Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto Sister Sequel ❯ Birthday ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Naruto sagged heavily onto Sasuke, with the Raven taking most of his weight the teen sank into his subconscious faster than a kunai striking a target. When he hit the bottom he stumbled, once again he found himself standing in front of one of the last places he wanted to be. The familiar water was still there and the drip coming from long rusted pipes filled the silence of the Kyuubi's living prison, Though their powers where irrevocably fused their minds had not nor would they, it wasn't even possibly. The Kyuubi was a demon after all and demons though they could understand and empathize with humans and all manner of creature, where just that demons and Kyuubi was one of the oldest.
Black rimmed red eyes, regarded the whelp that was its prison and again it cursed the bastard who had brought this misfortune. Snorting thought the bars the fox watched as blonde locks flew back revealing the boys slightly altered appearance, if the Nine tails had any opinion on its' vessels outward appearance it kept it to itself.
“What do you need now boy… is it power?, you have that…” the demon smiled more a curling of lips revealing sharp fangs and a trail of salvia dribbling to the floor,
“Who do you want to Kill?”
Naruto shivered and glared, the Kyuubi always asked him that every time he ever found himself waking up in this dank hole it was always the first question or demand, “who did he want to kill?” If things weren't so dire he would have joked that the demon was bipolar and living in his own spit pool. The thought made his lip curl in disgust as he realized belatedly that he was standing in it as well,
`No it's not spit its…drippy water!' self-denial is a beautiful thing.
The demon huffed at its host, it was never hard to guess what the boy was thinking and this time was no different. Naruto lifted his chin high in the air meeting the demons steady gaze, this wasn't the first time he was put in danger because of the creature but this was the first that it had played an active role.
“Stop it.” The blondes' tone was flat and hard. His only answer was a puff of hot moist air making his clothes flutter.
“If you don't…” he left the threat dangling, they both knew what he was referring to.
The Nine tails narrowed its eyes, claws scraped along the flooring like nails on a chalkboard.
“Fine, but…” the beast paused, it would have to frame this just so. “ I will need something in return.”
The Kyuubi twitched, it's own ego damaged, being reduced to bargaining with a mortal, a human no less didn't sit well.
Naruto studied the seal on the gate, adjusting to the immense chakra from the Kyuubi was still something he was getting used to so the only thing actually being held in the cage was the Kyuubi's personality or essence in a manner of speaking, to be more precise the Yang of its personality and though they had merged if the creatures yang was loose it wouldn't hesitate to take over and destroy everything.
No matter how you looked at it, its attitude was sour and who could blame it really. Any creature would resent being locked away not allowed to roam freely and at his own choosing.
The blonde sighed, it was far more dangerous to feel any kind of sympathy, he had a hard enough time what with address the beast as male, and he had no doubt the Kyuubi would not appreciate being named like a common pet. Although when he gave it serious thought the Kyuubi could be viewed like one of Kakashi's nin dogs and for a split second he entertained the idea of making a bushin for the creature to use but quickly shoved the errant thought away. It made him snicker, if the Kyuubi no Yokko guessed that his host thought of him as a dog it would most likely have an epileptic fit.
Naruto folded his arms over his chest in an imitation of being in deep thought before he spoke.
Sakura felt a small jolt like electricity run though her body starting from her fingers all the way down to her toes to dissipate into the floor, behind her she heard Sasuke or Naruto clear his throat and all at once the ominous red chakra flickered gave one last strong shiver before with drawling with a resounding pop.
Sakura sat back on her heels and stared, Kakashi was standing on Arashia's right the woman cradled in his arms protectively her skin was flushed all over and Kakashi didn't look much better. The visible portion of his face was pale as a sheet under the burns the only thing that had saved him from getting worse, since he was the closest to Arashia when the Kyuubi's chakra appeared, was his long sleeve reinforced jounin uniform. His hair was shorter and singed and his hiet-ate had come loose and was lying on the floor next to the bed. Face flushed from the heat and sudden expose the scar running though the left side of his face stood out in dark contrast to the rest.
Arashia was a pale bundle in Kakashi's arms, her chest rose and fell slowly but she Was breathing. Sakura didn't have the luxury of waiting to find out what had just happened she had two babies to delivery and if she wasted too much time on the incidental's all three of them would die. She rocked back up to her feet and began with Kakashi.
“Sit behind her and hold her up.” The order was followed with out hesitation as the pinkette lay on hand on the unconscious blonde she explained what she needed each of them to do.
“Sasuke grab a towel from the cabinet behind you, Naruto you do the same. I need you both to help me catch the babies.” For once Naruto didn't ask a million questions both teens jumped to obey, it was times like these that made Sakura glad they had been made a team.
When they were both standing beside her once again she explained her plan it was simple really but the strain on her chakra alone would be taxing.
“The babies aren't facing the way they need to in order to come out normally, in that way it makes a C-section a lot simpler, but the problem lies in if the cord is wrapped around either of their necks.” While she spoke she began to make the incision just below Arashia's bellybutton.
I decided to put this one out because I wanted a chapter out before the end of this month and the way it was shaping up it looked like I would be adding a lot more so….yeah here it is and I hope you enjoyed it. Ja Na!