Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Finally Found ❯ Hidden Strength ( Chapter 2 )

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Chapter 2 --- Hidden Strength
Naruto, fresh out of the hospital, walked through the streets looking for Hinata. She wasn't at the flower shop, Ino said she hadn't seen Hinata all day. Even though she wasn't at Ichiraku, Naruto managed to spend an hour there eating ramen. That's where he ran into a familiar face.
“Kakashi-sensei!” Naruto slurped down the last of the soup in his bowl and smiled at Kakashi.
“How are you feeling Naruto? I heard about your fight with Sasuke.” Naruto had not expected to answer to Kakashi so soon after his loss to Sasuke and just looked down. He was just not ready yet.
“Uh yeah. I'm ok I guess.” Naruto needed to change the subject. “Kakashi-sensei, have you seen Hinata around?”
“Hinata? I think she's in the forest training with Kiba and Shino, why?” Naruto got up and started running towards the forest trying to get away from Kakashi as soon as possible.
“I have to… um…” he stopped talking as he got further away. He reached the forest and began to look for Hinata. After a short time he found her standing alone in a small clearing surrounded by trees. He could only see her back as he ran to her.
“Hinata…” Naruto had just reached her when she suddenly turned around, byakugon activated, and hit him with a jukken blow to his chest. He fell straight to the floor. “Wha…”
“NARUTO-KUN!!!” Hinata seemed more shocked then Naruto as she deactivated her byakugon and looked at him on the floor.
“Hinata… why did you…” Naruto stopped short as Hinata reactivated her byakugon. A fierce look came over her face as she stepped over Naruto's body.
-- What is she doing?
Kunai after kunai came flying at them from the surrounding trees. Naruto watched in amazement as Hinata deflected every kunai that came with chakra gathered in her hand. She had moved so fast that Naruto barely saw her, but she moved with a speed and grace that Naruto had never seen. As the last kunai fell to the ground Hinata, breathing heavily, remained standing over Naruto.
“Hinata…” Naruto was in shock and could barely speak. “…that was incredible.” Hinata deactivated her byakugon and jumped away from Naruto. Her eyes immediately hit the floor as Naruto got to his feet. “Hinata, what was that?” Finally getting over his shock he quickly looked around, thinking they might be in trouble.
“Na..Naruto-kun… are you… o…ok?”
“I'm fine but what was that Hinata?” She was still looking at the ground. He couldn't help but think to himself, “how could she look down when she's being attacked? What was that?” Before Hinata had time to stutter an answer Kiba and Shino jumped out of the trees and landed next to her. Their sudden appearance confused Naruto.
“Hinata that was great!”
“Very good, Hinata.”
Kiba walked over to Naruto. “What's up Naruto? Are you TRYING to interrupt Hinata's training? You're lucky she saved you man…”
It suddenly hit Naruto. “Training…” he started scratching the back of his head, “oh yeah Kakashi-sensei told me you were training out here. I'm sorry Hinata.” He looked over to Hinata who was still looking at the floor, her face seemed to glow red.
“i-it's ok… Na… Naruto-kun… are y-you hurt?” She tilted her head up slightly. She could only see Naruto's feet and could not bring her eyes up any further.
“No I'm not…” an amazed Naruto thought back over the scene he had just seen. “…that was amazing Hinata.”
Watching her strike the side of each kunai as it came flying at them full speed was astonishing. She had not hesitated to save him and did so with such intensity. This is not the same Hinata that he had known; she had grown without him noticing. Naruto was confused, however, and it seemed to him that Hinata reverted to her old self. She remained planted in the same spot with her eyes on the ground.
Naruto suddenly remembered why he had searched for Hinata and put both his hands behind his head and smiled. “Hey Hinata I wanted to thank you for the flowers you left for me in the hospital.” At these words all of Hinata's blood seemed to rush to her face. Kiba's jaw dropped and Shino's eyebrows raised up as they both looked at Hinata.
“So is that where you've been going to everyday before practice?” Hinata shot Kiba a fierce look that made him jump back a little. “I'm just kidding Hinata… geez.”
Naruto didn't understand what was going on. “Well I don't want to interrupt your training any longer. Thanks again Hinata,” Naruto yelled as he was walking away as he wanted to get to training himself.
Kiba and Shino still stared at Hinata. Shino, sensing Hinata's embarrassment, motioned for Kiba to follow him out of the clearing.
Hinata remained there staring at the retreating Naruto. “You're welcome… Naruto-kun…”