Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Forget Me Not ❯ Forget Me Not III ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Forget Me Not III, Ghost Of You.
Disclaimer- I don't own DBZ.
I pace up these hallways, our son sleeping soundly in my arms. I await the sound of your voice ring through these hallways, the feeling of your presence near me, and your beautiful eyes to stare at me longingly.
And I will wait until the end
When the pendulum will swing back
To the darker side of our hearts bleeding…
I will wait forever, my Sakura, until this cold earth strips me of my fleshy prision, until the last strings snap that bind me to this world, until I can finally be with you.
My Sakura, I can't promise, I've never been able to promise.
That I will bring you back.
I will save this empty space
Next to me like it's a grave
Where I lay a place for us to sleep eternally together
I cant let that happen, I need to bring you back, my Sakura… I need to. I need you to save me, save me from the grief that strickens me everyday, people don't unterstand and I don't want them to. They see me out on the streets with Naoki and the shake their head sadly, I know why.
`Why didn't he give that kid up for adoption, the boy can't handle him, he can't even handle himself.'
I have been
Searching for
Traces of
What we were
I will save you, my Sakura.
----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
“Sasuke…” You purr.
I stir from my slumber, and see your body next to me. You smile as I reach a hand out to touch you and you grasp it with both hands, letting my calloused skin slide across your flauless complexion.
I feel the heat of your skin on my hand and I widen my eyes in amazement.
“Yes, Sasuke-kun?” You say back, moving closer.
A ghost of you
Is all that I have left
It's all that I have left of you to hold
“Can I kiss you?” I ask, almost naively.
You smile and I don't hesitate. I don't know what this is a dream, a fantasy, a nightmare or reality but I'm taking the opportunity and not looking back.
I slam my lips onto yours, feeling the warm on my lips and the sensation that fills my whole body.
I hold you closely, as if afraid to ever let you go and I am. I kiss you slowly, letting our tongues dance slowly.
But we run out of breath all too quickly and we break before we are even ready to part. Cruel fate twists my life as I feel you in my arms again, is this some sort of twisted punishment, have I done something wrong?
You smile before breaking out of my embrace, I try desperately to reach you, but you just smile and turn away.
“I have to go now… I won't be coming back,” You say, sitting on the end of the bed, looking up at the ceiling.
“No, no, please don't cross over, I need you,” I protest.
You turn your head to smile, “I love you, and Naoki, I'll always be watching… And Sasuke-kun… Please Forget me not…”
“NO!” I cry desperately, trying to reach you my hand goes straight through your body.
“I love you,” She sings sweetly, before blinding light fills the room and my beautiful baby is taken away.
I wake in the night to find there's no one there but me
And nothing left of what we were at all
“Tusnade, I want to do it, I don't care what the cost may be, I want Sakura back even if it means my own life has to be sacrificed,” I say to the Hokage, slamming my hands onto the wooden desk.
“I see, and what about Naoki, have you considered his life?” She says back, looking out on Konoha from her office window that looks out on the hidden leaf village.
“Yes, of course, if I die and this doesn't work, he is to be under Naruto and Hinata's care, they have agreed as well,” I say, if my son can't be raised by an Uchiha, then I guess Naruto and Hyuuga Hinata maybe the next best thing seeing as next to the Uchiha's the Hyuuga's one of the strongest clans in Konoha.
“Okay, I see, well I'll get you the scroll for the jutsu Sasuke-san, I suggest going home, you look beat,” Tusnade smiles at me softly and I turn to go.
“Arigato,” I breathe.
So here I am pacing around this house again
With pictures of us living on these walls
I see my breath in the cold of the air that I breathe
“Sasuke,” You breathe.
“Sakura?” I say back, the dream last night was unbelievable.
“Sasuke, I'm so sorry I was gone for so long… But I asked everybody even you parents,” You explain to me, as you look at Naoki sucking a bottle of milk he can hold it practically by himself, latching his little hands on the bottle while you only need to tip the end up.
“And?” I ask.
“And… And, Itachi's not dead, Sasuke-kun,”
And I'm wondering
I'm wondering if it's you that I feel
If its you that I feel here haunting me forever
I feel a smile creep onto my lips as I hear you giggle as our son finishes his milk and raises hands up to be held.
You smile sadly and look at me, “He wants to be picked up,” You say and I pick Naoki up gently. Putting the raven haired baby on my shoulder I pat his back softly until I hear the satisfying sound of a burp.
“Sakura,” I say, later on while Naoki plays with a toy given by Naruto and Hinata, and sucks on a dummy contently.
“Yes, Sasuke-kun?” You say looking out the window. You want so much to go outside, I can tell, to giggle with Hinata, Ino and Ten-Ten, to yell at Naruto when he eats too much Ramen and to breathe in the scent of the cherry blossoms when they bloom.
“I've decided that I'm going to get Tusnade to teach me the jutsu,”

I have been
Searching for
Traces of
What we were
A ghost of you
“Really? Sasuke…”
“I know it might not turn out the way I want it, but I've got it all planned out, and if it all goes right,” I smirk, “I won't be the one to lose my life.”
You look at me in shock, “So what are you planning to do?”
I look down at our boy, his emerald eyes shine up at me in hope and affection. I can't help but feel proud.
Looking back at you I smirk again, “Itachi.”
Hey, thanks for ALL those reviews, you're so kind to me. I updated in what a week, my average time for updating (excluding Interesting, lmao)
Please review, I'll be so happy if you do, and maybe seeing as I'm on holidays… Might even update in less than a week!
Oh yeah great work Bra, what a reason to update!! *Slaps self in head*
-Review Please