Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto Sister Sequel ❯ It all Comes Together ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Its not like I planned it this way!” mud splattered on the ground 10 feet below where the blonde Rokudaime landed. Skidding several yards to a halt at the edge of the roof he gathered chakra to power his next leap all the while glaring daggers at his companion.
“You where supposed to watch her for less than an hour. 1 HOUR!” the blonde growled. Stomping down hard enough on the terracotta roof to shatter tiles Naruto sworn angrily.
`Great now I'll be doing roof repair because of this!'
His temper didn't improve when he finally was able to narrow down the direction in which Arashia was taking. Konohamaru grunted at the surge of chakra, glancing at the destroyed section of roof he shook his head. Naruto's temper was notoriously short when it came to fighting more so when he was protecting someone precious to him so he could be forgiven in this instance, and too the younger man felt the weight of failure. So absorbed in his thoughts he missed his footing on the next roof and had to force his body to twist so his feet would hit the wall he was currently aimed at only to come up short from the restraining hand on the collar of his vest.
“OI, pay attention baka gaki.” The chastisement made him flinch and roll his eyes, it wasn't the first time he had been called that and the sly glint in the Rokudaimes eyes told him it wouldn't be the last, glaring at his leader he spoke.
“I would if you didn't act like a wild man about,” he didn't finish as the other set him down abruptly turning to face in the opposite direction. Konohamaru followed his gaze into the market below there in front of an Odon shop stood Hatake Kakashi the famous copy ninja he looked to be placing an order along with the woman in front of him. Her back stiffened and she stumbled a little, the silver haired Jounnin placed a supporting hand on her lower back allowing her other hand to rest on his arm. Watching the scene Konohamaru couldn't see immediately what had piqued his friends interest, all he could tell was that the older ninja was getting his dinner and helping an old lady, he wrinkled his nose.
`Pervert should be the one in trouble for not picking Onee-chan up!' The teen grumbled to himself.
“Sly bastard.” Naruto whispered before dropping to the rooftop cross-legged to observe the two. Konohamaru blinked looking back and forth between Naruto and Kakashi before it finally dawned on him just who it was with the Copy nin, when he did he blushed bright red muttering about crazy hokage's and their families and took a seat next to his friend.
“So what's the plan boss?” the young chunnin tilted his head in the direction of the other two ninja's and waited for a response.
Naruto stared down at the two, so far as he could tell Kakashi hadn't sensed him and he was down wind of the other man so that eliminated being sniffed out. He grinned his lips thinning and turning up at the corners a smile that indicted to Konohamaru that his friend was either angry or pleased, his political smile that he had picked up along the way from the Kazekage.
The teen trusted Naruto implicatly but the Kazekage worried him still, it wasn't that long ago that the sand trio had tried to kill him, well not him alone more so the village but still memories of the first chunnin exam came to mind. At the time his instincts told him to avoid the boy and his companions; the aura surrounding him had been hellishly sinister making his skin crawl. Subsequent encounters hadn't done much to alleviate his anxiety and it didn't help that the leader of the sand was only openly friendly with Naruto and at best coldly indifferent to the rest of village. He did manage, with out even trying, to get grudging respect from Konohamaru and his team for his hostility to a certain Uchiha bastard. It was after Naruto returned from rescuing the Kazekage did he learn about Shukuku and the reason behind the then boys actions it was also at that time he learned about Kyuubi from Naruto,
“Ano, Naruto-nii lets get some ramen, you haven't had Ichiruki's in years lets go eat!” the younger teen grinned up at his friend and leader. The blonde took a deep breath and placed his hand on the others head before speaking.
“I need to explain a few things to you Konohamaru.” Fearing the worst the boy stopped in his tracks turning his unblinking worried gaze on the blonde.
“Nani, your not going away again are you…” he laughed nervously, “Being assigned long term somewhere, ano sa ano sa your not..dieing are you?” He swallowed hard, tears threatening to spill at any moment, in that brief pause before Naruto spoke again his heart squeezed painfully and he was certain that his blonde idol was going to tell him he was leaving the village to be with the Uchiha traitor.
“No baka, I'm not dieing, (yet) no…I…I…follow me, you've gotten better at chakra control right? Lets go.” The blonde took off at an easy pace and the boy followed dark brown hair held back by his heitia-ate.
He followed the teen to the top of the Hokage monument via rooftop and out onto the fourths head, he stopped beside the blonde and they where silent for several seconds, when Naruto finally spoke he startled the boy.
“ So much hate.” The words where whispered but they carried clearly making Konohamaru's eyebrows drew together in confusion. This serious side of his long time friend was scaring him, he had long since felt the almost palpable animosity the blonde received at times making him wonder if this might be the cause of his down trodden attitude.
“Do you remember your history… of the village?” The blonde asked louder this time, he nodded his head waiting for the other to continue.
“Do you remember hearing about the Kyuubi no Youki?” The boy rolled his eyes.
“Of course, the Kyuubi attacked the village 15 years ago the fourth Hokage defeated him.” He smiled up at his friend who grimaced continuing to look out over the village.
“ I bet you don't know that there are (pause) were more than one creature like that roaming around all those years ago either or that they were sealed into people.” A single tear slid down the blonde's cheek and he unconsciously wiped it away.
“Gaara was one of those people that's why I Had to go save him.” Konohamaru stood shocked.
“Well that explains why he was such a bastard.” The boy grumbled rubbing his head.
“Were you scared?” the blonde questioned a bare hint of desperation in his voice.
“Hell yes I was scared he's creepy enough on his own.” He fake shivered grinning in relief at the blonde only to worry again at the remote faded blue eyes looking back at him.
“I have the Kyuubi sealed inside me.” Brown eyes widened in disbelief meeting those clouded blue eyes he blinked.
“…NANI!” the blonde took a step back surprised, of all the reactions he had prepared for this was not one.
“Ano ano, where's your seal?” Konohamaru was practically bouncing; he stopped moving to scrutinize the blonde.
“Nani?” Naruto shook himself out of his daze wrinkling his brow and regarding the boy with him carefully.
“That's it?” The boy grinned up at him mischief dancing in his eyes before throwing his arms out dramatically and declaring in a loud voice.
“OH HO I WILL BE EATTEN ANY MOMENT, Pfft.” Sticking out his tongue he laughed.
“So what, are you telling me I should worry after all these years? GEEEEZE, at least now I know what every one was talking about when they kept saying your where in danger and why the old Hag had Ebsui-sensei and the others getting info on that Aksuki Akatsi, whatever.”
“Akatsuki.” The blonde corrected.
“Whatever.” The boy shrugged, “So this means you're famous before being the Rokudaime, it'll make other villages think twice before attacking us and means I wont have to work so hard as a gennin.” He dodged around the others arm as the blonde reached for him.
“OI brat, you still have to become stronger as a gennin before you can work as my assistant.” The blonde lunged making another grab at the boy.
“What makes you think I'd work for you old man?"
“I AM NOT OLD!” Naruto successfully captured the boy in a headlock and proceeded to give one of the most painful nooges he could.
Arashia brushed the hair out of her eyes, the wind had picked up somewhat changing directions to blow in her face. She couldn't say she was pleased entirely with this turn of events, what with even her beloved sibling plotting against her, in that regard she was easily defeated she turned to give Kakashi her opinion on just that when he wrapped one arm around her shoulders turning and tilting her face up with the other and proceeded to kiss her deeply in full view of all passersby as well as the audience on the rooftop who was currently leaking some much killing intent that even non-shinobi could sense it. Kakashi chuckled to himself, served him right for spying. Arashia thinking along the same lines blocked her brother's furious order allowing her tongue to play with Kakashi's surprising the man, up until his hands began to roam around. Once that began not even Konohamaru had the courage to get in the blonde's way. Landing with a decidedly heavy thump the Rokudaime glared daggers at his former sensei.
“You seem to be enjoying yourself.” He folded his arms over his chest flexing his fingers and trying to contain the rising flames in his stomach. Logically he knew Kakashi had been baiting him as had Arashia, he'd known that it would happen as soon as the wind shifted, it was the intense reaction he was having to it that was worrying him. Not since merging with the Kyuubi had he been put in a position that tested him other then the retrieval mission for Arashia and then he had been facing Akatsuki though remnants still powerful.
Tapping his foot impatiently at the two looking back at him, he reached down to help his sister up and stopped short his hand hovering mid-way. Claws tipped his fingers and running his tongue experimentally over his teeth revealed elongated fangs.
`Not good.' His mind whispered sounding suspiciously like the Kyuubi, Arashia listened to the chaos hovering in his mind acted. She grunted and grabbed his hand abruptly focusing his mind back on the here and now.
“That's a fine way to treat a pregnant woman, lecher.” She aimed the barb at Kakashi playfully allowing her brother to pull her up from the others lap and into his arms. Holding her tightly both blondes focused on one another Arashia focused calming images into the blondes mind while at the same time speaking out loud.
“Oi, I'm starving and I hear I have a jailor now so feed me or leave me, I prefer feeding myself and some well deserved ramen from Ichiruki's is just the thing.” The whisker lines faded more and the blue returned to his eyes, he narrowed his gaze at her.
“You where supposed to wait at the hospital.” He chided.
“Well as you can see I am hail and safe…Now with the mad hatter as my lock and key,” she pointed back at Kakashi who blinked his one silver gray eye at the two, “it would be best to get this fat woman to some food.” She laughed at her own joke.
“Alright then.” The blonde directed a look at the copy nin before disappearing in a swirl of smoke and leaves when they reappeared they where standing in front of the Ramen shop.
“Don't do that again.” The blonde growled, Arashia looked up at her brother's face illuminated by the light from the shop, heavy shadows dark under his eyes. She reached up and patted his check gently smiling before whacking him on the side of the head, he crotched down clutching his head and moaning.
“Nee-chaaaannnn, what was that forrr.” Her hands in fists on both her hips she glared down at him.
“You ruined the first Date I have ever had!” Naruto snorted from his position jumping back from the kick she aimed at his head again. Looking around she spotted the Hyuuga heiress making her way towards them. Naruto noticed the other woman at the same time he noted the evil glint in his sister's eye.
“Don't you Dare laugh! You haven't mphfsd…Mhmmm MHhhhmm!” He jumped up clamping a hand over her mouth cutting off the words, picking her up carefully he stepped into the ramen stand and called out an order for Miso and pork before setting the other blonde on a stool.
“Ohayo Naruto-kun, Arashia-san.” Both turned as the Heiress greeted them calling out there own greetings at the same time. Arashia attempted to make another comment on the lack of his dating only to have Naruto slap a hand over her mouth again this time she retaliated by licking the palm of his hand he snatched his hand away.
“EWWWW that's just gross Rashi-nee.”
“Then don't put your hand on my mouth and I wont lick it! Bleee” she stuck her tongue out blowing a raspberry at him. The argument that followed turned into childish insults, confusing Hinatia it was during this time that the others arrived. Kakashi grinned from the door flap, Sakura and Sasuke had joined them along with Sai who was careful to keep Sakura or Naruto between he and Sasuke.
The raven rolled his eyes at the exchange between the two blonde's they didn't even stop when the food arrived and a small part was jealous of the easy relationship they shared. He wished, though very briefly, that he and Itachi could have had this too.
“Alright then, It's settled once I'm not pregnant we'll see who's better, humph.” Arashia's eyes widened and she clutched her mouth one handed, Ayame pointed behind the counter raising the corner for the blonde who made a mad dash behind it, disappearing into a back room.
“What the hell?” Sasuke demanded he shot Naruto a questioning glare only to have the man shrug confused himself. Sakura chuckled, no men defiantly didn't listen the first time you told them about these kind of things and apparently neither did Arashia.
“Heightened since of smell.” She supplied when this earned the pink haired medic an even more confused look she pointed out the door to the trash cart disappearing down the road.
“oh…OH!” Kakashi had the decency to blush, Sasuke just grunted leaving Naruto still clueless.
“Sakura-chan?” The medic looked up to the ceiling as if asking for patience then back at her friend.
“Pregnant women react to certain smells and it makes them sick this will also be the case with cravings at odd times for specific foods or combinations of foods. The best thing to do for the health of mother and child is to fill those types of requests to keep stress at a minimum.” She smiled as the information was absorbed and stored, she could see the cogs turning already.
“Does this mean I have to be careful how I smell when nee-chan is close by?” He scratched the back of his head while studying the ground.
“Hai, she'll let you know before hand what smells are getting to her.” Pushing pink locks behind her ears, the medic smiled tolerantly at her friend.
“Don't worry Naruto, myself and even Tsunade-shishu will be checking up from time to time and we have already spoken to her about what to expect from this point on ward.” The blonde sighed in relief, he had a horrible mental image of trying to explain the ins and outs of pregnancy to his sister. As it happened Arashia made her reappearance at that moment one hand resting on her cheek and looking much relieved.
“Gomen.” Her face was flushed and she sighed in relief as she took her seat again between Naruto and Kakashi. “I'll have another pork ramen please.” She told Ayame, the other woman smiled understandingly and placed the already fixed bowl down.
“Arigoto.” The blonde grinned then dug into the bowl with gusto. Naruto shook his head he couldn't remember a time when he had thrown up and then come back to finish a meal.
“`Nee-chan I have to hand it to you, your a lot braver about this then I am.'” She bit into a piece of pork grinning around the bit, listening to both the spoken and unspoken conversations.
“ `It comes with practice.'” She slowed down in her chewing as her stomach filled.
“ `Are you alright now?'” Blue eyes went unfocused for a brief time as he thought back on what she was referring to.
“ `Hai, I'm still getting used to the changes.'” A well of sadness rose to her mind as she recalled just what had had to happen in order for the Kyuubi to be eliminated as a threat permanently.
“ `I'm not happy about the method you used.'” He scolded, “ `But I can handle it, the villagers will adjust along with me.'” Arashia snarled in her mind making a face at the same time down at her half empty bowl and stirred the contents before answering.
“ `Well this time Big Sister is here and they can just deal with it whether or not they like it!'” She snorted through her nose grumbling at the same time.
Kakashi had been watching the two for quite some time and noted the far away look on both their faces though Naruto's was harder to catch as he had more practice over the years in hiding it. He had guessed along time ago that the two had a connection or sense of one another and it was only recently that he was able to confirm to what extent that connection really worked. Obviously what ever it was they where talking about made Arashia upset and the snort and soft growl drew the others attention ceasing conversation.
“Are you feeling alright Arashia-san?” Hinita asked, though shy by nature when it came to medical care the girl could be surprisingly strong and her stuttering had long since disappeared after working for so many years with the Godaime as a sensei.
“Hai just lamenting the time it will take to be able to eat a full meal again.” She placed her chopsticks in the bowl and smiled an apology at Ayame.
“We should head to the house its rather late children.” Announced the copy nin, he offered his arm to Arashia before Naruto could and helped her up from the stool.
“Well you certainly have turned chivalrous since I was a child.” She poked him in the arm.
“Well you're not a child anymore.” His tone was playful but the undercurrent touched her senses making her blush for no reason. For a moment she completely forgot the other members in their group and for the first time in her life she felt shy.
“Help me home?” she whispered her face heated ten times over when all he did was meet her gaze and nod his assent. Naruto, watching the two intently felt a rumble in the pit of his stomach and he flexed his hands, repressing the urge to draw a kunai he gripped his pants leg rubbing his palms over it before throwing his hands behind his head and grinning his trade mark grin.
Sasuke and Sakura, mostly Sakura, were busy talking to Hinita arranging a time for the woman to come by the next day and Naruto forced himself to contribute to the conversation. They called their goodnights to the staff, thanking them for feeding them so late, and followed a short distance behind the duo. Sasuke eyed his friend, Naruto was acting normally, the key being he was acting and that had the ex-avenger worried. It had been barely 4 months since merging with the Kyuubi and not enough time had passed for things to settle down enough for the teen to adjust to his new powers, he worried that the strain and stress of looking for his sister and his recent reactions to all things involving her was going to break the blonde shinobi like nothing else had.
“Ano sa ano sa, Sasuke-teme what are you thinking?” Said shinobi questioned bringing him back to the present.
“Ursatonchi.” Black eyes flashed at his brother but with no real threat.
“Oi teme don't call me that.” He and Naruto fell easily and comfortable back into companionable insults when left alone and Sakura could only roll her eyes at her teammates.
“Dobe.” The blonde huffed turning his head away and sticking his nose literally up in the air.
“You two never change.” Sakura groaned but she too had sensed a change in the blonde and was equally worried.
“Can you handle a fight with me dobe?” the subtle jib at the blonde's prowess earned him a glare.
“Of Course, wanna try me?” The blonde stopped mid-step and dropped into a crotch in the middle of the road.
“Baka Naruto.” Sakura growled making a fist she made to swing at the blonde's head and missed, he had stepped to the side at the last second and Sakura's fist grazed his shoulder. The look in her green eyes told Sasuke she was shocked. Usually the blonde took the hit or didn't see it coming but for him to not even be looking at her and step out of the way…
“Naruto are you alright?” She question, Sasuke could feel the change in his eyes as he activated his Sharingan.
“Hai…why?” the blonde's words where devoid of emotion as he regarded his two friends his posture on guard.
“Because, you're actin wierd.” Sasuke pointed out his own tone dry.
“I hate to say it but you usually let me hit you.” Sakua added. The blonde tilted his head to the side casting his eyes in shadow.
“I didn't feel like getting hit in the head that's all.” The three stood facing one another tension heavy in the air when the blonde laughed his normal cheerful carefree laugh and clapped a hand on both their shoulders.
“Gomen I haven't been myself things will settle now Rashi-nee is home. Sorry to make you worry its just normal with the merge.” The threat in the air was gone but despite his words and the return of his jovial self a tingling in both of their senses told them things where only going to get more complicated from then on.
Ok so here's the next chapter…I know it seems a little fast for Kakashi and Arashia to `jump' so to speak into kissing but right then he was messing with Naruto as well as seeing how much of a change the Kyuubi's merge had affected him that's why he messes with him so much kind of a temper gauge of sorts. And too he is trying to sort out his feelings about Arashia and the baby.
And this is just a theory but I think Naruto would have a lot of changes and adjustments to go though you cant merge with that much chakra(demon) and not come out with a few physical changes as well as mental…and too this is a work of fiction so I am taking certain liberties with the characters cause I don't own them! HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO