Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Highschool Life ❯ Kiba and Leonie ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This chapter is going to be fairly short. Sorry to all of you who were hoping to have a longer chapter but I will be making my next chapter fairly long.
The walk to Rebecca and Leonie's house was uneventful. Gaara said a brief good night when he left her at her door. Rebecca looked at his retreating back until he was out of sight. `That was a lot different than it would have been if I had been paired with one of my fan girls,' Gaara thought as he walked back to his house. `I actually kind of enjoyed it. She's an interesting person. She's definitely not like those other girls who wear an inch of make up just so they look absolutely perfect. I think it makes them look fake. I think I kind of like her.' Gaara stopped and shook his head at the thought. `I don't like her. She's my arch rival.' Gaara comforted himself with this thought as he finished his walk home.
With Leonie and Kiba
Kiba waited by the front gates for Leonie to finally show up. About five minutes later, he finally caught sight of her walking out the front doors. Leonie dragged her feet as she saw Kiba waiting for her by the gate.
“You take forever,” Kiba said irritably as Leonie approached him. “Well I can't help it if I have friends that can talk,” Leonie retorted. Kiba just rolled his eyes, which made Leonie even angrier.
They walked down the street in silence. Kiba's house was a blue, two story building and, as Leonie found out as she walked through the front doors, smelled very strongly of dog. “Ackamaru!” Kiba called as he walked in behind Leonie. A cute white dog leaped onto Kiba and started licking him.
“Your dog's cute!” Leonie commented. But then she smirked an evil smirk. “I guess the saying the dog takes after the master isn't true.” “How dare you…” he snarled. “How dare I insult you? Spare me,” Leonie said boredly.
Suddenly Leonie punched Kiba in the face. “But if you want to be pissed at me for punching you in the face, be my guest.” Kiba charged Leonie, but she just jumped out of the way. But she didn't count on Ackamaru jumping onto her chest and knocking her to the floor.
“And here I was, thinking you were the decent one,” Leonie muttered. “Hmm, should I let Ackamaru pin you to the floor during the entire interview, or should I make him let you up?” Kiba asked, looking like he was thinking hard.
Leonie sent him a death glare and said venomously, “If you want to live, you'll make him get off of me.” Kiba repressed a shudder. That girl was scary when she was mad. “Alright Ackamaru you can get off of her,” Kiba sighed.
Leonie stood up slowly and brushed herself off. “We'll sit in the living room,” Kiba called over his shoulder to Leonie. She walked cautiously into a room and saw a black couch with navy blue pillows. `I like the color coordination,' Leonie thought. She sat down next to Kiba on the couch. “So let's begin.”
For the next few hours, Kiba and Leonie asked each other questions. Of course, the two also got into three more fights, so by the end of the night Leonie had another split lip and a bloody nose. Kiba had a black eye and a red hand print on his cheek where Leonie had slapped him.
“Finally we're done with the questions!” Leonie exclaimed as she wrote down Kiba's response to her last question. “Well, I'd better go. Rebecca will be at home if she isn't in jail for killing Gaara.” Leonie groaned as she stood up. Three hours of sitting had made her leg muscles stiff.
“I'll walk you home,” Kiba said abruptly. “Huh?” Leonie stopped in the process of picking up her back pack. “You heard me. It's dangerous to walk alone at this time of night.” “Concerned for my safety? I'm touched,” Leonie sneered.
“I could care less about you. I'm more worried about how Rebecca would react,” Kiba shuddered. “Gee, thanks,” Leonie replied sarcastically. It turned out that Kiba didn't have to worry about Leonie because nothing except for the two moved in the streets the entire walk home.
I'm having a hard time with inspiration for the Sasuke and Sakura interview. It was a lot easier with the first two since I based the other characters off of real people. But plz review!