Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Sassychan ❯ Chapter 11: The Lock Down ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's Notes:
Posting chapter 11 at the same day that chaps 9 and ten are posted for my dear readers...i know i't like a cliff hanger for every chapter...i'm doing at individual points of view per chapter so it would not get confusing...i have noticed that whenever i coagulate several points of view in one chapter everything kinda gets you go..anyways...i'll stop my blabbering.
I'm a believer of mysterious and stange things though nothing has yet to happen to me. If one would happent to me, however, i would extremely appreciate it be that I suddenly become a chanracter in Naruto verse or the maker of Naruto series. I prefer the former wish though. Anyone here who knows a genie? Tell me. Thanks. I do not own Naruto.
by Boyarina
Chapter 11:
Sasuke watched as the Konoha shinobi rescue team collected and regrouped when the bushins in the form of Naruto and Sakura delivered to them some sort of message. He was given one too, but it was "Stay back (teme/Sasuke-kun!)"
Hn. Right. Whatever. Had he been--say Chouji (or Shikamaru), with a bag of chips on hand, he would probably have done exactly just that. But he is deal. Sorry.
For the time being, Sasekue is staying on the sidelines as Naruto and Sakura flew up into the air together--her arms stretched sidewards while Naruto had his hands positioned to execute seals, red chakra swirling around him.
A chill ran down Sasuke's spine. If it hadn't been for the blond hair and the orange band on Naruto's right leg, Sasuke would have thought this is a completely different person. Gone is his loud orange clothing--replaced by this white baggy pants that reached past his ankles, covering half of his sandled feet and a plain navy blue sleevelesss shirt that is zipped past his neck (almost up to his chin).
More so, the wide toothy grin his blond teammate is sporting right now is not quite the wide toothy grin he had remembered from before. This smile held too much malicious glee, too much ruthlessness in it for it to be Naruto's trademark grin.
The chill that Sasuke felt before suddenly turned into a subzero temperature when he realized that Nsruto is now staring right back at him. Unnerved by this, he broke his gaze away, focusing on the actions of the rest of the Konoha shinobis as a diversion.
Right underneath the seemingly suspended in mid-air figures of both NAruto and Sakura, stood Shikamaru and that bun-haired girl whose name he couldn't quite place. A few feet away from this formation are Neji and his cousin, positioned vertically from each other, defending the northern and southern areas of the formation, while Shino and Lee are defending the western and eastern sides respectively.
Still in thier gravity defying state, Sakura splayed her fingers out on both hands as innumerable ninja wires spewed out from them. The chakra swirling around Naruto, at that very second, entertwined itself to each of the string that came out of Sakura's digits.
Below them, the shadow bind technique Shikamaru is famous for bound all enemy shinobius within his reachwhile kunais flew forth from the bun-haired girl in front of Shikamaru.
To Sasuke's surprise (and befuddlement), the weapons attached themselves to the wires coming out of Sakura's hands. Due to the limited amount of kunai and shuriken that the bun-haired girl could produce and throw at the same time, not all of the wires spewing out of Sakura had a weapon on it.
The ones that have both Naruto's red chakra surrounding it plus a kunai or a shuriken at the tip struck the enemy's heart dead center and quickly snaked inside the enemy's body. The ones that only has Naruto's red chakra surrounding it struck the other various body parts of the enermy (and if you are thinking it, yes, the crothes were not spared) piercing the clothing and slowly squiggling its way inside of the body part it happened on.
Sasuke winced at the picture. Ouch. That gotta hurt.
The enemy shinobis under the influence of Shikamaru's shadow bind technique were easily dealt with and as soon as they were down, that imperilous shadow moved on to its next victim.
Every shinobis are still pouring in waves. Those that dared to get near the circle the rescue team formed and had been lucky enough to evade the strings without kunais (or shurikens) in them were taken care of by Neji, his cousin (he forgot her name too), Shino and Lee.
H couldn't just let them have all the fun now. Deciding to imitate Shikamaru's style of defense (no, he didn't execute the same technique...he copied it though) from the spot he is standing on, he formed the seals that Orochimaru taught him in order to summon snakes on random places from the ground; concentrating hard now to make sure that he would summon snakes with the correct weight and height---snakes that would be large enough to hold a full grown man down; and snakes that would have a venom lethal enough to serve a man his death within seconds.
The seal is complete. Now is the time to show them that he could fight in equal par with them. Now is the time to show Uzumaki Naruto that he is no longer found wanting.
...and after this, if he would be able to scrounge enough bravado, he'd let the dobe know just how disgruntled he is when those blue eyes had locked down on his.
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Officially, my fingers are now hurting from typing.'s the inspirational stuff:
Happiness is a thing to be practiced, like the violin.