Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kakashi's Romance ❯ Introducing Sumaa ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Hi, my names Sutaa."

"Hello, I'm Kakashi. This is Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke and that over there is..."

Naruto suddenly inturrupted," Thats the perverted sensei!!!HEHEHE!!!!."

Sakura punched Naruto in the face and he flew all the way in front of the Ramen Shop.
"Sorry about that, he's Jiraiya," quickly answered Sakura.

At that moment Kakashi saw her beautiful face. He started to blush and when he said his next few words, he stammerd.
"I-I-I'm s-s-sorry a-about t-t-that. That kids a l-l-little wacko."

Just then they heard Naruto yell, " NO, I'M NOT!!!" They all chuckled.

For the next hour-or-so they sat under a tree and talked. They soon realized the sun was setting. Jiraiya took Naruto, Sauske, and Sakura home. Kakashi and Sutaa watched the sun set. They then noticed how dark it was.

Kakashi realized this and said , " I'll walk you home," because it was getting darker by the minute.

Sutaa nodded. On the way to her house they didn't even realize they were getting along so well.

They were talking about all sorts of things. From how she ended up being thrown in jail all the way to what their favorite T.V. Show. When they got in front of her house they said their goodbye's and she went inside.


The next morning Kakashi, Sutaa, and Jiraiya were sent to Tsunade's office. Tsunade was the Hokage. They were going on a mission to kill the evil Orochimaru.
On they're way to Orochimaru's hideout they let Sutaa go ahead of them, because Jiraiya wanted to talk to Kakashi.

"It's so obvious," began Jiraiya

"Huh, whats so obvious," asked Kakashi?

" You like Sutaa," replied Jiraiya!

"WHAT!!!!" He thought for a moment and then blushed.

" I knew it," said Jiraiya, "You should talk to her."

"What are you taking about. I just met her."

"I see your point. Well... tell her after you get to know her a little more." Kakashi was going to reply to that, but Jiraiya sped up and went ahead to talk to Sutaa. Kakashi stayed behind.


"Hi," said Jiraiya to Sutaa.

"Hello," replied Sutaa.

"It's so obvious."

"Huh, whats so obvious?"

" You like Kakashi," answered Jiraiya.
" YOUR CRAZY!!! I just met him." Yelled Sutaa. She sped up and went way ahead of them. Jiraiya tried to catch up, but she had incredible speed!


Kakashi caught up to Jiraiya and asked "What were you talking to her about?"

"Nothing." answered Jiraiya.

Kakashi could tell he was lying and he gave a little grrr. After that he sped up so he could catch up to Sutaa.
He also moved with such incredible speed. Jiraiya couldn't keep up. They did not speak the rest of the way there.


When they arrived they hid behind a bush and watched. Orochimaru was talking to his servants.

"I have a mission for you all," continued Orochimaru," you must find a girl named Sutaa. Do not be fooled by her trickery, because she
is known as Sutaa the Seducer."

Sutaa blushed at this, knowing that Jiraiya and especially Kakashi was watching.

"She is strong, so do not underestimate her. Bring her back DEAD or alive."

Kakashi wsa getting irritated, but he did not know why. Kakashi bagan to think to himself.(Sutaa the Seducer??? Why would I care if she died I just met
her??? Then why am I getting so pissed at him for saying this???Kakashi...just stop thinking. )

"She will use her beauty to brainwash you. I am going to avenge her for what she did to my brother. THAT BITCH IS GOING TO PAY!!!!"

All of a sudden Kakashi's body began to move. He moved almost at the speed of light and punched Orochimaru. He did not know why he reacted like that, after Orochimaru called Sutaa a Bitch. Kakashi tried to punch him again, but Orochimaru dodged. Orochimaru was pissed, because no body had ever punched him before. He was going to make sure he died painfully.