Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Pain - Sasuke's Past ❯ Suffering ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Pain - Sasuke's Past

Were you ever told that saying when you were little? The one that so many songs, poems, stories and images has been based upon over time? The nine small words with such power and meaning behind each one which bring about either happiness or extreme sadness.

"You don't know what you've got till it's gone"

I used to laugh when my parents said it to me thinking they were trying to make me feel bad... But I found out the hard way how much pain and suffering can come about once it has been made true.

Endless nights of torture have followed me for years. Reliving the fatefull events of the one evening that changed my life forever.

What would I sacrafice to have my mother fuss over me again after I had injured myself whilst training. Or the small loving smile my father used to cast down towards me to show he was proud of something I had done.

Tousan, Kaasan I am sorry I could not save you from your horrific fate or the rest of the clan. I disgraced the family name that night by standing watching the events and not doing anything as I watched each one of you fall. I beg for your forgiveness as I wrack my body with unadulturated pain to avenge each one of you and kill the person responsible for your slaughter and my endless suffering.

Niisan why did you do it? Did you really hate us that much? You were my idol, I loved you so much and you took everything I ever loved and cherished away from me and made me suffer and I can never forgive you for that.

I will hunt you down and take my revenge no matter what I will not let you hurt anyone else I hold dear in my heart just to feed your endless lust for death and destruction.

Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi-sensei I will not let him hurt you ever as you are all I have left. I will fight for you all until me last breath befalls me. I will not allow you to suffer because of me.

Oh niisan did you spare my existance to suffer? To feel like you did? You were meant to be the prodigy, the savior, the strongest of us all. It was never what you wanted I could see it in your eyes the way you would stare with envy at the love the rest of us recieved, the childhood we were all given when you were left to be idolised and made into a fighting machine. You hated me because I had everything you wanted, and I hated you because you resented what you had when it was all I ever wanted... To be noticed. But now I understand.

You were suffocating weren't you? Slowly dying from the inside trying to escape. You wanted me to feel your pain and suffering didn't you? Your going to leave me alone in this God forsaken world to wander through the shadows alone and afraid so I understand what you felt.

But niisan you are not alone, you never have been, you have always had me. I will avenge the death of our clan and save you from yourself allowing you to start again and get it right but more importantly to find the happiness that was wrongly kept from your grasp.

When people say those nine sacred words they will never know the true extent of their meaning until they have suffered from the inevitable darkness which it intertwined.

I may never understand the true reason you committed that sin niisan... But... Itachi were you suffering that much? It must have been unbareable because I know the wounds you have caused me make me feel like giving into the darkness but first I assure you I will avenge my people. I will take you down. You will suffer the penance for the sins you have committed.

But always remember... I am sorry



Well this was a short challange my friend gave me she was going on about the fact I was claiming I could not write anything so she gave me this challenge.

The challange was that she gave me the main lyrics to a song as well as a few words that I had to use within the writing but i had a free choice on who or what it was about.

The song was Big Yellow Taxi by Counting Crows (what it says on the song I have and can't be bothered to check XD) and the main line i had to use was

"you don't know what you've got till it's gone"

and the words I had to use was the following:

As you can tell I chose the anime Naruto which I have started watching recently. Bare in mind with this that I am basing it on the few fanfictions I have read since I have only watched the first 84 episodes so Itatchi has only really just come into it.

Much to my friends apparent disbelief this is also refering to a brotherly love... (She has a sick mind)

Anyways rate, tips whatever comments are appreciated and I love reading them...

(By the way spelling and gramma may be awful at the moment because I don't have a word processing program currently but I will sort it out)

The characters belong to their respective owner I am only borrowing them :)