Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Life in Heaven, I mean Hell ❯ Prolouge to my Beginning scratch that END ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello everybody this will be my FIRST fanfic ever due to my procrastinating habits. Anyways hope you enjoy.
“I like pie,” someone talking out loud.
`I like pie more than you though,' someone thinking.
There was something else but I forgot. Oh, well.
My Life in HeavenHell
Prologue to My BeginningEnd
My name is Inazami, just Inazami. No last name, none that I know of anyways. My aunt and uncle won't tell me what my last name is. I figured it out the last time because I am sooooooo smart. Yeah, I wish. Every time I've asked they answer by saying if I want a last name so bad why don't I just adopt their last name. HECKS NO, is what I think in my head, but on the outside I just smile politely and say `no, thank you' because I'm nice like that. They wouldn't even show me my birth certificate (ridiculous I know).
My aunt is my mother's sister and she hates me and my mom, I don't know why though. My aunt is forty years old, but she doesn't look it. Everybody says she looks like a twenty-five year old and sadly I have to agree.
My uncle on the other hand is sixty-two years old (sometimes I think my aunt married him because she thought he was going to die soon and he was from a rich family, so, yeah) and looks like and eighty-seven year old, a BUFF eighty-seven year old.
All I have to say is that I HATE them.
I used to live with them but I moved in with their now twenty five year old son, Yuriko Kimofuji, when I was twelve years old. I mean like wouldn't you move out if your uncle tried to rape you twice? The first time he tried I was ten and he was drunk and the second time he was not drunk and was making twelve in one month.
The first time I was scared, really, really, scared and I was not suppose to be.
I was in my room doing my math homework on my bed, when I heard my bedroom door close. I look up to see my uncle staring at me with a look, I couldn't recognize.
“Can I help you Kimofuji-san?” I asked innocently.
“Yes, yes, you can.” He said, approaching my bed with a stagger, like if he was drunk.
“Are you drunk Kimofuji-san?”
Instead of answering me, he grabbed my school shirt and began unbuttoning my shirt. He then grabbed my hand and forcefully put my left hand on his groin. He started kissing me forcefully. I panicked and began punching him with my free hand, but it felt like I was punching a brick wall. I felt his hand slip under my shirt. I knew that the only thing that I know that could take me out of this predicament was if I screamed and my uncle gave me this chance when he slipped his tongue in my mouth. I bit down really hard and then screamed as soon as he backed away. He was back on me but this time I grabbed my math text book (it wasn't that thick but it was thick enough) and swung it like a bat hitting him on his head. When I hit him with the book I felt like something in me was awoken and I felt strength that I never knew was there help me out with the hit. As I watched him fly across my room and hit the wall, I had a strange desire to finish him off (if you know what I mean). But of course instead of doing just that, I went into shock.
“What the hell happened here?” My aunt asked as she entered my room and rushed over to her now unconscious husband.
Yuriko and Ume rushed in after her. Ume came by my bed, while Yuriko stood in the doorway, assessing the situation in front of him.
The six year girl asked, “Why are you crying, Zami?”
My index finger went to my cheek and it was wet. I looked at the teardrop on my index finger, strangely, because the last time I cried was when my grandmother died, four years ago.
“Ume,” Yuriko's voice said calmly.
“Hai, big brodah?”
“Go check to see if the cookies are ready.”
“Why?” She asked stubbornly.
“Because they will burn if they are not checked on.”
Ume squealed an `oh, no,' before running out the door to her destination.
I smiled sadly. She was so innocent. Then I became mad, my uncle could just ruin that for her.
Yuriko pried the book out of my hands before I did something drastic.
“What were you trying to do? Kill him?” My aunt asked.
I answered her by hyperventilating.
“That bitch tried to kill my baby!” My aunt shouted before slapping me.
I turned to her and was about to punch her, but Yuriko held my hand.
I looked at him and passed out.
~~~~Flashback End~~~~
Ever since then I learned the art of locking doors.
Sometimes I forget, which is why I my uncle tried to rape me a second time. You're probably wondering, `how the hell can you forget something like that!?' Well guess what? I did, so sue me.
My mom and dad were murdered when I was two years old. I lived with my grandmother on my mother's side for four years before she died. I then was forced to live with my aunt and uncle a year later because my uncle on my mother's side was a psychopath, hungry for power, and nobody else knew, but my mom, if my father had any relatives still living.
My cousin, Yuriko, was rich because of me. I had given him the business my father owned when I took it from my aunt and uncle because I am a nice innocent little girl in a guilty world and the fact that I couldn't own it till I was of legal age. My cousin married a girl named Ai and soon had a baby girl named Azalea who is now two years old. I liked Ai; she was nice, gentle, and just down right awesome! She was the one who came up with the idea that Ume and I move out of my aunt and uncle's house, which I think is totally awesome!
Even though Ume is younger than me (by four years), she acts like a mother to me. She is always making sure I eat a good breakfast, lunch, and dinner (so I don't “waste away” as she puts it), lecturing me on how I should take better care of myself whenever I hurt myself, emotionally and physically, and when I get in trouble she says the same thing over and over again, which was “Your manners are what your manners are,” whatever that's suppose to mean.
Last but not least, me! I am half black and half Japanese. I am also part cat demon and dog demon (don't know how my parents stood each other), but not many people I associated with, knew (my aunt and uncle being a perfect example).
My skin was a golden-brown color and my hair was black with brown strands here and there. My hair was a perm-looking curly-nappy, meaning it could pass as perm but it wasn't. It could look nappy if you wet it with a lot of water. My hair was soft and felt like a `pillow' as my bodyguard and friends put it. My eyes were a royal blue color that looked like the depths of the ocean. I had sharp incisor teeth like a cat's but bigger and sharper, but you didn't see it unless I took of the charm that conceals my demon looks. The charm was a necklace I wore on at all times otherwise you saw my cat-like ears on my head, my brown hair (that was almost the same color of my skin but a little bit lighter), and pale-bluish, silver eyes that could look white depending on where you were standing. I had a model type body, but I was more curvaceous and had a lot more chest. I stood at 5'8” and it was hard finding a guy taller than me (not that I was planning on going out with a guy), so that if I were on heels they will still be taller than me. I had a birthmark that looked like a cat with dog ears and teeth on my right thigh. I'm guessing you're probably thinking, `eew, gross,' but it's not, it looks down right adorable, even my male friend (the bodyguard) and my doctor as well as my friends. I had a pierced belly button and a tattoo at the arch on my back. One side had a cat paw and the other had a dog paw. I have a pet cat named Amaterasu and I like to wear on baggy clothing and I love to dance very much. I am sixteen years old and will be turning seventeen in May (hmmmmmmmm…maybe I should get a tattoo of the Gemini symbol). I will be attending The School of Performing Arts Hidden in the Leaf, long name I know, tomorrow.
I don't own Naruto.
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