Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Princess ❯ Entering Ataru ( Chapter 5 )

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Time rewinds back the genin graduation briefing morning.

It had been a while since the third feel nervous, which was an impressive feats since he though nothing can faze him anymore after he became the Hokage. Now it is proven the unshakable Hokage could still be nervous thanks to the ladies who prove that theory gathering in his room, to be precise lady's from anbu ware gather in his room, and all of them had this fuming expression doesn't help much to calm him.

"Hokage-sama! I insist you punished that-that THING!!!"

"Yes!! That pervert really cross the line this time!!"

"Pervert? That is really an understatement!! He is 100 times worse than pervert!! He-he is downright perversion manifestation!" Yelled one of the girls.

"Now…now ladies what is going on here…what did Ataru did this time?" Asked the old man as calm as he could master.

"Well…Hokage-sama it happen this morning…"


Blood Princess

Chapter four -

Entering Ataru


It was a peaceful and quite morning in Hidden leaf village; well it was peaceful until a voice broke out from the female locker room…anbu officer locker room.


"What is it Kumiko?" Asked one of the female Anbu as she put down her dress for the moment and turn toward her partner.

"Zaku-san! My…my panties are all gone!!" Kumiko said in a surprise tone.

"What you mean gone did you misplace it?"

"Err…my too!!"

"What!! Let me see…huh my one too!!"

"Did Jiraiya-sama come back?"

"I don't know…there isn't a trace of charka…whoever it must be, it must really skill…"

"I know what happen to those panties…" A creepy voice stuck up and strangely all the girls' attention was drawn to the owner of the voice. The person who spoke was a timid looking girl with an overly large size glasses. She had slight purplish hair that hang freely behind him. Oddly as the ladies look at the girl, they could feel a strange unnatural chill raise behind their back.

"W-what did you know?" Asked Kumiko.

"Oh it was nothing actually in fact it was a rumors…that begin since the Kyubi assault…"

"Kyubi!!! What is this rumors?"

"Well…it was said that ever since the Kyubi incident, partial of Hidden Leaf was warp in an unstable reality…since than every year, during the morning of the genin briefing morning…stuffs would be suck into the unstable reality portal…though it was a rumors…but I really advise you girls to be careful…" Trail off the girl as she slowly walks out from the room.

Suddenly before she could exit. A foot was connected on her face. The purple hair girl falls down and drops many panties out from her Gi.

"You won't change ain't you? Ataru-sama."

Looking down, now replace with the petite girl, was a slim figure man with a mask covered his face like any standard ninja but somehow like certain silver hair copy ninja he had an aura that seems to screaming he is dangerous, yet that effect was shatter when he sits up and pout cutely at the new comer a woman that almost everyone in Anbu knew, Akane the white one of the legendary three students of late 4th Hokage.

"Ahhh! kane-chan can't you let a poor lonely man had some fun?"

"Ataru-sama I doubt anyone can call you poor lonely man not after all those stunt you pull all these years…but if I were you I think you should return my belonging and start running now." Said Akane in a slight strain tone as everyone could see that she was retraining herself from killing this man by pure will alone.

The pervert thinks hard for a moment before his face lit up as he finally run though his recent collection. "Oh you mean THAT is yours. Muhahahaha!! I knew it!! Things like THAT definitely belongs to some hot babe!"


"Ok,ok don't be so cranky K? Wait a second will cha?" Said the pervert ninja as he began to unbutton his pants.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Why of course giving you back your black translucent limited edition thongs with lace."

"Then why are strip…" Her eyes wide in horror as she suddenly realized where or rather what had the pervert before him had done to it, "You didn't!?!? Didn't you?"

The pervert merely smirks slyly or at least Akane presume he was though the expression from his mask. The purple hair ninja pulled down his pants completely and reveal where he hide her thongs…he was basically wearing it.

"THATS IT!! DIE!!!!" But to everyone surprise instate of connecting her fist to the man face, he vanish.

"Huh?" Says before Akane feel an unhealthy feel on her chest, a foul feeling she had deal with since sensei introduce this man to his student. Yet even after all these years she still gets nightmare every time he lay his hands on her.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!" Scream the normally fearless female anbu as she spat the pervert away from her, but all she could hit is air as the pervert that latch on her chest moment ago jump toward the defenseless female with his unique battle cry "Sweeto!"

And hell began to break loose.




"Damn, why is our sensei so late?" Naruto complained.

"Oniichan! Sit still!" Aura scolded as she continues reading her books.

Hinata just sat at a far corner and is ready to pond Naruto if he walk anywhere near her. .

Naruto, becoming annoyed grabbed an eraser and opened the door a little. He placed the eraser at the top of the door and sat down.

"Oniichan!! Why can't you sit still a moment and don't cause any trouble?" Aura scolded as she decided to take off the duster. However before she able to remove the duster, she got a strange feeling on her. Well, frankly speaking the feeling is very focus on her chest department.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!" scream the white hair girl as she fall down. Quickly without any hesitate she pulled out all her kunei and shuriken and throw toward the pervert.


"Let began to introduce ourselves ok? Tell everyone you like and dislikes? Dreams for the future, hobbies, you know, things like that. Of course I personally don't mind you girls telling me how big is your three size" said the pervert jounin as he pulled out the throwing object one by one from himself. "Why not start with you, the young cutie pie with long white hair?"

"I am not cutie!!"

"Well, what ever you say cutie pie."

"Grrrrr…isn't impolite to asked people to introduce themselves while we knew next to nothing about you?"

"Oh that? Well my name is Naien Ataru. My hobby is glomping woman, making love, collecting female's undergarment. Dreams for the future hmmm, seduce and get into Tsunade's pants. Hehehehe…oppss mustn't slip like that but I can tell you that woman really pack in the chest and butt department you know." Stat the purple lecher in a dreamy look, the two girls in the team 7 suddenly decide that the purple hair jounin is their number one avoid list from today onwards.

"Now it's your turn, like I say just now start from you cutie pie." Ataru said.

"Hn, my name is Uzamaki Aura. I like Naruto-Oniichan the best! Follow by Grandpa Hokage and Shikamaru-san who could play decent chess with me. What I dislike is." Taking her eyes toward the smiling face purple jounin and glare hard.

"Now how about our little tigress here?"

"T-Tigress?" Shutter Hinata in confuse.

"Well of course! I doubt anyone in the village won't know how you beat Naruto into plum this morning." Stat the jounin as he wink at the now very embarrasses girl. But nevertheless Hinata get hold of herself as she speak in her timid tone to introduce herself.

"Hey! Hey! What about me?"

"Oh you…oh crap I don't really like man but still you are still a pain in ass if I don't know you. Now shoot and we can get into the main topic soon."

"Feh! My name is Uzumaki Naruto! I like Aura and cup ramen! I like the ramen that Aura specially cooks for me every year during my birthday! What I dislike is waiting for 3 min for the ramen to cook," Naruto started.

Ataru stared at Naruto with a bored look

'Damn don't he know how to take advantage of having a girl at his house? Sheeh what sort of man is he?'

"My dream is to surpass Hokage! And I'll will make sure no one can harm Aura-chan anymore!" Naruto proclaimed loudly while Aura turn as red as a tomato.

Ataru looked at Naruto with a surprised expression, which turned into a thoughtful look.

'Hmmm I guess he is a man after all…' Ataru mused than he put up a grin. "But I bet he don't understand why even Aura strip naked and slip into his bed. Kids these days are so slow."

"My hobbies. Pranks I guess." Naruto finished.

"Well, that's enough of that. We will start our duties tomorrow," Ataru said.

"Duties? What kind of duties?" Naruto asked excitedly.

"First we're going to do something with just the four of us," Ataru said.

"What, what?" Naruto asked.

"Nin training" Ataru answered.

"Nin training?" Naruto asked. "You mean stealth missions?"

"Excuse me! I am not sure if I heard correctly but did I hear you says training?" Aura asked.

"Yup! Cutie pie you sure are a sharp one, yes, I did say training."

"Grrr…never mind ok please would you mind telling us why? I think we did enough of that back at the Academy."

"Well simply because me and another jounin will be your opponent, but this isn't your normal survival training," Ataru said lowering his head slightly.

"Then, then what is it?" Naruto asked becoming excited.

"Hehehe." Ataru laughed.

"What's so funny, sensei?" Aura asked.

The three listened as Ataru explained the circumstances around the survival training.

"Only 12 of the 30 go on as genin?! 60% failure rate?!" Naruto yelled. "Than why we need to study so hard during the academy?"

"Well that is to kick out loser and select those who have chance to became genin…oh look at the time now, I need to go to the bookstore and get my latest volume of come come paradise. See you tomorrow at `The Times apartment' 12 o'clock midnight sharp. I had already sent the details to your house just now so Ja ne!"




Gi - A type of shirt martial artist wore.

Naien - inner flame

Ja ne. - I think it means goodbye in Japanese.

Author notes:

First at all I need to thanks all those who review the story THANKS!!! LOVE YOU


Adyen: Yup I will explain that…well in the future…but not now…

NET: Why thanks a lot for that vote of confidents. I hope I can keep up to your

Expectation. As for the relationship…well lets say I haven't decided yet.

So it might not be a Hinata pairng at all, but Hinata defiantely will play a major

role in Naruto life.

:D : It might be my fault you don't get that…so don't bother ^_^

Now lastly before I did tell you guys this is an AU ain't I? Well, hoep you guys like it,

the next chapter who be the genin test!!! Now once again like previous chapter I will

warn you guys I am very slow writer with lots of lots of author block, so be patient and

reviews!! I live for reviews. By the way just in case you guys wonder why Hokage call

Ataru a sama...well that would be a secret. ^_^