Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Respect & Understanding ❯ Of Love & Tentacles! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, if I did it would be named “Kakashi”, although I do love our favorite kyuubi container too!
Chapter 2: Of Love and Tentacles
As soon as she walked in she was greeted by a round of voices calling her name. Kiba was sitting at a table near the bar with Shino, TenTen, and Lee. She quickly found her way over to them and took the seat next to Kiba.
“Hey Sakura, glad you could make it out tonight.”
“Sakura-san you look beautiful.” Lee was trying his best not to scoot his chair closer to her.
After years of pining, trying, and failing to woo his beautiful Sakura blossom, Lee found his actions now were more out of force of habit than anything else. TenTen's weapon mastery made sure of that.
“Why thank you Lee, you look very…green.” Lee stuck his trademark pose with gleaming teeth. TenTen sighed. Shino was busy eating some appetizers but nodded in hello.
“I'm getting another round, what did you want Sakura?”
“Oh, a bottle of warm sa'ke, please.” Kiba gave her a nod in reply then and set off for the drinks. As she looked around the bar she felt something furry bump her leg and then the table began to shift to the left.
She quickly looked under the table. There next to Kiba's chair lay Akamaru with his own bowl of water to drink. His back barely touched the underside of the table, but when he moved the table went with him. He was still the gentle little pup they all knew and loved, but if you angered him or his companion he went straight for the jugular! She reached below to scratch his ears affectionetly.
“How are things at the Hospital Sakura-chan?” TenTen didn't really care and Sakura knew this, but she was trying to be polite and Sakura didn't feel like having another open war in the middle of the bar.
“Oh same old, same old, how's academy teaching going?”
TenTen had taken Iruka's old teaching position since he made Jounin and had his own Team Iruka now. TenTen had always been pretty good with the kiddies; she would probably make a very nice wife for Lee one day. Sakura shivered, and pulled up the collar of her green vest.
“Pretty good, I'll tell you one thing though; I'm not looking forward to the day Naruto-kun's kid ends up with me…” Sakura raised an eyebrow and Shino turned to the conversation, his interest was finally peaked.
“Why is that?”
“The baka is already bringing him by! He's trying to get me to make room for him! He's three years old for cripes sake! If he's like this now, what's he gonna be like in the future! I just know he's gonna want to sit in on Ichigo's classes…” TenTen paled and sweat dropped while everyone laughed except Shino who just shook his hood covered head.
“Sakura-san…” Sakura turned to Shino. The silent shinobi had a habit of saying your name first before anything else. It kind of got on her nerves to say the least.
“Yes, Shino-san...” It was always best to be formal with the bug user. He turned to her and she stared creepily into his ever present dark sunglasses. He was kind of like her masked ex-sensei, you never knew what this guy was thinking.
“I see the Yamanaka woman has not tried to “set you up” with another disaster. Was it not your usual weekly visit with the flower shop owner today?”
Sakura found it very odd and slightly, for lack of a better word…creepy that Shino Aburame would know this little tid-bit of her life. She willed the goosebumps from her skin as she pasted on a smile.
“Why yes I did meet with Ino today and thankfully she had forgotten to try…must be my lucky day!” Sakura tried not to make her laughter sound too forced. She turned and saw TenTen smiling at her evilly beside Lee. She did not like the weaponmaster's look one bit.
It looked like Lee was going to take pity on the poor pink haired kunoichi. He leaned forward and with a hushed voice whispered in her ear.
“My ever lovely TenTen-chan here has planted the seed of love in the mind of our bug user friend! She believes you two make an adequate youthful springtime love match!” Lee pulled away with fire blazing in his eyes and had both fists pumped. Sakura sweat dropped.
`Great, if it's not Ino its TenTen...looks like the silent war is still on.' Sakura slipped a look of impending doom to the dark haired kunoichi. She had to change the subject soon before Shino said anything more. He was a good friend, but that was all. She was able to get passed the dog smell with Kiba but she drew the line at insects living inside you…
“Say, have any of you seen Hatake Kakashi around lately?” Eyebrows quirked her way in question and she took that as a 'no'.
“Sakura-san, do you not keep in touch with your old sensei? TenTen and I have been to see Gai-sensei just recently actually.” Sakura could tell the other woman's smile was forced and Sakura ate it up.
`Aw, the things people will do for love.' Really, she didn't feel sorry for the girl one bit!
“Gai-sensei has impeccable taste in home décor!” Sakura could have sworn she heard Shino mumble something under his breath.
“Ah well, Kakashi was never the warm and fluffy type if you know what I mean. He is the great Copy Ninja after all.”
“Yes, but Gai-sensei is the “Beautiful Green Beast of Konoha”, even he is more compassionate toward his students!” There was a collective eye roll at the mention of Gai's self proclaimed nickname.
“Yes well…” Just then she was saved from answering when Kiba arrived with their bottles of alcohol.
“This is yours, and yours, and yours, and yours, and mine!”
“Say Kiba, you haven't seen Kakashi-sensei around the village earlier today have you?”
“Sorry.” Sakura poured herself a cup of warm sa'ke and felt her heart sink at his comment.
“I didn't see him earlier… but he headed that way to the back of the bar a second ago. Why?” Inner Sakura did a little jig in her head at the news.
“I just need to ask him a favor regarding work, nothing big.” Sakura had no idea how long the man had been there or when he planned on leaving so she had to act fast before her golden opportunity vanished. Before she left the table she had some unfinished damage control to do. She grabbed Kiba's ear beside her.
“Hey dog boy, when were you going to tell me about TenTen's match making service!”
She could tell Kiba was smiling since she could see the side of his fang. She did not find this amusing, so she pulled a little harder on his ear before letting go.
“I didn't know, princess…” He saw the look on her face and he quickly continued, “I swear! Who's the lucky stiff anyway?” Kiba watched Sakura's emerald eyes look subtlety over her shoulder toward his former teammate. He suddenly burst out laughing and tears began to stream down his face. She hit him and hit him hard.
She was so angry and somewhat embarrassed as the others turned to them in confusion, she downed three drinks straight before she got up. She would deal with this later, but not too much later. She didn't want Shino to get ideas.
“I'll be right back.”
As she neared the back of the bar she could see Kakashi was not alone. He was casually reclining in his chair listening to whatever inane story Asuma was telling him who had his arm around Kurenai.
Gai and Anko were involved in a heated conversation beside the couple while Raidou laughed at them. Genma was beside Kakashi with his trade mark tooth pick hanging off his lip scouting the bar no doubt for beautiful woman.
`Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all…'
Sakura wished she had taken another shot of her liquid courage. Her target was surrounded. Sure they were all Jounins like her self, but she couldn't help feeling the slightest bit intimidated since they were all almost or as seasoned as Kakashi.
She began to formulate a plan. They were two tables away from the ladies room. If she chickened out she could just go in there and then go back to her own table with the guys. She could always wait for tomorrow and try his apartment again…
`You're a shinobi of the leaf damn it! Where's your courage!'
`It's back at the table getting colder by the second where I left it.'
In a few more steps she would be right next to Kakashi's table. She decided to side step a few spaces just to be out of “tentacle range”.
`I can do this! I'm a Jounin just like they are! I'm not that 12 year old little girl anymore. I can paralyze muscles in a human body with just the touch of my hand for god's sake!'
Inner Sakura's rant was starting to work. Her courage was starting to bubble over. One more step and she'd be right beside Genma, but thankfully out of his reach. She stopped, turned to Kakashi and opened her mouth to speak. Her target turned his head and looked up at her with his trademark droopy eye…
Sakura promptly shut her mouth and decided to continue on.
Well, she would have if a pair of strong arms hadn't shot out and roughly pulled her down.
Inner Sakura began to cry as she held up the chalkboard that held her prior calculations; it now had a giant red X over it.
Suddenly the table erupted in laughter as she found herself sitting on Genma's lap with his arms wrapped securely around her waist and arms, holding her in place.
“Genma! Do I have to sick Naruto on you again!” She tried to break free but he held her tighter and she could feel his laughter through her back.
`Hm, if I try to head butt him I could get impaled on that damn toothpick!' So she chose to stomp on his feet instead. The older Jounin was faster.
“Aw, come on Sakura! Wait..he's not here is he…?”
Genma began scouting for a familiar shade of blonde as Sakura continued to struggle. Sakura's actions ceased the moment she realized who was currently sitting next to her. She turned to see Kakashi's eye wrinkle to show he was smiling. His gloved hand was up in a hello.
“Uh, ah, ha-ha-ha-ha! Kakashi! Funny seeing you here!” Sakura felt like an idiot. A red faced laughing idiot all thanks to a handsome yet incredibly arrogant pigheaded Octopus.
“What is this? You're sitting on my lap, but you're giving all the attention to Hatake? That's low Sakura-chan.”
“Well, it's not like you gave the poor girl a choice now did you?” Kurenai glared and Asuma could do nothing but shake his head in agreement or face her wrath.
Again Sakura tried to wiggle out of his grasp without having to resort to actual violence. After yet another failed attempt she figured she didn't want to get thrown out of the bar and since her target was right there Sakura gave up the struggle, but only for the moment.
“Sakura, I know the Hokage has taught you better than to have the likes of Genma get the advantage.” This got the table to erupt into laughter again. Genma didn't look so amused as he loosened his grip on the girl. She chose not to move yet from her position since there were no empty chairs and besides, Genma didn't seem to mind in the least. Unfortunately, a tentacle moved to her thigh and she quickly beat it away.
Sakura repressed the urge to smash his handsome face in. She also tried to force her skin to return to its normal color before speaking.
“Actually I have something to talk to you about Kakashi.” He turned to the woman he hadn't shared a true conversation with over the years with an inquisitive eye.
“Can I talk to you for a second, since you know it doesn't look like your busy or anything…?”
“Sakura, you're already talking to me.” She heard Genma whisper the word `smartass' behind her as she tried not to roll her eyes. He was obviously listening intently to their conversation. She pushed all thoughts of the man she was sitting on out the window, but kept an eye out for further breaches of her personal space.
`It's now or never!'
“Look it's like this.. I've made a decision about my future, but unfortunately this decision requires your help. See, I asked Naruto already and thankfully he has agreed to help out. Now, it's true that it could be said that he hasn't really seen what I'm capable of these days, but I also think that it's great that he has that much faith in me….” Genma's amused voice cut into her rant as he put his chin on her shoulder.
`Did he just smell my hair?'
“Sakura, dear, you're rambling…” She looked at Kakashi as he nodded his agreement. She was surprised to see that the silver haired man had turned his chair to face her. His arms were now crossed in front of him as he tipped his chair back with a sandaled foot.
`Wow, I guess Genma was right….' She took a deep breath and Inner Sakura crossed her fingers.
“I've decided to join ANBU.”
She felt and saw Genma's toothpick fall from his opened mouth and land on her thigh. She quickly brushed the offensive item off her covered limb. They were all staring at her, even Gai, Anko and Raidou at this point. She looked back at Kakashi whose face remained blank as ever.
`Damn that man! And Damn that mask!'
“Sakura, you do know the types of missions that ANBU shinobi go on?” She wasn't sure she liked where this was going and she sure as hell didn't like the fact that this conversation was being absorbed like a sponge by everyone at the table.
“Yes.” She watched Genma reach for another damn toothpick out of the corner of her eye.
“You are also aware of the physical and emotion stress the ANBU exam produces?” She definitely didn't like the way this conversation was going. She was almost positive that he was going to laugh in her face at any moment, but she kept her voice and face full of determination.
“Do you honestly believe that you're ready?”
`What the hell was this twenty questions?'
“So, I take it you want me to recommend your name then.” At least she didn't have to actually say those words to him, since the bastard already knew and was trying to make her squirm. She figured she'd try to put her kunoichi skills to good use.
“See, I always knew you were my favorite teacher! You've always been so smart Kakashi-sensei!”
“And you should know that flattery will get you nowhere with me.” Kakashi let his chair fall down to all four legs as his dark eye stared ominously into her own.
Sakura was suddenly distracted by Genma's voice in her ear as his arms tighten around her waist and arms.
“Maybe not with him Sakura, but with me a little flattery goes a long way.” The table's occupants rolled their eyes at Genma while Sakura absent mindedly swatted the back of her hand in his face.
All false pretenses were now gone. Genma's lap wasn't that comfortable and besides that fact her sa'ke was getting colder by the second back at her friends table.
“So, are you going to help me or not?”
“If I think your ready then yes, if not then no.”
'Here it comes...'
Sakura thought it was going to be just like she had told Ino.
“Let me guess I either have to beat you in a sparring match or snatch one ofyour stupid bells.” Her mood darkened as she watched what she thought was his lips spread into a wide smile under his mask.
“Oh Sakura-chan, I always knew you were my favorite student! You're so smart!” She wanted to rip off those crossed arms of his and beat him senseless. She could feel her jaw clenching and the vein in her forehead throbbing. She responded through gritted teeth.
“When and where?” His eye became absolute seriousness as he considered her question. His voice held no amusement when he spoke.
“Old training grounds. Three days from today, at noon.” She could tell from the tone of his voice that he wasn't going to go easy on her.
`That's fine, I'll show him…!'
She noticed Genma reaching for his filled cup of sa'ke and swiftly intercepted. Sakura downed the drink in one burning gulp and then took her opportunity to be set free. In one fluid motion she moved behind Genma and put him in a very rough headlock.
She put all her current anger into the hold. The inhabitants at the table, except Kakashi, laughed as the toothpick fell from his open mouth as his face turned purple. She never took her eyes from her ex-sensei.
“You're on.” As she walked away she could still hear Genma's hoarse voice yelling at Kakashi.
“You owe me a drink asshole! First you stole all of her attention and then you made her mad. Look at what you made her do!”
She heard a loud smack and then an `ow!' from the toothpick wielding man, which made her anger simmer. The next words she heard made her blood boil. It was Kakashi's voice laced with that false cheerfulness he always used when they were kids.
“Oh and Sakura-chan, try not to be late!”
`I'm going to kill him!'
Author's Footnote:
I tried to keep the characters “in character” as much as possible and I will try to do so with Kakashi in future chapters. Just please bear in mind that with any KAKASAKU fanfiction there will be OOC at points because of the fact that it is KAKASAKU!
Anyway! Next up, Bells or no Bells? Will she succumb to the sharingan? What's up with Sakura's new move? What, an armless Kakashi, say what!
Thanks again for reading or scanning through! Much love to all who have reviewed!