Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ No Love Lost ❯ Part 4, Grieving ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Uzumaki Naruto was coming close to being normal again. He was spent about half his time in 'Naru-chan' mode, and half his time in 'Naruto-kun' mode. Hinata knew good progress was being made, and had thoroughly enjoyed working with Naruto. She had come to know a side of him most people didn't. Naruto was currently in a strange mood, though, so strange that it befuddled even Tsunade. When he woke up today, he was completely normal, although sad. It seemed as though he knew it was Sakura's funeral today, and had shaped up to attend. He had combed his hair, and bathed. He had put on a new pair of clothing, having done none of the above since Sakura had died.
Hinata smiled down at Naruto, who was looking at the team 7 picture of when they were kids. Kakashi, who always was nice to all of them, though he tended to favor Sasuke, was ruffling Sasuke's hair while smiling through his mask at the camera. Sakura was looking gleeful, and had a big smile on her face. Sasuke was looking at Naruto from the corner of his eye, with a mad expression on his face. Naruto was doing the same, and Naruto remembered that they had fought the day before. He kept stroking his finger over Sakura, occasionaly a tear splashing against the glass. Hinata leaned down, and put her arms around the blond in a fierce hug. Naruto smiled sadly at her, and leaned into the hug.
Hinata wondered how Naruto would react at the funeral. Hinata didn't expect anything would go wrong, but she knew Sasuke was there. Hinata had warned Tsunade to keep Sasuke as far away from Naruto as possible during the funeral. Despite having come such a long way, Naruto still had the murderous feelings towards his one-time friend. Naruto wouldn't do anything he would regret, but if Kyuubi took over, Sasuke would die within seconds. Naruto hadn't spoken very much since yesterday, seemingly just going over his memories of Sakura. Hinata knew that Naruto had loved Sakura like he could never love her, and he would have done anything to bring her back. Even if he had to give up his dream of being Hokage, he would do it to bring her back.
Naruto looked up at the Hyuuga. She smiled at him, and his eyes shone brightly as he smiled lightly. He turned, and brought her into a big hug.
"Thank you, Hinata-chan. Without you, I would have never made it to this point." Naruto said, as though he were completely back to normal again. Hinata stiffened, and started to cry.
"Don't say that, Naruto-kun. You aren't through yet, and we have to continue this until you are better. Please don't give me false hope." She said, and Naruto nodded against her shoulder.
"I know my Hinata-chan will get me through this." He said, and she nodded into his shoulder, and hugged him even tighter. Naruto rubbed her back and murmured words of comfort to her. He knew it was heartbreaking for her to see him like he was. Naruto knew tomorrow he would return to that, no matter how much he didn't want to. His mind had broken after that day, and it had taken all of his will power to fix it, even just for today.
"Na-Naruto-kun..." Hinata started. She had stopped stuttering after Kiba had finally exploded at her about it. She did it occassionally though, especially when she was nervous. "Can I tell you something, Naruto-kun?" Naruto nodded against her shoulder, and she summoned all of her courage. 'N-Naruto-kun, I-I... I lo... I love you." She said, and Naruto sitffened. She backed up off of him, in case she had said someting wrong. Tears still trailed down her face as she looked at the blond. Naruto looked over at her.
"Hinata-chan... It's too soon. I don't think I can answer that until my mind is back to normal." Naruto said quietly, and Hinata nodded. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders, though, and she was fine with him not being able to answer yet.
"It's ok, Naruto-kun. I don't need an answer now. I just wanted to tell you. I've loved you since academy days." She said, and Naruto smiled sadly at her. She nodded, and thought for a moment. Naruto had his eyes closed, and was seemingly thinking about something.
"Hinata-chan, will you stand with me during the funeral? I need the emotional support right now." Naruto said quietly. Hinata nodded, and sat next to him. She leaned her head against his shoulder.
"Naruto-kun, I am sorry about your loss, though." Hinata said, and Naruto nodded.
"I know, Hinata-chan, I know."
Sasuke had been released from his bonds for the moment, even though he was still in his cell. It felt good to be moving around. Sasuke was currently trying to recover from hanging in one spot for four days. He started with simple exersises, liking running on the walls, and doing simple taijutsu exersises. The joy of being free, though, was drowned by knowing what day it was, and who had caused it. Sasuke should have been happy for Naruto, he realized that. He should have left them alone, and tried to find a new love. But he couldn't let Naruto beat him. He loved Sakura, but Ino had helped show him it was his obsession of beating Naruto that had driven him to interrupt their relationship.
Speaking of Ino, Sasuke thought about the last few days. Ino had been there yesterday for a few hours, talking to him, keeping him sane. Sasuke remembered yesterday, how he had talked his heart out to the girl, telling her of how he really did think of Naruto as a brother, but certain things had made their relationship rocky, to the point where they had nearly killed each other twice.
Sasuke was at the valley of the lost, fighting Naruto for the second time there. It was a rematch, and if Sasuke could beat Naruto, Madara would look on him with favor. Sasuke, though, was not beating Naruto. He was being beat, hard. Naruto, after his sage training, was too strong, through Sasuke left and right as though he were a rag doll. not even his Sharingan could not take the blond. Sasuke had finally managed to beat Naruto though, through a clever trap, and the Chidori. Naruto lay on the ground, bleeding.
Then it happened. Naruto rose up, and that red chakra he got from Kyuubi started bubbling around him. He growled at Sasuke.
"I told you, I'll break every bone in your body if I have to, to bring you back!" Naruto yelled as a second tail erupted from behind him. Sasuke looked at the blond in fear. This power was too much for him to handle. He needed to escape, now! It was at that moment, his new friends came jumping out of the forest to help him. Karin, Jugo, and Suigetsu landed on the water, smirking at the tailed beast.
"After that eight-tailed jinchuriki, this squirt should be no problem." Suigetsu said as another tail erupted from Naruto's back. He growled in a deep, menacing voice.
"Suigetsu, this one is different. He has the sage chakra." Sasuke said quietly, and Suigetsu looked at him in a sort of awe. Naruto suddenly lunged forward, and his hand formed a Rasengan. He landed near Sasuke, and thrust it into him. Just before the lethal ball of chakra touched him, Jugo appeared in front of him, taking the Rasengan in the torso. The force was so much that Jugo's torso was ripped from his legs, sending him flying away. Sasuke rushed over, and held his dying friend's head.
"Jugo, you shouldn't have..." Sasuke began.
"Don't worry, Sasuke. It was worth it. Now I get to go see Kimimaro." Jugo said. He shuddered, and moved no more. Sasuke closed his dead friend's eyes, and turned. Suigetsu was trying to take the blond, but Naruto had a fourth tail out. he didn't even look like Naruto anymore. It was like watching a mini-Kyuubi. Suigetsu tried an attack, and missed. Naruto had apparently swallowed the ball of chakra, because he shot a huge blast of chakra point blank at Suigetsu. The watery shinobi was blown away, and Sasuke didn't see him reform. He knew suigetsu had just died. Karin backed away from Kyuubi-Naruto.
"SASUKE!" Naruto screamed, and lunged at Sasuke again, this time just with his newly formed claws. Sasuke couldn't move, and Karin pushed him out of the way. The hand pierced her right side torso, and by the squelch, had punctured a lung. Sasuke caught Karin as she flew back, and set her down. She coughed blood.
"Sasuke, bite me. Take my chakra." She said. Sasuke nodded, and bit into her neck. She cried out, and Sasuke felt rejuvenated. She looked weak, and Sasuke knew her time was near. "Can I have one thing before I die? Can I have a... kiss?" Karin whispered, and Sasuke nodded, and pressed his lips to hers. He felt her shudder, and her hand went limp. He held her for a moment, before turning to Naruto. HIs Mangekyo was showing. Naruto was growling at him, and Sasuke felt the blood come from his eye as he shot the Amateresu into Naruto's chest. Naruto screamed, and started ripping at himself to get it off. Slowly, his tails receded. and Naruto was able to get away from the fire by tossing his jacket.
"NARUTO! YOU KILLED THEM!" Sasuke yelled, and unsheathed his sword for one final attack. Naruto looked at his friend with a sorrowful expression. Sasuke lunged, and Naruto moved, and brought his fist into Sasuke's gut. Sasuke felt the world grow dark as he sank into the water.
(End Flashback)
Sasuke had never forgiven Naruto for that, even though he knew Naruto had not had control of himself. He turned his head at the sound of the door opening, and saw Ino standing there. She was in black funeral clothing, and was holding a pile of black clothing.
"Sasuke, here is your clothing for the funeral. Get dressed, the funeral starts in a couple hours." She said, and waited outside as Sasuke dressed. He talked to her through the door.
"Ino, I know you can't forgive me for taking your best friend. But please understand how I feel. She was your best friend, but I am the one who killed the one I loved." Sasuke told her, and Ino was silent for a moment.
"I have already forgiven you, Sasuke. It wasn't intentional. I told you yesterday that I had forgiven you." She said, and Sasuke paused as he was getting dressed.
"But you hadn't. I could tell by your voice that you hadn't forgiven me. But your voice tells me you have now." He said, and she nodded, even though he couldn't see her. He had gotten it right. She didn't know if she could ever forget what he had done, but she had forgiven him. And Ino knew that, if she continued to see him everyday, there was a possibility of... She shook her head. So soon after the death of Sakura, she didn't want to think about that.
"Sasuke, shut up and get dressed." Ino said, and Sasuke continued to put his shirt on.
"Today, we are here to celebrate the life, and mourn the death of Haruno Sakura. Sakura was my student for five years, and had surpassed me in almost everything. She was the greatest medic who had ever lived, and was an accomplished warrior. She was loved, and will be missed as a valuable part of this village." Tusnade said, and Naruto nodded as Hinata stood next to him. Tears dripped from his cheek as he remembered the good times he and Skura had had. He remembered when they had vowed to bring Sasuke back, when they had first shared a kiss, the first time they had made love. It was all back in his head again, and he cried at the momory, though he made no noise. He had long learned that crying made people view you as weak. Tsunade finished talking about Sakura, and called anyone who had something to say about her. First was Ino.
"Sakura, to me, will always be the little girl with the big forehead, hiding behind me as the kids made fun of her. But she had changed majorly from that. By the time she was twelve, she had confidence, and by the time of the chunin exam, she was more of a kunoichi than I ever could be. She had the guts to take three shinobi by herself. I will always remember Sakura as my best friend. We painted each others toes, and we told silly stories about boys. I will miss her more than most could understand. I loved her as a sister, and she is gone. I love you, Sakura." She said, and walked off, crying heavily. Lee stepped up.
"When I first met Sakura-chan, she was a beautiful genin girl who had a crush on a certain Uchiha. I fell in love with her at first site, and promiseed I would always protect her, even though she shot me down. She blossomed when protecting her teamates in the Forest of Death. She soon entered under Tsunade-sama's training, and became the strongest Kunoichi I have ever known. All I would like to say is I'm sorry Sakura, for failin to protect you. I hope you forgive me for not being able to stop your death." Lee said, and walked off the stage into his sensei's arms, crying as Gai held him. Naruto stood, and made his way to the mic.
"When I first met Sakura, she was only seven. She was in my academy class, and was being made fun of by a bunch of girls. I watched as her friend Ino helped her gain confidence, and she eventually displayed her forehead even though it had been made fun of in the past. But I remember when she was crying on the playground after she had been made fun of. I had been talking with Sandiame, and he was showing me parts of Konoha through his wierd glass ball. It landed on Sakura, who was crying. I asked the Sandiame 'Why not help her?' And he replied 'I can't help everyone, Naruto.' It was at that point, looking down on a crying girl with pink hair, that I decided I would be Hokage, and make sure I helped everyone, even the little girl crying on the playground."
"As time went on, I gained a crush on Sakura, though she only paid attention to Sasuke. I still loved her, and decided I would be her relief when Sasuke turned her down, whatever that was. She turned me into a punching bag, but I still thought 'At least I'm making her happy.' After we made it onto a team together, I thought things would be different. But they weren't. Though, little did I know, things would change. It was during the chunin exams that I noticed a change in Sakura. She began to look at me, not as a nuisance, like she always had, but as a valued team member, and a friend. Despite that not being what I wanted, it still filled my heart with joy knowing she didn't think I was a waste of space."
"After the chunin exams, when I saved her from Gaara, I noticed she began to treat me with kindness and respect, though occasionaly I still earned a super-Sakura punch, as I liked to call them." Naruto wiped his eyes, and a few people in the crowd chuckled. "It was after Sasuke ran away was when Sakura and I began to get closer. She had asked me to bring him back, and I promised. For those that know me, you know I hardly ever break a promise. As a matter of fact, it was the only promise I broke. After Sasuke put me in the hospital, she came to visit me. I apologized for not being able to bring Sasuke back, and she told me this. 'Baka, I didn't want you to die over it. I don't know what I would have done had I lost both of you.' My heart elated with joy. She valued me. After I returned from my trip with Jiraiya, I was still kind of an idiot." A few people chuckled.
"Sakura had grown into a beautiful woman, and was strong as all hell. We vowed we would get Sasuke back together, and that became the motive that pushed us together. It was during this time, shortly after we recieved news that Sasuke had captured the eight tailed Jinchuriki, that we shared our first kiss. My heart almost exploded on that. Sakura actually loved me. It was a new thing, nobody had really loved before." At that, Hinata began to cry. "But we didn't act on our feelings. It was the only thing we did in the next couple months. We didn't date, but we knew of each others feelings. It was then, after my sage training, that I went after Sasuke, who had asked me to come alone to the valley of the lost. I didn't want Sakura in danger, so I didn't tell her. I beat Sasuke, and brought him back."
"After we destroyed Akatsuki, and Kakashi had died, Sakura dated Sasuke. My heart was broken, but I was fine with it. 'As long as she is happy.' I kept telling myself. They dated for a few months, and then Sasuke and I got in a fight over something trivial. Sasuke took it too far, and pierced my chest with a chidori. Sakura healed me, and broke up with Sasuke after that. We dated after that, and it was the happiest time of my life. We kissed, we went on dates, we made love. The day she died, I had been planning on asking her to marry me." Naruto said, and Hinata closed her eyes as her tears came down again. Sasuke cursed himself, and pulled on his hair in his stupidity. Ino nodded silently, and sent her support to the blond, who had his eyes closed as he sobbed.
"Sakura was the first person I loved, and the first person who loved me. I will never forget her. I will never forget the one who took her away either. But I will say this. When I become Hokage, no such accidents will ever happen in my village. Sakura knows that I loved her, I don't need any reassurance of that. I'll miss her, and-" He stopped as he sobbed for a moment. "I loved her, but I know she would want me to move on. After today, I'll be returning to Konoha hospital, but I swear in the memory of Sakura, I'll become Hokage, and then I'll set up a memorial in her name, for all of those who loved her." He said, and pulled out the ring he had been planning on giving to her. He set it on her coffin, in a special slot made for it. He stepped off the stage, and moved over to Hinata, who was still crying. Naruto felt the tears still running down his cheeks. Hinata embraced him, and the hugged for a moment. Tsunade stepped up, and said a final few words, before ending the service. Naruto started to walk towards Konoha hospital, and passed Sasuke on the way. He stopped, and turned to the man held by chains attached to two ANBU. He turned Sasuke towards him, and slugged him right in the face, knocking him down. Then he picked the Uchiha up, and whispered in his ear.
"I forgive you." Naruto dropped Sasuke, and continued towards Konoha. Sasuke felt tears roll down his cheek as he silently thanks his one time friend.