Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Lucky ❯ Lucky ( Chapter 1 )

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Dis: I do not own anything but the plot and Natsu, the stories mention after the story belong to a friend.
Inspired by 'Gotta be somebody' by Nickelback who I also do not own.
He looked down at her as she slept peacefully beside him; a small smile graced his lips as he caresses her cheek soft earning a soft moan from his partner than smiled again as she nuzzled his chest some in order to get comfortable once again, he thought about the adventures that they had.
Their first meeting, he remembered it like it was yesterday, she was sitting near the school’s pond for the summons that needed water talking to an orange and black toad from what he could tell from where he was.
At first, he could not remember her name having heard it only whispered around the campus that she was the new kid in town.
Natsu, that was her name, she was the one they called miss good shoe, never getting into trouble with anyone while he was the one who was the bad boy of the campus, always picking fights and never liked to lose to anyone in any sport or fight for that matter.
Than the friendly compactions through out the years, than came the great demon war that threatens all the demons, they both saw many new and strange things along with the friends in the human world.
They saw the beginnings of what is now know as Konoha and got along with the people of the child like village that soon flourished into a very strong shinobi village, pausing in thoughts, he ran a hand though her long dark red and pink hair and gave a soft chuckle, he could never figure out why only one strand of hair was a dark bubble gum pink and knew for a fact that it wasn’t a jutsu or dye.
He than ran a hand down her spine causing her to moan and move in her sleep once again, a soft chuckle escaped his throat as he watch her turned onto her side, he back now resting up against his chest, he was content watching her sleep, he didn’t know where he would be if he ever met her, probably still trapped within his blonde container, he frowned some remember that time.
It was just after the birth of their first and only kit; a strange man came to their camp and did something to the both of them, when he woke, his mate and kit was gone.
Thirteen years later, thirteen years is when he saw his mate once again and learnt to what happen to her and the kit but that didn’t matter, sure he was upset that his only child was killed but Natsu made up for that by adopting four teenager’s that she had manage to save through her special kind of caring and taught them that there was someone out there that does love them.
However, none of that really mattered now, as he watched the love of his life sleep, right than and now, he found his diamond in the rough, his soul mate, and was very lucky to have her. That he was.