Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Path to Greatness ❯ Just A Little Closer ( Chapter 25 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

What's this… sound …
Budump budump
Hmmmm … I feel so … warm … like … I never want to move again … wait …
“OH NO, I DON'T WANNA BE DEAD!!!!!” Haoku yelled sitting up so fast all the blood and color drained out of her face
Itachi chuckled at her ignorance. “You're not dead … you fell asleep.”
“Huh?” She looked around and let her eyes adjust to the darkness that seemed to posses Itachi's room like a mist.
He stood up and stretched as she continued to try and remember what had happened.
“You should have watched out for that glass.” She said suddenly remembering everything “Now sit down.”
He did as she said and watched her bandage his wound once more than stand up.
“What, no kiss?” He said sarcastically
“I am not kissing your feet.” She snapped
“That's what I said, feet.”
Itachi rolled his eyes at her childish behavior.
“Haokuuuu-channnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” A voice yelled coming closer and closer until her cousin Eva was visible almost in slow motion flying through the air until she landed on the bed sending Haoku flying into the air.
“EEEEEEEPPP!!! OW OW OW!!!” Haoku yelped in pain each time her bruised and badly battered body hit the mattress.
“Sorry, sorry, I really mean it, I'm so sorry Haoku.” She stuttered quickly jumping off the bed
“It's … it's … ok.” She said biting her lip fighting back tears.
“Haoku … tonight … I … I wanna talk to you … alone …” Itachi muttered out as he stood in the door way than he turned around and walked out.
She nodded slightly confused. “Wonder what it's about …” She whispered.
“Oh ok, see ya Itoke-chan.”
Haoku left Itachi's room and took a bath and took her time to rest until it was dark and the sun had set a few hours ago. She stood up nervously and forced herself out the door.
“You showed, follow me …” He commanded his tone far softer than it had ever been.
They walked until they were at least two miles away before stopping. They stood before a beautiful dark blue lake with a small water fall and the moon reflected upon the rippling waves. Surrounding the lake were dozens of trees and wild flowers, it was the most beautiful thing Haoku had ever seen in her life.
“What is this?” She whispered still taken aback by the sights, sounds, and smells that surrounded her and became a part of her soul in a way that no words could ever understand.
“I have to tell you something …” He said his voice breaking off as he took her hands in his.
Her face tinted red expecting something unbelievable romantic.
“This is hard for me to say …” He broke off once more and sighed then continued on the words he spoke seeming to choke the life out of him with every exceeding second. “I … I loved your mom … Yaku … but … but every time I'm with you … I … I feel so … strange … something I never felt with her … or any one else.”
“She took her hands out of his quickly as tears welled up in her midnight blue eyes that matched the sky. “Is … is this some sort of sick joke to you? Do you really not care about me that much to lie? Do you hate me and Sasuke so much that you'd do anything to break us up?”
“No, Haoku, I envy my brother, for every moment that he's shared with you that I haven't. I envy him for every kiss that has graced your lips but not once mine. I envy him because he's happy and he has love in his life. And lastly I envy him most of all because he has you!” Itachi yelled the darkness in his voice completely gone.
Tears ran down her cheeks like the waterfall that spilled into the lake as she broke away from him and shouted the single word `no' before running off, leaving him standing all alone, his black hair swirling around him in the light cool spring breeze.
Haoku sat down against a tree sobbing wildly her hand over her heart. “It … hurts …” Out of the corner of her eyes she saw I ♥ Y carved in a tree.
Uh oh, it seems
Itachi has fallen
For both mother
And daughter?
Can Haoku
Cope? And will
Itachi end up like
Haoku's heart,
Find out in
The next
Chapter of