Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kaka/Saku Drabbles ❯ Even If It Kills Me ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto nor will I ever own him.
Even if it kills me
Kakashi looked up the clear blue sky as he lay back on the top of his apartment building. His infamous orange book lay atop his chest, rising steadily with every breath he took. He thought back to a year ago when it was one of the happiest times of his life. He had fallen in love with a pink haired, emerald-eyed angel. He could still remember the night they both happened to be at the same bar, drowning their sorrows in cups of saké. Those were the good times.
That night he just happened to notice that Sakura wasn't the same infatuated girl she was when she was a teenager.
She was now 22 years old, a high ranking medic-nin and a top Jounin.
When they were drunk enough to forget their morals and sensibilities they had slipped out the back door. Before either of them had known what was happening they were kissing with a passion that was almost frightening. Kakashi remembered clearly what she had told him when she was finally able to see his face. 'I love your smile.'
After that incident they began to see each other frequently, but Kakashi knew that when Sasuke returned then they would go back to being on casual terms. And he was completely right. When Sasuke returned from getting his revenge Sakura had immediately fallen in love with him again. Kakashi knew that he could have fought for Sakura's love. But he loved her so much that he just had to let her go.
They were still friends, as she had insisted that they remain as such. But Kakashi never let her know how much her love for the Uchiha hurt him. When it was only the two of them he would reveal his face, knowing that she loved to see his smile. He laughed at odd times when they were alone so he wouldn't cry, or betray his true feelings. His heart was broke in two, but he was willing to let her go. Even if it killed him he promised himself that he would follow Sakura's wishes and only be her friend. So all he could do was to smile...
The feel of her lips still haunted him. He remembered vividly the last kiss they shared; it was right after Sasuke had came back. He had told Sakura that he would always be there for her and that she couldn't help how she felt for Sasuke. It was just a part of life, a natural instinct. And it doesn't matter that he left the village or that he sought revenge over being with her. All that matters was the here and now. He had wanted Sakura to remember him for the way he had let her go. Like a true gentleman. Maybe one day she would see how much she meant to him and she would leave the cold Uchiha. But until then he was going to enjoy the time they shared together.
Even if it killed him, he would smile to make her happy. Her happiness was all that he wanted even if she didn't want him...