradle snatcher' was, hmm?" Orochimaru whispered in Kurama's ear. "I believe that I remember your other half mentioning something about me being 950 years his junior." He smirked seeing Kurama blush. "I never thought that I would fall for an older partner." He got a playful slap for his joke. The slap was quickly followed by a kiss. Orochimaru's eyes fluttered closed, losing himself in the heat of the moment. That was until he heard someone clear their throat. His left eye opened, looking at the disturbance. He wasn't given the choice of pulling back as Kurama tightened his hold on the snake, deepening the kiss that the pair was sharing.

Once Kurama had proved that the relationship was equal once more, he released the Sannin from his grip, secretly smirking at Orochimaru's kiss-bruised lips. No matter what Orochimaru said or thought, their relationship was on an even keel. His gaze then moved to their annoyance. He wanted nothing more than to drag Orochimaru down the nearest dark alley, and he knew that his snake would willingly follow him. "What do you want?"

Itachi stared at the pair. He had never thought of Orochimaru as ever being able to stay in any relationship beyond his partner's 18th birthday, but the Sannin had proved him wrong. If anything the snake was more enamoured with the kitsune than ever before. It was for that reason that Tsunade had asked both ex-Akatsuki members to accompany the group. Somebody needed to keep the 'responsible' one's feet on the ground. "Tsunade asked us to accompany you." Itachi replied. "You do remember what the mission is, don't you? It wasn't a lesson in molesting someone either."

Kurama's eyes half-closed. "As if you wouldn't do the same." He said. "You are no different than we are." He said, referring to the shark-like man behind Itachi. "Care to explain why you are late, Uchiha Itachi?" The look on Itachi's face said it all. "I thought so." He turned away from the blushing Uchiha, towards the others, as though the kiss and the 'conversation' hadn't happened. "As you know we're going on a mission to inform the Clans on the lists that we were given about Chimamirehisakata." Kurama said, as though taking over the mission. "We need to fix a time that we should all meet up, or even to let other teams know of any success or failure. I can do that easily enough, but I cannot pass the same information onto you all."

"A number of Jounin can summon." Kakashi said. "If we pair a non-summoning team with a summoning one then we can back each other up. We will also be able to get messages back and forth without too much difficulty." Orochimaru nodded, agreeing with the silver-haired Jounin. "It seems like the most logical explanation."

"I must admit that never crossed my mind." Orochimaru said after a moment of silence. "It makes perfect sense too. So tell me, Kakashi-kun, whom would you pair up?" Everyone turned their attention to the Jounin.

'So this is what a deer feels like when faced with a pack of hungry wolves." Kakashi thought. He knew that he had to think carefully. "Well, I would pair Iruka up with you, Orochimaru." Kakashi said. "You are the oldest and most experienced out of all the Jounin here, and that isn't the only reason. I know through experience that Yusuke, Hiei and Shuichi work best as a team, and I am surprised that Tsunade hadn't them as a team as she had did when they sat the Chuunin exam together to accommodate that fact." Orochimaru gave him a 'she wouldn't dare take away Kurama' look. "Since Sai is an ANBU and we know about Gaara's automatic sand defence, we know that they can also take care of themselves. Since Fukuro is other wise disabled, you would need those that works well together to make up for him."

"Very well, which other teams would you pair up?" Orochimaru asked.

"Well, I'd place Sarutobi Asuma's team with Maito Gai's team, and Yuhi Kurenai with myself." Kakashi said. "That way all three teams have a member that can scout ahead without leaving the group."

"What about Kisame and myself?" Itachi asked. "You seem to have left us out of your equation."

"Actually I was getting around to you pair." Kakashi said. "I would pair you up with Orochimaru too. He and his team have a habit of getting into trouble." He couldn't help but laugh as Orochimaru scowled at him. However Orochimaru's attention was distracted by Kurama's laugh.

"What is it, love?"

"I know the real reason why he has put us with Iruka-sensei's team." Kurama said. "The great Hatake Kakashi thinks that he could kill Sai, and he wants us to do it instead, after all, most of us were once missing-nins." A green eye winked. "Don't worry, Kakashi-sensei, Sai will return in one piece." His eyes moved to Yusuke and Hiei. It was sad that the old Reikai Tantei team would never be together again, but it was Kuwabara's choice to return home.

"What's the matter, Fox?" Hiei asked as he and Yusuke approached Kurama.

"I guess I miss Kuwabara." Kurama said. "I just hope that he is okay." Yusuke laughed at that.

"Remember that you are talking about Sarayashiki Junior High's number two delinquent." Yusuke said. "I am sure that Kuwabara will be just fine. It's Eikichi I feel sorry for. She had to learn to put up with him after three years." Kurama smiled. "Anyway it looks as though we are going to be working together again. Won't that be fun?"

"I guess we shall have to drive all thoughts of teasing us out of his mind now." Hiei said, glaring at Sai, who he had started refering to as Kuwabara's replacement. "I swear that I will kill him if he starts calling me 'Shorty' again."

"You never killed Kuwabara." Kurama said. "Are you telling me that you actually liked him calling you 'Shorty' and every other name he could think of?" Kurama almost laughed when he saw Hiei blush. "Don't worry, Hiei, your little secret is safe with us. Kuwabara won't learn how much you miss him." The jibe hit it's mark and a laughing Kurama had to leap away from Hiei's well aimed attack. "Do you really want to spar with me, Hiei?" Kurama asked. "I have improved a hundred fold from when we first faced eachother in battle all those years ago."

"As if I haven't either. Back then I didn't have the dragon on my side, nor half of the abilities that I have gained since being here." Hiei smirked. "I think we are more of an even match than before, Fox, but if you really want proof, then we can fight if it pleases you."

"Boys, this is no time to measure the length of your dicks." Yusuke said as he saw Orochimaru moving to intercept the pair, more to protect his lover than to stop the fight, Yusuke guessed. "Jeez, and I thought that I was supposed to be the immature one." That brought the attention of both the posturing demons onto him. "Oh shit." Yusuke knew that he should have learned not to get between Hiei and anybody that he was facing.

"Shuichi, stop that." Orochimaru said, knowing that Kurama would do just that because he had been the one to ask. "You have to travel quite a distance, remember." Kurama stiffened when he heard that, heard the unspoken threat in the Sannin's voice. What Orochimaru had meant was that they had a long way to go, and it would feel a million miles longer if he had no way to sate his desires. He knew the devious snake would stick to his guns on that point too. Kurama had no intention of going that length of time without relieving himself of his lustful thoughts. Orochimaru smiled as he watched Kurama back down. His partner wasn't as stupid as to go against an indirect order from him, not since the last time anyway.

Hiei smirked at Kurama. It looked like the fox eas a kept demon now, not that he seemed to mind too much and Hiei was glad that he didn't have to fight the fox after all. Posturing or not, he knew that it would have ended up in a fight if neither of them had backed down, and if they fought, who knew who would win? In fact, it was highly possible that the fire apparition would lose a second time to the kitsune, after all he did spend a lot of time with a more experienced Jounin-level ninja, and it was almost a certainty that Orochimaru would have taught the fox a few of his own techniques. Now that Hiei had the chance to think, he realised just how foolish it would have been.

"We know what we have to do." Orochimaru said, his eyes looking over the group. "We have all been given our objectives that we have to accomplish, and we need to get them done as soon as we possibly can." He then frowned, remembering what he and his team had to do. It had to be the most boring of the missions given out that day. While the other teams had been ordered to tell the Clans about the threat, he and his team were ordered to help Uchiha Fukuro regain his memory by taking him to the place that he last remembered before his mind went blank, and that was the fateful mountainous land where he had lost the Hyuuga girl and gained the Mangekyo Sharingan. If that didn't work? Well, they would just have to carry on with their alternative plan and also seek out those that held Kekkai Genkais. Who knows, maybe Chimamirehisakata would somehow sense that they had some prime Kekkai Genkai-holding stock and atack them. The snake could only pray that it would be so.

"Yes, we know what we have to do, Orochimaru." Kurenai said impatiently. "When are we going?"

"Now?" The Sannin asked and a moment later and the groups went their separate ways. "Well, that didn't take too long." Orochimaru said. "Much less time than I thought it would, to be exact." He looked over 'his' group and sighed. At least it wasn't just the four of them; no instead there was ten. It made the group larger and less stealthy, but it also gave them backup when needed. Personally Orochimaru was quite happy to have the largest group out of the selection. It would suit his purposes better.

Iruka couldn't help but feel nervous. Not only was his team there, but also there was not one, not two but FIVE ex missing-nins there too. They were all powerful individuals, after all Kisame, Itachi and Orochimaru were classed as S-Class missing-nins. Fukuro was thought to have been killed, but would have gained S-Class status otherwise, as for Kurama, he would have been classed as either a C or and B-Class, due to his Kekkai Genkai, not because of the jutsus that he could perform. However that had changed since then. Tsunade had said that if he and Orochimaru ever left Konoha, then they would both be seen as S-Class missing-nins. 'How in the world am I supposed to beat them all if they decide to turn against Konoha at once?' The Jounin thought nervously. 'Five powerful ninjas against five weaker ones, we would stand no chance, especially with two Uchihas.' Iruka saw Kurama's eyes stare at him. 'Don't tell me he can read minds too!'

"Iruka-sensei, I wouldn't worry so much." Kurama said. "I doubt that your fears have much in the way of a foundation. Orochimaru isn't that bad, really. He is like me, as in when he has placed his loyalty in a person or a place; it takes a lot to break that loyalty. Currently I am loyal to both Konoha and to Orochimaru, but if forced to, I'll choose him. I have no doubt that he feels the same. If we are placated, then it's obvious that we won't be doing any betraying." The Jounin blushed. "I see that Youko's guess was correct. That kitsune is too good at times." Orochimaru looked at Kurama.

"What did he want?" Orochimaru asked, knowing that Youko Kurama rarely showed himself unless he was wanting something. He saw Kurama blush. "Come on, Shuichi, you can tell me." The blush deepened as Orochimaru walked over to the kitsune. "Come on." Orochimaru whispered in his ear. "Tell me, Shuichi-chan."

"I... he..." Kurama started, before hearing Kurama laigh in his mind. "He wanted... he asked me if he could... he wanted a view of your... of your... of your ass." Orochimaru chuckled.

"Surely if he was that desperate, he could have asked me, rather than embarassing you." Orochimaru smiled and kissed Kurama's neck. "Hear that, kitsune?" Gold eyes met gold. "So you do hear after all."

"Of course I do, and I intend to hold you to your word, snake." Youko's deep voice said. "Don't you dare think of denying me since you so kindly offered."

"As if I would. I knew that I would have to cater to your desires at some point, I just never knew that you were so fixated with my rump."

"I'll show you 'fixated with your rump' if you forget."

"Promises, promises. Let Shuichi out now." Gold eyes changed to green once more. "Okay, the first thing that we have to do, is to try to jog Uchiha Fukuro's memory. That means going back to this place." Orochimaru pulled out a map and pointed directly to the mountain where Fukuro's Chuunin team had been attacked. "With luck this could all be over soon."