Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Crimson Rogue ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I Do Not Own Naruto or any of the characters. Kishimoto and TV Tokyo own all rights.

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(Sarutobi's Point of View)

It was the hardest decision of my life. I never once thought that I would have to do this to a young boy. But my hands were tied and there was nothing I could do.

If I gave in to the demands of the council, they would turn a newborn into a weapon. But if I didn't, the council would gather the support of the population and execute the poor child. Sure, I had the power to over turn the decision at any point, but the boy's life would be hell every day of his life.

And all of this was because he was their savoir… A child that had a great burden sealed within him. The burden of being the demon vessel of Kyuubi no Kitsune.

Now, some would say as Hokage I had infinite power. But that isn't true. The Hokage is the leader of the military and the village. But even though I am chosen as Hokage, the people of the village have the power to revoke what I say if there seven of the ten council members, that they elect, veto my decision. The only way around that was when it involved a life… Which thankfully this case did.

But, I wasn't going to be limited to just two options. I am Hokage and my power stretches far beyond the land of fire.

"You called me, Lord Hokage?"

I knew the voice well. It was the voice of Hatake Kakashi, a thirteen year old jounin. He was a genius, becoming a shinobi at the age of six and advancing at an incredible rate underneath the now deceased Yondaime Hokage's tutelage.

Taking a puff of my pipe, I sighed deeply as I looked at the young boy. "Kakashi, I have a mission of the utmost importance for you to partake. It can only be you as you are the only one I trust will see this to be done. If you fail… I'm afraid you have failed not only me, but you fail your deceased sensei."

Kakashi instantly stood at attention. I could tell he was nervous as he was never handed a mission with this much riding on it. But I knew he could handle it. Despite his age, he was one of the best shinobi of this village. "I want you to take these papers and this newborn… The one that Kyuubi was sealed within… To the hidden village of the Cloud and deliver the boy to the Raikage personally."

I could see the look of shock on Kakashi's face I told him of the mission. Of course he wouldn't understand why I was doing this. He was one of the few that actually knew that the young boy was his sensei's child. But there was no time to tell him as the council members would be here any minute to receive my answer. "Kakashi, you must do it now. There is no time and the child's life is at risk if you do not leave now."

That was all that was needed to be said as Kakashi picked up the papers and sealed them away into a scroll before gently lifting up his sensei's son from his cradle.

As he opened the window, ready to leave, I stopped him and gave him one last word. "…You will be chased out of this village… But under no circumstances must you give up the boy… Even if you have to kill your fellow Konoha shinobi. I will personally see to it that you will be exalted of any crime you may commit on this mission and if not, I am sure the Raikage will take you in as a refugee… Now go!"

Kakashi nodded, even if his one visible eye widened, before shoving off the balcony and to the roof tops below. I knew it was a gamble, but there was no choice. I had to protect the young boy no matter what. Even if it was from the village he had saved for being born. If only the people of the village could understand that.

Almost after a full moment, the door opened to reveal my three biggest opposition within the council. My two ex-teammates and my former rival for Hokage, Danzo. I could only smirk at them as they looked in the cradle and saw the son the Yondaime Hokage was no longer there. "You are too late… Did you actually think I was going to allow you to anything like that to Minato's son?"

Danzo frowned at me and was ready to leave the room. But as he was about to leave, he turned back to me and spoke in an icy cold tone. "This is the last straw for you, Sandaime. Even if it takes me ten years, I will gather everything I can to get you thrown out of office…"

He couldn't even finish as I begun to laugh. Seeing his look along with both of my teammates, I feint wiping my eye as I looked at all three of them. "Please, you could spend eternity and find very little on me… And even if you did, I have more then enough to keep any of you three from becoming Hokage and even more to have you thrown in jail forever!"

"Do not test me as I already ten steps ahead of you. Now leave here at once or I may decide that I will throw all three of you in jail this instant." My statement was punctuated by my most trusted Anbu appearing besides me, hearing what I had said and ready to enforce my will as each agreed with my decision.

Even if they wanted to resist, they knew better. They might have the power to escape, but I would personally hunt them down and even send Jiraiya after them if necessary. I know he would have no problem doing so.

Watching them leave, I sighed deeply before I began to probe my desk for my pipe and my first addition of Icha-Icha Paradise. It was already my first day back in office and hell was about to start.

But before I start reading and light my pipe, I turn to the captain of the squad before nodding to him. "Hiashi, take your unit follow Danzo and be prepared to execute him necessary if he sends any of his root Anbu after Kakashi."

The captain simply gave me a nod before disappearing with the rest of his squad. I knew they would carry out my orders, damned of the consequences. They all had ties with Minato and Kushina and if anyone would endanger their child, there would be hell to pay.

(Sarutobi's POV End)

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Kakashi was quite surprised that he had ran into very little resistance. There were the guards at the gate, but a quick genjutsu had taken the three gennin out. Under normal circumstances they would have had chunin or a jounin guarding the gate, however do to Kyuubi's attack their numbers were low so they had to work with what they had.

But now he knew he had some trouble coming. He could sense that there was an entire squad chasing him, ever so slowly gaining ground on him. He had thrown almost every trick he had at them to try and give them the slip. But they managed to get by it, whether it be a genjutsu or scattering dozens of Shadow Clones.

The only good news was that he had made it into the land of Lighting so that there was a chance they would break the pursuit unit. Well, he was hoping anyways but it didn't seem that they were going to do so as they were still tailing him.

He was left with only two options, either keep running and hope he could outrun them to the village or stand his ground and hope he could take them on. He didn't like either outcome, but those were his only choices left.

It was just then he had to suddenly duck as a bolt of lighting raced by his face forcing him to duck down and protect the child. Looking to who had used the jutsu, he was surprised to see it was only a blonde haired girl around his age. However, what made him worried was that she seemed to be part of a team with as the rest of her team quickly joined her.

Kakashi thanked the god's for such good luck as he instantly recognized who her sensei happened to be. The Raikage himself. While it was a rarity, it did happen as both the first and second Hokages trained the Sandaime while they were in office.

However, it didn't seem he was in a good mood neither was the girl or the other man, who looked eerily similar to the Raikage. "State your purpose here Konoha ninja otherwise I'll make you regret ever encroaching on our land."

Trying to catch his breath to explain what was going on, Kakashi tried to reach into his pouch to give him the scroll. However, that seemed to be a very bad move as the Raikage was ready to pound his head in. However, to his surprise he suddenly stopped in front of him as a loud wailing was heard.

The next thing either knew was they were pushed to the ground as the blonde haired girl scream "HOW CUTE!" at the top of her lungs and was cradling the baby boy in her arms.

Shaking his head to get rid of the blurriness, Kakashi took a few deep breathes before pulling out a scroll and holding it out to the Raikage. "Sir, the Hokage sent me here in order to deliver this to you… Along with the child. I believe all the details are inside… Dammit!"

The scroll was suddenly knocked out of his hand as a kunai hit it as four shinobi wearing Anbu masks with the kanji NE written on it landed on the tree tops above them. "That's far enough Hatake. Now hand over that scroll and the baby…"

He was suddenly interrupted as a he found himself sizzling as a bolt of lighting ripped into his chest, knocking him off the tree. Once again it had come from the blonde haired girl who had use a single hand seal while holding onto the baby.

"Yugito! Stand down!" The Raikage yelled out at the blonde before turning to the Anbu who he knew had to be from Konoha as well. 'Hm, guess there is a power struggle in Konoha. Must be that man, Danzo I think his name was.'

Turning back to the four Anbu, the Raikage growled as lighting began to crackle around him. "More Konoha shinobi, eh? I will give you all one warning, get the hell out of my land or each and every single one of you will not see another day."

The four Anbu weren't intimidated by the Raikage's display; however, they knew better then to try anything. This man was beyond their level and if he happened to be out here, there was nothing they could do other then negotiate.

The said leader, who was picking himself off the ground, dusted his cloak off before speaking. "We would gladly do so, Lord Raikage. However, we need that scroll and the child back in Konoha to show the village of our Hokage's betrayal…"

"Over my dead body," Kakashi stated with a growl as he flipped his headband straight to reveal his Sharingan eye spinning wildly, "Your boss just wants to over throw a just leader wanting the best for this boy."

Not sure what this was about, nor why Minato would send this boy to him, the Raikage simply picked up the scroll before unsealing it to read the papers inside.

In an instant, his eyes widened before his fist crumpled the papers in his hands as the lighting around him crackled around him violently. "I see… Yugito, take the boy back to the village. We'll find him a good place to stay. Kirabi, go with her just to make sure they don't try anything."

"What… Why brother? What importance…" Kirabi started to speak before he quickly interrupted by his brother.

"Just do it. I'll explain to you back at the village. Just keep him safe." E stated as he looked over towards the Root Anbu, waiting for him to make a motion towards his brother and Yugito.

Not going to question his brother's command, Kirabi simply nodded before heading off with Yugito in hot pursuit.

Soon as both left, the Raikage's eyes turned to Kakashi as the lighting that was crackling around him formed like a suit of armor around him. "You sure you can kill ninja from your own village, boy?"

"Gladly, to protect my sensei's son and I've been given permission to if necessary." Kakashi stated as his Sharingan eye gazed at the Root, who instantly began to retreat knowing that this was a battle they couldn't win.

The Raikage only smirked before suddenly appearing in front of them. "Good to hear as these four can't get back to Konoha. Not when Konoha has given my village such a great gift and responsibility. I will not fail Minato and make sure his son becomes as great as he was."

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Twelve years had passed since that day Sarutobi had sent Naruto to the hidden village of the Cloud. It had been rather peaceful since then.

Danzo had been executed the moment his squad returned home, in body bags, for treason against Konoha and for attempting start a war with the Cloud. It might have not been the whole truth, but it played into Sarutobi's hand and he acted as if giving Naruto to the Cloud was the price to keep war from starting with them.

Years later, the two villages signed a non-aggression treaty with one another with no hiccups except one. Sarutobi, however, was informed that there was a faction in the Cloud that wanted to overthrow the Raikage by the Raikage himself and was going to kidnap the Hyuuga heiress to cause tension between the villages in an attempt to kick him out of office. Hiashi was able to prevent this when he heard of it and only injured the assailant.

He was also kept informed how Naruto was doing by periodic reports from the Raikage, his brother or one of his other senseis along with letters the boy wrote to him. Sarutobi was saddened by this as he couldn't watch the boy grow himself, but it was for the best for Naruto.

Sighing to himself, forgetting completely about the meaning at hand, he was suddenly brought back by Kakashi coughing. "Um, lord Hokage, may we get on with…"

"Oh, yes. Please do. Which among you believe your teams are ready to compete in the chunin exams? I will inform and warn you, there will be teams from many other villages including each of the other shinobi powers excluding the hidden village of the Rock." Sarutobi suddenly stated, getting back to the task at hand.

Smiling as he knew what the third was lost in thought about, Kakashi nodded before stepping forward. "Then, I do believe my team is ready to compete. I believe they are ready after the incident in the Wave and the experience will do them good in the future."

Next to speak was a woman with long haired brunette in her late twenties took a step forward before speaking. "I believe my team is more the ready for this test. They may be a little young and don't have much experience but from what I see, they are more then ready for this.

After her, she was followed by many other senseis stating the same. Once they were all done, Sarutobi simply handed each of the senseis admission slips and watched until each sensei had left until only the three rookie senseis were left.

As Kakashi took his three slips, he eye smiled at the Hokage before pocketing them. "So, I guess that was a letter from Naruto that arrived just before the meeting."

Both Asuma and Kurenai stopped as they heard this as they took their slips before Sarutobi's son spoke up. "Ah, that would explain the forlorn expression…"

"Not to mention the excitement…" Kurenai added on as she couldn't help but notice the Hokage seemed to be a little happier then he normally was. Then again, he was always happy when he didn't have to do his paperwork.

"Can't I get a moment of peace without you three jumping to conclusions?" Sarutobi stated before all three shook their head. "Dammit, I should have all three of you doing D-rank missions for this…"

"We already do." Asuma stated with a smile before he took a puff of his cigarette. "So what did the boy say?"

Shaking his head, Sarutobi sighed before turning around and looking over the village. "Not much as he is on the road at the moment, coming here for the exams."

"So I guess things are about to get interesting, if that's the case." Kakashi stated as he too got a few letters from Naruto every now and then as he was allowed to drop into and visit him when he was in the Land of Lighting.

Sarutobi simply nodded before smiling as he looked over to his predecessor's head on he monument. "It seems so; I just hope no one tries to entice him to stay here. His true home is now and forever the Cloud, whether we like it or not."

"It isn't like they have much of a choice to accept it." Kakashi added, having been there for the delivery and had seen what the Raikage did to Danzo's Root at the time. "The Raikage is fond of that boy, almost as if he thinks of him as his own son."

"That's not far from the truth, Kakashi. Both he and Minato were extremely close, bond forged by blood if you would." Sarutobi stated as he looked over at the forth's head on the monument before shaking his head. "How different things would be if he was still alive…"

All three jounin simply nodded, knowing it to be true. Asuma was the first to speak as he looked over at his watch before pulling out his pack of cigs. "Well, I better get to my team. It is almost time for us to meet up."

"Eh, my team has been waiting two hours. I told them to be there by eight." Kakashi said with amusement, just picturing their angered faces before they started their tirade of how late he was.

Kurenai sighed as she rubbed her temple in exasperation. "Some things never change, do they Kakashi?" Seeing him give her an eye smile, she rolled her eyes before disappearing in a pop of smoke followed by Asuma.

Sarutobi, while amused, groaned as he pulled out his pipe and lit it. "I wish you would be on time for once. I'm tired of hearing Konohamaru complaining about you being three hours late every day."

Kakashi simply waved him off before grinning as he disappeared as well, making the old man grumble before taking a puff of his pipe. "I swear you do that to me on purpose Hatake… But if he is coming, this will be one interesting Chunin Exam."

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"Well, is this the village that supposedly kicked me out when I was a child?" A very angered teen with golden spiked hair, though it was hard to tell as he wore a red bandana over it with his ninja plate attached to it, stated.

While the hair that stuck out of the back wasn't exactly golden, it was close enough as the sun light reflected off of it making it such. He wore a simple red trench coat with white buckles keeping it closed. It covered most of his body, making it hard to see what else he wore but at his ankles it was possible to see a touch of brown, which were probably his pants, and a pair of black hiking boots.

However, the most noticeable feature was the giant golden blade around six feet in length strapped to his back. The blade itself was curved and contained three separate gems; one was deep crimson while the others were a sparkling yellow and a fiery blue.

Kirabi only shook his head at the blonde, knowing Naruto to be over presumptuous. Plus the fact that he was told of the events that led to his arrival at the Cloud at a young age. "For your own safety as the most of the village didn't want a constant reminder of the beast that took so much from their village."

Yugito, who was standing besides him, only rolled her eyes. "Yeah, but that is still no excuse. The Hokage has supreme power, so why not wield it over them and tell them to fuck off? It seems like he just didn't want to deal with the stress."

Sighing in annoyance as Naruto always seemed more rebellious when she was around, Kirabi shook his head. However, he didn't have to reprimand her as Naruto spoke. "Hey, the old man has a good heart. Besides, at his age that kind of stress could have killed him. Now even more so with that hellion of a kid that one of his two son's had. Forgot his name, though."

Raising her eyebrow at Naruto back talking her, Yugito sighed before placing her hand on her hip. "Fuck, that's another reason why I hate being sent here. Why was I sent to escort you and your gennin team here anyways? Sounds dumb with those monkeys in black cloaks getting ready to hunt us down."

"That's precisely the reason, Yugito. Taking one of us alone isn't as hard as it is with another vessel around. That complicates things, so expect to have a lot more missions with both Naruto and myself." Kirabi told her, smirking as he knew the she disliked the fact that she was being protected.

Naruto knew this as well and decided to pitch in. "Oh, but I doubt he is too worried though. I mean, she is the Raikage in-training after all. What protection is a bunch of gennin and their jounin-sensei going to do?"

Growling as she knew the boy was poking fun at her skills, Yugito take a deep breath before hitting Naruto on the top of the head. "Brat, I'm still far more powerful then you are. Just because you are farther along then I was at your age means nothing. I didn't start getting truly strong till I was in my twenties."

"But, wouldn't that mean that Naruto could even become stronger then you Miss Nii?" A dark skinned girl with long red hair asked. She wore a tight black tank-top cut above her belly button, revealing some of her bust, with a white jacket on top and a white bandana to cover the top of her head. She wore a simple pair of black pants with a pouch strapped to her left thigh.

Yugito scoffed at that before looking over at the girl, Karui if she remembered her name correctly. "Mathematically, it is possible. But, the thing is I was stunted in my training due to war and having to help raise Blondie here. If I had the same type of background as Naruto had, I could even be more powerful…"

"Oh give it a rest, Yugito before I have to break it up again. Don't forget while you are the Head Ninja, I'm still the second strongest. And as of this mission, I'm in charge, not you." Kirabi established himself, getting tired of Naruto and Yugito's fighting.

He didn't understand why she was so upset that many considered that Naruto had far surpassed her when she was that age. She was twenty-six, so why couldn't she act like it instead of acting like she was royalty. He also knew it was more because Yugito felt threatened by Naruto, but it conflicted with her other feelings, especially seeing that she considered him family.

Narrowing her eyes, not liking it for a second that she wasn't in command as she normally was, Yugito simply huffed before she took the lead, heading towards Konoha.

As she walked, the other part of the gennin team scratched his head as he watched her leave. Just as Karui, he had a dark skin and wore a tight black shirt. However, he wore loose fitting pants as he was tired of having problems with tight jeans. He also wore a black bandana wrapped around his head showing off his white hair.

Finally getting tired of being left out, he finally spoke. "Sensei, why does Miss Nii act like that around Naruto? She is normally calm, composed and normally fun to be around. Hell, I remember when she was nothing but kind to Naruto and that wasn't that long ago."

Kirabi, knowing Yugito could hear them despite being a good distance in front of them and talking with the gate guards, simply shrugged his shoulders as it wasn't up to him tell. "There are many reasons, but not one I can put a finger on. So it is best just to let go and let her solve her own issues."

Arriving at the gate, Yugito obviously waiting as she didn't feel entirely comfortable going into the village by herself, Kirabi handed his papers to the guard. The said guard went over them like a fine comb before nodding as he handed them back. "Welcome to Konoha. Please act accordingly and try not to cause any trouble otherwise you will be thrown out. After you check yourself in with the Hokage's staff, you will be designated a hotel room to stay in for your duration."

Nodding as he was speaking more to his gennin then he was to him. After all, what jounin wouldn't know how to behave in another village? Well, the exception being that purple haired Konoha ninja… Anko, he believed her name was. Then again, he really couldn't complain. That night had been really, really fun.

As Kirabi led the way to the tower, with a glowering Yugito and a curious team trailing, the chunin watched them leaving. More specifically, he was watching the blonde before turning to his partner. "Hmp, looks like the exams will be pretty interesting. The Yondaime's legacy is back."

"Seriously? No way, he looks nothing like what I thought he would. I was picturing him to be… Well, shorter and wearing orange or something." The other chunin spoke in shock, not believing that to be the Kyuubi vessel.

"Kotetsu, Izumo, get back to work! If I hear you chatting again and not looking for anyone suspicious I will report you two again." A feminine voice command them as an Anbu wearing a cat mask stood on top of the gate.

Muttering bitch under their breathes, they went back to their duties. Shaking her head, as she didn't have much to do either as her duties were the same except she actually had to do something about it, she sighed before returning to her previous post.

'Well, at least that is over. Dammit, that means I'm going to have a hell of a month just to make sure… Ugh! I hate the kid! This is going to be troublesome! Couldn't I have just gotten an assassination mission with my squad? It would be some much easier!'

Hearing them chatter once more, she grew irate before she grabbed two small rocks and hit them on top of the head. "Shut up and take your jobs seriously! Who knows who could be trying to get in? For all we know, that traitorous snake could be among these guys or even worse!"

At the said moment, Konoha barely visible in the distance, the jounin of a certain sound gennin squad stopped as his nose itched and knew someone was talking about him and got a bad feeling. "I think we should wait for a moment. They're onto me."

The three gennin groaned. Damn their paranoid leader.

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Walking on his own through the village he was born in, Naruto only shook his head. It was quite a peaceful place from what he had seen so far. How was it that this was the village that wanted his blood just for being their savior?

He grew angry at that thought, but he only sighed before looking to see where he was. Great, he lost sight of both Karui and Omoi. When he lost them, he had no idea but he started to back track in order to find them. There was, however, one problem was that.

Growing frustrated as he was utterly lost, he took a small alley between two wooden fences as he caught sight of his other two teammates, both of which were looking for him.

"Naruto! Where the hell have you been?" Karui yelled at him before throwing a rock at his face, which Naruto aptly dodged immediately knowing she could put some force into her throws.

"Don't know. I got lost looking at the sights and somehow lost both of you in the process. What happened, get distracted by some young boy Karui?" Naruto suddenly joked at the end, trying to rile her up and get the attention off of him as he gotten lost.

The next second, Naruto had to side step a katana thrown to his jugular before Karui started screaming at him. "SHUT UP NARUTO! I DO NOT LIKE YOUNG BOYS LIKE THAT!"

This caused Omoi to blink for a second before decided to join in on Naruto to humiliate his other teammate. "Oh, I don't know about that. I've seen you how you look at those ten year olds at the academy. It is as if you have a crush on them…"

"FUCK OFF OMOI! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A HUSTLER LOOKING TO GET LAID OFTEN!" Karui yelled back at him, still seething as she pulled her katana out of the fence and waved it towards him dangerously.

Waving his hands passively at her, not going to deny her claim, Omoi spoke softly so she would direct her anger towards someone else. "As true as that is, weren't you mad at Naruto as we've been looking for him for twenty minutes and that he started talking about you love for little boys first?"

"UZUMAKI, YOU'RE DEAD!" Karui yelled at the blonde as she was effectively maneuvered to bring her attention on Naruto.

The only thing was Naruto was on a dead sprint and was already out of sight. 'Shit! Shit! Next time, don't let Omoi get involved! He always screws me over!'

In the very next moment, Naruto put on the brakes and skidded to a stop as Karui appeared in front of him, trying to behead him. Falling on all fours to avoid the slice, he darted off in the other direction while yelling out. "KARUI I'M SORRY! DON'T KILL ME!"

However, it didn't seem like she was listening as Karui was brandishing the blade like a whip while screaming a war cry at the top of her lungs. So it was inevitable that Naruto had to barrel into someone who Karui also tumbled over and ate concrete as a result.

As both groaned as they got up, the person they had ran over yelled out at them. "OW! Watch were the hell you are going… AHK! CLOUD NINJA!"

Blinking for a moment, Naruto was the first to recover, checking to make sure Karui wasn't going to continue her assault. Seeing that she had calmed down considerably, he turned his attention to the apparent young boy. "Sorry about that… I pissed my team mate off here and she was trying to kill me."

"Oh, I do that kind of stuff to my pink haired team mate all the time. It is so funny to watch her get pissed for the littlest things. The name is Konohamaru and I guess you are here for the exam?" The boy now known as Konohamaru chuckled as he understood completely, loving to do the same thing to his team mate, Sakura.

Karui nodded, noticeable blushing, before speaking in a much softer and kinder voice. "We are. Wait, you are a gennin? You don't look to be ten."

Smirking, Konohamaru jumped up before flexing a muscular pose even if he was rather bony for his age. "I'm not! I am Sarutobi Konohamaru, graduated at the age of nine from the academy!"

Rolling his eyes, both at Konohamaru and Karui's gaze towards the said boy, Naruto sighed before picking himself up and dusting himself off. "Don't be telling that to others, as they will eat you apart as there are some that didn't become gennin till fourteen or even later."

Arriving to see his team mates were safe and sound and Konohamaru, Omoi started panting heavily as it was extremely hard to keep up with them. "Damn… both of you. How are you both so fast?!"

Ignoring Omoi's outburst, Naruto gagged the young boy's reaction before smirking as he saw an opening. "Hm, but I doubt you graduated very easily. Just from your demeanor, I can tell while you were above everyone else in your age class, those in the graduating class made you look like a fool. I bet if it wasn't for an easy final exam, you wouldn't have made it, would you?"

Seeing that Konohamaru's demeanor had completely changed from confident to shell shocked, Karui was about to say something when a pink haired girl jumped over, having heard the conversation as she was in the training ground not to far off. "That's not true! Konohamaru did…"

"Shut up, I'm not finished." Naruto commanded her in a deathly tone, making the girl fidget and back away in fear as the blonde's eyes flashed red, adding to the fear.

Knowing what he was doing, both Karui and Omoi kept their mouths shut as one less opponent to deal with in the exam was for the best, even if they found it questionable that he was going to tear down such a young boy. "Furthermore, seeing from your age you must be the grandson to the Hokage, you were probably given favorable treatment making it easier to graduate."

"You are nothing more then a little child entering the big kid's domain. Be warned, the strong will crush the weak as that is what the strong will do and if you get in my way, I will make sure you won't ever do so again as a weak little kid like you should know better." Naruto stated swiftly, his tone being just as deadly as it was before.

However after a moment, he smirked as the result he had wanted seemed to be manifesting itself. Instead of being a cowardly young boy, he saw his eyes lit up and the fire within them told him he gathered his courage. "I am not weak… I will show everyone that I'm strong, even if I have to kick their asses to do it! Make no mistake, I am ready for this!"

Smirking as he crossed his arms, Naruto began to chuckle as he suppressed the killing intent he had been releasing. "Good to know and I will look forward to it. A shinobi without the fire to grow stronger is little more then cannon fodder. I hope to see you there tomorrow."

Seeing the look of surprise on the young boy's face, Naruto turned around and motioned for both Karui and Omoi to follow before turning back around to Konohamaru. "Oh, and tell your team mate over in that tree his stealth is pitiful. I knew he was there from the first moment pinky showed up."

Growling as he heard this, Sasuke jumped down with his fist clinched as they started walking away again before yelling out. "Who are you?!"

Stopping and looking back, Naruto shrugged. "Not for you to know, however," Looking back towards Konohamaru, Naruto smirked again, "Since he at least proved himself, I will flatter you with a response."

Glad this response pissed the boy off that demanded his name, Naruto turned around and started walking off before saying his name, making it hard to catch. However, it was loud enough that he made sure they heard it. "Uzumaki Naruto."
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