Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Passion ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
One Week Later

Neji sighed as he watched his red headed angel from a distance, ever since the incident in which landed the smaller boy in the hospital; Gaara had began to avoid Neji like the plague. Which had an equal and opposite effect of making the long haired boy quite depressed, but of course to Neji’s great luck a bouncing ball of sunshine like luck passed by his view. “Oh Naruto!” at the sound of the almost sickeningly sweet voice the blond immediately tensed. Then quickly picked up his pace of walking, “Hey wait!” Neji yelled as he chased down the blond boy stopping him in his tracks.

“Let me guess you want a favor from me?” Naruto asked with a deep sigh, looking away from Neji as he got a nod in reply. “And it has to do with a certain red headed brother of mine, am I correct?” Again there was another nod in reply, Naruto sighed again this time with a bit of a sad after tone. “Look I really can’t this time, Gaara would be totally pissed off at me if I did, and it may not make sense to you why he would but there’s a reason. Which I also can’t tell you, sorry Neji.” Naruto explained, truly apologetic about his complete lack in ability to help the boy.

Just then, the sound of someone beeping their horn entered both boys’ ears, as they looked up simultaneously to see the two Uchiha brothers sitting and smiling in their car.

Naruto took off across the school yard, before sending one last apologetic look to Neji. Solemnly Neji looked over at the spot Gaara stood every day till about noon before he headed home, only this time his red head had wondered off early. Raising one elegant eyebrow Neji stood and walked off in the direction of the back of the school. Briefly he caught a glimpse of red hair as Gaara turned the corner of the building quickly.

Neji of course followed behind just as quickly, “Gaara?” he spoke softly in question only to receive no reply what so ever. Once rounding the corner Neji could see the small red head kneeling on the ground with his arms wrapped around himself as he shook slightly. Panic set in as Neji rushed to Gaara’s side, “Gaara?!” he yelled tilting the boy back in his arms. The boy was still trembling as a slight sheen of sweat formed across his forehead; gently Neji lifted the boy from the ground and proceeded to carry him back to his car.

Placing his precious bundle in the back seat Neji hopped into the front seat and began driving, whilst simultaneously calling Gaara’s mother.


“Hello, this is Neji. Uhh… I just found Gaara, like outback of our school and he looks like he passed out, and he’s shaking. I’m not really sure what to do.” Neji spoke quickly and nervously.

Oh, ok well just take him to your house and I will meet you there. He’ll be fine just stay calm ok?

“Y-yes alright thank you.”


Maya rushed into the Hyuga manor pushing past the butler to see Neji sitting in the one lone chair in the hallway staring at the floor worriedly. He looked up immediately as Maya stepped into view, relief written all over his features. “He’s upstairs in my room.” Neji spoke softly before the question was even asked as he quickly moved in the direction of his room, Maya following behind.

She moved to Gaara’s side in a surprisingly calm manner, sitting next to her red headed child lifting his head slowly off of the bed. “Wake up my little one.” She whispered softly, as Neji stood to the side watching intently as his beloved released a soft groan in reply.

“My head hurts momma.” He said softly in reply to an unasked question.

She smiled softly brushing back bright red locks of his hair with the back of her fingers. “Well come on you have to open your eyes for me darling.” Another groan came from him and then a slight flicker of his eye lashes. Neji could see for a moment the color of gold before his eyes fell shut once again. “Shit! Gaara you baka! How many times have I told you–“ Her rant was cut off by a feral growl she gave to the sleeping boy. Everything was rolling around in Neji’s head as he tried to think of what could possibly be wrong with his beloved.

He watched almost in slow motion as Maya swiftly pulled out a vile, then a needle. She did it almost expertly, as if she had been through the routine a million times before as she filled the needle before injecting its contents into the too pale skin of her unmoving son. After she was done she placed her items into a small plastic container and popped open her cell phone and began dialing. All of this happened so fast for the lavender eyed boy, he was unsure of what was going on and it didn’t look like he was going to get answers anytime soon. And despite how much he wanted to ask, he just couldn’t bring himself to disturb the sickly silence that was threatening to crush the room.

“–Yes yes, thank you. We’ll be waiting for your arrival.” Neji caught the end of Maya’s words through the numbness of it all, as she looked over at the long haired boy with the most stressed out look in existence.

“W-will he be all right?” Neji asked, not even realizing until moments later that he had actually spoke out loud.

“Yes, I’m sure he will be just fine.” She said not too reassuringly, as she wasn’t she wasn’t all too sure of the answer herself.

“What’s wrong with him?” Neji questioned softly, getting a long pause before his answer.

Maya sighed as she thought of the ‘proper’ way to explain. “Well, he’s–“


A /N

Ok so this took me a really long time to get up and you would probably expect more considering I took so long. But no people that is not the case in this situation. No your lazy authoress just started and completely this all in one night waiting for the three o’clock in the morning marker to happen. Sooo… yeah. Stories I put on pause I plan on stopping that pause like now.