Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto......SISTER?!?!?!? ❯ Arashia ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Flame of Heart Inn Achati Muru Room
The old man sat on the end of his bed hands folded into the selves of his hari, he was waiting for his guest to arrive and they where already late it was 15 past midnight and he was getting inpatient. A slight sigh escaped his lips as the air pressure around him changed.
“So you finial decided to show up.” The condescention evident in his voice.
“I had an unexpected visitor.” A raspy voice answered. “Shall we?” the cloaked figure behind the old man gestured out the window. Standing the old man turned performing the seals that would allow him to leave the Inn without being seen and jumped out the window concealing him self at the same time.
6 AM Naruto's Apartment
The air moving in the apartment ruffled the sleeping blondes hair, he had long since out grown his old bed and was currently using a cot until he saved enough to buy a larger bed. He turned over onto his left side facing his bedroom window, and arching his back like a big cat stretched his arms over his head grinning hugly when he noticed his sister was standing in his door watching him.
“'morning!” he mouthed around a huge yawn and bounding out of the bed in nothing but his orange boxers with black and red swirls all over them he shuffled to the bathroom for his morning ritual of bladder relief, washing his face and brushing his teeth. Arashia just shook her head and reaching into the room grabbed the robe she purchased for him just for this and threw it after him. His hand appeared out of the door and caught the robe before it could hit the floor.
“Haven't you ever sleep in jammes nii-can?” she grumped at his general direction and turned backing into the kitchen to finish breakfast. Several minutes later and 2 very bad renditions of an old lullaby about a fox demon and he was in the kitchen with her swiping the bacon and eggs on a plate but before he could dive in she plopped several slices of fruit on his plate.
“AWWW come ooon nee-can, I don't like apples.” He whined at her while poking the offending fruit in question. She smiled slyly at him as he made a face.
“ Well if you don't want to be able to shit for days then push them off no ones making you.” Her voice was cheerful as she loaded her own plate with fruit, eggs and bacon and sat beside him. He wrinkled his nose at her but ate the fruit anyway.
“Itadakimas!” “Itadakimas!” they both intoned and dug in. Arashia smiled around her fork as she watched him eat. He had abandoned the robe for his orange pants and was wearing his blue sandals without a shirt. Besides hitting another growth spurt he was already taller then her, he had filled out as well she could finial see the proof of his life as a ninja. Not a scar on his body save one high up on the right side of his chest it was faint but still there in a spider web pattern. She stared at it her mind trying to see the event he had described to her that had caused it.
Unfortunately or fortunately he had given her the whole story not the edited one that Tsunade and the others where told, although she guessed that at least Tsunade had some idea what had gone on from his orange jacket with the gaping hole in it though and though. Her thoughts turned to what had motivated the Uchiha to attack his friend but not kill him when he had the chance after Naruto finial gave out after scratching Sasukes Forehead protector. This also brought he back to the fact that Sasuke currently wore that same forehead protector to this day but was it a reminder or a promise her curiosity was driving her crazy with that. As she was musing these things over a sly grin crept onto Naruto's face as he noticed her distraction he had plenty of time before they had to meet team 7 on the bridge. With all the stealth he had been trained with he loaded his fork in his lap all the while shoveling food in his mouth using his chakra for assistance. He was concentrating so hard on not catching Arashia's eye he almost choked on his food and ruined his own plan. With the fork now load he manipulated his chakra again to get a good angle on his target and fired. Arashia almost missed the assault entirely as it was a small portion slipped by and smacked her in the forehead leaving a cheesy trail down her nose and slide down her left cheek. Naruto had already sprung into flight snatching his pack and shirt he practical flew out the window in his room laughing manically as he speed away from his sister.
It took Arashia a moment to figure out what had happened and then another to realize he had fled.
“OI BRAT!!” she shouted mock anger infusing her voice. Being already dressed and ready before Naruto gave her the advantage but only a little she locked the apartment swiftly having already turned off the stove and gave chase. The first time he assaulted her in a similar fashion had surprised them both, his reaction was to stare hers was to retaliate in the same fashion. Having been raised by the Yodamine whom she had attacked in like fashion when she was younger, and his responding in kind fueled the war that erupted causing them to be late even more so than Kakashi-sensi. It had only gotten worse when his teammates showed up looking for them and where promptly ambushed by both siblings laughing hysterical at the faces now wearing breakfast as well as some condiments. It was tense for all of two seconds until Kakashi launched his own salvo at the two after that it was a free for all.
Condiments and all forms of food (NOT ramen) where used and luckily for their team they had no missions that day. When they finally called a sense fire Sakura looked like a cross between the swamp thing and the creature from a horror movie her pink hair was now black from soy sauce and she had lumps clinging to her clothes and skin. The others weren't much better. Arashia smirked as she recalled the event she had offered to dry clean their clothes but Kakashi waved her saying he could take care of it him self Sakura smiled and laughing told her since she did it to herself by stay she would handle it herself as well, Sasuke seemed the most embarrassed his face was bright red and he avoided every ones eyes mumbling about getting home before anyone saw him, Naruto seeing his friend and rival in this state decided to poke fun at the Uchiha heir.
“Oi, teme why ya red?” he shoved the older teen in the shoulder and was rewarded with a
to the top of his head from Sakura who yelled at him, “BAKA, could you not be sooo…UHH” she trailed off with a similar red face as she realized she had punched him on the head in front of her. Arashia just grinned at the younger woman and shrugged her shoulders.
Smiling to her self again as she chased the blonde to the bridge and his friends she felt a stab of awareness hit her unexpectedly and she barely caught herself from stumbling. “”What the hell?!?”” She slowed her pace sending her chakra out in a wide arc trying to locate the feeling again. Her awareness continued to scan as she approached the bridge she snapped it back to the teen's bickering again, “”Well actually, Sakura and Naruto complaining and Sasuke grunting at them.”” She stood back in the shadows and watched for a moment the interplay of the three ninja, up till now she had not taken the time to notice them as a group so wholly concerned with the blonde. She noticed the slight shift in stance from Sasuke and Sakura as they turned into their hyperactive teammate making a slight curve their body language declaring clearly how protective they were with one another, she noticed too the way both Sasuke and Sakura eyed the villagers, covertly of course, when ever they came near Naruto. She didn't miss the way they glared at some one if they stared to long at their fellow shinobi or the way Naruto pretended not to notice and his eyes would shutter and his grinning mask fell over his face. She watched silent with respect for them as they closed ranks around him offering an unspoken support while Sasuke called him a Dobe about something effectively distracting the blonde as he replied heatedly to the comment.
A smile danced its way across her lips briefly, “”Good he will need them.”” Shaking herself out of her revere Arashia felt Kakashi's chakra approaching and hastily retraced her steps enough so that her sudden chakra flare would not alert him.
“Yo.” He called to the group.
“Your on time sensi,” Sakura spoke shock in her voice.
“YEAH,” Naruto shouted, “We have a mission!”
“Dobe.” Sasuke grunted out.
“TEME, he's never on time unless we have an important mission!” Naruto growled back but subsided quickly when he caught sight of Arashia's form jogging around a distant corning making her way to them. He dove behind Sakura begging her “Oi, please Sakura-chan hide me!” he whispered at the same time grabbing Sasuke and dragging him beside Sakura so he could use both as a screen.
“Naruto what….” Sakura didn't get to finish Arashia was there and had slipped around the two grabbing her brother by his sweater collar and wamping him on the head. He grinned sheepishly at her from his crouched position on the ground.
“It was joke.” She tried and succeeded in looking anger for all of three seconds before dissolving in laughter at the look of dismay on his face where he thought he might have really gotten her mad.
“Yeah well paybacks a bitch.” She answered him. Kakashi watched in fascination at the exchange his visible eye turning up at the corner in amusement.
“Well since we are all here lets head to Hokage tower for our assignments.”
“HAI” was the collective answer from all three ninja Arashia just smiled nodding her head in agreement.
Walking though the village was an experience she had missed from all the years of being away, Kakashi walked beside her as they followed the teens. Arashia watched as they took up positions on either side of the blonde effectively flanking him as he bounded forwards and backwards talking in rapid fire then dropping back between them then back to the lead again with his hands behind his head. Mostly he gabbed on about ramen flavors and some adventure or other that they as a team had been on and some that Sasuke had missed. She watched as the dark haired shinobi gave an imperceptible flinch and he would duck his head slightly then his mask of cool indifference fell into place, her ever watchful little brother would at those times walk a little closer to his friend brushing shoulders with the other before making some off hand comment switching subjects with his trade mark randomness. The adult's follow watched all this with little comment.
“He has a special power,” Kakashi startled her and she just barely managed to hide her shock before he noticed it, “ he can make friends with anyone with out even trying and people tend to believe in him.” He looked at her pointedly then and they paused in their forward progress letting the others get ahead of them.
“Naruto has a lot of precious people but I don't think he realizes how special he is to a lot pf people.” His words where soft meant for her ears alone. Dark blue eyes meet his lone gray eye with a hint of steel behind it.
“Yes he is.” She responded simply her face serene eyes calm. He continued to meet her gaze for several minutes before a shout from Naruto called them back to the present, Kakashi tilted his head to the side indicating they should move on she returned his smile and moved to walk beside him again relieved that he hadn't figured out anything else.
Meanwhile Sakura nugged Sasuke nodding her head back at the two adults a conniving smirk on her face and a glint in her eye. Sasuke grimaced as imperceptible as possible rolling his eyes. “”Girls.”” Was his exasperated thought just as Naruto turned to look at them.
“Naruto do you know how long Kakahi-sensi and Arashia-chan have known each other?” Sakura asked in her most innocent voice.
Now Naruto can be oblivious about a lot of things but he too had noticed that his sister and Kakashi had dropped back and had been staring at each other intently, and for some reason he felt the need to separate them.
“No.” His uncharacteristically short answer surprised both his friends and they looked at him.
“Oh..well ,uh, I was just curious is all Naruto.” Sakura added lamely, biting her lip and looking to Sasuke for help, he shrugged he didn't know what had upset the blonde.
“Dobe, what's your problem?” For once he refused to answer and ignored the question altogether alarming both his teammates farther.
“Don't call me that, teme.” The reversal in attitude caused both shinobi to frown in concentration at him, which he returned with a foxy grin and change in topic.
Much to Naruto's relief that had arrived at Tsunade-Baba's office moving the topic to there missions. Tsunade was sitting behind a new desk, again ,with Shizune off to the side thumbing though paper work and jotting down notes and passing them to the Godamine to sign ever now and then as Tsunade spoke to the team and its impromptune third member.
“I am sending you to the village hidden in the mist we have received some information regarding Akatsuki and I want you four to investigate and report back if the rumors are true or not NOTHING ELSE!” her voice rang with steel and she glared at Naruto who was currently glaring right back at her.
“Arashia.” The Hokage turned her attention to the young woman leaning against the wall at the back of her office. “I know you have been with Naruto for awhile now, even gone on a few missions with him but I would like for you to remain here considering.” Every one waited tense radiating off of Shizune who was trying her best to appear as wallpaper and not make a sound. Arashia meet the Hokage's star without flinching she was well aware of why the older woman didn't want her going with them but she knew too that Tsunade couldn't make her stay. Her smile was cold for the other woman but not surprisingly it was Naruto's disgruntled voice that broke the silence.
“Obaabaa-Chan she wouldn't get in the way she can fight.”
“That's not the point Naruto nii-chan, is it Tsunade?” Arashia spoke her voice hard.
“Would you like a blood oath or would you feel better binding some part of me to you so if I betray my otouoto you can kill me without much trouble?” Her smile was pleasant belying the cold words. Sakura stiffened at the woman leaning causal on the wall behind them she moved to speak but was stopped by the hand on her shoulder looking to her right she saw it was Kakashi and behind him she could see Sasuke shake his head imperceptablly. Biting the inside of her cheek to keep silent Sakura waited and watched the scene unfolding in front of them that had been boiling for days. Glancing at Naruto she could tell he was restraining him self but just barely.
“No Arashia that wont be Necessary, but you are not a shinobi and your safety and well-being could put my people at risk.” Tsunade was firm as the vein on her forehead throbbed with her irritation.
“Would you like a demonstration of my `skills' Hokage-sama. For your own piece of mind of course.” Sarcasm dripped from Arashia's voice and the intense dislike that had up till now been suppressed ever time they had come into contact with each other surged forward coating the room in pulsing tense. There was venom in her words and though she was leaning against the wall with her arms folded something subtle settled over her form that screamed `bring it on' to the older woman.
Just as suddenly as it had appeared the intense emotion evaporated and Arashia seemed to shrink back to normal size, smiling as sweetly as possible and projecting serenity and calmness she uncrossed her arms and approached the desk.
“Hokage-sama I am not a shinobi of this village I am a mere citizen.” She paused meet the woman's gaze evenly. Tsunade nodded at her and was about to continue when Arashia held up her hand.
“But,” she turned to glance at Naruto briefly then back to the Hokage, “I have been in Akatsuki and I know what her contacts look like and there hide outs I can help and confirm faster and with less trouble then unknown shinobi poking around asking questions.” She increased the size of her smile forcing as much confidence and power of will as she could into it.
“Tsunade nee-baba-chan, I can watch out for her.” Naruto's voice complained. Sakura beamed him on the head sending him crashing to the floor.
“You BAKA, shut up.” She hissed at him Sasuke gave the Uchiha equivalent of embrassment and looked away mumbling “dobe”. Kakashi squinted his eye a drop of sweat rolling down his cheek. He couldn't help how this familiarity made him happy while at the same time effectively embarrassing him.
“Oi Sakura-Chan what was that for?!” his voice raising in pitch as he rubbed his head again glad that she at least wasn't using her superhuman strength on him, yet. Tsunade pinched the bridge of her noise in a bid for patience that she was rapidly losing with them.
“ If you wish to Arashia but,” she returned her gaze to the young woman who was still smiling at her “I am sending Sai along he will be you partner. Besides that He currently does not have a team so he needs the field experience.”
Arashia blinked taken off guard, she racked her brain for any information on this Sai person she was sure she had heard that name before.
“Before that however I would like a demonstration of your `skill' level, if you don't mind to much.” This time the sugar sweet voice came from Tsunade as she grinned wickedly at her from behind her interlaced fingers
Training field after hours at the Academy.
Arashia stood ready arms relaxed stance loose 20 paces away stood the former `ROOTS' operative Sai. He wore a black half shirt exposing his midriff and one arm the other covered down to the wrist. His pants rode low on his hips and a double belt of breaded rode as a belt his boot were soft leather the soles hardened and reinforced. On his back he carried twin katanas that curved on the end they rested in the same sheaf and when removed could be used as a single weapon or separately.
She was wearing her black outfit from when she first arrived it was the most comfortable the only difference was she too had katana's separately sheathed grip turned out so all she had to do was reach to her side and pull them free. “ ` Tsunade doesn't miss much'” she thought privately. “ `She knew either myself or Naruto would fight her decision and was only waiting to see her chance to observe me. Well I will give her a show but just not to much.'” She watched the boy across from her with a blank expression on the way after retrieving her katana from Naruto's, he brother had taken the chance to tell her about Sai a little more in-depth. The emotional stunted ex ROOTS member had become a good friend to him but he warned her that he was fast and wicked with his katana and he also used ink jutsu. She smiled at him telling him not to give away all his friends weakness or it would give her an unfair advantage he had grumbled that she needed it which made her smile grow.
Her eyes glazed for a moment in reminder of that and that was when he attacked hands forming seals he intoned “Ninpou tuu Gigi” (Ninja Art great beast false image) three huge black tigers leap forward charging at her snapping her attention back she twisted to the side folding forward under the second beast gather her chakra in her legs as she came up between the third and second beast pushing off from the ground rolling over its back she could feel the stickiness on her close from the ink of the false image as it arched around impossiblely fast trying to catch her its ink paw swiped at her and using its motion surged forward almost like sitting in a swing using it to launch her self at the boy. His eyes widened slightly as he dodged her flipping backwards then pushing off from the ground with his hands to the side avoiding her scissor kick at his arms.
Arashia spun her legs around and under her gather chakra again into her legs she shoved backwards drawing her katana at the same time and slicing though the ink beast charging her from behind. She allowed her self to grin as Sai came to his feet with his eyebrows slightly elevated.
They now faced each from opposite ends of the field, he had taken a defensive stance and was watching her out of the corner of her eye she could see Tsunade with a suitable look of appreciation on her face beside her Kakashi stood his visible eye watching he still had not revealed his Sharingan eye and an evil thought occurred to her. She wanted to see the look on his face when she did what she was about to do but first she had to get the boy to attack her out right. She glanced again at Naruto he was tense and she knew what he was thinking, so far she had displayed her physical abilities proving she could keep up but had yet to show her ninja arts. “ ` Alright nii-chan this is for you.'” She preformed the seals and called out “Kage Bushin No Jutsu” Four clones materialized.
“Lets go!” she pointed at Sai and let her clones charge forward. “ ` Alright boy don't disappoint me. Give me something to work with here.'” The clones charged flipping and kicking at the boy he finally used his katana's dispatching her clones. Arashia gritted her teeth in frustration and decided to use Sasuke's tactic.
“Is that the best you can do BOY!” she grinned as his mask of indifference slipped momentarily. “I guess you are still learning after all the academy doesn't usually let children play at being ninja but I guess there is a first time for everything.” She taunted and from her left she could a stifled choking sound. Inward she her smile blossomed into rolling on the ground laughter. So the Uchiha didn't like his temporary replacement after all.
“Tauu Ninpou caa GIGI” the last came out slightly forced and Arashia knew she finial had the reaction she wanted. A massive cloud of black beasts surged forward all different shapes Sai had withdrawn a scroll this time increasing his attack pouring chakra into it he was cool headed enough not to dump it all reserving a large portion his lips tilted up slightly at the corners.
“ ` Well two can play that game.'” She painted a shocked look on her face briefly as the ink beast came at her inhaling deeply filling her mouth and hand with chakra she gave the impression of screaming before releasing the massive fire ball engulfing the ink and incinerating it while calling out “Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu”.