Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Ghost Guardian ❯ Training Begins ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

CrimsonCat101: Well, I'm back. Can't say I was gone that long though. I have school, so expect my story updating to be like this or possibly a little slower, I mean I do have 3 Stories! If you complain I don't care.
Spiritwolf30: All right, sorry it took so long but my Mom had a baby and then there was school…Meh, you understand. I probably will update DBNS next so I guess till then! Enjoy!
Aknkkskd: Well I'm happy you enjoyed it so anyway here is the next installment!
Disclaimer: Depressing, but sadly I don't own Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto does…
Revised 12/6/07 Weight explanation changed
Ghost Guardian
-Training Begins-
(October 11th, Monday; 4:30 PM; Training Field 29)
After eating ramen, Naruto went to training field 29, where he stood in the clearing seemingly alone. However unknown to anyone the blonde was actually talking to a special “friend” of his.
“So how strong will I get, if I do this training of yours.” Naruto asked with genuine curiosity.
The Yondaime smirked, “Well, let's just say one of my students became a chunin by the age of six.”
Naruto's eyes became wide in realization of what Minato had just said. “SIX!?!?”
Minato nodded, satisfied with Naruto's expression, “That's right, and if you do everything I say, I'll make you stronger then he is now.”
Naruto nodded eagerly. He would do anything to become that strong, he had to fulfill his dream of becoming Hokage, and this was exactly what he needed.
“Alright,” Minato began, “I guess we'll get started, but where to begin…” The Yondaime looked Naruto up and down. Naruto was still wearing the ungodly orange jumpsuit at the moment, but that would change later when Naruto could go shopping for a new wardrobe.
“Well first you'll stretch and then will begin with taijutsu for starters. I'll teach you the basic katas of my style, because the more advanced katas will be over your league. We'll be working on your speed later when we get you some weights, but for now we'll work on style. Before we even do that though, you should stretch your muscles out…”
Naruto grinned excitingly, and energetically began stretching, finishing in about fifteen minutes flat. The Yondaime suppressed the sigh he wanted to release. Naruto looked like he was going to be a handful to train, Minato knew that training Naruto was going to be no easy task, this looked close to certain. Though, Minato had to wonder where Naruto got his hyperactive personality from, because it certainly wasn't from himself, or his wife for that matter. Minato wondered if maybe it was just a unique trait to Naruto, or that maybe…Naruto had developed his boisterous personality to deal with the hardships of his life, like a mask. He hoped it was not the latter, because it made him feel guiltier for what he made his son endure through…
“Driftwood! Helloooo!” Naruto called, while waving a hand in front of the man's impassive visage. The blonde man gave no response whatsoever. Coming up with an idea, Naruto let a mischievous grin spread across his face. He slipped into his academy taught fighting stance and threw a punch towards the Yondaime's expressionless face.
The Yondaime snapped out of his stupor as the instinctual sense of danger approached. Minato lifted an opened palm to catch the tiny fist, but it unexpectedly phased right through, and continued its path towards his face. Minato's body tensed as it waited for the impact, but it never came, instead Naruto's fist was halfway through his face.
“Ha! Psyche!” Naruto laughed as he retracted his arm, and pointed at the priceless look on the Yondaime's face.
Minato growled childishly, a throbbing vein clearly present on his head. “That wasn't funny!”
Naruto laughed harder, “Yeah it was! You should've seen the look on your face!”
Naruto chuckled as Minato growled angrily. The dead Hokage wanted to stomp his foot and whine like a child, but he resisted such temptations. Minato then took a deep calming breath to regain his composure. “Let's get to training, shall we?” Minato questioned, to which Naruto whooped in joy.
“Alright! What's first?” Naruto questioned, his hands pumped up in tight fists by his sides, showing just how excited he was to start training.
`Heh, I'll just get back at him later.' Minato thought, before blinking back into reality.
“Well first we'll begin with the basic form for my style.” Minato began. Naruto's puzzled expression stopped him from continuing.
“Um, what's a basic form anyway?”
Minato was having a tough time digesting the fact that Naruto seemed to know nothing about taijutsu style. He wondered if Naruto learned anything in the academy, because a civilian would seem to know more about being a shinobi then Naruto at the moment.
“A basic form is another way of saying your fighting stance.” Minato explained monotonously.
“Oh….” Naruto voiced, rubbing the back of his neck from embarrassment.
“It is quite alright, now why don't you show me your fighting stance.”
Naruto complied hastily and shifted into the fighting stance he had been taught. As the Yondaime studied Naruto's current stance, he suppressed the urge to stomp off to the academy and strangle the teacher who had taught his son taijutsu. To say the stance Naruto took was poor, was like saying Orochimaru was creepy, in other words, a large understatement.
Minato spoke in an overly cheerful voice. “Naruto, who taught you taijutsu?”
Naruto hesitated as he could feel the sudden change in mood, “Um, Mizuki-sensei.”
Minato growled angrily, his fists clenched tightly by his sides, as though he were strangling the very last breath out of the said man. He knew Mizuki was bad enough, but now he had to add the man to the list of people he would kindly ask the Shinigami to send to the deepest pits of hell.
Minato placed his calm countenance back in place as he looked at Naruto, “Alright, now I'm going to fix your stance. The form you are using right now is suicidal…to say the least. I'm actually surprised you don't trip over yourself.”
“Actually I did…multiple times.”
Minato looked at him in concern, “What do you mean?”
Sasuke sighed, “Why must you challenge me constantly, when you already know I'm superior?”
Naruto growled, “Because you always get on my nerves! You think you're so much better then everyone else! Like you're the only one capable of doing anything! You think your just so high and mighty! That's why I'm going to beat you so bad Sasuke-teme! This time I'll wipe the floor with you! Then I'll prove your not as great as everyone thinks!”
Sasuke smirked arrogantly, “Just try it dobe.”
The class gathered around the two, knowing the fight was about to begin right outside the academy doors. The spectators watched with eyes unblinking, waiting for their `prized Uchiha' to set the dead-last back in his place.
The two got into their stances, the whispers increased from the crowd.
Naruto's frown deepened, right before he charged at the raven-haired Uchiha. As soon as the fight began, it was over. Naruto had then tripped over himself and fell onto the unwelcoming earth. The crowd erupted in full-blown laughter, pointing and sneering at the blond idiot.
Sasuke's expression was impassive, as he watched Naruto get back up onto his feet, and brush himself off.
“You're not even worth my time dobe.” With that said, the Uchiha turned a full 180 degrees and walked away.
“I'm not fished teme!” Naruto roared, his fists clenched at his sides.
A boy called from the crowd, “Hey dead-last! How are you going to become Hokage when you can't even run properly? Some Hokage you'd make!”
“I'd be surprised if he even became a ninja at all.” A girl with light blue hair commented.
“Ninja? Are you kidding? I'd be surprised if he even survived as a civilian.”
Naruto couldn't take anymore, wanting only to get away from the laughing eyes of his classmates. He wondered why everything he did was only to be either laughed or glared at. Everything, no matter what, always resulted in more pain for him to suffer in. But it seemed that's what everyone wanted. They wanted him to be sad and miserable, hurt and lonely.
He would never give them the satisfaction of winning though, so he set his mask in place. Letting the fake grin cover his depressed features.
“Hah! I'll just get him next time! Just you wait! And then I'll become the Hokage!” Naruto declared loudly, a silly grin slapped on his face. The crowd dispersed quickly after, all the while whispering about the dead-last's latest mishap.
Naruto's grin vanished as soon as no one was looking, and he dashed towards his apartment, for he needed to be alone, away from the glares, hate, remarks, and now the eyes of his classmates.
End Flashback
Naruto's eyes were unfocused and distant as he remembered one of the many painful memories that he had lived through. Minato waited for the answer to his question patiently, for he knew the look in Naruto's eyes told him that he had brought up a few bad memories.
Naruto's eyes snapped back to reality, and he looked away, not daring to stare at the Yondaime directly. “Let's just say I've tripped over myself more times then I can count. And it didn't exactly lead to the best of situations…”
The Yondaime nodded, and decided to change the subject, “Alright, just get back into your stance and I'll correct you to my style's basic form.”
Naruto nodded, and got back into the very uncomfortable position.
The Yondaime pointed at Naruto's right foot, “First bring your right leg closer towards your body, and the point your foot slightly inward.” Naruto did as he was told and slid his foot closer. “Good. Now I want you to centre your balance between both legs. You can't have all your weight shifted on your left leg, so move your body forward a little.” Naruto again complied, shifting his weight so that he was balanced, beginning to feel slightly more comfortable. The Yondaime continued making corrections until Naruto had his fighting stance corrected to the Yondaime's own.
“Alright, the Uindo Saafin-ryu (Wind surfing style) primarily focuses on speed and fluidity, so if your muscles are tense, it will only do you more harm then good. Understand?”
“Yeah, I can already tell you this is way less awkward then my previous style.” Naruto commented, smiling at the easily felt difference. Before he had felt awkward, uncomfortable, and messy, but now he felt aware, and balanced. It truly made a difference, and now Naruto was really excited at learning the Yondaime's style, knowing that the fighting stance already had made such a phenomenal difference.
The Yondaime nodded, “I have no doubt in my mind that there is a major difference, considering what it used to be. Now I going to run you through less then half of the basic katas of the style, and I doubt you'll be able to memorize all of them today, but that will come in time.”
Naruto nodded eagerly, “I'll get this down in no time!” he proclaimed. Minato smiled at his son, knowing that he had inherited the same determination as himself.
The Yondaime got an idea, “Hey Naruto, I bet Sasuke would learn these basic katas in two weeks, I mean, he is an Uchiha…”
Naruto exploded loudly, “WHAT! I'll have them done in a week and a half then! That's a promise! I never go back on my word that is my nindo!”
Minato fought the urge to snicker, Naruto's and Sasuke's rivalry was a lot like Obito's and Kakashi's from what he had observed thus far. Naruto was exuberant, loud, and brash, just like Obito. While Kakashi was a lot like Sasuke, competitive, arrogant, confident, and a genius shinobi. Now that Minato thought about it, the similarities were a bit nerve racking.
Minato turned his focus towards Naruto, who was now cracking his knuckles while displaying a large foxy grin, similar to his own, “Let's get started.”
(October 14th, Thursday)
To Minato's surprise, Naruto was actually a quick learner like himself. Naruto had half of the basic katas of his style memorized in three days, but then again, Naruto could train a lot longer then the average person. Naruto's stamina, to say the least, was beyond comprehendible. Naruto was able to go past the limits of an average shinobi by three hours. This is without resting of course, and Minato had to guess it was a side effect of having the Kyuubi sealed inside him.
Naruto had gone shopping and had bought weights with his the cash he saved up. The man at the weapon store was quite kind to Naruto, and to say Minato was pleased, was to say the least. The weights Naruto had bought were a new edition, and highly expensive. The weights were small enough to conceal, and did not require one to insert weight into them. Instead each of the weights had a black seal on them that allowed the user to adjust the weight. There were four weights in total, two for each wrist, and two more for each ankle. The nice thing about the seals was that they weren't restricted to just one part or limb of the body. The seals were interconnected, so if you were to adjust the weight of one, they would all change. The seal made it so that the entire body was affected, as though one was changing the gravity around the person wearing them. This made so that balance was not as much as an issue. The problem with the weights however, was that they started at the set weight of 30 pounds (13.6 kg) each, a weight that was simply too much for Naruto to start with. So in order to compensate for this problem Minato came up with an idea that he would put into play during Saturday's training session.
Naruto had also just bought some new clothes today to satisfy his part of the deal. The clothes were simple enough, his pants black in color with many pockets for storing items. The pants ended a little above his ankle, where white wrapping were then worn. Naruto also had gotten new black shinobi sandals since his blue ones were beginning to get too small. His top was a black turtleneck sweater, with an orange spiral on his right shoulder. He also wore a cloak similar to Minato's, but instead there was no kanji on the back. The cloak was also a crimson red in color, with white flames licking the bottom edges.
Choosing the clothing, although difficult, was nothing compared to actually getting them. Naruto had tried two stores, and had been unceremoniously thrown out by both. It was a minor setback, to which Naruto and Minato eventually solved.
“Why don't you try a henge to fool them into thinking you're an average civilian?” Minato suggested.
Naruto rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, while laughing nervously. “Um, my henge isn't exactly the greatest…”
The Yondaime cocked an eyebrow, “Is that so? It can't be as bad as mine was back in the academy.”
Naruto looked away embarrassingly, his cocky attitude completely nonexistent. “I'm not so sure…” he trailed off.
Minato looked around the busy market street curiously, “Ah, there! Try henging into that guy.” The Yondaime ordered, pointing to the said man. The man was a simple civilian, busily looking through the display window of a nearby furniture store.
Naruto looked slightly unconfident, but nonetheless put his hands into the required seal and gathered chakra.
“Alright here it goes! Henge no Jutsu!” Naruto called, followed shortly after by a puff of smoke.
The smoke slowly cleared and Minato's eye twitched as he looked at the form Naruto has taken.
He was at a loss of words.
“It's not very good is it?” Naruto questioned, right before he dismissed his chakra and returned to his original appearance.
Minato shook his head, and rubbed his temples frustratingly, `I can't even describe how terrible that henge was. Note to self, work on Naruto's basic ninjutsus A-SAP!'
Naruto sighed, “I might have another idea…”
Minato picked up his head in interest, “Really? And what might that be?”
Naruto looked back at Minato, a suspicious glint in his eyes. Whatever it was, it was unsettling Minato quite a bit. “Naruto, what are you up to?” Minato questioned warily, as a foxy grin spread across Naruto's face.
Naruto put his hands into a seal, the large grin stretching further on his face.
“Oiroke no Jutsu!” Naruto was then obscured by a puff of smoke, while the Yondaime watched curiously with baited breath. The wind picked up and pushed the cloud of smoke away, revealing a nude girl with nothing covering her but fluffy white clouds. Her long hair was up in two blonde pigtails, her eyes a majestic cerulean.
“Hi, Minato-san.” She drawled sexily.
The Yondaime's jaw dropped, his eyes wide and unblinking. He then quickly shut his mouth and looked away from the girl, an embarrassing red blush stretched across his face.
“Naruto, could you drop the jutsu now?” Minato asked, still refusing to look at the nude girl in front of him.
“Awwww, do you really want me to leave Minato-san?” The Naruto-girl asked, moving closer to Minato. The action caused Minato to deepen his blush to one that rivaled Hinata's at her worst.
“Hai, now Naruto.” The Yondaime ordered. The girl pouted, and then transformed back into Naruto.
“You're not very fun.” Naruto huffed disappointingly. He was wondering if the Yondaime was a pervert, if he was, then he would have something against him.
“Naruto,” The Yondaime began, turning his head to face the blonde mischief. “I want you to never, ever, use that jutsu again, unless I give you permission, understand?”
Naruto looked at him oddly, “Why? I was just joking around.”
Minato shook his head, “Naruto that jutsu may bring out the worst in men, but it has even worse effects on women.”
Naruto still didn't understand, “What do you mean by that?”
Minato sighed, brushing a hand through his golden locks. “Naruto, are you that dense that you never take notice of your surroundings?”
Naruto raised an inquisitive eyebrow, before looking around, shivering as he did so. There were a lot of women menacingly glaring at him, much worse then the usual. There were also some women beating up their boyfriends or husbands that were trying to hide their nosebleeds. The women were scary, and Naruto could have sworn he heard one of them crack their knuckles.
Naruto did the only logical thing…run. Naruto hastily dashed around a corner and into an alley, hiding within its murky depths.
Minato looked at the blonde seriously, “Naruto, like I said, I forbid the use of that jutsu without my permission. You've seen the results, you're just lucky none of those women were kunoichi.”
Naruto nodded eagerly in agreement, “Yeah, women are sure scary.”
Minato nodded as well, `Women? He should have seen how Kushina acted towards perverts. Not a very pleasant sight.' “You have no idea.”
Naruto couldn't help a small smile from gracing his features. The words `forbid' and `permission', were words he didn't here to often. It was also the way Minato had said it, it reminded Naruto of how parents scold their children. He didn't know why, but he couldn't help but feel happy about being forbidden to do something.
A thought then occurred to Minato, “Hey Naruto.”
Minato scratched his head as if trying to remember something. “Didn't you say something about an idea on how to go into the stores without being kicked out?”
Naruto tapped his foot in thought, and then the answer dawned upon him. “Oh yeah! I was just going to do the Oiroke no jutsu, but with clothes!” He exclaimed happily, forming the hand sign. He stopped just before using the chakra required to perform the said technique. He turned to the Yondaime sheepishly, “Um, it's okay right?”
Minato smiled, “Hai, you don't need my permission as long as your…uh…form, is properly clothed.”
Naruto nodded and performed the jutsu perfectly, while Minato looked at Naruto curiously. He wondered why Naruto could do this jutsu perfectly, yet not the Henge no jutsu.
Naruto used his jutsu to go into shops and was greeted and served very kindly. From that point on Naruto decided to shop in his Oiroke no jutsu form.
End Flashback
After that, Minato had thought about the fact that Naruto couldn't do a proper henge, but could do the Oiroke no jutsu perfectly. He then theorized that maybe the Oiroke no jutsu actually turned Naruto into a girl completely. As disturbing as he found this, it would also explain the fact he could perform it so easily. It would require more chakra, thus less control. The Henge no jutsu would require less chakra, and more control. In conclusion, Naruto needed to work on chakra control.
It was has been four nights since Minato had begun training Naruto, and now it was the fifth morning.
(October 15th, Friday; 6:15AM)
Naruto woke up once again to his buzzing alarm clock. He twisted and turned on his mattress in attempt to have a few more minutes of sleep. However, the light from his window shined onto his eyelids and he groaned in irritation. He hit the alarm and sat up on his bed. He rubbed his eyes in futility, as he tried to adjust his eyesight to the morning light. His blankets were wrapped around his legs, so when he got out of bed he had fallen onto the hard wood floor.
He lay sprawled on the floor for a while, trying to recount what had happened to lead him into this position. Naruto's thoughts were interrupted by the bellowing laughter of his ghostly friend.
Minato's laughter died down before he spoke in mocking tone, “Not a morning person eh?”
Naruto let out a groan in reply, his face still pressed against the cold floor.
Minato chuckled, “I'll take that as a yes. I wasn't too much of a morning person myself, until I was promoted to jounin that is. It is important for a shinobi to wake up in a seconds notice and be fully awake, or else you might get yourself killed.”
Naruto waved a hand, and got back onto his feet. He got ready silently, still in attempt to wake up. After twenty minutes he began to reclaim the energetic bounce in his step. As he got dressed, he had reached for his orange jumpsuit initially, but then remembered the clothes he bought yesterday and grabbed those instead.
He put on the black sweater and pants, before throwing on his cloak to finish. He was about to reach for his goggles, but Minato stopped him.
“Naruto, that doesn't exactly match your new look.” Minato stated, waving a hand.
Naruto looked at his goggles and then Minato, “But, you never said anything about my goggles! And Oji-san gave me these for my seventh birthday!” Naruto exclaimed, as he pointed towards the goggles that sat on top of his dresser.
Minato had to think for a sec on how to convince his son not to wear his goggles. An idea hit him and he grinned. “Naruto, don't you want Sakura to notice you?”
Naruto stopped instantly, “What does this have to do with Sakura-chan?”
Minato smirked, “Well it just so happens I know how to get Sakura to notice you, so you have to follow my advice.”
Naruto scrunched up his face in thought before replying, “But, how do you know what Sakura-chan likes?”
Minato smiled, “Well it just so happens that when I was alive, I had a large fan-club that would put Sasuke's to shame.”
Minato did have a very large fan club, but he didn't have too many problems with them since he could escape from them whenever he had to by using Shunshin no Jutsu. Though he saw less and less fan-girls after he started dating Kushina…he wondered why.
Naruto's eyes widened, “No way!”
Minato smirked as he watched his son's obvious amazement, “Yes way.”
Naruto set down his goggles on his dresser, “Alright, I guess I'll try your advice.” Minato couldn't help but snicker when Naruto's back was turned, `Heh, later he'll be asking me how to get rid of them.'
With that Naruto finished getting ready and left towards the academy, Minato following him the entire way.
(October 15th, Friday; 6:50AM; The Academy)
Sasuke sighed as he felt his fan club sitting above him, breathing down his neck predatorily. He shivered, wondering why they just wouldn't leave him alone. Couldn't they clearly see that he wasn't interested? If not, then they were even denser then Naruto. He inwardly groaned as he mumbled, “stupid fan-girls,” under his breath.
Shikamaru slept at his desk soundly, a small trail of drool made its way from his mouth. Even when class hasn't started, he still wanted to sleep.
The rest of the class were gossiping and talking between each other. Well, Sakura and Ino were more like screeching at each other, but that's beside the point.
Just seven minutes before the bell rang, and the door to the classroom was loudly flung open. Everyone gasped as the figure entered the classroom, most then began the procedure of rubbing their eyes until they were partially blind.
There stood Naruto, blond hair and deep cerulean eyes. But that wasn't what everyone found so unbelievable. It was the fact he wasn't wearing orange!
Minato watched Naruto enter the classroom, gaining many dumbfounded expressions in response. Minato knew that Naruto's clothes were still flashy, but it was flashy in a good way. In other words, his type of flashy.
“Naruto is that you?” Kiba questioned, looking at his classmate incredulously.
Naruto grinned mockingly, “Duh it's me! Who'd you think I was dog breath?”
Kiba growled, but then gave a smug smirk, “It's alright everyone! He's still clearly the dead-last!”
“What's that supposed to mean?” Naruto exclaimed.
Sasuke looked at the blonde in irritation, “It means you're still an idiot, dobe.” His fan-club agreed with him, then began complimenting the great Uchiha once more.
Minato thought it was about time he gave Naruto some advice on how to handle an Uchiha.
“Ignore him.”
Naruto gave him a look that clearly meant, `Nani?'
Naruto has been learning over the past week how to communicate with Minato more silently, using body language instead of words.
“You see, people such as Sasuke, are used to attention, so if you ignore him, it will defiantly make him mad.”
Naruto nodded at the advice, and walked to a seat in the back next to Shino.
Sasuke watched Naruto walk away from him, not snapping back at his insult like usual. `What's wrong with the dobe?' he wondered. Sasuke knew something was happening to Naruto, but he didn't know what. He shrugged his thoughts away, `It's just the dobe, why would I care?'
Class proceeded as usual, with Naruto trying hard to pay attention to the lectures. However Naruto found that it was still difficult, taking in only half the information. `Old habits die hard' was the saying, and Naruto couldn't agree more. With each class, though Naruto began to slowly improve on paying attention, and concentrating. Minato knew that this would also pay off in the future, so he emphasized the point that Naruto should pay attention in class no matter how boring.
Minato had also told Naruto that underestimating an opponent could be deadly, that's why he should continue to get the grades he has been getting. Deceit was a common tool amongst shinobi, and if used correctly, could be the greatest weapon. Though keeping his low grades wasn't all too difficult, because every worksheet he was given was always harder then everyone else's. This was of course due to a certain silver-haired chunin. His jutsu performances were the same, since he hadn't worked on them yet with Minato, but that would come in time.
Another reason why Minato wanted Naruto to do worse is because he knew how the genin teams were organized. Since the dead-last always went with the rookie of the year, then Sasuke and Naruto were surely going to be on the same genin team. He wasn't going to tell Naruto this fact of course, but he thought that maybe the rivalry between them would be a good thing for the both of them. It seemed that a rivalry such as theirs would only push both of them past their limits, just like Obito and Kakashi; always trying to outdo the other.
Class ended as usual, and Naruto trained with Minato until night fell. Tomorrow was a new day, and Naruto seemed to want only to dedicate it to training, something that Minato didn't mind at all, seeing as it was more time to spend with his son.
(October 16th, Saturday; 8:00AM; Training Field 29)
Minato smiled proudly at Naruto, as he went through half of the basic katas without pausing. He asked Naruto to perform the katas he knew and he performed all the ones Minato had taught him so far, flawlessly.
“Well done,” he complimented Naruto. “But your speed could always be improved.”
Naruto nodded, “Yeah…so, are you going to teach me more of the katas today?”
“Yes, but I also want to start improving your speed.”
“I left the weights at home though…”
“You won't need those just yet.”
“Eh?” Naruto questioned confusingly, scratching the back of his head. He thought that was the whole point of buying those things. So what would he do until he could use them?
Minato began walking away, and Naruto knew he wanted him to follow. The blond Hokage kept walking, before stopping beside a large pond in the training field. Minato folded his arms in front of his chest as he stood in front of the water.
“Alright Naruto, in order to improve your speed you need your body to acclimatize to profound pressure or weight, that way your muscles will adapt to the strain.” Minato explained.
“Uh, wouldn't weight make me slower?” Naruto questioned curiously, scratching the top of his nose with his finger. He didn't understand. How does adding weight increase your speed?
Minato shook his head sadly. This was going to be more difficult then he originally thought. `Note to self. Work on Naruto's intelligence.'
“Naruto, tell me, what would happen if you took off all the weight?”
“Um…” Naruto began to form an image in his mind. He pictured himself with a large boulder on his back, and then without it…
“Oh! I got it! It increases my strength so I can move faster!”
Minato smiled, “Exactly.”
“So why couldn't you have just said that instead of using all those big words?” Naruto pouted angrily.
Minato didn't want to answer Naruto's question, so he pretended to not hear him. He forgot that after becoming Hokage, he somewhat became accustomed to large words. The council said he should expand his vocabulary. Otherwise he would be utterly lost in diplomatic meetings. Ever since their suggestion, Kushina had forcibly thrust a dictionary in front of his face.
Reading the dictionary…defiantly not one of his fondest memories.
“Alright Naruto, I want you to go about two meters under the water here and do one hundred left punches, a hundred right punches, another hundred left kicks, and finally one hundred right kicks.” Minato ordered, pointing at the lake with authority.
Naruto's jaw dropped disbelievingly, “Nani?”
Minato shook his head, “You heard me. It's not that difficult…”
“No, not that! How the hell am I supposed to stay under that long!?!?” Naruto cried out, flailing his arms up and down incredulously.
“Oh that…”Minato mused. He had to admit he did forget that Naruto didn't know how to use chakra to enforce his reserved oxygen. “Well, it's really simple actually. All you have to do is concentrate chakra to your lungs. This doesn't require much chakra control, so you should be able to grasp the concept quite quickly. Just note that the more chakra you send to your lungs the longer you will be able to stay under water, understand?”
“Hai!” Naruto replied, forming the ram symbol quickly. Naruto closed his eyes to concentrate, lowering himself closer to the earth, and pulling as much chakra as he could. Minato watched with widened eyes how much chakra Naruto was forming. There was no sign of the fox's chakra either!
“Naruto stop!” Minato commanded, Naruto stopped instantly, the chakra disappeared in seconds.
“What's wrong?” Naruto questioned curiously, he thought he was doing it right.
“Naruto, if you put all of your chakra into this, then you'll surely tempt chakra exhaustion.” The Yondaime scolded.
“Chakra exhaustion?” Naruto wondered, “Couldn't you die from that or something?”
Minato nodded, “In some situations, yes, but I highly doubt chakra exhaustion is really too much of a threat to you…”
“Huh? Why is that?”
Minato calmly walked towards Naruto stopping right in front of him. He knelled down slightly and pointed at Naruto's stomach, smiling serenely.
“The fox?” Naruto questioned.
Minato nodded his head in reply, while crossing his arms on top of his knees and leaning on them. “Hai, Naruto. Since you never run into problems with chakra exhaustion, you use your chakra carelessly. Once you run out of chakra the Kyuubi's chakra substitutes for yours, so that chakra exhaustion is no longer a problem.”
Naruto nodded sadly, understanding that Minato was trying to point out the fact that he was relying on the fox's power and not his own.
“So,” Naruto began, “I have to try and use less chakra?”
Minato nodded and stood up, while Naruto pumped his fist into the air. “Alright, I'll do it this time for sure! This will be a piece of cake!” Naruto cheered, forming a ram seal with a large grin on his face.
Naruto's grin soon vanished as he began to concentrate, shutting his eyes in the process. His chakra began to rise around his body until it was compressed into his lungs. After two minutes, the chakra around his lungs finally disappeared.
Naruto opened his eyes and blinked. Wondering if it worked, he prepared to question Minato, but stopped when he realized he wasn't breathing. Naruto opened his mouth and took in a breath, wondering if he did the jutsu wrong. Nope, he could breath, he just didn't have to.
Naruto gave a full-blown grin after realizing his achievement. “Yatta!” He shouted, jumping in joy.
Minato smiled proudly, “I wasn't expecting you to get it so fast. But now you should go into the water and get started on the task I have set for you before it wears off. Judging by how much chakra you put into the technique, I'd say you have roughly an hour before you need to come up for air and compress your lungs again. Now get going.”
It was true, he was expecting Naruto to get it on his third or fourth try, considering how bad his chakra control is, but he was glad to be proven wrong. Oxygen reserving did not nearly require as much chakra control as tree walking for instance, but it did require some type of control.
“Yes sir,” Naruto mock saluted with a playful grin, before diving into the water and beginning the exercise.
Naruto was about to begin the one hundred punches on his left when he noticed a familiar presence behind him. Minato grinned knowing what Naruto was thinking, “Naruto, remember water doesn't affect me in the least. I just wanted to make sure you don't start slacking off.”
Naruto made a face that showed he was probably growling, but it couldn't be heard in the water. The blond child then began his left punches, noticing that his blows were indeed much slower and sluggish in the water. It also took more energy now that he had to fight against the water's resistance. Naruto continued on regardless, training relentlessly until his task was finished.
After the exercise, Minato then taught another fourth of the basic katas of his style to Naruto. Naruto obviously picked them up quickly, but was only able to memorize half of them, which was still an awesome feat. Minato soon learned that even though Naruto had the loud boisterous attitude of his wife, he also had his sheer determination, as well as his uncanny ability to learn extremely fast.
Minato smiled, thinking that training Naruto was actually going to be easier then training any other.
(October 16th, Saturday; 11:00PM)
Naruto opened the door to his apartment, and shut it behind him. Minato walked through the door, entering the room with a warm smile.
“Alright Naruto, I want you to eat and then get to bed. Tomorrow's a new day, and I want to start your training as soon as possible. Rest is important to any shinobi, without it you would be like a blunt kunai. Not useless, but not as useful as it could be.” Minato lectured, to which Naruto groaned.
“I got it. You don't have to tell me.”
Minato smiled, watching as Naruto ate and then prepared for bed. Naruto walked tiredly to the edge of his bed, letting out a loud yawn before falling on top of it. He brought the covers over himself and brought his knees closer to his body for warmth.
“Hey Naruto,” Minato began.
“Yeah?” Naruto asked, his back still facing the Yondaime.
“I'm proud of you.”
Naruto's eyes widened in surprise. The Yondaime's words echoed through his mind over and over again. I'm proud of you. Those words, none have ever said to him, not even the Sandaime. Those words were special when they were said by the Yondaime Hokage of Konoha, but even more so by Minato. He didn't know why, but when Minato had spoken those words, it made him feel as though he had…family. He let those words replay through his mind, comforting him into peaceful slumber.
Once Naruto fell sound asleep, Minato watched him closely. Watching as Naruto's breaths made his chest rise and fall in a steady motion.
“I'm proud of you…my son.”