Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha Boarding school....from HELL!!! ❯ Damn perverts can go to hell ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer - I do not own any characters of Naruto. Damn.Chapter Four: Damn perverts! Take them to Hell!Uchiha Sasuke and Sabaku no Gaara were in Tsunade’s office. They were acting as if she was just other women. Boy, was that a mistake.
“What the hell were you two thinking!? Pulling my granddaughter and her best friend into your laps!” the two paled.
“Naru is your granddaughter!?” Sasuke yelled, standing up, knocking over his chair.
Tsunade smirked. “Yes. And I’m overprotected of both of them. So, no more making passes as them, GOT IT!?” the boys nodded, but didn’t mean it.
“Good, now leave.”-The next morning, Naru, Sakura, and Hinata were still giggling over last night.
“It’s not that funny!” yelled a red faced Lee.
“Your right, Lee-kun, it’s not funny. . . . It’s hilarious!” said Naru, leaning against the wall, still laughing.
Lee frowned and pouted.
“Awww! Your so cute” Sakura and Naru said, hugging Lee.
The black haired boy was blushing. Just then, the two girls were pulled back.
“Don’t hug or touch MY Lee-chan!” growled out a possessive Neji, holding Lee close.
“Possessive much?” Naru and Sakura asked, getting off the floor. “Damn right I am.” Lee looked like he was about to have a heart attack.
“N-Neji-san, your holding me to tight.”
the brown haired boy smirked. “Good.”
Naru and Sakura sweatdroped.
“Hey, what do we have next?” Lee’s eyes lighten up.
“Gym! That means Gai-sensai!” Lee jumped out of Neji’s arms, grabbed Naru and Sakura, and ran off to the gym.
Neji was glaring at anyone who looked at him.
“Aw. Is little Neji mad that Lee wants to see his favorite teacher?” Neji growled.
“Shut it, Uchiha.” all of the sudden, Neji smirked.
Sasuke and Gaara frowned. “What are you smirking about, Hyuuga?” “Itachi-sensai and Sai are going to be there.” Sasuke and Gaara got a look of murder of their faces.
“This is going to get very interesting.” laughed Neji. Sasuke growled, and run off.
Gaara sighed. “Someone is going to get killed.”-“Are all you young students ready to run 5 miles!?” yelled Might Gai, the gym teacher at Konoha Bording School.
All the students groaned, while Lee cheered. “Yes, Gai-sensai! I am!”
Lee and Gai both had tears in their eyes, and run toward teacher, with a sunset behind them. The students giggled and laughed, while Naru and Sakura wondered what was going on.
“Do they always do that?”
Kiba nodded. “The funniest thing ever is when Gai-sensai calls Lee his ‘cute student’, and Neji gets a possessive and jealous look on his face.” “Really!? Damn, is every guy here possessive?” from behind her, someone tipped her head.
“What the-” when she turned around she came face to er. . . . chest with Uchiha Itachi.
“Er. . . . Itachi-sensai, what are you doing here?” the man chuckled darkly.
“I help Gai sometimes. Sense he really only pays any attention to Lee.”
Naru laughed a little. Sakura rolled her eyes.
‘I can’t believe what I frond out last night. . . .’ the pink haired girl put a finger on her chin, and looked like she was in deep thought.
What she failed to noise is a black haired boy behind her.
“Sakura-chan. . . .” purred a voice in her ear. She jumped about 5 feet in the air.
“Everyone!! Run 5 laps around the school!!” yelled Gai-sensai, after he and Lee got done hugging (Nice guy pose!!).
A pale hand helped Sakura up from the ground.
She took it and looked up at the guy, well. . . . guys. . . . “Sai! Gaara! I didn’t know you two were in this class.” Lie. She knew. Last night, while Naru and Hinata were asleep, she got on her laptop, hacked into the school system, and looked up the two boys’ profile. She couldn’t find anything about Gaara, only that he as one older sister, and one older brother. She frond some things on Sai. He’s Itachi and Sasuke’s cousin, and got kicked out of five other schools.Other then that, he’s parents died when he was five and that messed him up, sense he saw the whole thing. Sakura felt some guilt for him, and made up her mind to try to be his friend, and not out of pity. She was so coat up in her thoughts, she didn’t notice that Gaara was tipping her head.
“Huh?. . . . . Oh! Sorry, about that, guess I was thinking to much.” she give a nerves laugh, and run off to find Naru, Lee, Hinata and Kiba. Sai was about to follow, when Gaara grabbed his shoulder.
“What the. . . . Gaara! Let me go!”“Stay away from what’s mine.” Gaara growled out and left, meeting up with Sasuke.
Back with Naru and them, they were having a different talk while running.
“You two have made this year a lot more interesting.” Kiba said, holding Hinata hand while he talked and ran.
Naru grinned a fox grin. “We have a hobbing doing that, don’t we Sakura.”
the pink haired girl nodded. “It’s one of the reasons we’re here.”
Hinata looked at them with confused eyes. “W-what do you m-mean?”“Well,” Naru started. “Sakura-chan and I were pranksters in our old school, this girl, Yamanaka Ino, told the headmaster one of our pranks and we got in some really bad trouble.” “Whose Ino?”
Sakura growled and answered. “Queen Bitch, head cheerleader, dating the quarterback, AND our worst emery.”
Kiba rolled his eyes. “We have someone like that.”
Naru asked, “Who?” Hinata looked away, while Kiba grabbed her hand.
“Ling TenTen. Thinks she’s in love Neji. She makes everyone fell like there nothing. Mostly my Hinata-chan.”
Naru turned to Sakrua, and spook in German, her native language. “
Sie wie Ino-Schwein, ein reales Weibchen, nicht klingen Sie denken so, Sakura?” (She sounds like Ino-pig, a real bitch, don't you think so, Sakura?)
Sakura laughed and answered back in German, “Hölle ya! Ich sage, daß wir sie treffen und unterrichte ihre Lektion über das Verwirren mit unseren Freunden!” (Hell ya! I say we meet her, and teach her lesson about messing with our friends!)“Dieser sollte Spaß sein!” (This should be fun!)Kiba and Hinata looked at them with an eyebrow raised. They could only speak English and Japanese.
Naru looked at them, and smiled. “Don’t worry about it.” “Alright, my youthful students! Get a partner!” Kiba grabs Hinata and pulled her into his chest.
Naru and Sakura were about to link arms, when someone else grabbed their arms.
“What the hell?!” they both yelled.
Sasuke just put Naru over his shoulder. “You’re my partner.”
Naru got a mad look on her whiskered face. “NO! I’m not being your partner!”
Sasuke smirked. “Too bad.”
the blonde haired girl pulled at her hair. Gaara was holding Sakura on his hip.
“I’m not a baby! Put me down!” “No.”“Now!!”“No.”“I said: NOW! Damnit!”“. . . . Your cute when your mad.” Naru, Kiba, and as weird as it sounds Lee, burst into laugher. Sakura was, once again, as red as Gaara’s hair.
Gai just sweatdropped. “O-kay, now that everybody as a partner, I would like-” he was cut off by the bell ringing.
“For you all to stay with your partner until 9:00 tonight.” Naru, Sakura, and Lee groaned.
“What?! I can’t stay with him!” they yelled, pointing to Sasuke, Gaara, and Neji.
“Sorry, Tsunade-sama said I had to do it.” -They were sitting under a Sakura tree. It was lunch time, and Naru was about to kill Sasuke.
“Stop touching my ass, teme!” Sasuke smirked.
“Why should I? It’ll be mine soon.” he got a fist in his face from Sakura.
He went flying into the school wall.
“Never talk about my best friend like that, bastard!”
Kiba laugh. “HA! That was great!”
Gaara was shocked, but didn’t show it.
‘Wow. Sasuke is so lucky that the gang wasn’t here.’ But Sai was. With a video camera. Any who, Naru was laughing her ass off with Kiba. Sasuke stood up, and glared at the green eyed girl. Sakura just smirked.
“Don’t mess with me or Naru. We both has been trained, and just me in fist and Naru in weapons, we’re more then ready to kick your ass, and Panda-chan’s.” Gaara raised an unreal eyebrow. “Panda-chan?”Sakura clapped her hands and smiled. “Yup! Your eyes remind me of a panda or a racoon, but I don’t racoons, so panda it is!”
Naru laughed and smiled. ‘She does have a lot of panda stuff. . . .’
Hinata took out a notebook, opened it and smiled.
“Naru-chan, Sakura-chan, look at this, please.”
the blond girl nodded and took the notebook. “WOW! Hina-chan! This is really good!” “Yeah! Did you draw this?” everyone else pop up behind the two girls and smiled (not Gaara and Sasuke).
Hinata blushes a little and nodded. “It’s for the art club. Kiba-kun wants be to join.”“Hell ya I do!” Kiba wrapped an arm around his little angel.
Neji growled. “Remove your arm before I do it for you, mutt.”
Kiba slowly removed his arm, but sat close to her.
“Enter!” yelled Naru and Sakura, still looking at the amazing picture Hinata drew. -“GAI! I told you to make sure Sasuke and Gaara don’t come near Naru and Sakura! And what do you do?! You have them stay together until 9:00!”
Tsunade was mad. She was mad at Gai. Gai was scared. He was most likely going to wet himself. Kakashi was holding in laugher, and Iruka was trying to clam down Tsunade.
“I’m sure he didn’t mean to, Tsunade. Please don’t be mad at him.” the blond women sighed and sat down.
‘How the hell does he do that?’ Gotta love the way Iruka can make you do things without him knowing it.
“Iruka-chan! I thank you for getting me out of trouble once again!” Gai had both of Iruka’s hands in his.
“It was nothing, Gai-sama.” Iruka smiled, not paying a to Kakashi, who had flames around him.
‘How dare that Gai touch MY Iruka!’ Kakashi thought in a possessive manner. The white/grey haired man pulled his little dolphin away from Gai.
“Er. . . . Kakashi, what are you doing? I was just talking to Gai-sama?” “Yes, are you alright, my worthy rival?” Gai asked, putting a hand on Kakashi’s shoulder.
The pervert sighed, and nodded. “Just want some alone time with my lover. Good Bye, Gai.” -As soon as it hit 9:00, Naru, Sakura, and Lee ran away from their partners.
“I care for Neji very much, but I’m not sure it’s love.” Lee said, as he walked with Naru, Sakura, Hinata, Kiba, and Yoshi.
“It could be. You just don’t know at first.” Yoshi said, hoping Lee sees he does love Neji.
“You are right, my friend. Thank you.” Lee bowed respectfully.
Kiba mumbled, “As lest he isn’t talking about ‘Youth’.”
unfortunately, Lee heard him, and started talking about how youth is the fire inside of us, and to keep it going, we must have good friends. Kiba and Naru groaned. She just got here, and she didn’t want to hear it. Sakura and Hinata were giggling. They thought it was cute. Yoshi was giggling with Sakura and Hinata.
“I’m hungry!” Naru and Yoshi whined.
Sakura slapped them upside their heads. “Sakura-chan! Why did you do that?!” Naru and Yoshi asked, rubbing their heads.
“Great! I have another Naru on my hands!” she yelled, throwing her hands up in the air.
Kiba laughed, and started walking to the ramen shop.
“Let’s get some ramen!” Naru and Yoshi raced ahead. Sakura sighed. Best unknown to the little group, three pairs of eyes were on them. . . . -R&R!