Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Demons amoung the Akatsuki ❯ Chapter 7

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 7
Later that night…
Keyoko and Akazaku sat on the hideout's roof, gazing up at the moon. They had discovered a secret door leading to the roof while exploring, so they decided to sit there for a while. (Not to mention, the view from up there was amazing) A slight wind brushed against the girls. Keyoko shivered slightly. (She's nearly cold-blooded) She seemed to be deep in thought, until Akazaku broke the silence. “I hate to admit it, but you were right, Keyo.” Keyoko eyed her oddly. “About what?” Akazaku sighed. “About this while Akatsuki thing. We finally found people who love us for who we really are.” Keyoko smiled, but her tone was laced with sadness. “But, they still don't know our secret. Do you think they'd still love us if they knew?” Akazaku's grin grew mischievous. “Are forgetting that they kissed us? I'm sure they'd still love us if they knew. I could sense it when I looked into Deidara's eyes.” She then sighed dreamily. Keyoko nodded and fixed her gaze back to the moon. “Yeah, you're probably right. I'm just worrying too much.”
Minutes later, the soft sound of footsteps could be heard from behind them. Both girls turned their heads to see Deidara and Sasori standing behind them. Deidara gave a quick wave. “Hey.” The two of them stepped closer. Smiles slowly crept across the girls' faces. “What's up?” Sasori shrugged. “We just wanted to see what you two were up to.” Both boys took a seat beside the girls. Deidara looked upwards. “It's a beautiful night.” Akazaku nodded. Deidara grinned and turned to her. “Wanna go for a flight?” Akazaku grew excited. “Sure. You two comin'?” She inclined her head towards Keyoko and Sasori. Keyoko was just about to say `yes', when Sasori shook his head. “Actually, I wanted to talk to Keyoko about something, if you don't mind.”
Deidara shrugged as he pulled out a decent-sized lump of clay. He put it into his right mouth-hand. A tiny bird popped out as Deidara performed a single seal. The bird grew until it was twenty times its original size. He helped Akazaku onto its back before hopping on himself. Akazaku gave a small wave. “Have fun, Keyo.” The bird began to flap its mighty clay wings. Keyoko returned the wave. “Speak for yourself, Aka.” The bird gave another powerful flap; sending it several feet into the air. The bird quickly gained more altitude and faded from sight in a matter of seconds.
Sasori grinned slightly and turned to Keyoko. “That's better. I needed to talk to you alone.” Keyoko nodded. “I'm listening.” Sasori suddenly grew uncomfortable. `It's now or never. You have to tell her. If she finds out on her own, she'll hate you forever for keeping it a secret. Come on, just tell her.' He stood up suddenly. “I have a confession to make. When we were having our soda contest, I spilled my drink on purpose. The reason is…” He unzipped his robe and tossed it aside. He remained as still as a statue; ensuring that she could clearly see what he was.
His wooden abdomen glowed eerily in the moonlight. He gave her a pained smile. “Because I am this. I myself am part of my art. For that reason, I can't eat or drink, but I knew you would've begged me to participate regardless.” He paused momentarily. “S-So, does this change your opinion of me? Please be honest.” Keyoko's face slowly changed from slight shock, to one of understanding. She stood up and embraced him tightly. “What does it matter what you are on the outside? It's your heart that I see, nothing else.” Sasori's face softened. “Thank you. You're the first person to say that.” He slowly wrapped his arms around her. “So, do you have any horrible secrets to tell me? Other than the fact that you're madly in love with me?” Keyoko gazed up into his laughter-hinted eyes. She found herself laughing as well. “What's obvious is obvious.” He smiled wider, leaning forward. Their lips connected gently as Keyoko held him closer. She could feel her heart threatening to explode yet again as he kissed her harder. Her eyes slid closed as she willed the moment to last forever. The moonlight seemed to put them in its spotlight as it grew brighter.
As this happened…
The wind whipped Akazaku's hair in her face as she held on to Deidara. `Heh, it's as windy up her as a day when Keyoko's angry. I wonder how fast his bird this going.' They were thousands of feet in the air going about forty miles an hour. Deidara, without turning his head, asked, “Is it too windy for you?” She shook her head. “No, I'm good. Is it alright if I sit down?” Deidara nodded. She loosened her grip and sat down beside him. Despite their speed, the bird's back provided a smooth ride. She looked out at the ground below. The view was amazing. She grinned as she held her hair out of her face.
“The sky is so beautiful tonight, but I bet I can make it prettier.” Deidara turned to face her and he too sat down. He gave her a quizzical stare. “How?” She grinned wider and stood up. She then caught her hands on fire and shot it outwards in an intricate pattern. A few minutes later, she sent the fire away and admired her handiwork. Deidara gazed upwards and saw a phoenix made of fire streaked across the sky. It was so beautiful, that it nearly left him speechless. “What do you think?” she asked proudly as she slowly sat back down. Deidara's face softened. “It's every bit as beautiful as you.”
Akazaku blushed and looked down. Deidara responded by gently placing his hand under her chin. He slowly raised her head; locking their eyes. “Don't be embarrassed, I love you.” Their lips met in a warm rush of desire. He placed his other had against the small of her back; pulling her closer. She could feel her heart throbbing wildly as she kissed him harder. The two of them wished that moment would never end as the bird made it way back to the hideout.