Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A Surprise Visit From Ninjas ❯ The Surprise Encounter ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I do not own Naruto, but I do own buckets of cheese and Kieko!
Kieko is me
Felicia is my friend
And more characters to come
Chapter1: The Surprise Encounter
Kieko was sitting on her bed at home watching TV, waiting for Naruto to come on. Just then her little brother Mitsuki busted into the room. “Hey sis what's up? What cha watchin? Can I watch it with ya? Is it about cheese? Huh? Huh? Huh?” He says in an annoying way. “Mitsuki get out of my room before I throw you down the stair and feed your remains to Kimba!” Kieko yells and chases him out of the room. “Man I wish my door had a lock.” She says and lies back down on her bed. Naruto comes on and it's an episode that she already watched. “Jeez can't they show any new ones in America...” She mutters under her breath. Man it would be totally cool if Naruto really was real and he dropped from my bedroom ceiling. Kieko was getting bored so she decided to call her friend Felicia. “Hey fesh? Wanna come over and hang out for a bit?” She asks. “Uh sure it's not like I have anything else to better to do at my house.” They both laugh at this. “Okay I'll see you soon then.” Kieko says and hangs up.
Felicia soon was at her house and they went up into Kieko's room. “Hey fesh?” Kieko asks. “Hmm?” “Have you ever wished that Naruto or any anime character was real?” Kieko asks her. “Oh yeah a bunch of times.” Just then something flies threw the open window and gets stuck in the wall. “What the hell was that?” Kieko yells. “I-I don't know. Let's check it out.” Felicia says going over to the wall. Kieko follows behind her and her eyes widen when she sees what it is. “Felicia is it me or do you see it too?” Kieko asks. “Yeah I see it and I can't believe it.” Felicia says still looking at the object. “It's a real Kunai knife and look there's something attached to it!” Kieko says going over and pulling the knife out the wall. She then detaches the message and starts to read it out loud. “This is a spell for those who wish for the impossible. A spell for people who wish for the unreal. Repeat these words to summon the one you want to become real. Arashi, Konichi, Genshi, Yoshi, Karenseka, Ranoka, Yuwarba Hokashi. Now state the name of the ones you want summoned. Ummm Naruto, Sasuke, neji, shikamaru and kiba.” Kieko says finishing the spell. “Well that was weird, but I don't see anything happening.” Felicia says looking around. Just then a huge black hole appears in the ceiling and Naruto, Sasuke, Neji, Shikamaru and Kiba fall out of it. “It worked!” Felicia and Kieko scream jumping up and down. The guys who were starting to gain consciousness from the fall all looked at the two girls screaming and yelling. “Umm can any of you tell me what happened?” Kiba says to the others. “Oh sorry for being so rude. I'm Kieko and this is Felicia. We read this spell and summoned you guys here.” Kieko says calming down a bit. “You're also in another world. Here you guys are all just characters in a show called Naruto.” Felicia finishes up. “Hey the show we come from is named after me? That means I'm the main character right?” Naruto says getting excited. “Yeah and we totally just luv it!” The two girls say simultaneously. “Weird I don't see why they would name a show after that idiot.” Kiba says. “But he's an awesome idiot!” The girls say. Finally after explaining everything the full force of the event hit them. “OMG Felicia I can't believe they are really standing here in my room! And not to mention Sasuke's here too.” Kieko says with a huge grin. “I see your point.” Felicia says grinning too. “Oh yeah and if you guys take a look around my room what do you see?” Kieko asks them. The guys all look around and their eyes grow wide. Naruto posters, DVDs, action figures, manga and other stuff filled the room. “What the?” They all say. “Oh yeah did I mention I'm like a HUGE fan of the show I mean both of us are Huge fans of the show?” Kieko says with an evil grin inching closer to the guys Felicia right behind her. “Uhh what are you guys gonna do to us?” Naruto asks backing up a bit. “Oh nothing too painful. Felicia I got Sasuke you take Naruto!” Kieko says jumping on Sasuke and putting him in a deathly bear hug. “OMG Sasuke I like so luv you! You're like a total cutey!” Kieko says squeezing the life out of him. “Caann't b-br-eath!” He manages to wheeze out. “Oh sorry.” Kieko says and releases him. Felicia who also had Naruto in a bear hug was also squeezing the life out of him, but he didn't seem to mind too much. “Uhhh ca-can u-u l-let -me go n-now?” He manages to squeeze out when his face started to turn blue. “Oh sorry.” She says and lets him go. “AIR!” He yells when he finally was able to breathe again. By this time the other guys were in a far away corner hoping they weren't next. Then both girls scream “Shikamaru!” and run over to him. “Hey Shikamaru what's up? You're like on of the coolest and cutest guys in the show next to Naruto and Sasuke. Oh yeah that reminds me Sasuke I've got a score to settle with you!” Kieko says looking mad. She then drags Sasuke to her huge closet and closes the door. “Uh oh he's a goner.” Felicia says. “She's on episode 195 is where Sasuke is with Orichimaru. She's gonna beat the poor boy senseless now.” Felicia says shaking her head.
In the closet
“Sasuke why the hell did you go with Orichimaru?” Kieko says with a really scary look on her face. “I was seeking power and he's giving it to me.” Sasuke replied coolly. “HE'S GONNA TRY TO TAKE YOUR BODY ONCE YOU DO ACHIEVE THAT POWER!” Kieko yells at him so loud that the whole closet shakes. Sasuke backs up a bit but hits against the wall. “So I don't care if I die as long as I can defeat Itachi. “Revenge is meaningless if you do it this way! I mean you get the power, but the question is will you be able to defeat him by the time 3 years is up?” Kieko points out. “I don't know but I'll die trying.” Sasuke says. “Your just plain impossible. Naruto is trying to get stronger and did you know that he could have won but he was sorta taking it easy on you trying not to kill you. And you're lucky you put on your headband because that scratch would have most likely killed you. I just hope you realized that too.” Kieko points out again. “So what I'm still alive aren't I?” Sasuke says with his calm expression. “Why you little!” Kieko then punches Sasuke in the face in pure anger. “Ahh that felt better.” Kieko says walking out of the closet.
The guys look in the closet to see a knocked out Sasuke. “Scary she knocked out Sasuke in one hit and she's not even a ninja.” Naruto says getting a scared face. “Yeah and he was like one of the best. Who are these girls?” Shikamaru says still looking his usually bored self, but with worry in his voice. “Hey what cha guys up to?” Felicia says from behind them and they all jump. “Oh uhh nothing just talking.” Naruto says franticly. Just then there was a knock at the door. “Kieko? Felicia? Are you girls okay? You're making a lot of noise and it sounds like there are people in there.” Kieko's mom says. “Uh oh! You guys get in my closet quick!” She whispers. All the guys run into her closet and close the door. “Kieko? I'm coming in.” Her mom says and walks into the room. “Oh hi mom. What's up?” Kieko says from her spot on her bed. “Oh hi Mrs. H.” Felicia says from her spot in a nearby chair. “Hmm I thought I heard voices of boys coming from here. Oh it must have been the TV. I'll turn it down.” Kieko says turning the TV down. “Okay I'll check in on you girls later.” Her mom says and then leaves the room. “Wait.” Kieko then waits til she hears her mom is downstairs before getting up and letting the boys out of the closet. “So your parents don't know were?” Neji asks. “Whoa you talked. Anyways yeah they don't know yet. Maybe around dinner time I'll tell them.” Kieko says. “Oh my mom said it would be okay if I stayed for dinner, so now I can help as backup.” Felicia says. “Great! That makes things easier.” Kieko says and breathes a sigh of relief. “Umm so what are your parents like?” Kiba asks. “Oh they don like me talking with boys that much so they are like gonna freak. And I was wondering when you were gonna start talking.” Kieko says. “Hmph I just didn't feel like talkin.” Kiba responds. “Hey Kiba where's Akumaru?” Felicia asks. At the sound of his name Akumaru appears out of Kiba's coat. “Aww he's even cuter in person! Can we pet him?” Felicia and Kieko ask Kiba. “Uhh if he bits you I'm not gonna be responsible cuz he does have a mind of his own.” Kiba warns them. “Don't worry we both have had dogs before.” Kieko explains. “Here Akumaru.” Felicia calls. Akumaru looks at kiba who nods before jumping out of his coat and going over to the two girls. “Hey Akumaru. You havin fun?” Kieko says while petting him. “Ruff!” He says wagging his tail. “Uhh Kiba isn't Akumaru supposed to be talking?” Felicia asks scratching behind Akumaru's ear. “Uhh well umm…” Kiba says scratching behind his head. “It's okay we understand.” Felicia and Kieko say laughing making Kiba lightly blush. “So what I could teach him to talk if I wanted to.” He says and pouts.
“Oh yeah fesh did you bring it?” Kieko asks. “Bring wut? Oh yeah I did. Why?” She asks a bit lost in what Kieko's plan was. “Okay let me go get mine and on the count of three we take them out and put them on.” Kieko explains and runs over to her dresser. “Okay on 1..2..3! Now!” Kieko and Felicia both take out two village of the hidden leaf headbands and put them on. “Whoa! You guys have headbands?” The guys all say in amazement. “Yup and it cost 20 dollars so we didn't have to go to an academy or anything!” The two girls say proudly. “It took us a whole month to save up.” Felicia says proudly. “That meant no mall for 4 weeks!” Kieko adds. Just then the girls hear Kieko's mother call and say it's time for dinner. “Uhh oh this is where the trouble starts. Are you guys ready for the ultimate yelling?” Kieko says with a distressed look on her face. “Aww Ki don't worry I'll be right there to help.” Felicia says as comfort. “Now let's go!” Felicia says and the two girls leave the room with the guys behind them.
Hey guys that's the end of the chapter! Hoped you guys enjoyed. Plz review so I can know if this is even worth continuing. Ja ne,