Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Ichi Gin Shinzo-One Silver Heart ❯ Haunting Pass ( Chapter 26 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Haunting Pass
Umi groaned as she laid her head against the trunk of a tree. She was exhausted of using the Monoture Byakugahn and finding nothing.
Umi:*I can't find anything. Can you Kai?*
Umi gathered up her strength and flew out of Kohona to Kai who was sitting on a mossy tree branch.
------------------------------ (To Yuki)
It wasn't long before Yuki reached the gates of the Hidden Cloud Village.
Yuki thoughts: Now just to get into the forest.
She eyed the guards carefully as she took a step forward.
Yuki stepped on a fallen branch. The sound of approaching feet made her jump into the tree above her.
------------------------------ (To Ginsora- this is a flashback.)
Ginsora thoughts: Who? What? When did I?
Ginsora: Kai?
Kai: Yes?
Ginsora: I have a strange feeling about that vision of that girl, Umi.
Kai: But the Tyokogohn lies doesn't it?
Ginsora: Sometimes.
Kai: Well, just don't worry about it, ok?
Ginsora: Ok but, I'm still unsure.
Kyomi stepped away from the trees in the forest and waited as Kai and Umi made their way down the tree. As Kyomi watched their descent a small ladybug flew in front of her gently sweeping her nose with its small legs.
Kyomi thoughts: I wonder where Shino is.
Kai and Umi: Nothing found Kyomi.
Kai: Hey what are you looking at Kyomi?
Kyomi caught the ladybug in her hand and crushed it. Kyomi disappeared in a cloud of smoke leaving Kai and Umi gaping.
Umi: Kai what's going on here?
Kai: I don't know something's not right.
Kai reached for her sword only to find that it was gone.
Kai: Who stole by sword? I'll murder them!
Umi: Kai?
Kai: What?!
Umi: Um, your hair's turning pink.
Kai ran around in a circle but eventually stopped but started twitching.
Umi turned to the direction of Kohona.
Umi: Byakugan! This is weird…
Kai: What's weird?
Umi: Kohona's kind of gone.
Kai: What!
They both ran towards the gates of Kohona.
Kai: Sharingahn!
They both came to the gates but there were no gates, no village just a big empty field.
Umi: Kai, I'm scared.
Kai: Let's focus Umi, this is obviously a Genjutsu, a possible clue if we can find out who's behind it. Let's go back to that tree, we'll start there.
Kai: *I have a sneaky feeling that Kabuto has something to do with this.*
Umi: *Do you really think so?*
Kai: *Yeah. If we can break this Genjutsu or Kyomi comes around to pull us out of it we might be able to track Kabuto and hopefully get a lead to Orochimaru and Ginsora.*
Umi: *I hope she's ok.*
Kai: *I normally would say she's fine but, this time I have a bad feeling.*
Umi: *Yeah.*
Kyomi struggled trying to get herself out of the tree's grip. She had been searching around trees when one suddenly grabbed her. She struggled until she grew tired and fell to the ground. For a moment she thought she was dreaming, she thought she heard buzzing near her but, she couldn't open up her eyes wide enough so her eyes fell closed as she passed out.
Kai: Hey Ginsora?
Ginsora: Yes?
Kai: Thanks again, for saving me.
Ginsora: Where are you going to go?
Kai: I don't have any family now.
Ginsora: Yes you do, I can read your mind, you have an uncle in Kohona.
Kai: I'm not that close to him.
Ginsora: Yes you are.
Kai thoughts: Man, I can't lie to her.
Ginsora: No, you can't.
Kai: I don't want to go back; it's where I lived before…..
Ginsora: I'll have to keep running you should go.
Kai: I can read your mind too; you want me to go with you.
Ginsora: Well, yes, I'm alone.
Kai: I'd love to travel with you; I have no interest to stay anywhere.
Ginsora: Then let's go but Kai?
Kai: Yes?
Ginsora: We won't tell anyone ok?
Kai: Agreed.
Yuki took out a paralyzing arrow and launched it at one of the guards. She was careful to hit one far away from the others. One by one she paralyzed the guards, and clearing a path to the village gates. Now she just had to get through the gates and to the other side of the village.
(An Hour later.)
Yuki ducked behind a wall avoiding the gazes of children her age.
Yuki thoughts: This would be a lot easier if I could fly like Umi.
The thought of Umi hit Yuki hard. She'd left her best friend behind and had no idea what was going on with her.
Yuki thoughts: Stop it! I'll go back after I know if they really wanted to kill me and why? Ok, just another 20 feet.
Yuki watched as a young couple walked down the street. She took only a few seconds to run to the wall. She launched an arrow attached to a rope up at the wall and began climbing. She hurried over the wall after almost slipping numerous times and almost being spotted. She quickly descended the wall with the help of another arrow. She landed tripping over her feet.
Yuki thoughts: Ow, glad there's no one around.
Yuki stood up but, her quiver of arrows fell off her back and out of it fell a small ball of fur.
Yuki: Akamaru?
Akamaru uncurled himself and stood up. He yawned then looked at Yuki and barked.
Yuki: Akamaru go home!
Yuki quickly gathered her arrows and walked into the forest. It wasn't long before she turned around and saw Akamaru following her.
Yuki thoughts: Oh, great…
Kara opened her eyes and stared at the white ceiling chanting to herself in her head.
Kara thoughts: I will stay awake! I will stay awake! I will stay awake!
Slowly, but surely Kara sat up first noticing the bandages around her arms and legs.
Kiba: Kara you're up.
Kara looked over to her left; Kiba was lying in a hospital bed next to her.
Kara: Kiba what happened? Did he?
Kiba slowly sat up.
Kiba: Orochimaru captured Ginsora, Umi, Kyomi, and Kai are looking for a lead to finding her.
Kara: What?!
Kara set her feet on the floor and shakily stood up.
Kiba: Where are you going?
Kara: To the others, they'll need me.
Kara began to walk towards the door still staggering under her injuries. She didn't get far when she was pulled back by Kiba who had somehow managed to stand up himself.
Kiba: We're both still hurt, we can't leave.
Kara: But, they don't-
Kara was cut off as Kiba pulled her completely to him holding her as close as possible to him.
Kiba: They'll be fine.
Kara (Blushing): Uh, K-kiba I um
Tears sprung up from some hidden pool in Kara's eyes.
Kara: If they get hurt, I-I
Kara cried into Kiba's shoulder.
Kara thoughts: If they get hurt I'll never forgive myself, after I lost my sister, they've been my family.
Kiba raised his hand to Kara's hair and gently ran his fingertips through it making goosebumps rise on Kara's skin. She raised her head from Kiba's wet shoulder and blushed a deep red when she realized their faces were maybe an inch apart.
Kara: Kiba I-
Kara couldn't finish her sentence and only stared into Kiba's eyes.
The distance between their faces shrunk.
They got closer.
And closer.
And closer.
And closer.
And closer.
And closer. (Don't you love suspense? ^_^ Or is this just annoying? ^_^)
And closer.
And closer.
And closer.
Until their lips were just a hair's width apart. (My friend will kill me for this. Remember me well. T_T)
Yuki stepped through a row of low lying bushes swiping at a few annoying flies.
Yuki thoughts: I can't wait to get back.
Yuki stepped around a group of trees and found what she was looking for. Along a small hiking trail was a huge pile of stones and in front of it was a black wooden cross.
Yuki thoughts: This is where I was going to die. This is where my parents died.
Yuki looked up at a rock wall by the path. A huge chunk was missing out of the wall and now laid on the path in pieces. Yuki launched another arrow (Remember these are attached to ropes.) to the top of the rock wall. She almost started climbing when she heard barking behind her.
Yuki: Ok, Akamaru come on.
Yuki held out her quiver which was now empty of any arrows. Akamaru slipped in sticking his head out of the top. Yuki quickly scaled the wall and got to study the wall closer. The way the cracks were in the ground was not natural.
Yuki: Orochimaru stood here and caused the rockslide.
???: You want to know of the rockslide?
Yuki turned quickly grabbing the arrow she had used before to climb the wall and aiming it at the person behind her.
???: Hello, little one, my name is Botan Keitaro (long-life blessed)
Botan: That rockslide was quite something, so what's your name?
Yuki stared as Botan held a piece of meat out for an albino (white) kitsune (fox). The kitsune stood on its hind legs begging for the snack.
Yuki: Yu-Yuki. I'm Yuki. Yuki Chi-
Yuki thoughts: Wait, I can't tell a complete stranger my name.
Yuki: Yuki Chikaze (Snow blood-wind)
Botan: What a powerful name.
Botan dropped the meat into his kitsune's mouth.
Botan: This is Kumori (Shadow). What's your little friend's name?
Yuki: Um
Yuki lowered her bow.
Yuki: His name is Akamaru.
Akamaru jumped down from Yuki's quiver and ran over to Botan to beg for a piece of meat.
Yuki's eyes studied the man's face but that's when she noticed a symbol on one of his sleeves. She quickly pulled back her arrow ready to fire when needed.
Yuki: You- you're a samurai. What are you doing here? This is a ninja village; you're not from here. Why are you here? What do you want?
Akamaru turned and ran behind Yuki.
Ginsora stood over a dead body.
Ginsora thoughts: Why won't you die?!
She had escaped the chains without losing the Tyokogohn or Okami and went right for Orochimaru's throat. The body fell after a stab from a giant earth spike.
Just a body.
Not him.
He's gone.
Ginsora thoughts: Ok memories are back, now where the heck am I?
Ginsora slid the stone wall in front of her down and started walking down a dark tunnel.
Ginsora thoughts: This better lead somewhere. I can't activate my Tyokogohn anymore, but its still there, I can sense that.
Unbeknownst to Ginsora she is traveling somewhere, somewhere she shouldn't be going. She would've saved a lot of trouble if she had stayed and waited for a certain someone to rescue her, too bad.
TBC……………………… ;…