Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Foolish Games ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Foolish Games

Chapter Three

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yes, I'm updating again. No, I don't know why.

Disclaimer: Ask not the impossible.

Note: My Original Character, Regina, is the same character I used in my other YYH fic, True Blue. I just changed her name, as her personality fit the ideal for this story.

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Iruka was thoroughly exhausted from training. He had been given some of the most energetic students, the most rowdy, and at the end of the day it left him drained. He entered the bar (the only one in the village) and immediately coughed from the thick layer of smoke. Through the haze he spotted his friend and carefully (the floor was littered with cigarette butts and the dredges of drunken brawls) lumbered over.

"So, Kakashi," Iruka sat in the sticky barstool next to his fellow jounin, who sat hunched over with his forehead on the counter's edge, "What's so important that you left training early and called me down to a bar to tell me?"

Kakashi slid him a beer. "Take a drink first. You'll need it."

The dark- haired shinobi shrugged and took a swig. "Well?"

"Regina's back."

Iruka downed the remaining contents. "How do you know?"

"She waltzed into the middle of our training. Naruto and Sasuke are already quite taken with her."

"Bitch. Why the hell would she come back? She has nothing here."

"So you think." Regina slid into the seat next to him. "Vodka martini, please." She ordered before turning to the shinobi. "You boys are unusually quite hostile today. I hope it has nothing to do with me."

"What are you doing here, Regina?" Kakashi asked, unmasked venom in his voice.

She sipped her drink coolly. "A girl has the right to visit old friends just as the lady of Konoha reserves the right to check up on the villages she rules over."

Iruka grimaced. "You're not ruler yet."

"Actually, I am." She extended her milk- white hand. A blood- red garnet was set in a silver band. "Inducted just last year. I thought I should take a small tour of my new territory." She withdrew her hand and finished her drink. "A kind elderly lady- Mrs. Yoshina? Mrs. Yoshina rented me an apartment." Laughing at their sullen faces, she continued. "Not to worry, I'll leave after the festival."

"The festival's a month from now."

"Do you think me simple, Kakashi? I know when the festival is, and I intend to say until then."

Iruka and Kakashi exchanged looks.

Regina placed a fresh bill on the counter. "For their drinks as well." She told the bartender. "Keep the change."

"Oh, and Regina?" Kakashi caught the sleeve of her coat. She looked down at him, her dark eyes searching his face, stopping at the cloth that covered his nose and mouth, and raised an eyebrow. He tightened his grasp menacingly. "Stay away from my students, okay."

"Well Kakashi," Regina laughed, eyes full of mischief and malicious intent, "You have grown up."

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: There are a couple things I feel I should explain:

The Festival- There are two reasons for this one.

I felt like a deadline was needed and

It seems like Hidden Leaf village would have an annual festival, ne?

The Lady- My main reason for this will be obvious a bit later on.

Lady Celestia: *furiously typing on laptop (ha ha- I wish) in a random, isolated cave*

Kakashi: *reading book*

Yusuke: It's cold in here. When can I go home?

LC: When you shut up.

Kakashi: *oblivious*

Yusuke: *turns on a rap CD*

LC: *smashes the CD player* TURN OFF THAT DAMN RAP MUSIC!

Yusuke: I knew I should have stayed at home…..