Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Path to Greatness ❯ Itachi's "Present" ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Itachi reached out his hand as if to give her a present but instead he hit her hard across her head.
“Owie … what was that for?” Haoku asked rubbing her head the blood from her arms dripping down to the floor.
Itachi opened the first two latches on his cloak revealing a burn in the shape of Haoku's hand where she had hit him a few hours before.
Haoku laughed so hard she held her sides. “Hahahaha … that's funny Itachi-san … I can see your wife now `Itachi … honey where'd you get that hand print on your chest?' Hahahaha I think I'm going to drop dead from laughter!”
“Please … do.” Itachi said
“What do you mean?”
Before she could finish he hit her against the head this time much harder making her limp body sink to the floor.
“Hey … it's quiet …” Kisame said with a grin
“Lets get back before the leader has our heads … Zetsubou … would you mind?” Itachi asked
“Not at all …” The wolf replied kneeling so Itachi could set the unconscious Haoku on his back.
“Follow us …” Itachi commanded before running out the room along with Kisame.
It was the next day and Haoku woke to a soft nudging.
“Huh … what where am I?” Haoku asked as she sat up rubbing her eyes.
“You're in your new room … be thankful that Itachi didn't kill you … I could tell he wanted to …” Zetsubou said sitting down and staring at her with his intelligent yellow eyes.
“What time is it any way?” Haoku asked noticing the light coming in through her windows was very dim.
“It's six am.”
“Why the heck did you wake me up? Did you go crazy or something … it's not like I have anything to do anyway …” Haoku said yelling from under her pillow.
“I woke you because Itachi and Kisame summoned you … you'd be wise to get up … they said they'll wait until seven.”
“They're crazy right?”
“Nope … don't impose Haoku, they've given you shelter, it'd be wasteful for you not to comply with their demands … where will you go if they kick you out?”
“I … I guess no where …” She said sadly then stood up walked to her suitcase dressed in her regular training clothes and started towards the bathroom.
(((Authors Note)))
I know this may seem really stupid
But you may need to know
Through out the story what she's wearing
Black shorts
Black halter top with
Red tank top under
Black kunai case
Black sandals like the blue
Ones like Naruto wears
black leather gloves
with metal over
the top with the
Konoha symbol engraved
On it
and finally the Konaha
head band with
a black cloth in stead of
the traditional blue
(((End Authors Note)))
She finished getting ready by giving her hair a quick brush then took a few deep breaths for mental preparation. “Let's do this … Zetsubou … show me where they are.”
As he was ordered Zetsubou lead Haoku to the place where Itachi and Kisame were waiting the Training Hall. “Here we are Haoku-sama …”
“Do you know what they want?”
“Nope … sorry Haoku-sama … but your own your own in this one …” Zetsubou said sitting down on one side of the door.
She sighs “Didn't think so … thanks Zetsubou-san …” Haoku said as she walked into the large dirt floored room. The second that she stepped into the room she noticed seven other people standing there besides Itachi and Kisame. The only one that really caught her attention was the person who she had run into in the forest.
“Haoku-san … welcome to initiation.” Itachi said with a broad grin that said one thing to her you're going to die here.
“What do you meant?” Haoku asked turning around to run but seeing that Zetsubou was blocking the door she turned back to face them.
The leader walked up to her with an unusually long kunai clenched in his hands.
“Wait … what I'd do … I don't wanna die … please … I didn't mean to run into you in the forest … d but does it really mean I have to die?” Haoku asked stuttering and pausing.
“I thought you looked familiar … take off your head band and hold out your hands, palms up!” He ordered
Haoku wasn't able to reply her mouth and throat were so dry so she did exactly as he commanded.
“Now before we do anything I was you to repeat after me; I solemnly swear my loyalty to this organization I shall keep the secrets even in death.”
“I solemnly swear my loyalty to this organization I shall keep the secrets even in death.” Haoku repeated as she was ordered
“And that if at any time I may be force to tell the tales … I shall refuse and blood with be shed.”
“And that if at any time I may be force to tell the tales … I shall refuse and blood with be shed.” Haoku repeated
“It is with great honor that I introduce Haoku Hamagichi to the Akatsuki … may the red moon give her strength.” He said as he maid large incisions over the symbol of Konoha on her gloves and head band. He then tied the head band back around the forehead then returned her gloves which she slipped back on immediately. As she did so every one standing before her started to applaud and cheer. One by one they came up and shook her hand congratulating her and welcoming her to the Akatsuki.
“Hey, my name is Deidara … congrats … who knows maybe you get assigned to a team today?”
“Hello, the name's Hidan …welcome … noticed Itachi and Kisame found ya … you'll probably get stuck with those two … good luck kid.”
A weird green guy nodded at then mouthed his name Zetsu.
Finally Itachi and Kisame came up to her.
“That guy over there, that's Tobi … the guy who cut your head band is the leader … and him over there he has no name.” Kisame smiled “Welcome Haoku.”
She looked all around her staring at all the strange sights and people ~What have I gotten myself into this time?~
What has Haoku
Gotten herself into
Find out in
The next chapter of
Path To Greatness