Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ All-Girl's Sasuke ❯ First Love ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Info: I started writing this chapter just this past weekend, because I was off on vacation in wherever. XD Ah, it seems I've either gained a few new reviewers, or some of you people who read and just don't review have finally done so. I'll be answering you reviews at the end again, of course. Um, some weird things will happen in this chapter, besides the appearance of Gaara. There will most likely be more questions in your head than before when you're done reading, just to tell you.... o.o; Not to worry, though, because they will all be answered soon enough! Now, onto the warnings!!


Warning: Righto, only one warning this time, and it's the fact that I believe Haku finally gets a little back into character! Wee! Wait no, that isn't a warning... okay, so Sasuke gets about as OOC as he can get, that's the warning. xDD;; I'm sorry.


Disclaimer- Ever wonder why I don't bold the heading of this? Meh, oh VELL. -laugh- Anywho, I do not own any type of anime whatsoever!! Though, I do own the story May I...? which will be mentioned by Sasuke in this chapter. W00t. And my friend owns her character of Meena, who will also be mentioned but only with one word. Hahaha...hah... why am I laughing?


Chapter 9 - First Love




Haku stared nervously at the closed door, only stopping his attack upon it when Haruno Sakura clicked open her own dorm entrance, looking at her neighbor questioningly.


"Haku-kun..." she began, her tone slightly irate from the uproar Haku was causing so early in the Friday morning. "What are you doing?"


"There's someone in the room!" he cried, a hand still on the doorknob.


Sakura still continued looking thoroughly confused. "Yeah... his name is Sasuke. And I bet he doesn't appreciate you banging on the door, either," she replied, sourly.


"No, you don't understand," Haku protested. A few more girls had appeared out of their rooms, similar annoyed looks to Sakura's on their faces. "Some red-haired guy just went in there!"


At the description, Sakura's eyes went wide. "R-red....?" she repeated. He nodded. Sakura swiftly turned around and began running out of the hall.


"Sakura-chan!!" he called after her, confused as to where she was going. However, the pink-haired girl had already disappeared around the corner where the stairs met the floor. He turned back to the shut door, a swarm of girls soon forming around him.


"Someone's in there?" one asked, her voice almost as nervous as Hinata's.


"With Sasuke-kun?!" another cried, and before long, the whole lot was bustling noisily around Haku. They were all interrogating him, a couple angry while others were more disheartened and confused than anything.


Haku proceeded to ignoring them, and returned to calling for Sasuke through the tightly locked door.




"Kakashi-sensei!!" her voice echoed throughout the school's empty hallways. Sakura ran through the school, the environment seeming foreign without her classmates filling the halls. "Kakashi-sensei...!!" she called again.


The silver-haired teacher was always the first one in the building, after all, despite being the last one to his classroom. And besides that, he and Gai-sensei were the two designated to help the students before and after school. Gai was definitely not going to be much help here, judging from the fact that he knew nothing of the situation, so Sakura was forced to search out her math teacher.


She turned abruptly, coming to the door of the teacher's lounge. He must be in there, Sakura figured, flinging open the door. Where else would he be reading that perverted Come Come Paradise novel? Sure enough, the man was sitting back on one of the rouge-colored couches, his face nearly as red as the furniture as he turned the page in his book.


"S-Sensei...?!" she cried, not sure whether she should apologize or berate her teacher. He looked up, acting as though he were doing nothing more than grading homework.


"Haruno-chan? What are you doing here?" he questioned, snapping his book shut after marking the page.


Sakura quickly got over her earlier embarrassment and regained her full voice. "Sensei, that Gaara boy has found Sasuke-kun."


Kakashi immediately turned serious at the mentioning of the two boys' names. "Yes, Iruka-san and I deduced that yesterday, Sakura-chan."


"B-but... now he's in Sasuke's room," Sakura finished. Kakashi stood in a flash, before disappearing out the door. "Wait!" Sakura hurried after the man, the fear gripping at her more than before.




Sasuke had turned back around to his homework, and finished the last two sentences. Giving a sigh, partially of defeat and also of something else, he folded up his books, stuffing the notebook papers into them, and slipped them into his backpack. He then began changing into his uniform, but before he finished buttoning up the shirt, the room door clicked open.


He looked up, expecting to see Haku, but saw another all-too-familiar face instead.


"Gaara...." he murmured, unconsciously backing up. Gaara proceeded to closing the distance between them. When the backs of Sasuke's legs hit the side of his bed, he obediently sat upon it, unable to move further as Gaara approached.


Just as quickly, Haku's voice came from the other side of the locked door, accompanied by the frantic boy's knocks. "Uchiha-kun! Sasuke!!"


Sasuke tried to look past him to the door, but Gaara blocked his sight. The boy eyed Sasuke like a predator watching its prey, his icy eyes framed by blackness. "Sasuke...," Gaara began, his tone curt and cutting. "You wear it, but you know you don't deserve to."


Sasuke's eyes narrowed, his left hand clenched. ".... why do you keep doing this?" he asked, his voice beginning as nothing more than a whisper before growing in strength as his anger did. "Why do you keep following me?!"


There was a sudden, sharp pain at the side of the Uchiha's head, as Gaara's hand found its way into his ebony locks. The blue-eyed male pulled Sasuke up to where he was, Sasuke's own grip attempting to crush Gaara's offending hold. The redhead seemed barely fazed, however, and continued his attack on the other boy.


"Sasuke," Gaara stated, his face tilted mere inches away from Sasuke's as he spoke, "your brother only wants to keep people from hurting you." He tossed the male back onto the bed single-handedly, scowling. "Much opposed to how I believe you should be treated."


Sasuke winced and felt at his head, hoping for no permanent damage from the glaring male before him. "... Gaara..."


Gaara narrowed his vivid stare, looking upon Sasuke as if he were better than the Uchiha. "Do you still call my name in your sleep?" he inquired, leering. "You're pathetic."


"Then why do you still wear that thing?!" Sasuke asked harshly, as he picked himself off of the bed. "If you ask me, you're the pathetic one." He smirked, standing from the other side. "Going on about how you hate everything... and then you brandish my ring's twin... hypocrite!"


Gaara scowled, before holding up his left hand. The silver ring gleamed off his finger, as the morning sun from the window reflected off its surface. "Your brother promised to give me you once this is over, Uchiha Sasuke," he stated, coldly. "And you know I never lose..."


Sasuke retreated from these words, something telling him to run; however, there was nowhere to go in the small dorm. He had only taken another step back before he found himself lying trapped on the carpeted floor, under Gaara's weight.


"...stop....!" he breathed, his arms pinned to either side by his attacker's hands. Despite Gaara's looks, he was a lot stronger than he appeared. "Let me go..."


"Hn." Gaara seemed to study Sasuke for a moment, intent on just watching the boy's pained expression. "... You're the exact same person I left three years ago."


"And you're the same heartless bastard as you've ever been," Sasuke shot back, angrily. Gaara brushed the comment off, appearing not to hear it.


"Broody, unsure and afraid," Gaara stated, his words being his analysis on the male in his hold. "Just the way I left you." His words made the ends of his lips twitch upwards in amusement. "Perfect."


Sasuke glared back up at him, his bangs straggled over his eyes messily. "I am not afraid of you," he claimed, heatedly. "I fear no one."


"If not me, then Itachi," Gaara merely replied. Sasuke visibly flinched at the name. Gaara made a look of affirmation. "Who fears what, now...?" he sneered, before bringing a hand up to brush away Sasuke's veiling, dark bangs.


His one limb now free, Sasuke grabbed at Gaara moving arm. "Don't touch me," he hissed, warningly.


Just then, the dorm door audibly clicked. Gaara took one look behind him, before jumping up and thrusting the window open, leaping outside before anyone could enter.


"Gaara!" Sasuke cried, rolling over to get up before rushing to the windowsill. They were two stories up, the red-haired teen could have nary escaped unscathed. However, as he looked down, nothing could be seen on the grassy ground.


"Sasuke-kun," Kakashi's voice came, rousing Sasuke into whirling around to face the man. "Did he already leave?" The boy nodded, slowly. Kakashi mumbled incoherently before telling him not to move then stalking out the door, as Haku and Sakura entered. The two were soon followed by the many other girls who had also been waiting outside the door impatiently.


"Uchiha..." Haku began, but a look from Sasuke stopped him from ever finishing.


Sakura frowned, noticing this. "Sasuke-kun, he...." She quickly stopped, then glared back at the other girls in the room. "Hey! Go away!!"


"What?! Sakura, you forehead monster!!" Ino cried from the center of the mob. "This isn't your room!!"


"It isn't yours either, you dumb blonde!!" Sakura yelled back, furiously.


"Why I oughtta-!!"


"Shut up," Sasuke stated, the two girls doing just as he said. He walked between Haku and Sakura before pressing through the gang of females that had accumulated in the room. They let him go without another word, though Haku had other thoughts.


"Uchiha-kun!" he called, following Sasuke out the door. "Sensei told you to not move. Where are you going?"


"Nowhere," was the curt reply.


Haku glowered. "... stop walking right now!" Sasuke didn't listen. "Hey! I told you to stop!" He grabbed at the back of Sasuke's still not fully buttoned shirt and pulled him back to himself.


Sasuke pushed Haku away, refusing to look at him as he continued down the hall, no destination in mind. Haku refused to give up, and in desperation, grabbed the back of Sasuke's shoulders and rammed him into the closest wall.


"Damn-Yukio?!" Sasuke cried, the side of his face pressed up against the wallpaper so hard he thought Haku was trying to kill him. "This hurts...!" Haku had Sasuke's wrists together behind his back, and was pushing against them and Sasuke's head with his hands.


"Now you know how it feels, Sasuke...," Haku breathed near Sasuke's ear. "To have to just give up as someone does something to you that you don't want."


"I'm sorry," he suddenly apologized, wanting to be released. "... I didn't listen to you when you pushed me away..."


However, the pressure only increased further. "A little late, Uchiha-kun," Haku seethed. And then, just as suddenly, his hold was released.


Sasuke didn't move out of the way at first, thinking a trick was coming next. However, all he heard was an odd, unsteady breathing. It rose and fell in strange patterns, and he knew he'd heard it before. Sasuke slowly turned in place, not expecting to find a teary-eyed Haku glaring back at him.


"Yukio..." He suddenly felt even more ashamed than he thought he should have. For one thing, this was a boy in front of him. But then, this was also Yukio Haku. And rules didn't seem to apply to him, of all people.


"You...," Haku began, his brows furrowed as he stared at Sasuke, "you don't know what it's like. To be forced to do something you don't want, and then... have to care if you think something bad is going to happen to the person who was forcing you." His arms soon found themselves encasing Sasuke, tightly. "You're so unfair...," Haku mumbled into Sasuke's shoulder.


Sasuke stayed still, staring down at the male embracing him. "... you were worried?" he asked, doubtfully. Haku's head nodded up and down against his shoulder, though Sasuke could feel the obvious hesitation in answering. "I see..."


And then, Sasuke's own arms brought themselves over Haku, as he returned the gesture. "...Thank you... Haku."




I feel like such a fool..., Haku glanced over at the empty desk beside him. Sasuke didn't have to attend his classes today. No, he wasn't allowed to. Haku's suspicions from a few days ago had apparently been correct, judging from the fact that the teachers seemed to be protecting Sasuke from this unknown force.


This force that was a red-haired boy named Gaara.


I actually cared..., Haku returned his dark gaze forward, to the blank sheet of paper that lay before him on his desk. The class was supposed to be doing page 48 of their math book, but Haku couldn't focus. He stared at the numbers and they didn't want to give him answers.


Nothing wanted to give him the answers to anything.


He's a heartless sex demon, Haku angrily mused, pressing his mechanical pencil against the paper so hard that the tip of the lead snapped, and I feared for his life. A defeated sigh escaped, as he clicked the pencil's top a few times for more lead. Just like Zabuza-san.


"You might want to get to work, Yukio-chan," came a sudden voice from behind him. "That's due at the end of class." Haku nearly jumped in his seat. He didn't have to turn around to know who it was, though, after realizing it wasn't a threat.


"I-I'm sorry, Sensei," Haku apologized to Kakashi, still staring down the white sheet in front of him.


"You're thinking too much about other things," Kakashi pointed out, nonchalantly. Haku shrugged, but he didn't deny his teacher's words either. Then Kakashi's voice became lower, as he muttered, "Forget Sasuke-kun for a while. He'll be okay."


Haku nodded, and the silver-haired teacher meandered away, most likely off to read one of his books. Slowly, the boy looked over the first question again.


If A equals B and C jointly, and D to the second power inversely, and A= 15 when B= 7, C=6 , and D=3, what does D equal when A=35, B=16 and C=13?


... If that equals... and then divide by D squared... and... this doesn't make sense!! He scowled at the page before proceeding to writing something completely random on his lined paper just to get on to the next problem.


However, each problem Haku encountered was harder than the last. In truth, he probably could have easily solved them on any other day, but there was just something murking up his brain at the moment, and he couldn't think of anything else but that.


Uchiha Sasuke was the only thing on his mind.




"Did he give you any clue of what he is going to do next?" Iruka was staring at Sasuke inquiringly, the two currently situated in an empty classroom, the only light in the dim room coming from a clear, wide window from the side. Sasuke was seated in one of the desks, while Iruka was standing over him. They were completely alone, save for Zabuza (or, to Iruka, Mochi-san), leaning against the wall indifferently.


"No, but I'm pretty sure that it'll involve some form of homicide," Sasuke replied, his voice low and almost deriding. They had stuck him in one of the classes that would be empty for the whole day, just in case Gaara decided to come back.


Iruka looked deep in thought. "I may have to agree with you on that..." His expression only deepened in seriousness when he added more. "If worse comes to worse, we'll have to protect our students, Sasuke. I hope you're aware of that."


Sasuke narrowed his stare. "Does that mean something special?"


Nodding, the teacher continued, "Yes... we'll have to ask you to leave if it seems that the girls' safety will be risked by you staying here."


"What?!" Sasuke had quickly stood, his face paler than usual. "You can't just abandon me! Can't I just be moved to someplace other than the dorms? Don't kick me out entirely...!"


Iruka shook his head. "I'm sorry but that is the principal's place to decide, Sasuke. Not mine, nor your own." Suddenly, the bell rang overhead. Iruka checked his watch, and made a move to leave the room, gathering his notebooks off a neighboring desk.


"Wait, you're going to leave me here?" Sasuke questioned, incredulously.


"No... Mochi-san is here, too," Iruka pointed out, before turning back to the door once more. "I'll see you again in about two hours." Sasuke looked over at Zabuza, a glare beginning to harden in his eyes.


The mysterious man eyed him back. "...what?"


Sasuke opened his mouth to speak, but then the door creaked open again. He quickly turned to see who it was, eyes widening.


"Uchiha-kun! So this is where they're keeping you," Haku laughed, still staying by the door.


"Yukio...?" Sasuke stood, but then looked back at Zabuza, wondering if the man was going to do anything against it. Zabuza was staring out the window though, acting as though he were completely alone, so Sasuke went forward.


Haku glanced over at the wall to see what Sasuke was looking at, taking a sharp breath when he saw who it was. "Za...," he quickly stopped himself, lowering his eyes to the floor.


Sasuke had already reached Haku by that time. "What are you doing here?" he asked, attempting to pull Haku's thoughts away from Zabuza. "I don't think anyone's allowed to see me today..."


Haku shook his head. "I don't care... and besides, Sakura-chan told me to check," he answered, smiling softly, even if the expression was only to pretend he was thinking normally. "She's always... you know, worrying... about you...."


Sasuke arched a brow. "Really...? Why didn't she come too, then?" he wondered aloud, testing Haku.


The cross-dressing boy caught the false-wondering tone of Sasuke's, scowling. "She didn't want to be late and I guess I don't really care about reaching science class on time," he stated, covering up his tracks. In truth, he hadn't seen Sakura since early that morning. "So... seeing as how I probably only have two minutes left, tell me what kinds of torture they're putting you through."


Sasuke smirked, shrugging. "Eh, the usual. Dripping candles, dangerously dark rooms, plus Asuma-san dressed up as Tsunade-san, wig and all," he said, casually. "Quite cruel and unusual, that last one."


Haku snorted. "I dunno, you seem to get your kicks out of that kind of stuff, if you ask me," he remarked, rolling his eyes.


"You're not one to talk," Sasuke commented, with a prod to Haku's forehead using a finger, "I hope you know.


Haku brushed Sasuke's hand away, sighing, "Yeah." He stared at the navy blue tie around Sasuke's neck, in silence.


"... Yukio? Maybe you should go now, you'll be late."


Haku looked up, realization dawning back onto him. "Oh, right. Wait a second," he said, reaching for the uniform accessory that hung from Sasuke's neck.




He seemed to pull something off it, then stood back. "Nothing, just saw something," he replied, smiling. Before leaving the doorway, he waved a small goodbye. "I'll come back later." Before Sasuke could protest this, Haku hurried away.


A few seconds later, as Sasuke returned to his seat quietly, the late-bell rang. I hope that moron got there on time, he thought, sitting down. A few more minutes passed, though they seemed more like hours upon hours in the dark silence. Sasuke was vaguely wondering when Iruka would return, while also cursing the fact he hadn't brought anything to read.


I could easily be reading about Meena by now... he mused with indistinct annoyance, thinking of the book he had back at the dorm labeled May I...? Sasuke glared over at where Zabuza had been standing, but found the man to have disappeared.


He almost stood, expecting Gaara to be behind this, but a hand clasped itself firmly on his shoulder. Sasuke physically shuddered, a side-effect from the surge of surprise that zipped through him. He quickly looked up, seeing Zabuza as the cause. The surprise promptly faded, though some still lingered faintly.


"... you... scared me," Sasuke half admitted, half accused.


"Right," Zabuza replied, retreating his hand from the boy's shoulder, much to Sasuke's relief. Something about the man Haku seemed to be so fond of made Sasuke quite uneasy. Was it because he reminded him of a much older Gaara...?


"What do you want?" Sasuke finally gained the urge to ask, after some uncomfortable moments of silence.


Zabuza lazily sat down in the desk besides Sasuke's, a firm, dead stare fixed on the spiky-haired teen. "Nothing."


His course voice echoed in Sasuke's mind, even if the room didn't resound quite as much. "... okay..." Sasuke was about to turn elsewhere, when Zabuza's voice broke the air again.


"I meant Haku." Soon, Zabuza found himself faced with one of Sasuke's famous glares.


"How can you mistake the two?" Sasuke questioned, suddenly finding it hard to keep his voice from being spoken with an edge.


Zabuza shrugged. "It's true though, isn't it?" he voiced, not quite expecting Sasuke's heated stare to increase in anger. He'd thought Sasuke might have found Haku to be a nice acquaintance, but not as someone to get flustered over. "What's wrong, Uchiha-kun?" he asked, putting emphasis on Haku's name for the boy.


"How can you say that about him?" Sasuke angrily asked, unable to look at Zabuza further. Instead, Sasuke glared at the desk he was sitting at. "He... practically worships you...," he murmured.


"Before you say I'm heartless," Zabuza began, "realize that you and I are a lot more alike than you believe." He held an expression of amusement in his eyes, though his face still held the coldness it always seemed to.


Sasuke shot him another dirty look. "I'm not like you. At least I don't mean to hurt him," he retorted, remembering clearly the bruise Haku gained on his arm a week before, "if that's what you're talking about..."


Zabuza seemed to look at Sasuke in questioning, tilting his head to one side. "You don't mean to hurt him?" he repeated. "Oh, but that isn't what I speak of. You say Haku worships me. Well, all the girls in school worship you, and I don't exactly see you reveling in this fact."


"That's different," Sasuke argued, his voice rising. "Those girls only like me because of the way I look. But, Haku.... Yukio even said he... loved you." Just the night before he seemed to have admitted it. In an enigmatic way, but nonetheless...


"Sadist.... My first love was.... is.... a secret."


"And... of course I don't mean to hurt him," Sasuke continued. "It just turns out that way. A lot."


This time Zabuza smiled for real, a malicious glint in his pale eyes. "Aren't you sincere...," he sneered. "Are you sure those ladies don't love you for something other than your looks?"


Sasuke didn't want to talk to this man anymore. He couldn't see why Haku was always tripping over himself just to see Zabuza, much less talk to him. It seemed so unrequited.


Zabuza stood, figuring that was the end of the conversation as well. However, as he made his way back over to the wall, he stated, "No wonder Gaara thinks you're so much fun."


A jolt went through Sasuke, though he stayed silent. At first, he thought that Zabuza knew who Gaara was, but quickly recoiled from the idea. He's just trying to irk me... he thought, staring at an impression that had been made on his desk. His name is probably all this guy knows.


"You still wear his ring, right?" came Zabuza's voice once more, and Sasuke suddenly felt the need to hide his left hand in under the desk. Zabuza had continued staring out the window by then, though a smirk was quite visible on his face. "How darling... your first love was a homicidal maniac. You and Haku have more in common than you knew!"


"Shut up..." Sasuke hissed, staring heatedly at the engraving now. He wanted to scratch at it and mar the desk further, perhaps to block out Zabuza's derisive words.


"Gaara doesn't talk about you a lot, though," Zabuza suddenly said, his tone changing to one of mock thoughtfulness. "Though your brother sure seems fond of you from the way he's always making someone follow you..."


"Stop it!!" Sasuke cried. He glared at Zabuza, who was merely staring out onto the outside scenery. "How do you know them? Who are you...?!"


Zabuza glanced over at Sasuke, appearing smug. "Haku's first love."


Sasuke growled, "Why do you keep bringing up Gaara and now Itachi as if you know them? I could tell Iruka-san, you moron. Ever thought of that?!"


Zabuza shrugged, before stating, "Only if you felt it was worth Haku's life."


Sasuke's glare was replaced by a look of utter disbelief. "You...."


The man sighed, his scornful smirk still etched on his face. "If that's what it takes to keep your silence, I will kill him gladly. And you know he won't think twice if I ask him to meet me after school," Zabuza said, coolly. "He'll gladly do whatever I ask. Even if I made him kill himself."


The teen stood, swiftly. "You're too arrogant, what makes you say he'd go that far." His eyes narrowed. "He's devoted but he's not stupid..."


"No," Zabuza agreed, surprising Sasuke to a certain degree. "But, he is my tool and he will listen to me. So don't expect to be able to tell that dimwitted Iruka anything about what I've said. Otherwise...." he trailed off, returning his eyes to the window.


Sasuke sat back down, nervously. He was stuck in a room with one of Gaara's allies. This wasn't exactly picture perfect...




After notes: Myah, I wanted to write more, but then I figured this was a good place to end it. -.-0 I have to go back to school anyway, so I'm also sleeping early tonight. ANYWHO, Zabuza and Sasuke meet and chat! GASP. And Sasuke seems to now have an abiding hatred for Zabuza! DOUBLE GASP. Oh, and Haku seems fundamentally more broody than usual, while at the same time turning all cheerful and happy and more Haku-ish. YAY. Oh, and I got a haircut and now I look like Sasuke's mom rather than a bland version of Haku., I guess that's a yay? xD I officially look like the woman who bore the Uchiha brothers, so yes! DOUBLE YAY. I'm going to cosplay as her now at the next convention I go to. TRIPLE YAY... I think. -blink- Anyways, here are the reviews. -big shmeesy grin-


[insert reviews here]


Coming up: Gyah, Sasuke and Naruto scenes, Haku and Zabuza scenes, and you can bet there will be tears coming from one person or another. -squee-