Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Sacrificial Beauty ❯ Lessons ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto or any of its characters, that right is reserved for Masashi Kishimoto.

Please Read and Review, because it fills me with LOVE! Also, feel free to leave criticism or suggestions, I can take it! ^_^v

Chapter 2: Lessons

Sakura’s morning had started beautifully. The sun had just begun to rise when she awoke, she hadn’t slept long but with Tsunade’s reassurance she had fallen asleep the moment her head hit the pillow. Turning off her alarm before it could go off she walked to her bathroom and took a leisurely shower before drying off and brushing her teeth. Leaving her towel hanging up to dry she walked naked into her room and stood before her full length mirror at the foot of her bed.

First she inspected her body, trying to be objective as she determined how young she currently looked. She was surprised to find she actually looked her age. She didn’t really spend much time in the buff when the curves of her breasts were free from the bindings all kunoichi wore. That fact, combined with hips that she usually thought of as overly large and her waist, trim from many hours spent training; made her realize that she actually had a rather nice hourglass figure! …Unfortunately she needed to look no older than fourteen, not sixteen verging on seventeen.

Sakura looked at the picture of team seven and thought about how to look more like her younger self. She didn’t have time to grow out her shoulder length hair, but maybe a change of color? Using henge no jutsu she tried several colors ranging from Ino’s bleach blond to a deep red to Hinata’s pitch black.

The image of herself with blond hair was not one she ever wanted to see again, besides not helping her look younger it made her look like a tramp; rather the opposite of what she was going for. Most of the other shades she tried looked either good or bad, but had no effect whatsoever on how old she looked. Black however...

She smiled into the mirror, knowing she had found the solution to part of her problem. Taking a moment to gloat Sakura allowed the jutsu to fade, noting that despite only having changed her hair color, she had taken about a year off her appearance; but that still wasn’t enough. Staring hard at her body Sakura thought of how else she might appear younger. That is, until she noticed the time reflecting back at her in the mirror just over her shoulder. “Shit!”

When Tsunade had said that she didn’t need to come in until ten she had let it slip her mind that she still had to teach her future med nins how to draw poison from a wound today. She wasn’t late yet, but she would be in about five minutes.

Without bothering to bind her breasts she threw on a clean bra and panty set along with her usual outfit of red shirt, taupe skirt, black spandex shorts, and sandals, before strapping on her kunai pouch and running out the door.

She sprinted the thankfully short distance to the Hospital, running past innocent villagers and ignoring shouts of protest as she dodged through the crowded morning market street that was the quickest route to her destination. She didn’t allow herself to slow to a walk until she approached the room that was her destination.

After taking a calming breath she opened the door. Young faces turned up with smiles as she stepped into the room at exactly eight am. As per usual only three gennin teams succeeded in actually becoming gennin after graduation; but newly instituted by Tsunade, all gennin had to learn at least the most basic first aid and healing arts.

Today was the last day that all nine of them were required to attend the twice a week sessions that they had been attending for the last month. After today most of them would return to only regular training and missions with their teams, but the two Sakura felt truly held a talent for the healing arts would continue training both at the hospital and with their teams.

Sakura turned her head a little at the sound of business-like whispering, Reika and Shouji, her two best students. Reika had long black hair and equally black eyes while Shouji had light brown hair and grey eyes; but their personalities were almost identical: Compassionate, a little nervous and occasional mischief makers, but determined to learn.

Someday they would grow out of their nervousness and become great med-nins. Sakura had hoped to continue being their teacher for a while yet, to see them grow into their abilities, but this mission took priority. Someone else would become their sensei and guide them into the great medics Sakura knew they could become.

Time passed quickly while she was teaching, the gennin would always at least try to understand her instructions and rarely got out of line… Though the latter was probably because when one of them did get out of hand she would gag them, tie them up, and suspend them from the ceiling to prevent the others from being tempted to disrupt the class.

Needless to say that after the first few days she hadn’t had any more disruptions from her gennin students; years of dealing with Naruto had taught her well in the ways of keeping the easily distracted in line.

Not everyone learned everything perfectly, but Sakura believed they knew more than at least half the jounin about the medical arts, and that would save lives someday. Tsunade was even talking about making it necessary for all the chuunin and jounin to take these classes as well, but had as of yet to get enough support to make it happen.

When the lesson itself was over Sakura went from student to student observing their progress and instructing them on how they could most effectively improve given each student’s unique abilities.

At nine forty-five, when she was just getting ready to leave for her appointment with Tsunade, an out of breath nurse burst into the room. “Haruno-san! Team Gai has just returned with critical injuries, and you’re needed right away.”

It was a known fact in the hospital that Rock Lee would not let anyone besides Haruno Sakura heal him.

One time he had come in with a broken collarbone while Sakura was out on a mission, he had waited the three days it took for her to return just so he could be healed by his favorite pink haired kunoichi. However Sakura felt that the nurse was panicking needlessly, Lee’s injuries obviously couldn’t be that bad if he still had the energy to try holding out for Sakura after all.

Sakura started towards the door not sure whether to thoroughly beat Lee and then heal him, or to heal him first and then beat into him that she was NOT his personal nurse. She was leaning towards the second option, but as she reached the doorway a thought occurred to her and she stopped to turn back over her shoulder.

“Reika, I need you to deliver a message to the Hokage for me, and I want you to get it just right…” The gleam in her eye sent a shiver down the girl’s spine. Sakura-sensei could be really scary sometimes.

Kakashi didn’t even bother pretending he didn’t know what the Hokage meant by the ‘any number of things’ he and Sakura had to ‘discuss.’ Their cover was that Kakashi (who wasn’t even supposed to pretend to be anyone other than the Copy-nin) had become a missing-nin after being caught taking advantage of his gennin student Saki (Sakura).

So tomorrow morning two Anbu would be sent to get Kakashi from his apartment for an urgent mission; one of them would ‘recognize’ Saki and initiate battle in defense of her ‘honor,’ during which they would pretend to die. (A difficult feat when your audience was an Anbu operative.) Kakashi would then allow the second Anbu to escape and spread the tale of ‘Kakashi the Betrayer.’

It wasn’t every day that a previously respected ninja was pronounced a missing-nin, so Kakashi and Sakura shouldn’t have to worry about ‘advertising’ his denouncement from Konoha, but they would have plenty of other things to worry about. Such as the squad of hunter Anbu Tsunade would have to send after them.

But knowing that Sakura was to be his partner in this did make Kakashi feel a little better. No child should be exposed to the types of things they were likely to see… but he couldn’t help hoping she was right about him not being her type.

Kakashi respected Sakura, he wasn’t even totally opposed to having sex with her, (despite what Sakura may have thought, the fact that she was an adult was abundantly clear) but if there was one thing Hatake Kakashi did not want it was to have a woman fall in love with him. Despite the abundant experience Kakashi had with women, his life was Konoha-gakure, period.

He had sought physical pleasure often when he was younger, (what war emboldened teenager didn’t?) And he still did occasionally when outside the village, but he had never wanted more. More led to lovers bitter over continually being left behind, more led to thoughts of loved ones that could distract you in the field, to fears of not coming back this time… to broken families.

No, Kakashi didn’t want more. And as he sat on the window ledge of Rock Lee’s hospital room watching Sakura silently healing the infatuated youth he couldn’t help thinking that maybe she didn’t either… at least not yet.

Kakashi waited patiently until Sakura looked up from her healing to see him sitting there, she sadly didn’t look surprised. ‘Hmm, maybe I’m getting rusty…’

Lee said something that caused Sakura to look back at him with a frown before knocking him upside the head and leaving the room. Kakashi smiled at the image of Gai, who had been standing behind Sakura, crying over Lee’s fully healed but currently unconscious form.

It only took a minute for Sakura to get outside the hospital, and she was not the least bit surprised when she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to find Kakashi with his usual eye crinkle and half raised hand.  

“Yo.” Sakura managed a small smile despite her trepidation, but she knew he wasn’t fooled.

Kakashi could see the way her jaw was clenched under her smile. She wasn’t going to do this because she wanted to improve her standing in Konoha, or even because if she didn’t do it someone else would have to. Sakura was going to do this for the same reason he was; because this mission was necessary, and she was the most qualified kunoichi to complete the mission successfully.

It gave him hope.

“We should…” Sakura looked down at her usual training outfit, unable to look him in the eye. “…talk.”

Kakashi just barely managed not to laugh by biting his tongue. Keeping his mirth to an eye crinkle he put Sakura’s antics aside. This was a serious mission and there were some things they should definitely take care of before morning.

“Perhaps we should discuss this somewhere less… outdoors.” Sakura managed a real smile at his ‘delicate’ phrasing, it wasn’t something she had thought he would even pretend to do.

“Should we go to my place or…”

“Mine.” Kakashi cut her off and Sakura looked up at his abrupt tone. “When we get back… well, there are advantages to NOT being reminded of… things.” Sakura’s eyes widened as she comprehended his words.

“Yes, of course.” He didn’t see her blush, and she turned away quickly before he could and began walking in the direction of his apartment. After only a few steps she stopped without turning back or looking up from her shoes. “Thank you Kakashi... I wouldn’t have thought of that.” Kakashi shrugged and began to walk leisurely, causing Sakura to walk again at his side.

“You haven’t done this before.”

“But you have.” It wasn’t a question but he answered her anyway.


“How many?” Kakashi stared at her blankly and she blushed. She knew that it was completely irrelevant and none of her business besides, but she was afraid to think too much about what they were about to do.

So instead of continuing with a line of questions she would get no answers to, she took a deep breath and began to explain how to draw poison from a wound. Not knowing if he had already perfected this or had never studied it at all, she went into great detail about the method that would be most effective for Kakashi’s chakra type.

Kakashi said nothing, remaining attentive but simply allowing her to talk. He knew that this was hard for her, the first time always was; but the best thing he could do for her was to keep this business.

They would do this at his place so that when they came back from this mission her home would be empty of his presence. She wouldn’t have to remember it all every time she entered her apartment… A courtesy Kakashi only wished he had been granted during his first ‘optional’ mission. He’d been forced to find a new residence.

When they reached his apartment he pushed the unlocked door open and allowed her to enter before closing the door behind him. The lock clicked into place before she could ask him to and a fraction of the tension left her shoulders. She really didn’t know what she would do if someone walked in on them during her first time...

Sakura swallowed hard, it didn’t seem real that in just a little while she would be…

“Tea?” Kakashi was already entering the kitchen as he spoke.

Sakura broke out of her thoughts enough to answer him weakly. “Yes.” Unable to look at Kakashi Sakura opted instead to look around his apartment.

The entryway opened up into the kitchen and living room in almost a replica of Sakura’s apartment; except that across the room from the bathroom door stood the door to his bedroom. Kakashi’s ‘dining room’ was (like hers) nothing more than a couple chairs pulled up to the kitchen’s island style countertop, but she supposed he didn’t need any more than that.

The main room was the same size as her apartment, and eerily had almost the same layout. But where Sakura had her bed, nightstand, dresser, and mirror, Kakashi had a comfortable recliner as well as two more bookshelves packed with books of every genre. His rug was also softer than hers, his couch more comfortable, and she was willing to bet that his bed was twice the size. (Though she had yet to actually see his bedroom)

And though all of this was enough to make her jealous, what drove her crazy was that everything in the room was completely immaculate.

She could still remember the first time she had been to his apartment three years ago. It was the day of the final rounds of her chuunin exam and she had been determined to drag him there herself so that he would have no excuse to be late. Imagine her surprise when a sleepy looking copy-nin had opened the door in nothing but his fitted black tank with attached mask and his black jounin pants!

She had been accosted by the spicy smell of tea steeping as he silently let her in and shuffled over to the kitchen counter to make a second cup for her. Closing the door quietly she had stared wide-eyed at his apartment. Somehow Sakura had always imagined that her ex-sensei was as messy as Naruto, too apathetic to care how he lived and too lazy to clean for company; but in actuality he was rather anal. She told herself she shouldn’t have been surprised.

Kakashi surprised her again though when he cleaned and put everything away as soon as he was done with it. When Sakura had off-handedly asked him about it he had shrugged and said it that would be too much work to clean if he came back from a mission to find food encrusted dishes and moldy food.

Bewildered, she had dared to ask if that had happened before, only to be answered with that same uncommunicative smile he always gave. It had infuriated her at the time, but Sakura was used to his antics by now.

Sakura sank herself onto one of the stools at the countertop as Kakashi busied himself with making the tea. She watched him idly, his movements fluid as he poured two mugs of the same spicy black tea that had smelled so divine upon her first visit to his apartment.

Sakura wanted to tell herself she wasn’t surprised when he added two scoops of sugar before handing her the cup, but she was. ‘When did he notice how I drink my tea?’

He added nothing to his own tea before sitting down next to her, and Sakura couldn’t help but relax as the warmth from the tea spread through her. A soft smile played upon her lips as every muscle in her body relaxed more and more with each sip.

She allowed herself to revel in the sensation of warmth pooling in her abdomen as she sipped more of the spicy tea. It was nice, in the companionable silence she let go of the muscle tension that had been building. She felt the heat intensify pleasantly, washing over her in ever growing waves, it was nice. It was…

“It’s spiked.” Sakura set the cup down a little harder than necessary and turned to glare at his profile, as he hadn’t even turned to look at her. Attempting to beat down the heat building within her she was pleased to note that at least it wasn’t affecting her reasoning abilities.

“It will make this easier.” Sakura glared at Kakashi for a second longer. His logic was perfectly right, it would make things easier but… he was drinking it too. She felt sick.

“I knew it.” Kakashi actually turned to look at her downcast eyes in question. “… I know I was chosen for this mission because I pass for much younger than I am, and I’m sure you’re not a pedophile considering your choice in literature, but…” Kakashi choked on his laughter and couldn’t hold it back despite the glare he could feel boring into him.

“Sakura” He forced himself to stop laughing and turned to look her fully in the eye. “First of all, you don’t, in any way, resemble a child.” He almost laughed again at her skepticism but held back.

“It’s the sugar that’s spiked, NOT the tea.” After taking a moment to absorb that tidbit she looked like she might ask another question, so he continued. “It has been my experience that it is much harder for women to become aroused when having intercourse for a mission than it is for men.” Sakura’s blush was one that could have been seen in the dark it glowed so brightly, but she continued to listen intently.

“You’re a virgin?” Sakura winced a little but nodded. “I suspected as much. That’s the other reason I gave it to you, the more… tense you are, the more likely it will hurt. I don’t want to hurt you.”

Sakura smiled a little and stopped trying so hard to fight the heat building within her. “Then, are you going to take off your mask?” Kakashi frowned slightly.

“No… Sakura, this is business. I don’t mix my personal life with missions. Unless the mission specifically calls for it I will not be taking my mask off.” Sakura looked surprised (and maybe a little disappointed) but she supposed that it made sense and wasn’t offended; maybe it would even make things easier.

They would have to share their bodies and space for a long period of time, but if they shared nothing of their personal selves they could return to Konoha without undue amounts of tension between them.

“Okay… Umm, I don’t… where do we start?” Kakashi smiled at her as he calmly took off his gloves before lightly caressing down her arm and clasping her hand. She looked up at him in surprise but didn’t resist as he stood and gently guided her to his bedroom, closing the door behind them.

“You want me to do what!?” Tsunade looked glumly at her empty sake bottle and rubbed her temple, adding a little chakra to her fingers to help sooth away the growing headache.

“Genma, if you don’t think yourself capable of playing dead for a few minutes I’ll get somebody else. I just thought you might enjoy pretending to be Anbu.” Genma took a moment to think as he chewed on his senbon.

“So… Hatake and Sakura-chan, eh?” Tsunade sighed deeply.

“It’s a mission Shiranui.” He smirked and Tsunade threw her empty sake bottle at him, forcing him to shut his mouth and dodge before he could say something that would make her want to actually hurt him.

“Don’t make this harder than it is Shiranui. Remember, she’s NOT Sakura. She’s Saki, Kakashi’s thirteen year old student, and you’re horrified by his actions.”

“Horrified it’s not me in his place.” Genma said it under his breath, though when Tsunade threw her paperweight at his head so fast that he barely managed to dodge he reflected that it hadn’t been quiet enough.

“Right, Saki, horrified. What time do you want me to be horrified?” Tsunade continued to glare at him.

“Be here dressed as an Anbu at nine am.” With a nod Genma turned and left Tsunade alone to contemplate how to punish him without needing to take him off active duty. It came to her in a flash and she smiled slowly, she liked killing two birds with one stone.

Sakura tightened her grip on Kakashi’s hand fractionally at the sound of the door closing. Her heart began to beat faster as she felt him step behind her, letting go of her hand to wrap both arms around her waist.

“Are you afraid?” His warm breath against her ear made her shutter. She shook her head.

“I’m not afraid… I’m nervous, but I trust you.” Kakashi smiled lightly as he began to run his hands up and down her sides softly.

“Good.” He breathed deeply of her lightly floral scented hair. The scent wasn’t strong enough to be detected in the field, but it was delectable enough to make Kakashi glad that Pakun’s comment about her using the same shampoo hadn’t made her switch brands.  

He continued to caress her sides gently and brought his hands leisurely up her back and down her arms. Kakashi had never actually taken a woman’s virginity before. His own escapades had lead him to the more experienced type and ‘optional’ missions very rarely called for someone under twenty, but logic dictated that he take it slowly.

They had to do this now, tonight. Not only because their cover required them being caught in some form of this, but because he actually needed to teach Sakura how to do this. (Something he might not be able to do once they truly began their roles tomorrow morning.) But still, it was Sakura’s first time, and his pride would be greatly damaged if he couldn’t at least make her enjoy it.

As Kakashi’s hands slid down her arms the fire that had been slowly building in her abdomen burned brighter, causing her breath to hitch and her back to arch. His hands were different than she’d expected. Not soft the way a civilian’s hands might be, but smooth despite the calluses he’d gained from years of weapons practice and filled with the type of strength that could just as easily hurt her as pleasure her. It didn’t matter that she knew he would never hurt her, the thought of what his strong hands alone could do to her sent electricity through her veins.

When Sakura rested her head back against his shoulder she dimly noted the masculine scent of his skin. Spicy like the tea they had been drinking, but also earthy and just slightly electric, as if chidori had permanently left its scent upon him. She liked it. It was so like him it was reassuring, and as his hands moved to lightly cup her breasts she inhaled deeply; breathing in the safety of his scent and the pleasure his strong hands provided.

Kakashi rolled her nipples tenderly through her clothes, causing Sakura to gasp at the new sensation and arch her back further. He slipped one of his hands down her side and slid it up under her shirt to let his fingers explore the soft skin of her stomach, brushing the undersides of her breasts lightly.

She squirmed at his slow pace and wished silently that he would return his strong hand to her lonely breast, and when he did she moaned appreciatively. His fingers played with her nipples first gently and then more firmly until she pleaded.

“Kakashi… please, more…” Kakashi groaned when she accidentally rubbed her backside against his rapidly growing erection. She was inexperienced but responsive and willing; it was more than he had hoped for even with the chemical added to her sugar.

Determined not to disappoint, he brought one hand back to unhook her bra before removing both shirt and bra in one swift motion. He returned his hands to her firm breasts, causing her to moan as he squeezed them more firmly. Her moan was more than enough reward for having had to stop for a moment.

Sakura’s hands came up seemingly of their own volition and buried themselves into Kakashi’s hair, shivers running up and down her spine with his every touch. His hands were expertly fueling the fires the sugar had started, but unlike the sugar, she could feel her thoughts slipping away, unable to focus on anything but the feeling of his hands stroking her body.

One of his hands continued to play deftly with her nipples as his other explored the exposed skin of her stomach and inched lower than it had before. Sakura could barely breathe, she had never wanted anything the way she wanted him right now. A small part of her was still nervous, still wanted to fight the feeling of heat coursing through her, but she knew that she didn’t have that option. So, throwing out her useless inhibitions Sakura simply reveled in the feeling of his slowly teasing hands against her flesh… His hands that were moving too damn slow.

“Kakashi, please!” She could feel his chuckle against her back as he unbuckled her skirt and slipped his hand under her shorts to play with her clit through the cotton of her panties. Together they let out a moan of satisfaction.

“Shit Sakura, you’re so wet.” Sakura wanted to be embarrassed, but with his finger playing circles against her core she could do nothing but dig her fingers a little harder into his scalp. He rolled her clit expertly before pinching it, causing Sakura to cry out harshly. She could feel something tightening inside of her and breathlessly begged Kakashi to release it as she ground her backside into him.

Ever obligingly Kakashi slipped his fingers passed her damp panties and pressed hard against her engorged clit. The sudden sensation of his strong fingers against her sensitive flesh caused the something inside of her to snap, sending sparks and warmth to every part of her body and tearing a deep moan from her throat.  

Kakashi smiled as her body slumped in his arms, only staying upright due to his grip on her hip and breast pulling her against him. After a full minute he called to her. “Sakura…” She forced herself to take more of her own weight on shaky knees and stepped forward as he guided her to the edge of the bed. She made to climb onto the bed but he held her back. “I want you to bend over, hold yourself up on the bed but remain standing.”

Sakura was a virgin in practice but had learned through years of kunoichi classes that this was not the least bit unusual… well maybe a little unusual for a virgin, but not enough for her to question him. As she bent forward she could feel his hands gently pulling her skirt, shorts, and panties down in one smooth motion before throwing them behind him to land near her other clothes. His hands trailed back up her thighs and lightly gripped the mounds of her ass before positioning her legs in a slightly wider stance.

Kakashi was throbbing in need. Only hours ago he had thought he would have to teach this to a child, a child who had only just begun her kunoichi classes and had no idea what she was getting herself into, he was very pleased to be wrong. Sakura wanted this, maybe she hadn’t specifically wanted this with him before he had touched her, but she was old enough to know what this feeling was and accept it fully. He didn’t want to hold back any longer and was thankful that he didn’t need to.

As he pulled down his pants to pool at his ankles Kakashi whispered into Sakura’s ear, his hot breath tickling her sensitive flesh. “I want you to relax your body completely Sakura, let me in.”

A shiver ran down her spine and she could feel heat pooling within her again as she did what she was told. Kunoichi classes had spent a great deal of time teaching the girls how to forcibly relax their bodies so that no matter how they lost their virginity, the pain would be minimal.

It was over in a single hard thrust. One moment she was a virgin, and the next she was a slightly uncomfortable, but fully-fledged woman.

Kakashi groaned, she hadn’t screamed as he had been told most civilian girls and some of the less studious kunoichi did their first time; but he should have expected nothing less of Sakura. She never stopped studying until she had mastered something to the best of her abilities, but he still held himself unmoving within her, giving her time to adjust.

The feeling of Kakashi within her was not at all what Sakura thought it would feel like- it was… amazing. At first it was uncomfortable like she had overeaten and gotten a stomachache, only lower… but then she moved against him in an attempt to get more comfortable.

The feeling of him actually moving inside her ripped a moan from both of them and before she could think on it too deeply she felt his grip tighten on her hips and take control. He drew out of her almost completely before sliding back into her, forcing himself to go slow but filling her to the hilt; he repeated the motion again, and again in succession.

The feeling of his hands firmly gripping her hips combined with the faint sound of their groans and the heady scent of their sweat as he moved within her slowly sent Sakura reeling. She didn’t know how she had lived so long without this, didn’t know how she would ever be able to stop.

She could feel a coil tightening slowly within her as the minutes ticked by, the heat scorching her from within. Every time Kakashi withdrew Sakura couldn’t stop the whimper from escaping her throat; and every time he forced himself back into her willing sheath she couldn’t help but try to push her hips back against him.

He was holding her too firmly for her to increase the pace herself and she wanted to scream at him to go faster, harder… but she could barely breathe as it was. The coil within her was tightening to the point that it was almost painful and tears streamed down Sakura’s face until she cried out breathlessly.

“Kami-sama, please Kakashi!” His head dropped between her shoulder blades with a tight grin plastered on his mask-covered face.

“Please what Sakura?” He was taunting her and she wanted to throttle him for playing with her like this, but when he began to slow his pace even further she couldn’t hold back her agitation.

“Harder! Damn you, Kakashi!” As if he had been waiting only for her to ask, Kakashi finally put a little more force into each thrust, even as he tortured her with the same, slow pace. It was enough.

It was too much.

Everything inside of her burst without warning; black spots coloring her vision and destroying her ability to think as Kakashi continued to move within her. Each stroke sent electricity and heat through her until she couldn’t hold on anymore and his name tore from her throat in a broken scream. “Kakashi!”

It was nothing like the last time. That had been overwhelming and had flooded her with warmth and a moment of contentment; but this ripped her apart and left her shaken to the core without even having the courtesy to put the pieces back together. She could feel her strength leave her, causing her knees to go weak; but still she wanted more.

It was a good thing, because Kakashi hadn’t stopped but had begun to pound into her with more ferocity than before. He couldn’t stop; the feeling of her tight vaginal walls clamping down on his already strained length broke what restraint he had left and he thrust into her ruthlessly, her cries doing nothing but encouraging him to thrust harder.

Sakura loved it. Everything she had wanted him to do last time he was doing now. She could feel herself grow hoarse from screaming his name and even he couldn’t stop her from bucking against him on every violent thrust.

Panting, Kakashi tried to hold himself back, but he knew he was too close, he had held back for too long already. So as he continued his near violent assault he reached one hand around to rub circles into her engorged clit. Her reaction was instantaneous. She arched until she was nearly standing upright with her back against his still clothed chest, a soundless scream trying to escape her as her feminine walls clamped firmly down upon his thrusting cock, finally milking Kakashi of his seed as he ground into her a final time.

Unable to stand after the powerful climax Kakashi caught the edge of the mattress to keep himself and Sakura from hitting the floor. Taking a moment to catch his breath Kakashi looked down to find Sakura had passed out upon her final climax.

Hmm, maybe that was a bit much for a virgin to handle…’ Kakashi grinned as only a prideful, satiated male could. Sakura had succeeded in exceeding his expectations once again.

Once he had regained sufficient strength, Kakashi lifted Sakura and gingerly laid her down on the bed before pulling his pants back on and collapsing next to her. The clock by his bed only read a little before two in the afternoon, but Kakashi figured that after spending the morning teaching gennin, healing one of Konoha’s most annoying nin, allowing herself to be seduced, and over an hour of sex with him, anyone would be tired… Hell, even he was considering taking a nap.

Setting the alarm for eight pm Kakashi smiled; they still had a lot to prepare before their morning wake-up call, but he couldn’t resist the easy warmth of holding Sakura against him as he drifted off to sleep. This mission was quite possibly going to go very badly, but oh Kami-sama, how enjoyable the fall.

Wow, you know what’s dirtier than writing porn? Re-writing it in an attempt to make it dirtier! Hope you all enjoyed!
Review? ^_^v