Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto......SISTER?!?!?!? ❯ Itachia Returns ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kakashi sat on a roof his mind working over every possible scenario, after having spent so much time with Arashia sharing a room albeit a hole in the wall motel room with more roaches than guests, he felt he could read her fairly accurately. When they had made the rounds of all the seeder bars in the village it had seemed like a good idea at the time and she had even managed to twist the facts to the point where it felt like his idea when in all actuality it was her's. He couldn't fault the plan really it was the best place to start after all since it fit there disguises and he had been reasonable certain that the others would not choose this route so it was left to him. Not being one to drink he managed to wear almost all of the drinks he ordered and only a small portion entered his system, which was promptly exercised out by his high metabolism.
Somewhere along the line however he had begun to wonder if they would find anything and it was exactly two nights ago that he voiced his opinion that Akatsuki might have moved on. Arashia had nodded her head agreeing with him that it was possible.
“Lets try one more place if it doesn't work out we can contact the others and figure out what to do from there.” She grinned at him with that foxy grin and he felt another part of his resolve to be uninvolved melt.
“Sounds good. Alright one more place.” He stood up from the cot he had been sitting on at the same time that Arashia had stood up from her bed and they collided, loosing her balance she grabbed hold of his shirt front trying vainly to stop her backward momentum at the same time Kakashi tried to shift them to the right then abruptly he changed directions as he realized his intended path would impale the young woman on the edge of her cot so instead of landing on the floor tangled they landed on the bed with Kakashi on top of Arashia knocking the wind out her lungs.
“Well if you wanted in my bed you should have said something instead of braining me then trying to kill me.” She was laughing at him, his dignity offended he moved to get off of her when she reached with both hands to capture both sides of his face stopping him from moving and breathing. Blue eyes meet brown and with sincerity he had not seen from anyone aside from Naruto she apologized.
“Gomen, Kakashi-kun. I was only joking..” he cut her off by leaning in and kissing her. For all of 2 seconds she did nothing then as his lips moved to leave she held onto his face and kissed him back with all the passion she had in her. To say he was shocked would have been an understatement, he had been reclusive and unapproachable to all now save his team and now this woman his former sensi's daughter the 4th's no less, and he was kissing her like a man long in the desert and getting his first drink of water. His body had a will of its own even as his mind rallied at him to get up she was off limits he had too much respect for his sensei and Naruto to be doing his, but DAMN It she tasted so good. He was a human and male after all and a man can only go so long with out before he loses to his baser instincts and he was well and truly lost as he crushed down on the woman.
Growling in the back of his throat he pushed down on her imprinting his body on her she returned the feeling arching up into his arms pressing close into him, he could smell the desire on her but underneath it he could smell something very similar to desperation and something else, he pulled back to look at her closely. Her eyes were glazed and half lidded and her lips where slightly puffy from the pressure of his mouth the foxy grin was there but it was less forced and the hint of satisfaction evident. Desire was coming off of her in waves and after being in the same room with her for days and smelling her scent everyday he couldn't fight what happened next….
“Focus Kakashi.” He ordered himself, “See the underneath.” He went back over the conversation leading up to their encounter he couldn't say exactly when he began to suspect her but until the incident at the bar nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Just as he was about to give up on the Mist ninja ever showing up the man appeared not far from Kakashi's hiding place thankfully he had masked his chakra so the other wouldn't notice him.
Following the other ninja cautiously as he made his way though the darkened streets below Kakashi failed to sense another's presence behind him until he felt pain the shooting into his left eye the same as when the kunai sliced him all those years ago when he was younger costing him his sight in that eye, the last thing he saw before the world went black was a pair of deep blue eyes.
The Next Day
Naruto went about the normal route of opening the shop for a business that didn't really exist, he had a bad feeling about what was going on and last night he woke up after dreaming about Kakashi bleeding and tore yelling at him over the bodies of his teammates in a cold sweat. It was a familiar dream he lived with and the others had no idea about since he kept his worst fears bottled and buried. Sweating he had shaken the dream off as a product of the stress he felt from seeing Sakura and Sasuke `pretending' to be married and gone back to bed, but in the morning the uncomfortable feeling had turned into a nagging worry and by the time Sasuke and Sakura showed up he was on edge and his nerves were raw. His friends had no idea why he was acting so weird so it was Sakura that invented a need for them to have a private meeting in his office away from prying eyes.
“What is with you?” she hissed at him as he closed the door. He shrugged his shoulders answering, “I don't know. No wait something's wrong but I don't know what.” Sakura made to smack him when Sasuke stopped her.
“He's right, I haven't heard from Kakashi since yesterday, have you?” Sakura looked from one to the other shaking her head a guilty look on her face.
“So what do we do?” Naruto asked, Sakura was about to answer when she clapped her mouth shut, they all felt it the spike in chakra nearby very close by. Pulling a kunai from under her kimono she moved to stand by the door staring at a picture hanging on the wall while summoning up her superhuman strength, Sasuke formed the seals for Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu who ever it was appeared to have a large amount of chakra so they were taking no chances. They weren't prepared for what happened though, instead of who ever it was kicking the door in and attacking the person knocked the trio blinked then Naruto called out “Come in.” the door knob turned and the door was pushed open.
Cave 20 miles southeast of Hidden Mist Village At the Same time
Kakashi groaned and tried to rub the grit from his eyes only to discover his arms and legs bound and his hands tied to some rough surface so he couldn't form any seals. His head was pounding and his left eye was killing him it burned and ached, he was laying on his right side and he could feel every stone on the floor. His groan had drawn someone or something's attention and tensing as it drew closer he tried to sniff the air to pinpoint its location but the pounding in his head got worse so he stopped about the same time he heard the creature laughing. He shuddered it sounded like glass fragments on steel and chilled his blood.
“She did well with you, I knew she would.” It spoke and Kakashi struggled to suppress another shudder.
“Asumere.” Some one called sharply, he recognized the voice.
“Arashia.” He ground out struggling up into a setted position and sniffing the air to find her.
“I wouldn't try that again Kakashi-san or your head will implode.” She spoke next to his ear and he drew back to glare at her. He hadn't even sensed her arrival and he was doubly disgusted with him self for missing it.
“ I suppose then you are after Naruto then?” He asked her with a snare. His eyes had finally adjusted to the dark and he could see the cloak she wore was the same as all the other Akatsuki members black with a red flower. His lips curled back over his teeth in a feral grimace that she didn't miss behind his masked lower face, she grinned at him with Naruto's grin her eyes shuttered.
“You didn't think you meant anything to me did you.” He refused to look away from her, refusing to give in and let her see the hurt she caused by her betrayal.
“You did, oh how delightful. I am honored, if only I could love you.” She laughed at him his anger boiling his blood he wanted to hurt her like she was hurting him but he kept his face blank and his eye shuttered as he stared back at her. She had thrown her head back and was laughing wholeheartedly the sound filling the camber and causing the creature Asumere to back away from the woman fear in it's baring.
“Enough Arashia, the Kyuubi vessel is on its way,” Kakashi glanced behind her and gasped audibly, only two other times in his life had he heard that voice this made three. Uchiha Itachia the Uchiha clan's killer and Sasuke's aniki.
“Yes Kakashi I am still alive and well.” Kakashi dropped his eyes before he could be pulled into the Mangyko Sharingan wielders power and instead glared at the ground breathing harshly. It was then that he noticed the seal paper on his vested chest.
“Well I must be going I have a brother to reunite with.” Arashia tapped him on the chest over the seal scroll then turned and disappeared with a sound. Angry and hurt he racked his brain trying to come up with a way to escape so he could be of some use to the others.
Naruto's Shop
“Neji you scared the shit out of me, what is every one doing here?” Naruto was sitting on the floor looking at the Hyuuga genius, he pushed his desk out into the hall to make room for the others and even managed to find enough chairs for the girls to sit in. Rock Lee sitting beside Neji answered for him.
“Tsunade-sama sent us about three days ago when evidence that Uchiha Itachia paid the village a visit looking for you.” The green spandex wearing taijutsu master smiled at him nodding to his fellow ninja. Ten-Ten blushed as he smiled at her causing Sakura to roll her eyes at the other girl before what Lee had just said registered. Sasuke hadn't moved but she could feel the tension radiating off of him.
“ It was only supposed to be the three of us,” Lee gestured to the rest of the rookie nine as they were called, sitting around and beside him.
“We wanted to come and help you, Naruto-Kun.” It was Hinita that spoke and Naruto blushed at her words. The feeling of having these people care about him enough for all of them to come was overwhelming and he grinned at them all.
“ `Side's you might get your self killed.” Kiba growled out and Akumaru barked his agreement.
“You have an even more pressing issue then reminiscing, Kyuubi.” Every one jumped up at the sound of the voice that was calling to them from just outside the window. Naruto was the first one out the door he knew that voice as did Sasuke who was racing down the steps beside him, once out side they where confronted by a shadow of darkness from both of their pasts.
“Itachia.” Sasuke snarled his fists clenched his Sharingan spinning madly, not far behind the others made it outside and arrayed themselves to attack the man.
“Don't look him in the eye.” Sakura shouted.
“Very clever girl.” He turned his Sharingan on his little brother and a slight smile tugged at his lips, which turned into a smirk.
“If you want Hatake Kakashi back in enough pieces to bury then go to a cave 20 miles southeast of this village.” Naruto could feel the others eyes on him, his anger rising, he so wanted to dismember this man and send him to the darkest pit in hell.
“Your sister is waiting for you as well,Uzumiki.” Naruto's head snapped up, his features distorting as red chakra swirled around him, his canines lengthened into fangs and his fingers grew claws. The whisker like lines on his face grew wider covering his cheeks and turned red.
“Naruto.” Sasuke called to him clamping a hand on Naruto's wrist, “Calm down he wants you to act rashly.” Naruto looked at his best friend nodding his head he struggled to rein the fox in as Sasuke looked back at Itachia loathing painted across his handsome face and in his eyes.
“How do we know you're not lying?” He demanded of the older man.
Reaching up his sleeve he withdrew a black cloth tossing it at him, the metal forehead protector caught the fading light of the sunset.
“The Kyuubi vessel will be able to tell its his.” Naruto took the Hiate-ita and sniffed it.
“His name is Naruto, you asshole.” Sakura shouted. Itachia turned cold emotionless eyes on her and snorted.
“You have 24 hours.” Then he was gone, Naruto was staring at the hiate-ita his hands shaking as he clenched his fists.
“I smell blood on it and not just Kakashi's.” Sasuke gripped his best friend/brothers shoulder as their friends surrounded them.
“We'll get them back.” Red eyes with slitted pupils looked up and meet his eyes the whisker marks had faded some what but for once all of his friends could see the change rout in and on him by the Kyuubi, and for the first time in his life when they looked at him he didn't see fear but love, respect and determination.
“Tonight.” He growled out, they all nodded and a smattering of Hai's could be heard in response.