Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ 'Til Death Do Us Apart ❯ A True Friend 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Warnings: Just fighting, maybe a little graphic.
Disclaimer: Don't own
Author: Brunettes_are_hotter
`Til Death Do Us Apart
The monster roared, it clawed fingers once again ripping at the ground, the earth split and ripped. The countless dots, people, ninja jumped away, the thin force field surrounding the body flashing out like lightening at anything near it. Those who were unfortunate enough to be close were struck, lightening sparking them bright before leaving them roasted.
The Ninja, not just from Konoha, but many other villages around the world seemed to be united in its battle against the Akatsuki's latest monster. The thing they have been working on since Naruto's childhood.
Its mouth roared wide, teeth piercing like giant axes, tongue long, striking, similar to Orochimaru's. Akatsuki leapt everywhere, quickly taking over the country sides and cities.
Naruto sat with Shikamaru next to him, his highest general. Shikamaru was bleeding from a gaping wound down his back, but remained passive except for the labored breathing. Shikamaru was one of the few men Naruto still had alive. Neji landed behind them, his hair tied up tightly since it got in his way, but was starting to loosen. He was covered in strange white powder. They starred at him, perplexed.
“Something strange…” Was all Neji could force out coherently through his panting, but pointed to the machine. They turned and watched a strange little blue zaps sprang from it; completely incinerating everything it touched to dust…people, to ash. They turned back to Neji, who rubbed off the people's remains, disgusted.
“Does it have any pattern?” Shikamaru asked, and Neji, stopping his fit, shook his head.
“Completely random, however, I think I may have finally found its weak point.” Neji kneeled down, using his fire to burn a sketch of the giant monster into the tree and then drew a few chakra lines, before starting to make the lines dotted where its power was weaker. The ground rumbled beneath them, the roar of the monster so close. They remained unafraid, just being quick in their business.
“It's powerful all along the outside of its skin, but completely weak on the inside. Now, its weakness is just that, it is weak on the inside.”
“Neji, we can't break threw its outside shell.” Naruto growled, frustrated that this seemed to be leading nowhere. His eyes a dark red with his scars on his cheeks more prominent, almost jutting out. His claws looked ready to sink deep into something, completely extracted. Neji gave his Hokage an irritated look.
It seemed patience was almost completely gone.
“We can. When the monster sends it lightening out, the moment it strikes it looses complete power in that area for a split second, when the chakra is still trying to get back. If someone could be fast enough to get in there in that second they could obliterate the monster from inside.” Neji took a deep breath and winced, a rib or two broken or cracked.
Shikamaru's eyes popped open.
“Yes!” Neji and Shikamaru turned to Naruto. Shikamaru growled, glaring angrily at the Hyugga.
“No, Naruto, we need a Hokage-“
“Then lead, Shikamaru.”
Silence… Naruto smiled, his fangs dipping below his lip a bit, but his eyes kind.
“Its alright, if I die, you lead, alright Shikamaru. This thing needs to be stopped, and if one Hokage has to die for his people to do it, then I'm happy I died that way. This is the way a Hokage should go.” His grin spread even wider, the fear, strangely, was completely absent.
And he was gone, in a flash.
Just like his dad.
The ground quaked, the earth shook. The ninja were in a frenzy, there seemed no end to this thing. Lightening burst out of nowhere, striking ninja. Their skin bubbled and boiled in a heat so searing and hot, their eyes would burn from their skulls and the intense heat lasted but a second, their brains fried just as quickly.
A tall, lean figure crouched in the bushes before, with a brush of wind, he was gone. Another brush of wind and the second followed right behind. The monster roared, sensing the presence of the strongest ninja in Konoha right next to it. The leader of the Akatsuki glared down, leaping from the top of the monster, wind whipping at his cloak.
He leapt from the shoulder, running down the length of its body, wind whipping at his silver hair, red eyes burning with malice towards the current Hokage, set on obliterating all its kind.
It was a split second of a terror so foreign to the king of fright as he was suddenly…there.
Naruto, his face contorted in rage, fangs elongated as his mouth opened wide in anger. The leader used chakra to stop his falling, suspending himself in air for a moment longer, just enough time to get footing enough to turn around and jump away. A clawed hand grabbed his ankle, and, thinking quickly, turned and plowed his fist into Naruto's face.
He disappeared in a puff of smoke.
What? The leader hissed inwardly.
Naruto ripped across the ground so fast the ground rose and broke behind him. The lightening struck out, like he knew it would, and struck him. He disappeared in a puff of smoke.
The ground rose up like a mountain and ripped and crumbled he moved so fast. He saw it, his eyes so dark red that the black was barely noticeable as the red started seeping into the whites with the ferocity of the speed, the real brown color behind the pink of the shield. It was small, but enough for his rasengan.
Suddenly, something rammed into the back of his head, knocking his face to the ground. The leader landed on top of his head, which was buried into the ground. He smirked, handsome face cool and relaxed. He was about to laugh when a fist sunk into his face, bones cracking beneath the knuckles.
Naruto pushed him to the floor; another Naruto behind him rammed the Rasengan into the vanishing hole.
All this, in the span of milliseconds.
The ground groaned, ripped and tore beneath their combined speed.
The hole crackled and multiple lightening shot from the pink shield, heading towards him like daggers. Naruto braced himself, but nothing set him up for the unbelievable pain. A fire so hot had him screaming, his tongue searing his mouth, his eyes burning from his skull.
But, Naruto was determined.
He screamed as the Kyuubi inside him roared to life, his ball of chakra swishing like daggers in his mouth, ripping at his jaw. Burning his mouth to smithereens. The red chakra shot from his mouth like a missile, his lips, teeth incinerating, tongue, cheeks, nose, skin, baring his skull. Eyes, skull and gradually, his body deteriorating beneath the burn of the lightening and Kyuubi's chakra.
It was the most painful death he could have every imagined, screaming until this throat burned away.
The ninja watched in morbid fascination as the burst of red chakra that could only be their Hokage's ripped threw the monsters, ripping its body in half. It roared in pain as it collapsed.
Neji clutched his chest panting while holding up a bleeding Shikamaru, both starring at the burning body of the monster they had fought with for 15 years. The red fire shinning off their sweaty faces.
Gaara starred at the sight, amazed, but passive. Silently, he prayed for Naruto's wonderful soul to go where it deserved. His eyes fell slowly, the jinchuuriki heart slowly falling to a stop. His body leaned against the tree, his legs missing. The giant gourd in pieces around him, sand dyed red.
Ninja starred disbelievingly at the red fire slowly consuming the terrible monster. They stood straighter then they had ever done in the last 15 years.
The leader starred before letting out a terrible scream. He roared angrily, power ripping from his body, before ninja leapt from all sides. Fire shot from all their mouths, engulfing the leader in the flames he had tortured so many with.
It seemed so abrupt; many didn't believe it was actually happening. 15 years of blood, ending in one second, up in flames.
The pain was gone and blue eyes, once engulfed in flame so hot it made him scream in agonized pain, was healthy and big. Just like they were once so long ago. No hate filled them, no hurt, no tears.
The air smelled so good, like his favorite flowers. He blinked and the sun shone, but it did not hurt him. He starred before someone stood in front of him, a hand outstretched. A man, tall, a blonde mop of hair so familiar on his head, blue eyes shinning brightly, a grin so familiar, like his.
His hand clasped with the other man's and he was yanked up. Their was a clap on his back. Naruto starred in disbelief at a man almost exactly identical to him.
“Dad?” He muttered, amazed. The man grinned even wider, and nodded.
“Hey, kid! Welcome home.” Naruto frowned before looking around and he knew immediately.