Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto Sister Sequel ❯ Awake ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“I can't take this anymore I can't get rid of him.” Gasping for breath she clutched tighter to the back of the shirt she held strong arms enveloped her in a hug that wasn't real.
“Its like being stalked its painful and disgusting and I hate myself but most of all,” she sobbed her breath short, “most of all….I hate Him!” she sobbed harder hiccupping into the chest that held her tight. How had things gone so wrong, she had found her nii-chan after years of searching only to be ripped away by the people who where trying to kill him for the Kyuubi. Her cries where heart wrenching and she knew had this been real and not a genjutsu then they would be doing more then just holding her. She had known from the beginning that this wasn't the real world, Itachi's powers were strong but not that strong he couldn't duplicate the Kyuubi's chakra despite his having experienced the power first hand. She sobbed all the harder for having been there and then ripped away things couldn't have gotten worse. Arashia curled around the fake Hatake Kakashi in her mind unyielding tears pouring from her eyes fate was laughing its ass off at her she thought brokenly. Then the brush of consciousness' that she hadn't touched in almost 6 months, it was time.
“ `Nee-chan!?'” Naruto's mental voice called to her, it pushed at the barrier in her mind that she had erected to keep what little bit of sanity she had left. Her sobs quieted around the same time as the first explosion ripped though the cavern, the images in her mind wavered `Kakashi' stumbled releasing her.
“'NOW!'” She didn't realize the mental shaft she sent out came as a scream making her brother transform with three tails ripping through the guards between them.
“Ara are you alright?” Kakashi was holding her again her mind screamed in agony the images wavered then the people solidified but instead of the hokages office they were standing in the cell/hole she had been living in for the last several months. She wanted to scream and claw at her eyes.
“Ara?” “'NEE_CHAN!'” two voices meddled together throwing her already fragile body and mind into a tailspin bringing her fingers together she formed the seals screaming as she did so “KAI!” her voice was dry and cracked from disuse and lack of water with the last of her consciousness' she reached out to her brother brushing his mind with her location before giving into the darkness of a dreamless sleep.
Naruto sat by his sister's bed clutching her hand, his head rested on his arms. It had been almost 48 hours since the rescue, the power of the Kyuubi had surged through his system leaving him exhausted but sane, discovering that Arashia was 4 or 5 months pregnant had come as a shock. The more he thought about it the more tears slipped from his eyes, he had been unable to protect his sister from those bastards and they had raped her. There was no possibility of aborting the child now it would kill her as her chakra stores had long since been linked to the child. Tsunade-obaa-chan had already informed him not to push her, she had been subjected to continuous genjutsu for months on end, there was no telling what her reaction would be when she woke or if she would even wake up. The blonde cringe when he remembered the conversation.
“Naruto there is a high likelihood Arashia may not wake up, her mind is completely blank and the mental strain the Maygenkyo Sharingan put on her was over a longer period of time then what is normally used in battle.” The blonde tensed red chakra bristling under his skin.
“I Know that Obaa-san.” He growled his lips curling in a snarl that would have frightened anyone else but it didn't faze the Godaime, she looked at him with sympathy before hardening her gaze to look him in the eye.
“Her baby,” the Rokudaime narrowed his eyes red flickering unchecked, beside the teen his two teammates watched prepared to act if necessary. Kakashi had for once put his book away and folded his arms over his chest while leaning back against the wall on the other side of the office. The blonde Hokage stiffened pouring steel into her tone she stood up from her chair planting her palms on her desk.
“You will get your self under control Uzumiki Naruto or you will be forbidden from entering the Hospital!” The transformation was immediate, the red disappeared from his eyes the blue returning and the Kyuubi's chakra sank mixing back with his own blue chakra a blank expression slipped over his features, he stood stiffly but other wise calmly in front of her desk. Though it wasn't the reaction she was hoping for it was better than having the brat lose his cool and unleash that ungodly powerful chakra on the village in his anger.
“Now then the Baby,” she paused glancing at Kakashi he too stiffened at the mention of the child, “She appears to be about 4 to 5 months along so the possibility of removal is no longer an option and I wouldn't even attempt it without the mothers consent.” Kakashi's face or the corner she could see was pale it didn't escape Naruto's notice either.
“It would be best not to broach the subject with her until she brings it up herself if and when she wakes up.” The low rumbling growl deep in the blonde's chest vibrated the floor. “She may not even remember anything about it, the level of jutsu..” He tuned the rest of the explanation out, in the confines of his mind he paced and snarled ripping up imaginary Itachi's and Zetsu's into bloody shreds just to recreate them seconds later to torment and torture them, he was in the middle of a particularly bloody cession when Sasuke thumped him on the back of his head. He took a moment to compose himself while clenching his fists so as not to attack his best friend.
“Nani?” It came out deep and grating not his usual annoyed reply. The ex-avenger had cocked his head slightly to the side and raised an eyebrow giving him his version of Uchiha concern without actually saying anything.
“I'm fine, are we done?” his tone was clipped again. The Hokage glared hard at him a vein throbbed in her temple as she worked not to give into the urge to flick the ungrateful gaki.
“Then I'm going to the hospital.” He jumped out the window before anyone could stop him.
Now sitting beside his sister once again holding her hand he prayed to whatever powers where at work to bring his sister back unharmed. He laughed bitterly, a sound no one would have ever thought the blonde could make, it was to late for the physical harm to be averted. He sat up switching hands he reached up and brushed blonde bangs back from her face letting his hand cup her cheek he leaned forward and kissed her forehead a single tear dripped onto her pale skin.
“Gomen Nee-chan,” a small sob escaped his lips and he sucked in a sharp breath, “Gomen…I…” he hiccupped with closed eyes he sat back down letting his head drop back down to the bed.
“'Please wake up.'” He brushed her mind gently with the thought but as usual all he got back was a blankness that held neither fear nor happiness it was just nothing. He sighed 48 hours.
“Kakashi I understand your not wanting to, but Naruto is your teammate he will listen to you and I would rather he take care of himself with your persuasion rather through an order from the Hokage.” Fingers stepled she looked over the tips at team sevens Jounin leader, he had avoided going to the hospital since their return. Tsunade felt sympathy for his position but Naruto had not eaten or left his sisters side for the last 3 days if this persisted she would have to intervene. It wouldn't have been so bad but it was to the point where he was chasing the nurses and doctors out of the room the only people he let in to take care of his sister were Sakura and Sasuke, Sai though he was close to the blonde wasn't allowed in which was not all that shocking really. The Godaime waited for the younger shinobi to respond, then using her last card she addressed the young man again.
“It might do her some good to hear your voice.” He visibly flinched, she had briefed Naruto and himself about the illusion used and who's child she thought it was. Few things could rattle the copy nin but finding that out had shaken his worlds foundations it was the one thing he desperately wanted to believe.
“Understood.” The stiff answer was not what she wanted from him but it was the best she was likely to get, so if he was going to take it as an order then she would treat it like a mission minus the pay.
“Then go today when you leave this office, make sure he eats and baths he doesn't have to stay away from her but he needs to take care of those things that are…hygienic. Dismissed.” Giving her a military salute he disappeared in a poof of smoke and leaves.
Naruto was sitting up right holding Arashia's left had, he had moved to the other side of the bed so as to keep an eye on the door, the nurses had resumed normal rounds and were attempting once again to enter the room for daily vitals. He hadn't used any physical force on them yet but he did growl a warning that was very effective. Some where deep down he knew he could trust them and that they were in Konoha but the last time some one close to him was in a hospital they were attacked and taken away and he wasn't about to chance that again. Feeling a shift in the air pressure of the room the blonde gathered chakra into the palm of his hand in a swirl of blue wind readying himself to attack the person. Kakashi appeared in the room to face an agitated blonde holding a fully formed Rasengan at the ready.
“Yo.” The single monosyllable caught the blonde's attention and he dissipated the Rasengan, sitting back down he picked up his sisters hand again gesturing for his teammate to sit. Kakashi hesitated torn between the desire to move closer and hold the pale woman's hand as well and the urge to flee so he could continue to deny the truth of her rounded belly. The rational part of his brain informed him that she was raped the not so rational part blamed her for it she was a power Kunichi she should have been able to avoid this. Squashing the anger that was building he moved to were he could look Naruto in the face before he spoke.
“Tsunade-sama is worried about you.” The teen remained silent, “Said you haven't eaten in the last 3 days.” That got a response, the teen looked up with slit pupils in red eyes meeting his teacher's gaze with cold anger. Kakashi watched the emotions flicker across the teens face, Naruto had always worn his emotions openly.
“I wont leave my sister alone.” The vehemence in his voice startled Kakashi he hide it well though, reaching out cautiously he placed a hand on the teens shoulder squeezing.
“I'll sit with her.” The words left his mouth before he could stop them, they were well worth it though at the look on the other mans face. He seemed to be relieved and shocked all at once, the blonde stood up slowly moving back to let the copy nin take his place.
“I'll be back in a hour.” Kakashi nodded his head removing a orange book from his vest pocket a small growl greeted his action so he made a shooing gesture at the teen towards the door. Reluctantly Naruto stepped back before leaving the room he bent down placing a gentle kiss on the other blondes forehead he exited the room surprising the nurses in the hall, he took off at a run making a small tornado of wind which threw all the papers not secured into the air.
Head bowed trying to concentrate on the next sentences in his book Kakashi wound up reading it several times before putting the book away in favor of staring out the window when that failed to distract him he stared at his lap drumming his fingers on his knees once again his eyes where unwillingly drawn to the unconscious woman on the bed. He wanted to hold her hand badly but was holding back, for the first time in his life since his father's death he felt betrayed by some one he loved deeply.
“Why?” His own voice caught him off guard, “…why did you let this happen?” tears pricked his eyes and he couldn't stop the flow of words.
“What was it that You couldn't stop it? Why didn't you call Me?” he choked on the last, he hadn't cried in years not even when the 3rd had been killed, yes he had felt the hollowness in his heart at the loss of a great mentor and friend but something about this hit closer to home for him touching his heart with an intensity that bordered on torture. He hadn't realized that he had moved closer to the bed or that he was clutching her hand in a bruising grip, loosening his hold on her hand he would have let go but her fingers moved holding onto his own lightly surprising him, at the same time something brushed his mind.
“ `I didn't leave on purpose.'” He nearly jumped out of his skin, few things if any surprised him any more but this was damn close to making him insane. A soothing aura wrapped around him then drew back swiftly, Arashia's eyes fluttered open her fingers tightened around his own for a second before she was throwing herself backwards desperately trying to extract her hand from his. The fear in her eyes pierced his heart at the same time Naruto came crashing through the door knocking it off its hinges and splintering it in half.
“NEE-CHAN!” He stopped a foot from the bed when she turned frightened eyes on him, just as suddenly she pulled her knees into her chest rocking slightly all the while muttering “this isn't real this isn't real.”
“Arashia?” the blonde shinobi crept forward afraid to make her more upset. She raised her head to regard him. Raising her hands she allowed them to go though the seals to release a genjutsu, the flare of chakra brought several running people who had not already arrived after the blondes shattering of the door among them the Hokage. The younger blonde Kunichi opened her eyes she looked at her little brother tears spilling from her eyes. Swinging her legs over the side of the bed she stood up taking a step towards him she smiled through her tears and reached out a hand.
“Ta dame.” She whispered before fainting, Naruto just barely managed to catch her from hitting the floor. He scooped her up gently cradling the woman to his chest and lay her back on the bed Kakashi slipped unnoticed out of the window retreating to his own home.
The Hokage pushed loose bangs back from her face, since Arashia regained consciousness a few hours ago Naruto had not only harassed Sakura into evaluating the woman but he had strong armed herself into checking the younger blonde woman over.
“Tch.” She glared in exasperation at the pile of paper Shizune had come up with in her short absence. “Baka.” Mumbling she shifted the stack closest to her several inches forward and laid her forehead on the cool wood. The brat had left for a short while to shower and take care of some obscure issues, though she was grateful to Kakashi for managing the task she had set for him the man had once again disappeared. It wasn't a pressing issue as of yet but Tsunade worried that later once Arashia was up and moving again what the outcome would be. Glancing to her left she gazed at the photo of the 4th.
“Arashi your children are a headache.”