Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Beautiful Sunset ❯ The Todoroki Estate ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Konichiwa what's up? Well here's the second chapter I hope you like it.
Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to Naruto I only have a forehead protector that I wear everywhere!! (Which usually earns me many looks and many people asking me what it is…) Any way yeah I don't own it….
Beautiful Sunset
Akari ran to the front gates and whistled a small tune with a six note range: a boy who looked about the age of seventeen and who had black hair, popped his head out of a side door and grinned when he saw who it was.
“Akari, ohisashiburi*” he opened the door more.
“Ohisashiburi Tsubatsu what have you been up to?” she walked through the door and he closed it behind her.
“Not much, training helping my little sister study for her exams studying for mine. Nothing really exciting what about you?” he said walking with her down the path to the housing `district' of the Todoroki estate.
“Pretty much the same thing only I was the one giving the exams.” She grinned.
“Really?” he asked impressed.
“Yup! That's right I'm good I'm good!” she started to dance.
“Right…well I've got to go see you latter.” He turned around and ran the direction they had come.
“Bye.” She looked around grinning and then disappeared in to the shadows.
Of all of the people in the Todoroki clan Akari was said to be the best at blending into the shadows, she was also known to pull pranks on people from the shadows. She was sneaky and very fast.
Akari snuck around the back of a traditional Japanese style house, she found a window and popped it open she climbed through and did a somersault to break her fall but she did it without a sound. She slipped her bag off her shoulder and placed on the desk in the room she unpacked all of her stuff and placed it in the room. She had judged carefully and had made her way to her house; she had taken great care to get around the house to the back; to her room without being noticed.
She opened her door and listened she heard muffled voices that she recognized as her parents. She turned around in her room and looked at all of her things making sure nothing was missing, there was a book shelf with photo albums and a variety of books, her desk had many framed photos of her family and others. She then went under her bed to her treasure box opened it up checking for missing artifacts. Satisfied she closed it up and placed it where it had been, It wasn't that she didn't trust her family members its' just they had a tendency to `borrow' things and not give them back even after many reminders. (Sounds like a few friends of mine) She slipped off her shoes and made her way down the hall being so quiet even she couldn't hear her own footsteps. She came to the kitchen and saw her mother and father talking with their backs to the door. She grinned and snuck up behind them and shouted.
“BIRTHDAY PRESENTS!!!” it made both of them jump.
“Oh my goodness Akari you scared the dickens out of me.” Said her mother whom she looked like most.
“I'm sure you have a lot of dickens eh Mom?” Akari said smirking.
“You know what I mean, its good to see you home” she sighed
“Yeah, I'm glad to be home.” Akari hugged her mom and dad and looked around.
“Wow nothing's changed”
“No we were thinking of making the kitchen bigger, though we never really stuck to the idea and you know how handy your father is with tools.” She grinned.
“Hey that shelf wasn't that bad” Akari's Father had black hair and silver eyes where as Akari's mother had blue eyes but she was beautiful none the less.
“No nothing has changed” Akari laughed “So where's Kotaro?” Akari asked.
“He's on another mission” Her father replied.
“When's he coming back?”
“He says he was going to try to make it in time for tomorrow night but doesn't think he can sorry sweetie he knows how much this means.” Akari's mother said smiling
Akari sighed “Oh Nii-chan* how could you do this to me, oh the unfairness of it all Ohhhhhh” She said with her hand on her forehead.
“Always such the drama queen” A voice said from the door to the kitchen. Akari turned to see her cousin who also had black hair, but green eyes.
“Rin, I thought I'd smelt something rotting and FYI I'm not a drama queen I'm in touch with my emotions” Akari crossed her arms and glared.
“Sure if that's what you want to call it drama queen” Rin shot back and glared too.
They both stood in the kitchen glaring at one another when Akari smiled and hugged her. Rin smiled too and hugged her back.
Rin and Akari had always been rivals ever since they were little and they had a strange way of showing their love for one another they fought about the stupidest things but always had a good time together despite their rivalry. And their rivalry seemed to grow everyday, Rin lived with them making it simple. Her parents died helping to defend the village hidden in the leaves from the demon fox so she came to live with them when she heard the news.
“So when'd you walk in the door?” Rin asked as they sat down at the table as Akari's mother began dinner.
“I didn't I climbed in through my bedroom window!” She grinned Rin sighed.
“Classic Akari moment I wished I'd seen it.”
“Yeah I'm sure you do.”
“Yeah well I'm glad you're back I was starting to get bored”
“Oh Really? Oh yeah!” Akari went to the back of her hair and undid one braid.
“You still have those in?”
“Yup never took `em out They'll all be out once everyone says `I'm glad you're back'”
“EW that means you haven't bathed in six months!” Rin plugged her nose.
“Of course I've bathed! I just redid it or kept them in I'm not non-hygenical.”
“Good and `non-hygenical' isn't a word.”
“Well it is now” Akari huffed.
“Right” Rin rolled her eyes Akari stood up.
“We're going to walk around okay? We'll be back before dinner bye”
“I never agreed to this!” Rin wailed as Akari dragged her out of the house.
“Dinner's at 7:00!” Akari's Mother said after them.
“So what did you do in Konoha?” Rin and Akari were walking through the garden on the estate saying hello to people.
“Well at first I only did simple assignments then the third thought I'd be a good teacher so I had a class at least once a week and went on other missions. So not much really I trained with others which was some what of a relief seeing as I usually train with someone from the clan so I got to see new techniques and meet new people. I had a lot of fun and believe it or not I think I'm faster than when I left.” She grinned.
“Great, that's just great” She said sarcastically and sighed.
“It is isn't it?” Akari laughed. Some more of the clan passed and hugged Akari and talked a bit before moving on. She took out three more braids and a pack of kids ran up to her.
“Nee-san!*” they called and hugged her.
“We missed you!” Said a small girl about the age of eight.
“Yuki, Yuka, Midori, Motoko, Makato, Hikari! I missed you too” She grabbed them all in a `bear hug' and most of them giggled. (Try saying that five time's fast…not easy is it?)
“We thought you weren't coming back!” said the one who had been addressed as Makato.
“Really? Well here I am and I'll be here for a couple more weeks so we'll have plenty of time to play.”
“Awww but we want you to stay for good we like you teaching us ninjutsu Namiko-sensei isn't as fun as you,” Said Motoko, Makato's twin sister.
“That's okay Nami knows what she's doing you guy's will be great shinobi someday thanks to her and speaking of which here she comes.” She said as a kunoichi emerged from the shadows. Her hair was up and her eyeliner made her blue eyes look darker than they really were.
“Found you” She said with her arms crossed looking at the younger ones.
“No fair we didn't even get to hide!”
“Yeah we were distracted!”
“We wanted to say `Hi' to Nee-san!”
“Oh so now I'm a distraction” Akari sighed.
“No, I see you more as a menace to society.” Rin whispered. Akari elbowed her in the side.
“Akari nice to see you again, we were just playing hide and seek before the days end” She said in a moderately serious tone as she usually did, she was a very serious person.
“Sounds like fun so I guess I shouldn't keep you, have fun” Akari said starting to turn but was stopped as six pairs of hands kept her from going.
“We want you to play too.” They said with puppy dog eyes and pouting lower lips.
“I'm sorry but I've got to get home for dinner.” She said detaching herself from their hands “But I promise I'll play with you tomorrow okay?” They all sighed.
“Okay and no take backs!”
“And no take backs…and I'll give you some advice” she bent down and whispered in their ears: “Don't stay in the same place for to long it works wonders and stick to the shadows like glue it works great for staying hidden.”
“Yup that's why I've never lost at hide and seek games.”
“Okay!” they said grinning.
“Ready? One Two Three…” they all ran for it. And Namiko walked off and waved goodbye.
Akari sat on a near by bench next to a water fall and took out all but one of her braids. Rin sat next to her.
“So what did you do while I was gone?” Akari asked.
“Not much really, Oh Actually I learned a new technique I'll show you tomorrow before your party.” She replied running her fingers through a fountain the bench sat next to.
“It's not going to leave me incapacitated is it?”
“No, no it's nothing like that but it's really cool” she grinned. Akari sighed. “What's wrong?”
“Nothing, just thinking about tomorrow.” She twirled the last braid around her index finger.
“OH.” Rin sighed and turned to her cousin. “Don't worry there's a chance that he'll come”
“What makes you say that?” Rin raised an eyebrow and pointed at the braid around Akari's finger.
“You not going to take it out till he comes back?”
“Yeah probably” She laughed “Even if he doesn't make it home in time I know he'll make it up to me some how….Now I can't wait!”
“Excited are we?” Rin smirked.
“You were too before your sixteenth B-day party. If I remember correctly you were Giddy all day long.”
“Well yeah It was my welcoming into the Adult world, it was important.”
“Yeah and of course there's the gifts the money and all the attention you got that's something to look forward to.” She said serenely, Rin raised an eyebrow and looked at her.
Akari laughed “Okay I'm totally psyched I can't wait! Now I'm even more excited!”
“I didn't think it was humanly possible.” Rin sighed.
Akari laughed harder. They got up and headed back to the house.
“Mmmmm this is so good I didn't realize how much I missed your cooking Mom.” Akari said stuffing more food in to her mouth.
“And I hadn't realized why we always had so much food left until you started stuffing your face again.” Rin said staring at her in disgust. Akari stuck out her tongue.
“You're so childish.” She sighed.
“Well it's better than being a stuck up know it all isn't it?” Akari grinned.
“What'd you call me?!”
“Oh nothing…” Akari said finishing up her dinner and handing the plate to her mom to wash up.
“Yeah right…”she sighed. Akari sighed too.
“I sure am glad to be home to see you guys again.” She smiled at her mother and father who smiled back. “But I'm only going to be here for another week so I should get a lot of family things done with you guys.”
“Why?” her mother asked surprised.
“I like it there and I've met a lot of new people, like there's one boy whose completely obsessed with ramen and the idea of becoming the next Hokage, and a girl whose very smart and has great potential but instead of training she follows around the boy she likes who just happens to be the only survivor of the Uchiha clan he's very skilled too and I met Hatake Kakashi! And-!” Rin interrupted her rambling.
“Hatake Kakashi?! You really know him?!” She asked her eyes shining.
“Yeah he's a Jonin he has a shringan in his left eye and he is always late for everything, pretty laid back and he's a little perverted he reads the books Dad does you know Icha Icha?” she smiled and her dad jumped hoping his wife hadn't heard. His luck wasn't very good.
“What books?” she asked with a sinister gleam in her eye.
“Just some…um tactical books you know?” he said shrinking under her unwavering gaze.
“Of course not dear they're about ninjutsu!”
“Don't give me that bull Where are they?!”
Akari and Rin quickly exited the kitchen to the back door porch not wanting to witness her rage which was a scary thing.
“So you've made a lot of friends?” Rin asked looking at the sky; it wasn't very late but a few stars could be made out through the branches of trees surrounding the estate and buildings within.
“Yeah I feel like I kind of belong there, like its just the right place for me…almost as if in the future I'll be needed there for something that's still unclear to me…maybe to protect someone close to me…” she had a small smile on her face thinking of memories that were held close to her heart.
“Where'd you stay?”
“In a room they provided some of my stuff is still there so…”
“Any excuse to go back eh?” Rin grinned, Akari laughed
“I guess but I know at least a few people who might miss me if I don't come back, cause I did promise Sakura I'd come back and I know I'd miss them…Oh and the third said I could still teach even though I'm of the Todoroki!”
“So you told them?”
“No they found out and-Ahhh crap I need to tell the Head of house something! oh well it can wait till tomorrow Oh yeah.” Akari looked at her cousin with a sly grin.
“So Rin-chan what'd you get me-”
“Oh no…you do this every year, I'm not telling Just like every year before you won't get me to crack.” She hmphed and crossed her arms.
“Oh come on tell me Please?” She looked at her with puppy dog eyes. Rin sighed.
“No, now come on we should go to bed for tomorrow Okay?” Akari glared.
“You're just trying to get out of telling me aren't you?”
“Yes now good night!” She got up and went to her room which was across the hall from Akari's. Akari got up and went to her room too.
Akari sat on her bed and pulled out her treasure box and rummaged towards the bottom. She pulled out a small album that fit in the palm of her hand. She opened it up and a picture fell to her lap.
She picked it up, and smiled. It was a photo of her and a boy with dark brown hair and green-blue eyes they were both smiling. Akari had her chin on his shoulder and her arm around his other shoulder her hand was in his and they stood in front of an ivy covered wall.
Akari brought the photo to her chest and closed her eyes staying like that for a moment before she placed it back in the album which she put back in the box. She got up and placed the box on her desk. She undressed, put on a camisole and shorts and crawled in to bed. She brought the covers to her chin and fell asleep almost immediately.
Akari woke to the smell of fried rice and sweet cakes, she smiled. It was her favorite, her mother always started her birthday with her favorite foods then they opened presents and reminisced then went out with other members of the family. She slid out of bed silently and went to the sitting room hoping to find her Father still wrapping last minute presents. Almost every year she found him there trying to quietly finish what he had started but never finished until the morning of her birthday. She snuck in and popped up from behind one of the chairs. There was nothing there no panicky Daddy covered in tape and ribbons trying to wrap a present, no presents still needing to be wrapped: just the regular old sitting room.
“Hmmm…” Akari put her chin on the head of the chair and thought, `oh he must have finished early I'll just wait' She turned around and went into the kitchen.
“Ohaiyo! Good morning” she said walking in casually. Her Dad was reading the `Todoroki Post' a newspaper about things going on in the clan. She snorted she thought the name was lame.
“`Morning” he said looking up.
“Good morning dear” Her mother stood at the stove making the breakfast
“Finally lazy butt how long were you planning on staying in bed?” Rin said sitting at the table messing with a knife.
“For as long as I wanted, why? Were you getting hungry?” she said tauntingly. Rin glared at her. “Um Mama is Kotaro back yet?” she asked hopefully.
“Sorry dear, not yet, but he still has till tonight, now sit down for breakfast” She placed a plate in front of Akari as she sat down.
Akari pouted and moved her head from side to side. Rin rolled her eyes and put down the knife she was balancing on her finger.
“You know you look like the little twerp you used to be and probably still are with that stupid look on your face.” She said to Akari who stuck out her tongue.
“I'm just….troubled If he doesn't make it this will be my first birthday without my big brother!” She said exasperated.
“Oh stop it there's no time to think about that after breakfast you promised the other twerps that you'd play with them and then you have to open close family presents before we go to the Celebration Hall for the big stuff and you said you needed to tell Akira something.” She said as Akari's mom sat down the steaming fried rice and sweet cakes.
“You've got it all planned out I see…are you trying to get me out of the house and away from the party areas so you can decorate?”
“Why would we do that my party was plain and boring full of blessings and well wishes nothing special.” She shrugged passing the plate to her.
“I think you're lying.” She looked at them suspiciously
“And I think you're paranoid about presents” Rin said with a snort.
“I'm not paranoid I can't help but be suspicious of you guys you've got me wrapped around your finger.” She said beginning to eat.
“Right and I need to show you my new technique so you'll be busy” She smiled menacingly.
“Lovely…..”She sighed.
Well I guess that's it for now, leave a comment; tell me what you think….yup…..bye….
*Ohisashiburi means it's been along time…plus it sounds really cool no really say it out loud: (O-hee-saw-she-boo-ree) Fun no?
*Nii-san: is pretty much brother in a nutshell.
*Ane-san: is an honorable term for a girl one might respect.
*Nee-san: pretty sure its sister…hopefully….