Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Powers ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Don't own Naruto
Chapter 2
“ITACHI!!!” Sasuke yelled, having being tired of being ignored by them, started to run at him with a chidori in hand and fully charged. Fully intending to kill his brother, but did not get far because Naruto had held him back.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING, LET ME GO!!!” screamed Sasuke.
“Idiot, he could kill you before you even get to him.” Explained an ANBU with a panda masked, while watching Kisame and Itachi incase they attacked.
With that Sasuke calmed down a little but didn't stop glaring at his older brother. Then before Itachi could stop him Kisame charged at Naruto, (remember they still don't know it's him) in a flash the young ANBU unsheathed his katana and parried with Kisame's giant sword.
To say that everyone was surprised was an understatement. Not only was the short and young ANBU holding back Kisame back but he was also pushing him back with little effort as well.
When Itachi, Sasuke, and Kakashi looked at him with their Sharingan what they saw shocked them even more. He wasn't using any chakra at all, meaning that this was all taijutsu.
As this went on Sakura and the group that was going to Suna watched for the side. The only female ANBU with a snake mask went to them and moved them to a safer area so they wouldn't get hurt by Itachi and Kisame. Fortunately for them no one noticed.
As Itachi watched the fight between the fox masked ANBU and Kisame he was thinking of a way to escape and report this to Akatsuki. With that Itachi just went over to the fight and knocked Naruto out and turned to Kisame and said “We are leaving, the target is not here.” Before Kisame could protest Itachi just looked at him with a look that said we-have-to-go-now. But before they left Itachi looked to Sasuke and said “You are pathetic, going to Orochimaru of all people for power. You will never defeat me like that.” With that said both he and Kisame disappeared in poof of smoke.
Just after the Akatsuki members left Sakura, the female ANBU and the group going to Suna came back. While the panda masked ANBU went to Kakashi and Sasuke to check on them.
“Are you two alright?” asked the ANBU.
Kakashi answered with a nod before looking at the young ANBU captain on the ground and asked “Is he going to be alright he took a pretty hard hit.”
Looking over his shoulder at his captain and other member the ANBU shrugged and said “Oh him? He'll be fine, but we should make camp now it's getting dark now.”
Kakashi nodded in agreement and told the others to start making camp in the clearing they were in. Everyone agreed and began to make a fire and dinner for them to eat.
As they were doing that the dolphin masked ANBU was looking after his captain, who was still knocked out. The ANBU pulled out some smelling salts and carefully moved the fox mask to the side and made Naruto smell the salts. After a few moments Naruto woke up. Before he got up the other ANBU moved his mask back on so no one saw Naruto's face.
“Ugh… Oi what happened?”
“You were knocked out by Itachi, before he left with Kisame.” answered the ANBU.
As they talked about what happened the other two members of their team came over.
“So what do we do now?” asked the female ANBU.
Naruto thought about it before answering. “Well it is safe to assume that they won't come back since they don't think I'm here. So I guess we'll go on with the mission as planned. But if anyone else attacks I want you” pointing at the female ANBU “to guard the others. I guess you can help Kakashi while she's guarding the group,” nodding his head to the panda masked ANBU “and if it is a difficult one you and I will take care of it” looking at the last ANBU “now that we know what we are going to do lets see who will do watch first, okay?”
The snake masked ANBU volunteered to go first. Whether this was a good thing was yet to be decided when they saw the glint in her eye that said she was going to do something that no one really wanted to know. After her Naruto would go, then the dolphin masked ANBU, and finally the panda masked ANBU would go last.
A few days after the Itachi incident they were almost there. Things were much like the first few hours of the trip, before Itachi showed up of course.
When they finally did reach Sunagakure everyone was thankful. The group that had hired Team 7 paid them and left to do what they wanted. The ANBU squad that had been with them left to deliver the scroll to the Kazekage. That had left Team 7 time to do what they wanted until later that night when they had to go back to the rooms they had at one of the inns.
With the Kazekage
They had split up at the gate saying that they would meet up with them after their meeting with the Kazekage.
“Kazekage-sama the Hokage wishes to have the peace treaty with Suna.” The dolphin masked ANBU said politely, as Naruto handed over the scroll to the Kazekage to read.
After looking at the contents of the scroll the Kazekage stayed quiet for a while thinking about what he just read. After a while he said “I see, please tell your Hokage that I accept her terms and wish to apologize to her about the part Suna played in the invasion, if that is possible.”
The ANBU thought about it before the panda masked ANBU said “We will tell our Hokage of this and she will decide. Is that alright with you, Kazekage-sama?”
“Yes that will be fine. Now then where will you be staying and if you are how long are you staying?” asked the Kazekage.
“We are staying in a motel for the night before we leave tomorrow with a group of genin led by Hatake Kakashi.”
“I see then if you don't mind I have other business that I must attend to now. I hope you have a pleasant stay in Suna while you are here.” As he was getting up to escort them out of the office they were in.
As they exited the office the ANBU bowed and said “We thank you for your hospitality Kazekage-sama, good-bye.” before leaving.
“Thank Kami-sama that's over. Now what are we gonna do? I mean we can't really walk around like this for the rest of the day.” Naruto thought out loud to his squad while walking to the motel they were staying at with Team 7.
“Use a henge, no one will recognize you unless they broke it or something.” Remarked the snake masked ANBU.
“I guess but besides that what do ya guys wanna do?”
“Let's go to the closes bar and get a drink.”
Answered the panda masked ANBU, before getting hit on the head by the dolphin masked ANBU. “How can you think of getting a drink now, besides you know that Naruto's underage and he can't hold his alcohol very well. Remember the last time he out drinking with us he almost killed the guy that pissed him off about his height.”
“Hey I'm right here ya know so don't be such a mother hen about things, besides he had it coming for calling me all those names.” Stating that before he pouted for being put down by his subordinate. “Come on lets just get back to our rooms, hopefully Kakashi remembered to check us in too. After that we can think about what we're gonna do later.” As they got closer to the motel they were staying at.
Kakashi had just gotten their rooms when the ANBU team arrived. He was just about to announce the rooms they were going to stay in when they came into the lobby of the motel.
“Oh good you're here. Okay there are three rooms so well all have to share, is that okay with you guys?” with a nod from everyone he continued “Okay you two will be sharing room 9,” as he pointed to Sakura and the female ANBU “Sasuke you and I will be sharing room 10, and you three can share room 11. Is that alright with everyone?” with another nod from everyone he handed a key to the female ANBU and the panda masked ANBU while keeping one for himself.
After that everyone went to their rooms to drop off their things and relax for a while.
Sasuke went to find some where to train with Sakura following him like a lost puppy. Kakashi went off some where to read his book while saying he would be back later. The ANBU got changed to go out two with henge while the other two just waited for them.
“Oi you two ready or what I wanna drink.”
“Yeah yeah just wait will ya.” Said a Naruto disguised as a middle aged man with black hair and green eyes, with his other subordinate by his side. “So where are we going to, Genma?”
Getting a shrug from the man Naruto turned to the only female in their group. “Let's just find the closes bar and go there then.” Was her only suggestion to his unvoiced question. With a nod from two and a frown from the other the four set out in search of a bar. After a few minutes of searching they found a quiet bar and went in got seated and ordered their drinks.
“So Naruto what are you going to tell your team when we get back to Konoha?”
“I don't know, I guess I'll just come up with some lame excuse or something.” before taking another sip of sake. “What about you the kids at the Academy will question you about you're absence, won't they?”
“No I'll just tell them I had a mission but no details.” said the dolphin named sensei “So how are things with Team 7? Everything holding up okay or is everything going down hill like before?”
Thinking it over a bit before he answered with some sarcasm “How do you think its going. Sasuke seems to be alright but is still pissed at me for bringing him back. Sakura, well she is different I'll tell you that. She still follows that bastard around every where and yells at me for some reason. As for Kakashi well he's just there really. I guess after what happened he's still thinking about how to handle things. So basically I'm just there to get yelled at or ignored. Nothing new really, what about you guys, anything new for you?” now turning to his other team mates.
“No nothing really new except more work thanks to this damn war.”
“Ya same here, but at least it gives us something to do. Hey Iruka how are things in the mission room, I heard there was some kind of accident in there a few days ago.” asked the ever curious Anko.
Groaning the dolphin named teacher responded “Don't remind me, please.” But all he got were two more questioning stares and prodding from Naruto. “Alright already, Kakashi came in to hand in the mission report when Gai came in to hand in team 9's mission report. Well we all know how Gai is, well he started yelling and saying something about something. Unfortunately Tsunade-sama had just woken up by Jiraiya and was not very happy at the moment.” Everyone winced knowing how she could be when she just wakes up. “Well to make a long story short Gai will be in the hospital for the next few days or so.”
No one asked any more questions about it and just went back to drink their sake. After a few more hours at the bar they decided to head back to the motel for some sleep.
The next morning after everyone was ready to leave the ANBU reported to the Kazekage that they were leaving.