Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Enter the Steel Ninjas ❯ Meet Kristy, Ricky, and Jack ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

For those of you who read this fanfic I made some changes in the story.

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After training all day long squad 7 was going to sit at the park to relax and eat lunch. Then they saw 3 people in the distance and Kakashi went up to them. One boy was very tall and real skinny with long arms and legs, white/blonde hair, green eyes, and a strange look on his face and he was wearing black boots, brown jeans, a black shirt and a camoflouge vest. The shorter boy had black hair, blue eyes and he wore black boots, blue jeans, a silver shirt, and a light brown vest. The girl had brown hair, black eyes and was wearing black jeans, brown boots, a white shirt, a gray vest, and had a ruby red pendant aound her neck

Kakashi: Who are you guy and how come you're in our village and where are you from?

Ninja 3: We are form the Hidden Steel Village and your hokage gave us permission to live here.

Sakura: How come I've never heard of it before.

Ninja 1: Our village has lived in secret up until now.

Sasuke: How do I know you don't work for Orochimaru and the sound ninjas.

Ninja 1: Those morons have been trying to attack our village, with every shot failed.

Ninja 2: Those guys are getting more difficult to stop and they'll eventually beat us. We're here
to make a peaceful alliance with your village and it turns out seems we share a common enemy.

Naruto: How come that guy looks like a psycho?(points to ninja 1)


Ninja 2: He's always like that and he's really all right once you get to know him. By the way my name's Jack Metasake.

Ninja 1: The name's Rick Netsu
ninja extrodinare.

Ninja 3: I'm Kristy Gamako.

Kakashi:You guys look friendly enough, by the way I'm Kakashi and these are my students Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha.

Naurto: Why don't you guys hang with us?

Jack: Sure why not you guys can tell us about yourselves and we'll tell about our selves.
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Next chapter: Lee V.S Rick

Please reveiw and let me know what you think.