Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Friends and Love; All Illusions and Lies ❯ Meeting ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Wish I did but I don't. [So sad]

Hi here's a new chapter. Read on and meet Gaara's new friend.




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Friends and Love; All Illusions and Lies

Chapter 2: Meeting

Gaara trailed along the empty corridor towards his father's main hall. As soon as Temari left him
to change, he did it hurriedly. He was done changing in a few seconds but since he was so fast, he had to
wait for his sister to change. After a minute past he got bored. So he decided to go on his on. He was about
to leave his room, and remember Temari saying she wanted him to wait for her but being so restless, he
grabbed one of his bigger toys, replaced himself, drew to curtains and ran out of his room.

Outside the main hall, Gaara saw some people waiting to enter and see his father. He quickly hid
behind the corner and poked his head out to observe them. There were a few guards around and the group
he saw this morning. He scanned the group. He was right there were ANBU soldiers. There were also two
other adults. They had taken off their cloaks, and were sitting down on the chairs provided. They were both
women. One of them was clad in really expensive clothing. She was slim and had black hair. The other was
dress in respectable everyday clothing, which consisted off a knee-high dress with a sash for a belt, a pair
of pants, which stop right above the ankles, and she had chestnut brown hair. She was also wearing a
forehead protector but Gaara couldn't tell which village the symbol belonged to. He looked over the group
again and counted them. 'Wait a minute.' He thought. 'I counted 7 this morning. Where's the small one?'

Then one of the ANBU soldiers move a bit and he saw the one he had been looking for. The
person had their hood down but was still wearing their cloak. He saw the person's face though. It was a
child with pale blue-ish hair with blood red highlights. Gaara assumed that this child was most definitely a
girl. She was standing looking down at a teddy bear in her hands. It was at least half her size. Gaara kept
staring at this odd child, when suddenly she turned her head to face him. Gaara hid quickly; surprised he
was seen or caught in his case. After a few minutes, he decided it was safe for him to continue spying on
the group. When he turned to see, he shouted in shock and fell over.

"I-tai [1]." Gaara said. He looked up and saw the girl from before. 'How long had she been there'

"G-g-gomen. [2] I-I d-didn't mean t-to s-scare you." The girl stuttered shoving the bear in Gaara's
face and hiding herself behind her bear. Gaara just stared at her.

'Her voice is so soft.' He thought.

-Innocent blood.- The voice suddenly popped.

'W-what?' Sand was suddenly but slowly starting to gather in the air. 'Stop! Stop!' He screamed
at the particles in his head. The sand gathered underneath him than stopped. He sighed in relief. Gaara
didn't why but he knew something bad might happen if he didn't stop the sand.

"Tomodachi. [3]" The girl suddenly piped, shoving her bear into Gaara's face. Gaara looked at the
bear and then at the tiny, pale hands holding them. He couldn't see the girl's face though.
"Excuse me?" He finally said. "What did you say?"

"W-would y-y-you l-l-like t-to b-be f-f-friends?" The girl said. She was having a harder time
pronouncing her words than before.

Gaara (still with the bear in his face) zoned out for a while. He wasn't sure if he heard right.
Nobody ever wanted to befriend him. So, this was quite awkward for him.

"W-Why?" He finally said breaking the silence. "Why do you want to be m-my f-friend? I'm
sorry, but I don't even know you."

The girl still holding the bear in Gaara's face just made an 'o' sound, dropped the bear in his lap
and kneeled down by him.

"Gomen. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Yukinko. What's yours?" She said. Gaara
stared at the bear in his lap. It looked so lonely. He turned and looked at Yukinko. He saw her face clearly
this time. She had really pale skin. 'Like snow.' He thought. But her eyes were emerald green. Bright
emerald green. They looked so lonely and blank and the same time. Her bangs covered her forehead until
they reached her eyelids.

"Gaara. W-why…" He was interrupted before he could finish.

"Yukinko, we have to go." A voice said. Gaara looked up and saw an ANBU. Yukinko got up and
was about to walk back to the group. Gaara quickly got up and stopped her.

"Wait. You forgot your bear." He said giving the bear to its' owner.

Yukinko looked at the bear than to Gaara. She smiled and said, "Iie.[4] Its' yours. Tomodachi."
Than she walk off and entered the main hall with the adults. Gaara just stood there, rooted to the spot. He
looked at the bear. It was quite big, but not so, it had black beaded eyes and brown fur. It look plain and
lonely and at the same time, comforting. Gaara decided this would be his favourite toy from now on.

After a few minutes Gaara walked off with his new toy in hand. He wanted to tell Temari about
his new friend.

=Inside the main hall=

"What business does Hidden Cloud have with us!" The Kazekage said.

"Sir," a finely dressed, raven-haired woman said, "we hope to end this…feud and form an
alliance. Currently, Hidden Sand is the most powerful. Hidden Cloud can not stand another attack and want

"Why an alliance, if what you really want is peace?" the advisor asked.

"Many secrets and not said and some are out by the slip of the tongue." The woman replied.

"Your point being?" the Kazekage questioned bored.

"A child has been said to have been born fused with a demon in this village." The woman stated.
Everyone in the room stilled.

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So what do you think? Sorry it was so short. Don't forget to R&R. I want to hear what you guys think
about this chapter.

[1] Ouch

[2] Sorry

[3] Friend

[4] No