Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Life ❯ Saved ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: Sasuke is an assassin; he has not always been one though. He used to be just a normal man until his mother and brother were killed that is. His father is trying to kill him, because he refused a job in his business. He lives with his girlfriend who is not who she seems to be. She's also an assassin although he has no idea until an incident at a hospital where he was unable to defend himself. He has his father as an enemy and she has who?Well continue reading if you want to know.
Last Time:
The hospital tended to me like they would any other patient of theirs. I'm positive half of them cared not if I lived or died. Their only wish was to make money. All of them were greedy animals that lived just for that. It is too bad that they would die before I could see them again.
Chapter 3: Saved
There was an IV on my left arm while there was a blood tube in the other. An oxygen mask was on my face and it seemed that all my wounds were stitched from what I could feel anyway. Who knows with some of the doctors out here? My left wrist had bandages around it with red seeping threw it.
I moved my hand to lift up my shirt to see how the wound on my stomach was. It was the same as the one on my wrist. There were bandages around it with red seeping threw them. I than looked to where the bullet had pierced threw my chest. Instead of bandages there was just a plain bandage on the top of it. After I finished checking my wounds I tried to get up but I was tied down.
I must have the same doctor as last time. He tied me down so I couldn't escape. I groaned as I realized now I had to explain myself to him. Can this day get any worse? I turned my head to look at the side of the room with the door. I saw the nurse's station was right across from me and I realized I was in the room by myself.
Thank god. Roommates are so annoying. Believe me I got the worst ones when I went on trips when I was in high school. Moments later my girlfriend came in the room with some food and a drink from what I could see. I looked at her and smiled at her. She smiled back and sat down next to me on the chair besides the bed. “Hey. How you feeling?” She asked me with worry and concern.
“I've been better.” I told her with a smirk and she giggled a bit. My voice was hoarse and my throat was dry so it hurt when I talked and I sounded weak. “Here, drink.” She said and held a cup with water, I guess, in it up. She brought the straw sticking out from the cap to my mouth.
I took the straw in my mouth and drank pretty much all the water in the cup. She removed it from my mouth and put it on the wheeling desk thing. I don't know what it's called, but it's the thing the nurses put your food on and it's on wheels.
“You sure were thirsty.” She commented and I nodded. “Of course.” I said to her. My voice sounded better but it still hurt a bit when I talked and it still sounded hoarse. “How long have I been in here?” I asked, wondering. It had to be a while with the wounds I had received.
She frowned at me and sighed. “About a week.” She replied and I was shocked. “A week?” I asked her, not believing it and she nodded. I had never taken a week let alone a day to recover from fights. I didn't say completely though. I always still had wounds when I came home.
Sakura knew about what was happening to me and she knew how log it usually took for me to heal so I was surprise when she didn't comment on it. “Something wrong?” I asked her and she shook her head but I could tell she was lying. “What's wrong?” “Nothing, I'm fine.” She said, quickly. A bit too quickly. “Really what's wrong?” I asked her yet again.
“Nothing is wrong, hunny. I'm fine.” She reassured me but I didn't believer her. Something was up and I was going to find out one way or another. “Are you sure?” I asked her and she nodded to me, I think she's starting to get annoyed so I better stop. After all if she gets mad, it's like hell is upon you. I looked back at her, only to see her back turned to me as she looked out the open door. I followed her gaze.
I saw a few men that were dressed in black coats at the nurse's station talking to them. They must have asked about me because the nurses pointed to my room. The men smirked and pulled out silence pistols and killed everyone around. I looked at Sakura to see that she hadn't moved. I wonder what was the matter with her, I mean you'd think she'd run and scream something like there are people with guns here to kill us from her personality but no, she just stayed frozen to the spot.
I sighed. Here we go again and you know what the worst part about this is? I'm tied down to the stupid bed and my girlfriend is in the room, frozen. They than walked into my room and I watched helplessly as they advanced on her and me. My whole body seemed to freeze as they approached. When I tried to move nothing responded so I tried harder, yet again nothing.
I was so nervous as I saw them take a step closer to me. They were now at the foot of my bed with a pistol aimed at my head. Another guy had a pistol aimed at Sakura's head. I was petrified. My life flashed before my eyes before a loud bang was heard and I froze as my eyes shut instantly. I moved not one part of my body (Not like I had a choice anyway). When I felt nothing, I reopened my eyes, and looked at where the men were suppose to be.
The men were gone. Where did they go? I was unsure at the time. I looked around before the room before looking on the floor. I saw them with thick dark red liquid surrounding their bodies. I smirked as I realized that they were dead. But, how? I looked over to my girlfriend to see she hand a pistol in her hand, she didn't? Did she? “Sakura?” I whispered, nervously as I looked at her. Her head whipped around to look at me with….red eyes? Yeah they were red. Just what the hell is going on here?
“How did you…?” I was speechless, I knew she had did it after all I saw the gun in her hand. “I had it with me, I always do.” She told me and I was shocked. She carried a gun with her everywhere? “Why,” was the only question I asked her? “Because your not the only one with enemies.” She replied. Why had she not told me before? I mean I told her what happened in my life yet she had not. But it's not like I wanted her to know, she knew because well I wanted her to know and because it would look suspicious if I ended up in the hospital, once every week due to something else.
Why had she kept this from me? How did she keep this from me? Did she not trust me, like I trusted her? Or was it something more? So many questions ran threw my mind as I tried to figure this out. “Why?” I asked, once again, not knowing what else to say to her. She looked at me, her eyes filled with sadness and regret. Sadness? Regret? Why would those two emotions run threw her eyes? What did she regret? Being with him? Showing him what she could do? What was it? “Because I am not who I seem to be.” She told me and I looked at her with confusion.
Not who she seems to be? Who else could she possibly be? I mean it's not like she's in disguise. I mean in not as if she's a man…? No, of course she's not, cause if she was we wouldn't have be able to…ah do something that all adults do. You know. I ain't going to say it. “What?” I manage to ask her, thinking of what she said. She smiled at me sadly. Why is she sad?
Damn, am I confused. “ Sasuke, I'm not who I seem to be. I'm different from others.” She told me and I smiled at her. Of course she was different, that's why I love her. “Of course you are. You wouldn't be you if you weren't.” I told her, and she walked over to me with a small smile but this time it was a happy one.
She bent over and gave me a peck on the lips. I immediately licked them afterwards, tasting strawberries. She looked at me before moving to unstrap me from the bed, finally. She removed my legs first than moved up to my wrists. When she was done, I rubbed my wrists and ankles, thanking god that they were off. They had itched and hurt like hell.
They had been on too tight. “Sasuke,” She called suddenly and I looked at her, “Do you love me?” She asked and I looked at her like she was crazy. Is she stupid or something? I mean did she like lose her brain? Did I love her? What kind of question was that? She should know the answer already. Something must be wrong if she questioned it.
“Why? Is something wrong?” I asked her, worried. Yes I was worried about her. She never ever asked me if I loved her, she already knew the answer to it, and I always told her over and over again everyday. She sighed and sat back down next to me, grasping my hand in hers, intertwining our fingers.
I looked at her with concern now. She had something to tell me, I just knew she did but it looked as if she were nervous about it. I don't know why, nothing in this world could change what we have, and when I mean nothing, I mean it. NOTHING. “Sasuke, just answer the question. Please.” She asked me, almost pleading for me to answer. I knew something was up now. She's never acted like this before. Never ever. “Of course I love you.” I answered her, sincerely.
She looked at me and smiled for a moment before sighing. She looked down at the ground; her face was looking straight at it. I was really worried and concerned now. What was going on? Why was she being like this? What was the matter with her? I had to find out. Seeing her like this is hurting me. “No matter what?” She asked me, not bothering to look up and I told her yes again.
“Well I have to tell you something really important. It might change your life, For the better or worst I don't know though.” She told me and I looked at her. Change my life huh? What else was new? Everything I do changes my life in the end. What difference would it make now? “What is it you have to tell me?” I asked her and she looked up at me, finally.
(A/N: End of chapter 3. Sorry it's short but I kind of broke my finger while playing football with my sister and her boyfriend. And for those who are wondering no I'm not a guy, I'm a girl and yea I like to play football. Anyway please review and thanks to those who have already did so.)