Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A Typical Day of Training ❯ Lee's Plight ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

`A Typical Day of Training'
A thirty-second glimpse into the mind of Lee
By: kougayurizoku
The Beautiful Green Wild Beast of Konoha allowed his thoughts to drift toward his crush once again.
The radiant pink-haired kunoichi was always in his mind, it seemed, driving him mad; mad with jealousy of the ungrateful missing-nin to whom the love of his life had pledged her unreserved passions.
And by doing so, her delicate heart had been broken by the Uchiha.
Rock Lee mentally cursed Uchiha Sasuke for abandoning the Hidden Leaf Village, and ultimately, Sakura.
His cheeks colored and chills ran down his spine as he spoke her name in his mind once again.
Gai-sensei frowned when his third attempt to bring his faithful subordinate back to reality failed.
A vein in his temple tightened visibly. He angrily shut his eyes and marched over to where the teen in green spandex had suddenly ceased in his training. His student was obviously daydreaming, so Gai did the most logical thing that came to his mind: he punched him in the face.
Lee clutched his bruised cheek and tears pricked at his eyes as he looked up at his role model. Tears were falling freely down his sensei's face.
Both were sobbing now as they held each other in a tight embrace.
By now, Tenten and Neji had stopped training too, and both were staring now at the two in green spandex. Tenten giggled, while Neji rolled his eyes at the sight and they both turned their heads and resumed training.
“Lee, I want you to go to her now and give her flowers and a nice guy pose so you can get this out of your system.” Gai said while smiling down at his student. “Then, you can get back to training with the three of us.”
Lee's eyes widened and his thick eyebrows shot up in excitement. “Do you mean it, Gai-sensei?” He asked.
“Yes, of course, my youthful student!”
They exchanged `nice-guy' poses before sobbing in each other's arms again.
Lee's problem had been temporarily solved, Gai had successfully given his favorite student some love advice, Tenten had gotten some laughs, and Neji was disturbed, yet again.
Yes, it was a typical day in Konoha for Team Gai.
The End
A/N: Okay, let me explain. I got really bored, and there was a pencil and paper nearby, and I was already thinking about Lee that day…so this `story' was created.
Yes, it was meant to be that short.
If you liked it, please leave me a review! They make me happy. ^_^x