Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Forgotten Yesterday ❯ Together Again ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Forgotten Yesterday - Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I own nothing but Suzume.


Two sets of footsteps were ignored in Konoha that day; everyone was outside enjoying the beautiful day. Suzume and Hinata wove their way through they crowds of people, tossing apologizes every which way. Soon they arrived at Suzume's `home' - which was actually a small, falling-down shack. She ducked inside, and emerged again with twin swords, and a fresh stock of kunai and shuriken.

"Ready, Suzume-chan?" Hinata asked.

Suzume strapped the swords to her back, in a way that they were easily accessible. "Yeah."

"Alright. The Hyuuga house is not that far."

They made it to the house - rather, the large mansion - in two minutes. Hinata led Suzume through the maze of hallways, no matter how many times Suzume had visited, the hallways were still a maze. They stopped outside a small door, which no doubt led to Hinata's bedroom.

"Wait here. I'll be out in a second." Hinata said quietly, and slipped inside, closing the door.

Suzume leaned against the wall, resting her right hip on the smooth, wallpapered wall. The Hyuuga's vast wealth was envied by all, including her. Smooth, spotless red carpets covered the neatly varnished mahogany floor, priceless paintings of various landscapes covered the neatly wallpapered walls, and small mahogany end tables decorated the hallway.

A pair of footsteps was heard behind her; padding on the carpet, signifying the lack of shoes. They stopped. A familiar feeling pierced into her back and her eyes widened. `Not here. Not now..' She reluctantly turned around. Exactly who she'd suspected. Neji.

Neji's POV

I was on my way outside, and that's when I saw her. Suzume. She turned around. She was still as beautiful as I remember her to be, blonde hair in a braid, although longer than before. Her face was rounder; her lips fuller. But what got to me were her amber eyes, softened by emotions.


Ha. Pitiful things. They are what cost me so many things, so many people. Including the one I wanted the most. I had been so innocent, so naïve. My knees nearly buckled when my eyes met hers. Inside her amber eyes was the most saddening thing I had ever seen - and I didn't know what it was.

Not that I hadn't felt sadness. No, I had felt it, all right. But the sadness in her eyes was so depressing, my Byakugan couldn't read what the cause was. But somehow I knew, deep down inside me, what the cause of the sadness was.

It was me.

Normal POV

Suzume shifted uncomfortably under the piercing gaze of Neji's stare. The tension was so thick you couldn't even scratch it with a knife. Two seconds passed - although they seemed like an eternity to the two standing there.

Luckily for them, Hinata chose that moment to open her door. Suzume turned to her and smiled. Hinata didn't have any extra weapons, but she had to add more kunai and shuriken to her supply. This was no ordinary mission they were going on, after all.

When Suzume turned back, Neji was still there, although he had broken the tension and was slipping on his sandals. Hinata saw him and gave a smile. "Neji-nii-san. Walk with us?"

It was more of a statement than a question, very rare with Hinata, who was usually asking the questions and taking the orders. Neji turned his piercing gaze towards her, and then gave a small nod, which she returned with another smile.

"Let's get going. Tsunade-sama said to be back there as soon as possible."

Suzume's POV

It was hot outside. Very hot. Sweat was rolling down my forehead in beads, and carrying two swords didn't help. Not like they were heavy, but they pressed against my back the wrong way. There was no talking, although Hinata-chan did try to initiate some conversation, but Neji refused to talk.

He's still as handsome as he was before. Strong arms, defined slightly by muscles be had gained in the last couple of years. Hey, I'm allowed to say how handsome he is! I'll never admit it, though. I can't get over how different he looks. And yet he's still the same. He still has those eyes - he'll always have them, though - he still has his long black hair, although it's longer than before. But in his eyes was something that was odd for him to show - it was sadness.

Normal POV

They soon reached the Hokage's office again, and discovered that everyone was waiting. Tenten had a sword strapped to her side, and ten scrolls, no doubt her weaponry arsenal, were strapped around her waist. Kiba had more kunai and shuriken, and Lee looked as if he hadn't left his spot. Tsunade sat at her desk.

"Okay. The groups had already been picked, so Team One will have Lee as the team leader, Tenten, and Kiba, and Team Two will have Neji as the team leader, Hinata, and.. Suzume."

Suzume froze. "What are the teams for?"

"It is easier, and more discreet to travel in small groups, as you probably learned at the academy." Tsunade replied with a small edge to her voice.

"..I know.."

"Okay," Tsunade said, giving Suzume a wierd look, "You each need a map, so here's one for each of your teams. Neji, Lee?" Neji and Lee stepped forwards and received the map with a muttered thank you. "All right. Good luck."

Tsunade smiled softly and they took their cue to leave. Suzume was the last out. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up. "Wha..?"

Tsunade smiled at her. "It'll work out fine."

Suzume nodded, and exited the small room, catching up to her new teammates. Hinata turned around and handed her some sort of small ear piece contraption. Suzume took it, noticing that everyone else had put theirs on.

"Shall we?" Hinata smiled, gesturing to the doorway that led outside.


AN: Yeah, I know I said around Friday, but I couldn't resist, getting a lot of visits. Thanks to kya jaganshi for reviewing! Also thanks to toasterwoman360. I appreciate it! ^-^ Please review, and thanks for reading!