Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Death Brings New Life ❯ Escape ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

CrimsonCat101:Sorry for the wait.(sighs) The teachers have not been kind to us have they.
(Begins to rip 8 page report)
Hikari Yume: Oi readers! Forgive me for this foolish soul knows not the meaning of deadlines. I am slow. All blame may be placed on me! Burn me at the stake...except not really. No! Get away from me! shameless plug Go read my stuff too if you have time.
CrimsonCat101:Don't be so hard on yourself! It's the teachers! It truly is! Don't blame us!
CrimsonCat101: I thank those that have reviewed, you made me post this 3 days earlier then planned. All those that didn't (I know who you are) review!
Anyway I want suggestions for Naruto's weapon, after I get enough, there will be a voting pole so review!!!!!!
Also there will be a little bit of a darker Naruto in the future, so yeah NarutoOOC later.
Disclaimer: Do not own Naruto Masashi Kishimoto does
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Death Brings New Life
The leaves rustled as a blonde genin dashed through the treetops. Jumping from branch to branch was an easy practice for the young ninja.
`This is way too easy…' Naruto paused, his face converting to one of uncertainty. `But I'm not sure I want to just leave Konoha.' He dodged an incoming branch and continued his constant pace. `I just—`
`Listen brat! I'm sorry to cut off your never ending thoughts of regret, but we are not in the clear quite yet.' Kyuubi snorted. Naruto halted on a nearby branch.
`The Hokage will alert the anbu to pursue, no doubt.' Kyuubi paused. `They will easily catch up to you.' Naruto face became filled with worry.
`WHAAAATTTT!?!?' Naruto thoughts burst through his minds landscape, earning him a menacing growl from his tenant.
`DAMN YOU! NOT SO LOUD YOU IDIOT!' The bijuu roared, making Naruto wince. Knowing Naruto wasn't going to apologize anytime soon, he continued calmly. `I said younot us.'
Naruto brightened, `I get it! All right fox! Give me your chakra!' Naruto awaited the power to flow through his veins, his nails to lengthen, and his eyes to turn blood red. After a few seconds of feeling no different he prepared to question the fox when he answered for him.
`I cannot give you my chakra unless yours is greatly diminished or non-existent. So gather all of your chakra and go as fast as you can to Ta no Kuni. As soon as you run put of chakra, mine will take over.' Kyuubi explained.
`Why Ta no Kuni?'
``Kabuto` would go there so now we have to.' Kyuubi scowled.
`Just grand.' Naruto complained. He formed a hand seal and molded a blue chakra at his feet. “Alright! I've wasted too much time already.” With that he took off with renewed speed.
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“The target is now moving at a faster rate.” Three masked anbu gave chase to the oto nin. Each was clothed in black and gray armor, complete with armguards. Their shoulders were left uncovered, revealing the tattoo embedded on their upper left arm. The tattoo was a spiral that marked an anbu member. All members had a Ninjaken usually found strapped to their back. The white masks that covered their faces were made of porcelain; each having unique features referring to different animals.
The tallest one of the group halted on a tree limb. The other two noticed the absence, stopping two branches ahead.
“What's wrong?”
“The target is heading toward the north border between Hi no Kuni and Ta no Kuni. Therefore, if we use chakra, we should be able to catch him before he reaches the border with no problems. Since we have soldier pills, chakra exhaustion should be no concern.” The bird-masked anbu concluded. The two anbu ahead of him nodded in agreement. Each then formed a hand seal and released the chakra at their feet. The bird-masked anbu nodded at the two and all three disappeared, heading northbound.
Their pace was brisk and smooth. The sounds they left were close to non-existent.
“The target is almost in range.” The bird-masked anbu called to the others. They then saw flicker of orange. They were almost upon the oto nin when a killer intent swept over them. Instantly freezing under the murderous intent that made Orochimaru seem like an innocent little girl. They stood still, unable to break free of the fear that clenched their heart. Their minds screamed to flee, but an invisible force seemed to hold them in place. The orange was suddenly replaced by a pulsing red energy.
`Is that chakra?'
A small shockwave was released from the direction of the red chakra. It swept up the leaves and debris. The anbu shut their eyes as a reaction to the heavy wind that pressed for the slight second.
The murderous intent disappeared, and the anbu quickly recovered. Realizing then that the ninja was gone they glanced at each other.
The one that wore the bear mask spoke first. “What the hell was that?” He said, pausing between each word.
The one in the bird-mask replied softly. “I'm not sure.” Silence swept over them, as life seemed no longer present.
The taller anbu spoke again. “The target has escaped…I can no longer sense the Oto nin's chakra anywhere near us.”
“We should report our observations to the Hokage at once.” The bear-masked anbu noted turning to his comrades. The two agreed silently.
They hurried off in the southwest direction, no longer using chakra to propel them.
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“Are we safe now?” Naruto questioned the fox, his voice slightly more distinct.
`Yes Kit, they stopped pursuing us a while back, and we're safely across the border.' Kyuubi grinned; this kid sure wasn't boring.
Otogakure no Sato was directly north from where they stood, only a few kilometers. The village was practically run by Orochimaru, the legendary snake Sanin. Though not official, his business was conducted and the leader of the village didn't care…or couldn't. He took his experiments and pawns whenever he needed them, without effort.
“That's good.” He undid the transformation, his claws receding, his eyes turning to its prideful blue, the whisker marks becoming less defined.
His body suddenly felt twenty times heavier. He was about to question the fox, when he fell over into blissful unconsciousness.
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“Can you get this for me?” An old man asked. He was clothed in simple village wear and stood next to a cabinet, pointing at small wooden bucket.
“Yeah, yeah.” The girl was taller then the old man and wore unusual clothing. She wore a kimono-like wear; expect the bottom, which was a short skirt that ended a few centimeters above her knees. The arms were covered unless raised. The clothing was a simple solid black. The backside consisted of an upside down purple equilateral triangle, a blue bar three centimeters above that, and three centimeters above that was a red equilateral triangle. Her right leg had a shuriken holster attached to it. Her forehead had a steel hitai-ate with a musical note placed on it.
Her hair was black and pinned up by a back clip. Her eyes a dazzling ruby outshone much of everything. Her slim figure allowed her to seduce any man.
She reached for the bucket, pushing up on her tiptoes. After acquiring it she handed it to the old man. He shook his hands in front of him to silently refuse. The girl raised a quizzical eyebrow.
“Akane, could you do an old man a favor and gather the herbs for me today?” The old man questioned his voice dry and raspy.
“Doesn't Takako usually do that? That's why we pay her.” She snorted, opened the door and walked out into the serene forest. “Alright Gramps, I'll be back soon.” She grumbled and turned away from the small house. The old man shut the door, smiling at the girl's antics all the while.
She walked in the forest looking for the correct herbs on her list. The first thing on her list, were small four-pointed leaves, essential for any wound. Locating those easily to her right she continued onward until the last item on her list.
`Orange copper leaves next, eh.' She began her search eagerly wanting to get home. She went around a tree catching a glimpse of orange. She walked over to the sight dodging a thorn bush on the way.
She now stood over a sleeping boy, garbed in a torn up orange jumpsuit. Scruffy blonde hair, and whisker marked cheeks added to his features.
`What the hell?'
“Get up you lazy bum!” When he didn't move she kicked him on the side of his rib cage. “Get up, dammit! This is no place to doze off!” She continued to seethe because he still didn't budge. Livid as she was, she finally realized he was wounded and probably unconscious. She calmed instantly and grabbed his collar by the back. She lifted him over her shoulder with one hand and carried him off.
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“Uuuugh.” He raised his hand to place it on his forehead as his vision came into focus. “Where the hell am I?” He felt the bed he was on and noticed he was in someone's house. `Hey furball! What the hell is going on?'
`Well, being the idiot you are, you used my chakra for an extended time and forgot about the toll on your body. After using my chakra a portion of the damage is done to you, this time meaning chakra exhaustion. I estimate you've only been out for a couple of hours.' Kyuubi growled. Naruto stood up, observing his surroundings.
`Damn blondes.' Kyuubi scowled.
`Damn furball!' Naruto grinned, knowing the fox was irate about being called a furball all the time.
Noticing steam from a nearby room, he slowly approached the source. When he entered the small kitchen he saw an old man making something that smelled familiar.
The old man turned around to notice the blonde walk in.
“Ah, your finally awake.” The man said, smiling at him. “My granddaughter found you while harvesting herbs. I don't know what happened, but you're welcome to stay here.” He paused then began to speak again. “Dinner will be ready in a minute I'm not much of a cook since my daughter, Akane, usually does it. So I'm afraid I can only serve you ramen today.” Naruto's face lit up.
“No problems there. I absolutely love ramen! It's all that I adore in life.” He beamed.
“Well, I guess I'm lucky, eh.” He chuckled. “My name is Akita Hiroshi, and you are?”
“Uzumaki Naruto.”
“Well Naruto-kun, may I ask why Akane found you in such a state?” Hiroshi said grabbing bowls out of the cupboard and beginning to fill them with the brimming noodles from the pot.
“Uh, not really.” The blonde said grinning quite sheepishly.
“Well that's alright, but if you want to talk I'm open.” Hiroshi set the bowls of ramen on the table. Naruto sat down, eager to eat.
“This really kind of you Hiroshi-san.”
“It's nothing, I don't mind more company” He paused. “Now, where is Akane?” He walked to the door that led outside and opened it slightly. “Akane! It's time to come in!” He shouted as loud as a withered old man could. Naruto patiently waited knowing it was rude to start eating. The old man then started to walk away from the door, leaving it open slightly. A girl reached for the door handle and shut it behind her. Naruto looked up to see a girl quite a bit taller then him stride in. Her eyes were a dazzling ruby, something Naruto couldn't look at directly.
Red eyes reminded him too much of his killer.
“So the runt is finally up.” She grunted.
Hiroshi sighed before speaking. “Naruto-kun, this is my beautiful granddaughter, Akane.”
Naruto nodded and smiled. “Thanks for bringing me here, your hospitality is greatly appreciated.” Akane's arms were crossed as she `humped' and took a seat at the table.
`What the hell is her problem?' Naruto thought.
`I don't really care, but I do care about the hitai-ate strapped on that forehead of hers.' Kyuubi said, making Naruto curious to what he meant. The boy raised his eyes to rest on her forehead, dodging the red eyes. `That's right, an Oto nin. This could be a major turnaround of events. It's a good thing you pocketed your Konoha hitai-ate before, otherwise this would be a reallybad situation.' Kyuubi concluded, Naruto agreed.
`Should I leave?'
`Not yet, eat your fill and don't act suspicious. Then we will take our leave.' Kyuubi explained.
Naruto raised his chopsticks, uttered an, `arigatou', and began to splurge into the ramen. Knowing full well while he ate, that his bond to ramen would never break, unlike that bastard, Sasuke.
Akane ate, her eyes fixed on the blonde the entire time. Her eyes bothered Naruto, because it reminded him of a past long unforgotten. This aggravated Naruto.
“What's wrong? Is there something you don't like?” He strained himself, his anger characterized on his face.
“Yes actually, I'm staring at someone that happens to be eating in our home. You're also clothed in a torn orange jumpsuit. No matter how ungodly that is, there is still an unanswered question I'd like to ask.” Akane replied, her eyes cold and merciless.
`Shit! Kyuubi, this isn't going to well.'
“Who are you?” She questioned harshly, Haroshi remained silent and had stopped eating a while ago.
`Think fast, kit.' Kyuubi advised.
Naruto avoided her gaze, by looking at the floor. “I am a villager at the Land of Waves, and I…” He paused slightly. “I was attacked by a group of ninja's on the outskirts of the village. They chased me here, where I collapsed.” The blonde said, hoping they were not going to question him further. If only they didn't…
Akane continued to throw questions rapidly. “What ninja village attacked you?”
“Mizu nin.”
“I'm not sure.”
“You're a civilian, right?”
“Then why is there a shuriken holster on your right leg?”
`Shit, I'm screwed'
`That you are kit. That you are.' If Kyuubi were human he would have his eyes closed, arms crossed, and head nodding solemnly.
Naruto felt cold metal against throat in seconds; a speed that rivaled a jÅnin.
“Are you a Oto nin?” She whispered in his ear. Her words seem to suck all life dry. Naruto swallowed dryly, weighing honesty and little white lies. Honesty seemed to be the best choice here, since she would find out anyway.
“I'm a Konoha nin.” He sighed.
“Prove it” Akane said, still clutching the kunai at his throat. Naruto reached into his pocket Akane tensed at the movement. The said blonde pulled out a steel hitai-ate with the Konoha symbol embedded on it.
The kunai loosened, slowly lowering from his neck. She sat back at her seat on the opposite end of the table.
“Why aren't I dead?” Naruto questioned, curious to the loss of the hostility.
“It's a long story.” Akane sighed, beginning to eat the ramen, Hiroshi also began. Naruto was still confused, and made sure to make it obvious with his facial features. Akane noticed his confusion and set her chopsticks to the side of her bowl. “You are welcome to stay here as long as you please, I don't mind Konoha shinobi…it's a story for another time”
The rest of the dinner was eaten in silence, with outward gaping on top of that. Akane and her grandfather watched as Naruto seemed to breathe in the noodles. At first they were amazed, but it slowly turned to horror as he came to his tenth bowl.
After dinner Naruto told them he was going out to train nearby. Hiroshi gave him a, `alright' look. Akane said she would also train, but in the opposite direction.
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Naruto came into a clearing, where the forest gave him enough room to practice.
`Alright, I'm here. Now what?' Naruto questioned the demon fox.
`Now we begin a new type of training. Once we're done, you will be a new Naruto altogether.' The Kyuubi smirked sadistically behind the sealed cage in his mind. Whatever he had planned, it didn't sound humane.
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CrimsonCat101: yeah, I know it's a little long, but I wanted to get this out of the way. Next chapter will--
(Kyuubi jumps on author and puts a paw over the author's mouth)
Kyuubi: Don't you dare ruin this for me! It's a surprise so back off!
CrimsonCat101: okajshy, okdhay (okay, okay) XP