Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Gamble ❯ Neji in the shower with Herbal ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. But I like tea!“Seeing is believing.”NexusGambleI held the key to my greatest fantasy. Mind you, it wasn’t a sexual fantasy or anything like that. In my hands, was the most glorious item ever made, the greatest tool for revenge. Or the lamest excuse for blackmail. Oh yes, Hyuuga Neji wasn’t getting away with touching me. I mean the man had said he would help me. That was not helping! …Well I guess if I was sexually frustrated then it would help. But I, Uzumaki Naruto do not get sexually frustrated. I have a great time in my shower at ungodly hours in the morning, imagining a sexy, lithe body under mine, moaning and squirming. Preferably female, thank you very much. Now I do admit the two resident pricks did have a unique ‘manly’ beauty. But my attraction didn’t go past that. I have never, ever had any sexual reaction to them. I did not intend to start either. “Naruto! You’ve been in there for 15 minutes!” That was the object of my current frustration and amusement yelling from the other side of the door.“Then you shouldn’t have touched me bastard!” That was satisfaction, in my voice. Hmm, wonder what for? Oh, now I remember. Herbal Essences. Vanilla.Now I have got to tell you my thoughts on that. I should have realized earlier mind you, when I was ‘innocently’ running my hands through his hair. He did indeed smell like Vanilla. I just didn’t think he used Herbal. Well my suspicions were now confirmed.I just needed to find out if he listened to Gackt in his spare time. I even considered testing if he gave a good lap dance. Mind you, if I was the victim of said ‘lap dance’ I’d need to be drunk out of my mind. Nothing like booze and lap dances while listening to vanilla, to completely up your day.I turned on my heel to face the shaking door. Wait, doors don’t usually shake do they?Oh, right it was Neji. That thought brought the wide grin right back to my face. Oh, the bastard was going to pay. With that thought I took a few steps that distanced me from the door and I wrenched it open. I was certainly unprepared for an in motion Neji who came crashing into my chest. My eyes opened to a completely new view.Strange, that light hadn’t been there a moment ago.“Ow.” My back hurt for some reason as well. I felt movement on my body and I instantly looked down. Neji had somehow curled around my limbs like some sort of pretzel, a gooey dark chocolate pretzel, with white almond pieces. “Dear God. Neji move or something.” I squirmed a bit and realized about five seconds to late that, that was a bad idea.A really bad idea.See since our legs were tangled together, me squirming had caused a definite reaction. Pushing my body downwards had shifted Neji upwards which involuntarily caused us to brush together in a very ‘unique’ way.I have heard a number of interesting things in my life. I had heard Gaara bark. I had heard Shino sing baa, baa black sheep. I had even heard Sasuke whine like a four-year-old girl. But never in all my life have I heard something as distinct as what I had just heard.Neji, had the single most sexiest groan I had ever heard. Late night porn had nothing on Neji’s throat capabilities. The girls in late night porn had nothing on Neji. Now that was a very scary thought. Hopefully that sound would not be engraved into my head forever or I might actually want to hear it again. Wait; hold up, I did not just think that!“Neji, get off of me!” I pushed at his chest but he wasn’t even responding. His head was lowered so his long hair covered his face. I growled in frustration and shoved at his chest hard. I was frustrated mind you, so the fact that our legs were still interlocked meant nothing to me. Well guess who was on top now? Oh yes, that’s right, Uzumaki Naruto. I bit my lip as I looked down at Neji. His hair was spread all around him over the white tile of the bathroom floor. The contrast of the white and black, and his pale skin almost made him ethereal. The skin on his face was slightly flushed and his eyes were wide.“Um, well I guess I can get off right?” I chuckled nervously as I untangled our legs, carefully. I did not want a repeat of our last performance. I got up slowly; my knees were wobbling for some reason. It could have been the experience or the fact that Neji was so damn hot on his bathroom floor. If I squinted just right he almost looked like a girl. It’d be like a long haired, flat-chested Hinata if we would fuck, minus the boobs and plus a dick.I held out my hand to Neji, my hand shaking. He took it slowly and I pulled him up. We stood only inches apart, our eyes wide. A very uncomfortable silence settled in the spotless bathroom. My eyes shifted to everything in the room except him.,“Listen… Naruto, I uh,” I could almost sense Neji’s discomfort, probably because I felt equally as uncomfortable maybe even more so. “Neji, we’re friends. I don’t want this little accident to ruin our friendship. So, I’m going to leave your dorm and as soon as I shut the door, I’m going to forget that anything took place here. But,” I willed myself to look up at him a small smile spreading, “I’m going to come back here at three with a video camera and you have to do something for me. I mean it’s the least you can do.” I watched as his face stayed impassive and sighed. “Look, Neji, I’m not the type of guy that likes sexy man flesh okay?” I shifted my feet nervously, and cast him an unreadable look. “But if I change my mind on that, you’ll be the first I’ll call.”Neji nodded then and moved out of my way of the door. “I’m sorry Naruto… my actions were uncalled for.” He looked sadly to the floor in regret, an emotion I wasn’t used to seeing on him.“Forget it blind boy, don’t think you’re the only one who wants to touch I, Uzumaki Naruto!” I gave him the thumbs up and walked past him.“I’ll be back at three, you better damn well be here or I’ll be royally pissed.” I closed the bathroom door behind me and frowned. Exiting his house I tried to clear my head but all that was coming to mind was Neji’s luscious pale skin and his god be damned sexy voice. I really hope my mind wasn’t going to stay on that thought any longer or I might have to question my sexuality and that was something I did not want to do right now.Mm, boobs.I need a girlfriend, or a nice hard drink. You know what I really needed? A place to go where I wouldn’t be harassed by god damned pretty boys.My room was out of the question. Sasuke knew where that was so did Neji. Now who wouldn’t they expect? They certainly wouldn’t expect for me to go to Shino’s, but the guys so damn boring. The only meaningful conversation I have ever had with him that lasted longer then 0.5 seconds was about bugs.I did not want to know the mating habits of prey mantis thank you very much.So that was ruled out. Shikamaru’s was out of the question, I didn’t understand the wonders of Go and Shika would just get mad if I asked him the rules and whatever again. Chouji’s would be alright but I might get sick watching the guy eat. He’s not obese or anything he’s average in my opinion. Average for a guy that hides potato chips in his desk every period of every day. Kiba was definitely out of the question. If I wasn’t with Neji or Sasuke I was with Kiba and they damn well knew that.Then it hit me, square in the face like running into a wall.I felt something wet fall onto my face and I reached up to see what it was. As I pulled my hand away my eyebrows lowered in question. My nose was bleeding.That’s odd.I looked up and my eyes widened. I groaned and hit myself on the forehead. I, Uzumaki Naruto had just walked into a wall.Well that would definitely teach me a lesson. In the future don’t let your feet guide you; they have a permanent displacement from your brain that makes them retarded.But I actually had thought of something before it had hit me. I could go to Gaara’s. He’s enjoyable company and nobody would even think to look there. I took off at a run looking at the clock. Wow, I’d been at Neji’s longer then second period. I mean lunch was over and third had started. That means Neji was skipping, oh, Neji’s a bad boy now. Mm, bad ass Neji in leather chaps.Wait, wait, no! Mind clarity, mind clarity! Think of something else, anything else.Gai in a thong!No, no that’s even worse! Hinata in silk lingerie! Yes, something with boobs. Not man boobs either. Nice curves, womanly, any colored hair, I didn’t care right now. I just needed to think woman. I jogged off to the dorms and took out my key ring. I had been given a key to Kiba’s house after we had become close friends. He had told me once being the kind guy that he is, ‘what’s mine is yours.’ I intended to exploit that today.I unlocked the door and stepped in. I knew exactly where ‘it’ was. Kiba and I tended to use ‘it’ a lot. Of course, ‘it’ being his he tended to use ‘it’ more. I remembered the first time he had used ‘it’ and had invited me over. It had been a grand experience.Now he uses it to document the ‘bathing habits of the female species.’ We put ‘it’ in a special place every Saturday and let our lovely do it’s work. It has never failed us once.I’m thinking by now that you know what ‘it’ is.I lifted up Kiba’s camcorder and checked to see if the tape was blank that was inside, or erasable. Didn’t want to erase one of Kiba’s happy hour tapes now did I? I searched for a minute before finding pen and paper.I’m borrowing ‘missy’ for awhile. I’ll return her safely promise. Your probably thinking what the heck I can do with it on a weekday are you not? Well, once you see it live on television you’ll be thankful I took ‘missy’ out for a bit.Thanks, The great Uzumaki NarutoWith that all said and done, but in this case all wrote and done I stepped out of Kiba’s dorm, Missy in hand. I locked the door then slowly made my way to Gaara’s room.It’s not like I had to rush. Unlucky bastards were still in classes. All I had to do was dodge teachers and make it to Gaara’s. I got there before I even realized. His dorm was closer then I had thought: 267 eh? I don’t know how to classify that number yet, but the past two I didn’t particularly enjoy remembering. I slid down the wall with a sigh. This had been an interesting day to say the least. I really just hope it doesn’t get any worse. God forbid.I heard the bell ring and smiled. It wouldn’t be long now.5 minutes.10 minutes.15 minutes later. I finally saw a red head of shaggy hair saunter down the hall. He looked at me questionably when I looked up at him.“What the hell are you doing here Uzumaki? I thought you’d be with your pretty boy, boyfriend.” He scowled at me, his eyes narrowing.“He’s not my boyfriend. I need help getting away from him. I’ll tell you the story if you help me out. Can I stay the night?” I looked at him pleadingly and smiled as I watched his resolve break. Well, that was easy. “Fine Uzumaki, get in.” He unlocked it and immediately when I walked in I smelled beach. There was the lovely smell of sand everywhere in his dorm room, mm, and sand in strange places. He looked at me expectantly his arms crossed over his chest.“Okay, okay. I lost a bet with Sasuke. I said I could get a girl in a week and he said I couldn’t. Obviously I lost and now I’m his personal play thing it may seem for the month. I’d like to hide from him until them. Keep the freaky encounters to a minimum.” I watched him scowl yet again. I was just starting to notice what a common expression it was for him.“Uzumaki that is the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.” He shook his head and walked to his bedroom. “Hey! That’s not true! I grabbed an old woman’s ass before and told her she was my all time late night fantasy. But that was a dare, I always do dares.” I looked to his clock and hissed. It was almost three, and I had a place to be. “Gaara, I’ll be back in a bit, I have some stuff to do.”I didn’t even wait for a reply. I turned around and stalked out of his dorm room closing the door behind me. As I was walking down the hall I noticed a poster for a school event.The event was tomorrow.The school cultural festival, wasn’t I supposed to do something for that? Oh wait I had but it was conveniently at my dorm close to Sasuke and certain doom. I’d have to get it early tomorrow or really late tonight. I made it to Nejis and knocked on the door. I heard the lock click and immediately saw Neji’s face.“Ready for your punishment?” Oh, I was mean, I was so mean. Well I had a right to be the man had touched me he so, deserved it. Neji raised an eyebrow and let me in.“What do you want me to do?” He stood there looking utterly relaxed. I smirked really wide and his smirk faltered. Oh, yeah that’s right.“Put on some boxers and get in the shower.” Now that was surprise on his face.“What?” He said this slowly as if he didn’t understand. Of course he did, he was just being difficult, or an idiot.“You heard me! Strip!” I ushered him to the bathroom and watched the uncertainty play across his face. To my surprise he slowly began to strip to his boxers without another word from me. Once that task was accomplished I handed him the Herbal Essences shampoo bottle and brought missy to the forefront. “What exactly do you want me to do with this?” He looked from the bottle to me incredulously. “You my friend are going to go in that shower and do a Herbal Commercial and I’m going to tape it.” His eyes widened before turning into a glare at my little statement.“Hell no.” Well that was defiance. I would have none of that.“Well then, I’ll just remember what happened here early and be scared of you for the rest of my life. I’m probably so scarred that I can’t even accept physical contact from any human anymore.” I looked to the floor in mock hurt. Did anyone ever tell me I was a good actor? They should’ve. Maybe nobody has because they thought it was all real. I’m just that good.“Fine.” He went to the shower and turned it on to a nice temperature.“Now, remember I want to hear a lot of moaning and don’t forget to add in the overactive yes every now and then. I wouldn’t mind if you added in a few hair tosses either.” I smiled as he looked at me blankly before nodding.I put the camcorder up and hit record the minute he put the herbal into his waiting finger, if I could’ve I would have sat back and enjoyed the show. Instead I stood up and filmed the single most gorgeous thing ever. Neji in a shower with Herbal.He did everything I asked for too. Everything from the hair shakes to the groans. But he didn’t have to make the yes sound so damn appealing. I think I better leave before anything happens to Naruto Jr.“Thanks Neji, you did great.” I smiled at him and waved. I had turned off the record previously. I walked to the out going mail room of our school and smiled. Slipping out the tape I put it into a large yellow envelope along with a letter to Herbal that I had wrote 4 months before. I had gotten used to carrying it around and taking it out whenever I needed a good laugh. I was going to miss that piece of paper. I wrote all the desired information and put it with the outgoing mail.Today had turned out better then I thought. Now I could return Missy to Kiba, but I planned to watch something in the near future.Something very good.In my hand was the only copy of Neji’s Herbal Essences hair commercial.