Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto - Rebirth of the Rikudō Sennin ❯ Chapter 1: The Sage from Another World ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hey everyone, I am back and I have fallen in love with this idea. Since there are no Naruto kicks ass stories in History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi so I asked my fellow author MathiasNightlord01 to use his story as a base for my own and he is my co-author on this. So I hope I don't disappoint and please give your reviews since it tells me if the story is good. So don't forget and give me your opinions and comments please. So now on with the story…
Yo Everyone, This is MathiasNigtlord01 and I have beta'd this chapter for Grammar and spelling mistakes. I also added a bit of my own flavor to this first chapter of the revamp of my original fic with my fellow co-author Albert da Snake

Normal Speech: "Naruto"
Important or Emphasized Speech: "Naruto"
Thoughts: 'Then I will break that curse. If there's such thing as peace, I will find it. I won't give up!'
Jutsu Names: "Summoning Jutsu!"
Bijû and Summon Speech: "Now then... Who do you want to kill...?"

Chapter 1: The Sage from Another World
In the middle of a thick forest, high in the treetops, a shadow-like flash was moving at inhuman speeds. While it didn't leave any form of presence at all. It suddenly stopped at the edge of a metropolis, landing silently on the highest branch of the tallest tree, as it observed the city in shock and amazement that such a place could possibly exist. Then, in the presence of the moonlight, a tall human figure was revealed.
The figure looked like young man in his early twenties. But his general appearance was very unique. The young man had golden blond hair and the sharpest, most brilliant sapphire blue eyes you might have ever seen. He also had long shoulder-length hair, with his bangs seeming like they could hide his eyes behind them if he wanted to.
His attire consisted of a long-sleeved, hooded black coat with a white flame pattern on the hemline with the kanji for 6th Hokage written vertically down the back over a standard ANBU Black Ops uniform consisting of black and grey armor covered by a green flak jacket, metal arm guards, fingerless metal plated gloves, black Shinobi sandals, and to complete the look he wore a black hitai-ate across his forehead like a bandanna, which seemed to be engraved with symbol of a leaf with a spiral in the center. His arm guards glowed as special seals appeared over them, causing them retract and change into a simple, but shiny, metal shackles around his wrists.
He was also wearing two weapon pouches on his back-waist and a large scroll attached to his lower back. The man's name was Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto, the recently appointed Rokudaime Hokage of Konohagakure and Nidaime Jinchuuriki of the Jûbi. He took a deep breath and signed as he remembered how he found himself in this strange new world.

(Flashback: A few hours earlier...)
After several long and painful years, the 4th Great Shinobi War had finally ended in a climactic clash of Titans. The fight had been between the man who had claimed to be Madara Uchiha, Tobi, and Naruto Uzumaki, Rokudaime Hokage of Konohagakure after Naruto had foiled Tobi's plan by sealing the reformed Jûbi into himself with a new powerful Fûinjutsu. The technique had bound the demon to him forever, with only a few minutes to spare before the extraction of the Kyûbi would have killed him.
Their battle shook the earth; lightning rained down from the sky and caused large craters to form across the landscape from the intensity of the clash, During one of their exchanges a nearby mountain was leveled leaving only flat plateau in its place.
But the power of the Jûbi wasn't the only thing he had attained during the war. Before he died, a redeemed Sasuke, with the help of the revived Itachi, had transferred his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan to Naruto using a forbidden technique of the Uchiha Clan that allowed them to transfer their Kekkei Genkai to others. Its name was Fûinjutsu: Ketsuzoku tensô.
The technique was created so they could adopt others into the Uchiha clan, but was also used as a capital punishment for actual members of the clan. It was forbidden because of the price paid by the user, their eyes being completely absorbed into the target. This left the Uchiha who used the technique with empty sockets and completely blind.
First, they had to open a wound on both the user and the target that bled freely; most would often the palm of the hand. Then, the user and target place the wounds against each other and have the Uchiha's blood flow into the targets wound. Afterwards, the person overseeing the transfer makes a few handsigns, activating the technique. The chakra flows from the user's eyes, looking much like the Fûinjutsu: Genryû Kyûfûjin, connects with the users eyes with the targets, and transfers the power of the Sharingan into the targets eyes and rooted onto their targets DNA as so the body of the target would not react against it.
After the transfer was complete, Sasuke died with a smile as he said,
"We are truly brother's now...Naruto."
Afterward Naruto had started wearing Sasuke's Akatsuki cloak in honor of his fallen friend and Nagato, whose organization was taken over by Tobi and being used to bring about the war.
With the power of the Jûbi and the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan he received from Sasuke, which Naruto had managed to evolve into an enhanced version of the Rinnegan, combined with his already existing abilities proved too much for Tobi to handle. The Madara imposter had put up a good fight, but was ultimately defeated by the might of the young Hokage.
Naruto looked down at his fallen foe with his new Choubuku Rinnegan, as Tobi died slowly from his wounds.
"It's over've lost...Your army is destroyed and the Jûbi is sealed to my family line power never to be yours...your plans to rule this world have failed..."
The elder shinobi seethed as he narrowed his eyes in hatred behind the mask at the look of pity his enemy was giving him. Naruto's look deepened as he took in the beaten man.
"Your hate and jealousy as well as your desire for power have only lead you to ruin...It's saddens me to think of how you could have used your strength to bring this world into an age of peace."
Tobi's hate only grew for the younger man as he continued to speak down to him.
Suddenly, the sounds of hundreds of feet could be heard approaching. Naruto shook his head as he turned his back on the dying man and started walking toward the sound. After a while, dozens of Shinobi flooded into the clearing as they rushed forward to meet the man who has finally ended the at last.
The Allied Shinobi Forces had watched the battle from afar and cheered for the Hokage's victory. Naruto smiled toward the friends who had survived the war at the very front of the crowd.
Tobi turned his head toward Naruto and the approaching crowd. When he saw that sight he swore to himself that if he was going to die he would make the man who had ruined his plans suffer before he did. He lifted his weakened arms and began forming handseals for the attack that would cause his chakra to go down to absolute zero, killing him instantly. However, Tobi did not care about living anymore as long as he could carry out his vengeance before he died.
A black tear appeared in the air a few meters away from Naruto. Naruto's friends saw it, but before they could warn him Tobi yelled from his position on the ground as his chakra from holding open the tunnel was quickly leaving him
Naruto turned around toward Tobi who eyes gleamed in triumph as he extended his arm out toward the Hokage and with the last of his strength used the power from the Rinnegan eye he took from Nagato's corpse to exact his final revenge.
The technique had hit its mark and Tobi's final moments where peaceful as he watched Naruto being thrown straight into the tear and disappear into the tunnel and out the other side. The technique drained the last of his chakra and his body went limp as the Allied Shinobi raced toward them with horrified looks. Tobi died with an insane smile behind his mask.
The distortion created by Tobi's technique closed with no chakra to sustain it, several shinobi who knew Naruto personally dropped to their knees and stared in shock and the Konoha shinobi collectively bowed their heads in silent vigil for their lost leader. Hinata, a person who loved Naruto since they were children, cried out and sobbed while her friends tried to comfort her while suffering their own grief.
However, those who suffered the most were his teacher Kakashi and his teammates Sakura and Sai. Sakura buried her face into Kakashi's chest, the man himself was close to tears himself after losing two of his students and his other teammate actually Sai did shed tears for the man he respected more than anyone since his brother. Others who had known Naruto suffered in silent tears and others in loud sobs.
From that day forward, they all agreed that it the man known as Naruto Uzumaki was the greatest Hokage, as well as the greatest shinobi, their world had ever seen. The four remaining Kage then and there told the army that the alliance would continue permanently and peace would finally reign in the Shinobi world and they would see themselves not as individual villages but as a single people united.
It was this day that became known throughout the ninja world as the greatest and saddest event in their history. The army began to move out, some went to spread the news of the events that that had transpired while the others marched to Konoha to prepare a funeral of their fallen hero.

(Meanwhile with Naruto...)
Naruto was falling...all around him was complete darkness with a light that was rapidly approaching. However, as he was approaching he noticed that it was starting to close. He quickly used his chakra to enhance his decent before he was trapped in this place for eternity. He fell through the opening just as it closed and now found himself falling at terminal velocity toward what he assumed was the ocean.
He knew if he hit the water from the height he was falling then he would die. He quickly drew upon the Jûbi's god-like chakra to form his signature golden Sage of Six Paths cloak and sent out several chakra arms toward the water's surface to act as supports and slow his rate of decent. This tactic was successful as it allowed him to gentle lower himself onto the surface of the water.
He took in his surroundings and used his knowledge of the situation combined with what he knew of Jikûkan Hijutsu. Naruto quickly deduced that Tobi had intended to trap him in that dimensional void for eternity. But thankfully, due to the fact that he was dying, Tobi didn't have good control over the technique and had ripped a secondary tear to this place by mistake. However, Naruto had a feeling that this place was probably a world completely different world from his own.
However, even though he had escaped Tobi's plan to trap him had still succeeded in a way, as his being here meant that he was effectively trapped in this place for the rest of his life. He assumed Tobi had died from the usage of the technique combined with his injuries and low chakra. This meant that the secret of how to perform the technique had died with him.
In the end, it seemed that the once mighty Uchiha had had the last laugh. However, Naruto satisfied himself in the knowledge that he was no longer a threat to his own world and his friends as he resigned himself to the fact he would never return to home.
'I hope you burn in hell for a long, long, time Tobi!'
Naruto pulled out the bubble blower that had once belonged to Utakata, the former Rokubi Jinchuuriki and used it to create a single, large bubble using the Fudô awa jutsu and quickly jumped inside and had it take him up into the clouds where he put up the blower and sat in a meditative stance. His eyes changed and became toad-like as entered Sage Mode and searched for a nearby landmass.
He quickly located a large concentration of small chakra signatures and had the bubble take him toward the source. He activated the newly dubbed Choubuku Rinnegan and saw a city about 150 kilometers or so away from his location. It took him less than two hours to reach a forest near his destination and his transparent vehicle allowed him to see the port of a very large city with structures that dwarfed any buildings he had ever seen and noticed that these people where more advanced technologically speaking in comparison to his own people.
{Flashback End}

Naruto continued on his way towards the unknown city. He activated his Choubuku Rinnegan once more and found that he was on the right path as a suburban residential area appeared before him. He jumped the last tree for the forest as he landed without make a sound as he quickly scanned the area. To his surprise he found that the people suburban neighborhood's community had even less chakra than the civilians of Konoha.
He keeps moving towards the city when something caught his eye, using his eyes abilities he could easily read the mind of anyone, but he wanted to avoid that as it would kill whoever he used it on, plus if he wanted to read someone's mind there were easier ways to do it. He crouched on a nearby rooftop as he fixed his eyes on a confrontation between a street thug and a younger high school student in an alleyway.
Naruto found it a bit suspicious, so he used his chakra to enhance and focus his sense of hearing and his Choubuku Rinnegan to spy on what was going on below his position.

(In the alleyway below...)
The thug was looking at the boy and asking him if he wanted to buy some drugs, the boy looked shocked.
The thug smirked as he looked at the schoolboy.
'Oh I have an innocent in my hand…hohoho what a catch. I'll give him a free sample to try, and then he'll be hooked.'
The boy was terrified at the look the thug was giving him; it was like looking into the eyes of a hungry wolf.
'Oh shit! This is just great! What's this guy doing here selling drugs? Should I run? What if he takes out a gun and shoots me? What am I supposed to do now? Okay if he gives me anything I'll just throw it away.'
"Hey kid. I have got some awesome shit, wanna try it? I can guarantee that once you do, it'll rock your world."
The thug tried to give him a charming smile, but the kid remembered that look he saw in the man eyes and figured it was a trick.
"No thanks. I am good...."
The poor boy laughed nervously as the thug's eyes changed to from cheerful to pissed as he scowled before reaching into his jacket.The boy saw the thug pull out a silver plated gun as the guy aimed it towards his head.
"Kid, I like you. You seem like a nice kid, so give up the money and I won't have to shoot your brains out."
The boy panicked and slowly crouched down to the side looking into his bag and saying
"Okay! Just wait a minute. I will give you all I got."

(With Naruto...)
Naruto had just about enough of this thug harassing the boy. Therefore, he crouched forward as the boy looked scrambled through his bag looking for the money, charged down the building at the thug using his extremely high speed as he stuck himself to the wall using his chakra and silently landed behind the thug before grabbing him and leaping up to a nearby roof without making a single sound.
The student felt a cool breeze of air as the hairs on the back of his head stood up straight. He turned around and stood there shock as the thug had just seemingly vanished without a trace. This spooked the young boy even more and decided to run back home as fast as he can, not daring to look back.Meanwhile, Naruto, having captured his prey, knocked out the shocked criminal before he used the Kokoro dokusho no jutsu, a technique he had picked up from one of Konoha's Intelligence and Interrogation Unit members. It allowed him to enter the target's subconscious and extract any information needed, even if the target has forgotten it by placing his hand on the man head.
He had learned that he was on an island nation named Nippon-koku or the State of Japan which was Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lied to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south. All these names and places of these places seemed strange to him.
Their language, Japanese, was the same as his and also picked up a popular secondary language called English from the man's mind. Along with the language he also found out every bit of information he would need to survive and quickly brought himself up to speed about this new and foreign world he found himself in.
He found out the he was in a mega-city called Tôkyô Metropolis (Tôkyô-to) or just Tôkyô, one of the 47 prefectures of Japan. Tôkyô was the capital of Japan, the center of the Greater Tokyo Area, and was the largest metropolitan area of this world. It was also the seat of the Japanese government and the Imperial Palace, the home of the Japanese Imperial Family.
He also learned that the people here had no clue how to utilize chakra and shinobi where non-existent anymore and those who did relied only on taijutsu and ninja tools to fight.
After Naruto had finished reading the thug's mind, he went to find the nearest police station with a grin on his face.

Naruto had left the thug inside the Tôkyô Police lockup with no memory of how he got there with the stolen merchandise he had taken at gunpoint from a local convenience store. Needless to say, the police were baffled about how he got inside a secure police station without anybody noticing or caught by the security camera's, but they quickly forgot about that and booked the guy anyway as he was one of the more slippery of Tôkyô’s drug dealers and part-time enforcer for the Chinese Triads.
Armed with knowledge he got about the thug, Naruto started swiftly leaping rooftop to rooftop starting from the police station where he had dumped the crook before heading out to search the city. Naruto hid his presence in the shadows while running at inhuman speeds to avoid being seen by the locals. Then he used what he learned from the criminal's mind to track down one of the crime boss he worked for part-time in Chinatown.
Naruto reached the restaurant the Triads used as a front for their operations guarded by gangsters and hired street thugs.
The former Hokage grinned, before he quickly and stealthy defeated the crime boss's muscle before he reached the man and knocked him unconscious. Then, after using the Kokoro dokusho no jutsu to extract the codes and passwords for the man's bank accounts and the locations of his other hidden assets. Naruto made several phone calls under a henge and few briefcase drop offs later, the man was effectively cleaned out. After the blonde shinobi had left the man completely bankrupt, Naruto framed him as an informant to the Tokyo Police on his business partners. When the man woke up, he felt all of his worst nightmares come true all in that one night.

(Timeskip...A few days later)Through Naruto's use of the information he had taken from the thug and the crime boss, he learned of the other criminal organizations and their leaders. He found out that apparently the Chinese Triads and the Japanese organizations called the Yakuza were the central powers in the city's underground. These gangs had control over certain parts of the city. They were the leaders of the cities criminal underbelly. Their businesses mostly revolved around Art theft, Bank fraud, Contract killing, Drug trafficking, Extortion, Illegal gambling, Money laundering, Arms trafficking and last but the worst in Naruto opinion, Underground Slavery.
There were a couple of local street gangs made up of school kids in their teens. One in particular that caught his attention was the one with weird name, Ragnarok. Nevertheless, he thought he should check these gangs out to see what these kids were made of. He made a hundred Kage Bunshin and gave them the order to search and gather information on his targets. He then made a clone to go to a clothes store to buy him some less conspicuous clothes.

The next day, Naruto was seen in a rather expensive 5-star hotel room that he had rented for the night using the Henge no Jutsu. The technique allowed him to transform into a dark haired, dark eyed middle age executive of Japanese descent complete with a business suit and briefcase.
After sleeping in a comfortable, if a bit on the large size, bed, he took a shower. After getting cleaned up, he changed into the new clothes his clone bought for him, which consisted of a long black coat, a cream-colored scarf, a black long sleeved compression muscle shirt, and pair of black slacks. He kept his black shinobi sandals as they didn't need to be replaced. He mused at what his clone had bought and laughed, as it was what he would have brought. He ate a rather large breakfast course before he ventured out into the city once again.
He hid his weapons on his person and wore his arm guards under his coat for some extra protection and activated the hidden, retractable arm blades he had added to them. Each blade reached from below his wrists to his elbows and were concealed from sight. A deadly surprise which extended to about ten centimeters longer than his fingertips and locked into place. He tested the blades by swinging them a couple of times, when he was satisfied flicked his wrists upwards and the blades retracted into their original positions with twin clicks.
Naruto used to Henge no Jutsu to once again transform into the business man before he left the room and checked out of the hotel. After walking a couple of blocks, he found a dark alley and made sure that no one could see him before and released the transformation. He tensed his muscles before he jumped up and landed on the roof of the neighboring building. He then started to run toward the business district, unseen by the masses below.
In the business district, Naruto found an accessories shop. When he enters the shop, Naruto found a cute girl in her early 20's sitting at the register; busy reading what looked like a romantic novel. Naruto was looking around and found what he needs a black military-style sea bag and a pair of pitch-black sunglass to hide his eyes for when he activated his Choubuku Rinnegan.
He went to the register to pay for the items and waited to be checked out. However, it seemed that the store clerk was so engrossed in her book that she had yet to notice his presence. He cleared his throat loudly to get her attention. The action startled her and she dropped her book on the ground. She crouched to pick it up angrily and looked at one who started her with a rather annoyed look.
However, it didn't last as she beheld the brightest sapphire blue eyes she has ever seen and the very dazzling blond young man that came with them. She thought he looked around her age. He smiled at her causing her to blush as she couldn't look him in the eye due to a sudden bout of shyness.
"Excuse me miss, I'm sorry if I interrupted your reading, but could you tell me what how much it is for the seabag and sunglasses?"
Which had knocked her out of her stupor.
"Oh uh let see....ah yes, for the seabag and sunglasses that will be 3924 yen.
He pulled out his wallet and paid her for the items while also leaving a rather generous gift for her.
"Thanks for the help...I really appreciate it"
As he turned away he winked at her slyly while flashing her, his signature fox-like grin. The blonde's actions caused her blush to return with a vengeance, she felt she might faint. Naruto placed on his new sunglasses and slung the seabag across his right shoulder. He glanced back out of the corner of his eye as he was about to leave and saw the young woman at the counter pick up her phone and taking a quick snapshot of him before she began texting furiously while letting out a girlish squeal with a blush. Naruto smirked.
'Still got it!'
After his foray at the store, he walked to the center of the district and found it buzzing with activity. He found the office of the owners of an old Buddhist temple and the land surrounding it that one of his clones had found for a more permanent residence. It was deep in the forest in an isolated valley surrounded by several mountains. The only way into the temple was a rather long stairway in between the mountains. He took a deep breath before entering the office
A half hour later, Naruto walked out of the office with a smile. As of that day, he owned the mountains and the area where the temple resided a few kilometers outside of the city. He had to use the Choubuku Rinnegan so that the previous owners would forget his face but remember that they had sold the property to someone. After concluding his business with them, Naruto went to a number of banks and transferred the rest of his money into several bank accounts around the country before he started settling into his new estate.
When he arrived the temple was in a horrible state of disrepair and so Naruto, with the help of a 2000 Kage Bunshin, began fixing up the place and finished everything from the gates and fence to the entire estate within the span of week. He even made a natural onsen and added Hiraishin no Jutsu's seal or jutsu-shiki, security and defensive seals all around the entire temple and surrounding area. Overall, Naruto felt it was a great success and the temple looked like it did when it was lived in by the monks.
With all the living arrangements and essentials out of the way, Naruto focused on his next objective. What to do now? He got down into his meditation stance and sorted through his thoughts on what to next.

(Time skip: One Week Later)
After careful deliberation lasting several days, Naruto finally knew what he was going to do. He would be the one to introduce his people's ideas to a few chosen disciples and teach them the ways of the Shinobi. For this purpose, he took upon himself the title of the Rikudô Sennin and began his search for people from this world who were worthy of the things he had to offer...and thus the legend begins anew.
To be Continued...

List of Jutsu:
Fudô awa jutsu (Floating Bubble Technique)
- Using Soap Bubble Ninjutsu from the Bubble-line of of Water Release ninjutsu. Naruto creates a single, particularly large bubble with his bubble-blower and quickly jumps inside. Under his command, the bubble will take him wherever he wishes. It's seemingly very capable of both travelling very long distances and floating rather high into the air with no apparent risk of popping. Naruto can also make the bubble camouflage to hide from anyone who's after him. Utakata is also able to take people with him via this technique.
Kokoro Dokusho no Jutsu (Mind reading technique) -
Fûinjutsu: Genryû Kyûfûjin (Sealing Jutsu: Nine Phantom Dragons) -
Fûinjutsu: Ketsuzoku Tensô - Sealing Jutsu: Bloodline transfers. This Kin-jutsu was created to perfectly transfer a kekkei genkai from one person to another permanently. The users eyes (any kekkei genkai body parts) will be completely absorbed into the target, leaving the Uchiha (any kekkei genkai holder) who used it with empty sockets and lose the kekkei genkai from their bodies.
Choubuku Rinnegan Dôjutsu (Samsara Eye of Exorcism) – It is an evolved form of the Rinnegan and is considered the perfect dôjutsu with all the powers of the three great dôjutsu with none of their weaknesses. It is made up which has four Rinnegan-like concentric circles, with nine Sharingan-like tomoe in the three circles closest to a crimson red pupil. It has all the powers of the Sharingan and Rinnegan, but has a much longer telescopic and microscopic vision in addition to the Byakugan's 360 degree field of vision, making it a very difficult dôjutsu to defeat due to the powers canceling out the weakness normally found in the three great dôjutsu.
Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Technique) - is a technique created by Minato Namikaze which allows the user to transport themselves to a marked location in the blink of an eye. This technique was the reason behind his nickname, "Konoha's Yellow Flash" (–؃m—t‚̉©F‚¢&# 8216;MŒõ, Konoha no Kiiroi Senkô)
Jutsu-shiki - technique formula
Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique) - Similar to the Clone Technique, this technique creates clones of the user. However, these clones are actual copies, not illusions. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power. The clones are capable of performing techniques on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after one or two solid blows. They can also disperse on their own. The clones will be created in roughly the same condition as the original.
A characteristic that is unique to the Shadow Clone Technique is that any experience the clones gain during their existence is transferred to the user once they are dispersed. This makes the technique ideal for spying, since the user can simply send a clone to spy on a target, and then have the clone disperse itself without returning to pass the information back to the user.