Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Brothers ❯ Brothers ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Standing over him
Kunai in my grip
He lies at my feet
Just let the blade slip
Finally get my revenge
Avenge the clan I never had
Killed my family destroyed my life
With teary eyes most say it's sad
So I swore to kill him
Make him feel my pain
Alone I've hunted all these years
Some wonder if I'm even sane?
I see his eyes so like my own
The darkest shade of red
So I remember our time together
Before it all turned bad
He was the best big brother
A kid could ever have
He'd never scold or punish me
He never seemed to get mad
He taught me so much
That I'd never be this far
But now I know the truth of it all
Locked behind these vengeful bars
I know that I must kill him
For behind those bloody eyes
Lies the truth of it all
The pain, death and lies
Though he is my brother
His life I'll have to take
In order to live free of it all
A choice I had to make
I've waited all my life
For this moment to come
And I know this awful deed
Must soon be done
Before kills the rest
That I hold to my heart
Soon I'll clean up this mess
But something stops
As the final blow nears
I see emotion in his eyes
His love his pain his fears
Not for years I have seen
So much in his eyes
I know it must be a trick
Another of his lies
But truth be told
I don't know
If I can take my brothers life
But it must be so
Kill the last of my clan
And doing so save the rest
But I wonder
Is it for the best?
Clan Uchiha is no more
For I shall be the last to stand
But my life will be over
Before I take a woman's hand
I know my clan shall die
For I know not what to do
Should I let my brother live?
I only wish I knew…
By Ice Panther of
the Fifth Realm