Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A series of Kakashi's Flashbacks ❯ Arashi/Yellow Flash ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Disclaimer: I'm not Masashi Kishimoto
spoilers: Kakashi's Gaiden and chapter 282 and up
AUTHOR"S NOTE: I love kakashi's Gaiden. Enjoy the fanfic! I don't know the 4th hokage's name and i dont think the manga ever says it but a lot of people use Arashi to be his name, so i guess i'l used Arashi.

Kakashi came out and fell panting heavily. He was almost out of chakra. He wanted to sigh but a dark figure lurked above kakashi...
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Arashi/Yellow Flash
Kakashi turned and saw a ninja. A Jounin. From the rock. Rin was to terrified to speak. The Jounin picked kakashi up by his neck. Kakashi struggled to get free but the jouinin's grip was to tight. He slammed kakashi against a tree. "So you killed one of the rock eh?" Kakashi took out a kunai and stabbed it into the jounin's arm but he saw what kakashi was doing. He pulled away and kakashi dropped from the ground. "youv'e got guts to to fight me ltttle brat." Kakashi hid. "Come out, you scaredy-cat" the jounin called. Kakashi charged from above.
The jounin dodged and hit kakashi with a kunai right below his shoulder. Kakashi tried to punch the jounin but the rock ninja grabbed his wrist. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! Kakashi screamed in pain as the jounin broke the bones in his wrist. The jounin kicked kakashi into a tree and cut him with a small sword acroos his chest. Blood was everywhere. Rin screamed. Kakashi's wound was really deep. The jounin grabbed him and punched him in the stomach. He dropped kakashi and kakashi coughed out blood. "Now, I'll finish you" The rock jounin chuckled evily.
He drew his sword but noticed someone's presence. Kakashi whispered to rin to run away. Rin stood up and ran but tripped again. Kakashi noticed someone and squinted up. There was a young man with blonde hair. "Not another rock ninja" kakashi thought. But it wasn't a rock ninja. The man's headband told he was from konoha. Kakashi was relieved. They would be safe. Then kakashi fell unconcious.
"picking on a little kid? You should be ashamed of yourself." the konoha ninja said. The rock jouinin snarled. "You are Konoha's Ellow Flash eh? Show me what you got! Yellow Flash(konoha jounin) attacked the rock ninja head on. He was so fast, you could barely see his bright yellow hair. A minute later the fight was won by Yellow Flash of course.
Yellow Flash examined Kakashi. He was in serious condition. "Little girl, dont cry i'll take you home, hold on to my back" He told Rin. Rin nodded. "thank-you" "no problem" Yellow Flash smiled. Lifting Kakashi, he knew it was his senpai, Sakumo's son. "strong enough to beat 2 chunins, that's impressive." he thought. They arrived in the hospital. "What's wrong?" the medics asked Yellow Flash as they stared at the bloody kakashi. " Hey, isn't that saku-"one asked but got interupted by Yellow Flash. "yes. Take him, I need to report to Hokage-sama. Oh yeah!, take the girl too." Rin watched the nurses heal kakashi. It fascinated her. She decided she would be a Medic nin too so she could help others.
"Hokage-sama" Yellow Flash adressed. "Yes? Arashi"He answered. "In the forest, two rock chunin attacked Sakumo's son and a small girl.""hmmmm. There was a raid last night too, a total of 100 people died and 38 ninja wounded." the hokage intterupted."continue on" the hokage replied. "then a rock jounin came and attacked too." Yellow Flashed continued. The 3rd ordered more gaurds for konoha's gate. " Sakumo reported that the mission has failed. He save his companions rather than going on the mission. He is true hero, i hope he realizes this when the villagers blame him for the raid. You may go, Arashi. Sakumo will be informed that his son is in the hospital." Arashi gave this a thought. When he was a sensai, he would make his team realize that teamwork is the most important thing to be a ninja."
The next day, Arashi walked to the hospital. "visiting a friend?" "No I would like to stop at Hatake Kakashi's room" He replied "sakumo's son?" the nurse asked. "yup!" Arashi grinned "Sure." Kakashi was in his room reading a book about chakra. He looked up and saw the man who he seen yesterday. "Hey" Arashi greeted. "you saved me, thanks." kakashi said. "No problem, your name is kakashi right?" The boy nodded. "How old are you?" Arashi asked. "3" kakashi answered. "So are you starting the academy next year" "tommorow" kakashi answered. Kakashi normallly wouldn't answer but something made him. "Well, kakashi you are getting out of the hospital tonight. Your dad will be home." Arashi smiled. He knew friends that were kakashi's type. Skilled, smart, quiet and cool.
That night kakashi walked home. His wrist hurt a little but the cut on his chest often burned. He opened the door. Suprisingly, it wasn't locked. He thought he had locked it. "oh well" he thought. Heading for his room he saw his Dad's bedromm door was wide open. He didn't open his dad's door so did it mean his dad was home? He sniffed the air and smelled his father's scent and also the smell that smelled like metal. He felt sacred. He didn't care. His dad was home. His dad could protect him. Walking inside his' dad's bedroom, he would have called "Daddy! I'm glad your home" but he din't, he couldn't. Instead he said "Dadd-Father?"