Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Sasuke's New Found Love for Sakura ❯ Frustration and Confusion ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Time goes by and Sasuke’s attraction for Sakura is increasing steadily. He fights himself and debates over his own thoughts.

‘Sakura’s special…I need her…’
‘Ah-no. I’m an avenger. No room for emotions.’
‘But…Sakura. My mind is always set on her alone.’
‘Avenger. My life’s goal is to kill my brother, love will only get in the way.’
‘She is my strength and my weakness. I think I…love her.’

He was more than confused but finally made up his mind. He is a multitasker and life was short. He must make the best of it before he goes off and battles his brother, Itachi. That’s that.
‘I must let her know.’
This was it, he couldn’t take it anymore and just gazing at her from far away.

Sasuke arrived at the ANBU headquarters the next day for another mission, this time he’ll try following what he’s instructed to do, he’s already hurt Sakura too much. They hid beneath a forest as the criminals arrived near the lake with a captive. This time however, Sasuke was told to stay with Sakura in concern that he might cause more trouble. Sakura was to take the captive away form the fight and bring him back to the village, not too far away for an easy escape.
The Leader jumped closer towards the lake where the criminals were and did a hand signal indicating their move. Ninja’s then encircled all around the lake and jumped right in. There were two women and 7 men who were also skilled in fighting but they had no chance against the ANBU Squad. Once Sakura found an opening she whispered, “Stay Here.” in a firm tone and crept along the back to grab the limp captive. She was just about to move back into the safety of the trees when one of the men ran towards her. Sasuke was still watching from behind the bushes and had a strong urge to jumped out and kill the crap out of that bum but Sakura’s words echoed in his mind. Stay Here. He grunted in frustration and stayed put. The green eyed member didn’t even drop the injured man she was holding and took out two shuriken in one hand, letting them glide across the air and stab the attacking man even before he was able to take out a weapon. As if paralyzed, the criminal stopped dead on his spot and flopped down straight to the ground on his stomach. Sakura brushed off her hair that was sticking to her forehead and took the wounded captive back into the forest.

In an utterly silent whisper, the dark haired boy had to strain closer to hear her orders, “Sasuke, you must come with me back to the village. As we move, you must keep watch all around us for any attackers trying to retrieve this man. Watch my back.” Sakura didn’t have time to wait for any reply from the boy and quickly jumped into the forest. Sasuke had to quicken up his pace to catch up with her and had her words stinging in his mind. Watch my back. As he jumped from tree to tree, he looked all about them for any more criminals. Just as they were only 2/3 away from the village, Sasuke caught a spy at the corner of his eye. The spy knew he was seen and immediately through a shuriken at the brunnete but he flung out a kunai and blocked the attack. Sakura knew very well that they were being followed but didn’t show it. She only went faster and let Sasuke fend them off. The other ninja saw Sakura moving farther away and went after her, ignoring the Uchiha. This made Sasuke very angry at being turned away from a battle. With his rage he did his seals and hurled a deadly fire directly at the spy. Burning him into a corpse, Sasuke smirked in satisfaction and caught up with Sakura. They had just arrived back in Konoha and sent the injured fellow straight to their medics. His injuries were quite severe but with the simple preparations Sakura had done earlier, he was healing very nicely. The man’s family were filling them both with praise and offered to make them dinner.

“That’s very kind of you but we must return back to our Squad and confirm our success. I hope he heals soon, if not please send for me: Haruno Sakura.” She inquired and bowed down to them. She turned and began walking back to the forest getting ready to leap and race through but instead, she praised Sasuke.

“That was nicely done. You’re getting the hang of it now, you’d make a very good member.” Sakura smiled at him. ‘That pinching feeling again.. dammit’
As they walked further into the forest, Sasuke couldn’t stop himself from taking her hand. Sakura glanced at their fingers as Sasuke’s laced around hers. She looked back up at him and gave a warm smile then walked on. Sasuke wasn’t sure what to think over her reaction. Usually if he did this before she would go out screaming and hugging him to a near choke but now, she merely smiles as if it was.. nothing.
‘At least, I can hold her…for now.’ he tightened his hold on her palm as if never wanting to let go and she returned the friendly pressure on his palms. He tried to hide a small smile that kept trembling at the corner of his lips. Sakura giggled knowing that he couldn’t control his own smile without even looking straight at him. After a few more meters of walking they leaped into the branches of the trees and sped across the forest with their hands still joined. He was impressed, last time that he ran around with her, she was several feet away but now she was only 4 inches apart from him. When they reached the headquarters, they brought the great news of the captive returning safely home. The Squad Leader approved and gave Sasuke a good nod.

“Thank you everyone, another successful mission has been confirmed. You may all go home now.” the Leader announced and everyone started home. The two teammates walked home together making small talk along the way.

“Did you ever find what you were looking for while you were away?”

“Yes. I enhanced my powers by journeying through villages. I trained with some of their own sensei’s and I learned how to survive out in the wild by myself.”

“I’ve noticed that you’ve come back with even more strength but I would never had thought that you had to go through all that.” She looked at him, not sternly nor cheerfully but reassuring,

“You stay true to your reputation.”

Sasuke only stared back and her words once again kept echoing through his mind until they reached Konoha. The sun was setting by the time they arrived and Sakura invited him over to her home for dinner. He accepted, successfully not to sound eager about her offer. They ran into Naruto and she invited him too but he had to meet Chouji at the new Ramen Café that had just opened yesterday raced off. Once they entered her home, Sakura quickly took out all the ingredients she needed to make a zucchini salad and mushroom soup.
‘This is the perfect moment. I have to.’ Sasuke stared intently as the pink haired girl as she chopped cabbages and lettuce. He squeezed his eyes shut then opened them seeing blue spots everywhere. He stood up and using his great speed suddenly cornered Sakura against the wall with one hand resting on the surface.
‘Now or never’
Sakura stared at him startled and pushed his chest back softly.

“Sasuke?” she asked bewildered.

“I’ve waited long enough.” he seemed to be talking more to himself than the girl. She gave him a another slight push but he didn’t nudge. The boy drew in closer to her, letting their bodies touch. He ran the tips of his fingers down her silken hair then nuzzled her strong jaw line. She blushed and was about to state something but Sasuke took advantage of her open mouth and kissed her hungrily. As if the delicious food, Sakura was preparing just wasn’t enough for his quench. Sakura’s eyes were wide open and her face flushed in shock. Sasuke held her head carefully as to avoiding it from banging against the wall. Sakura slowly closed her eyes and let this sudden pleasure flow through her mind. The boy now had his tongue inside her mouth adding more to both their pleasure. Then when he moved on to the corner of her upper neck, Sakura blinked and swallowed deeply. Reality began to take place and she whispered softly to his ear.

“Sasuke, why?”

The brunnete stopped and looked directly at her eyes. They could feel each other’s sharp breaths waiting for his response.

“Sakura…” his eyes were transfixed into her’s. She couldn’t look away from so many reasons. He had changed so much, his stare was so different-nothing like she could’ve imagined him expressing.

“Sakura, I love you.” Right after he released those final words all the guild that was stabbing him back had vanished. It was all about the two of them now. Sakura shot her eys at him in complete and utter surprise.

‘It’s actually happening. All my childhood, I’ve waited for this. But now do I really want it?’ She was so confused. She had wanted him for so long but now that she doesn’t care about him anymore, he decides to finally act this way?! Haruno tried to say something but a dull mutter was all that came out. Sasuke waited anxiously for anything of her reply. As Sakura bit her lip, she responded.

“Sasuke, why? Why do you tell me this now?” her eyes were beginning to fill with tears from frustration and confusion, “Now that I have succeeded in forgetting about my love for you?” She whispered harshly.

That last phrase cut him deep as if a razor was slashed across his throat-except this pained him even more. He couldn’t stop his arms from wrapping around the girl and whispering ever so softly.

“So you really don’t love me anymore.” again, speaking more to himself than her. She sighed heavily.

“I have loved you for so long but now I have released all that. But I still feel something towards you, don’t get me wrong. I just…don’t know now that I ignored it for such a long time.” Sakura tried digging deep within her soul, trying to look for an answer but she only acme up with past emotions of: flirt, love, anger, and now confusion. Sasuke however, understood exactly.

He leaned out a bit to kiss her lips one more time, “Then I’ll wait…” He hugged her tightly and she returned it. Frustration whelmed up inside the Uchiha but he didn’t show it. Pulling away to look again at her green eyes. He stepped back and unwrapped his arms from her then disappeared with a painfully blank face. She then let her tears flow down her face then broke down to a kneel.
‘Do I still love him?’ that is the ultimate question. She didn’t eat any dinner that night and barely slept. The same can go very well with the other. Sasuke was enraged and frustrated causing him to wreck his couch into cotton shreds, almost everything was now either on the floor or broken. He even used the trees around his home as punching bags to let out some of his anger. After drawing out enough blood and feeling absolutely tired, he retreated back to his apartment and slipped in bed. His troubles still gave him a kick which didn’t help at all with sleeping so he just laid down engulfed with darkness. He finally concluded just as the sun began to rise that he really did love her and that he could wait for her word. But this still didn’t stop him from showing his affection towards the pink-haired girl.