Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Save Your Last Dance For Me ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 1: A Bulletin Board Announcement
It was a usual morning at Konoha Ninja High School and Ino, Sakura, Hinata, Temari and Tenten were walking along the school corridors on the way to their classes. They were simply chatting along about the usual stuff - studies, new techniques, and new battles and of course, boys when suddenly Ino the observer of them all noticed a new bulletin board announcement. The board used to contain old boring stuff such as new schedules, new announcements of the Hokage but now, there was a large colorful poster posted on it.
“Look Sakura! Look at this announcement.” Ino exclaimed, upon seeing the poster. Sakura and the others stared at what Ino was pointing at the bulletin board. They all read the announcement. “Wow, it's the Christmas Dance!” Tenten exclaimed. “Yeah, and I'm really excited!” Ino added. “Uh, that's nice.” Hinata mumbled, dreaming the thought of Naruto dancing with her. But of course, she's not even sure Naruto would go or if with her. “What do you think, Sakura?” Ino asked who noticed her best friend deep in thought. Sakura simply smiled and said, “It's great that we're having that.” But on the other hand, she felt a bit sad because the Dance means dancing with the boy you most love. For her, that's what it meant and Sasuke was that boy. And it was impossible for him to ask her. Very impossible. “Temari, aren't you excited about it?” Tenten asked, who noticed that her best friend had no exciting reaction about it. “Nah, I don't really have a plan of going there. I mean, like I wanted people to see me dance with a boy.” Temari replied without emotion. Tenten sighed at her best friend's reaction.
Meanwhile, the ten boys who just arrived - Sasuke, Naruto, Neji, Lee, Shikamaru, Chouji, Shino, Kiba, Kankorou and Gaara saw the girls crowding around the bulletin board. “Uh hello, Hinata! What's up with that announcement?” Naruto greeted, seeing the center of his attention. Hinata just blushed. The boys glared at the poster. “Ooh! That is so romantic!” Lee exclaimed, thinking already about the girl she would ask out (guess who it is!). “Oh, I'm going! I'm going!” Naruto said. They all stared at him being so excited. “Really? Then who's the girl you're going to ask out?” Kiba asked, giggling. They all looked at Hinata, who was blushing even more. Naruto got redder. “Uh, I don't know. I'm going to think about it yet.” They all chuckled. “But hey, do you know what this means? Kiba, Kankorou! It's a night out for us. We can play video games at the Video Shop that night!” Chouji announced. Kiba and Kankorou both cheered. These three boys were known as the VG Three (Video Game Trio) because they were really addicted to video games. The girls just sighed about them. After more talking, they went to their classes.
Sasuke, Neji and Shikamaru were left together walking along the corridor for they were on the same class. “Sasuke, are you going to the Dance?” Neji asked his best friend with interest. “I don't know.” Sasuke replied unthinkingly. Shikamaru giggled at the thought of Sasuke dancing with some girl since it was not Sasuke's type to dance like that and be romantic. They continued walking. “You Neji, are you going?” Sasuke asked. “Maybe I am. Somewhat, it's a nice time you know. Besides, it would be my first dance ever.” Neji replied. Shikamaru and Sasuke glared at him. “You're going to ask out a girl?!” Shikamaru exclaimed. Neji chuckled at their reaction. “Why not? I'm a boy, right? Boys like girls unless you're addicted to video games, like the VG Three.” Neji replied. “Who are you going to ask out?” Sasuke asked, becoming so interested. Neji thought for awhile, smiling. “I'm not yet sure as for now. I'm still going to think about it since there might be a problem if I'm going to ask that certain girl out.” Neji replied. “A problem? How could that be?” Shikamaru said. “I still can't believe you'd have an interest for girls, Neji.” Sasuke commented. “Nah, I really don't have an interest. I thought I was like you, Sasuke but now I know what Lee was saying one time that a boy would fall for a girl at one time of his life. Well, that's true but in my case I guess I've fallen for the wrong girl.” Neji replied. “For the wrong girl? A problem? I don't get you, Neji.” Shikamaru said, puzzled. Neji just laughed at him.
-at lunch time-
Everyone was in the cafeteria - all the top fifteen genins. They were really named that way since they were the top fifteen in their batch and the only genins who were able to take the chuunin exam and pass the Forest of Death. Badly, Shikamaru was the only chuunin among them and even if he was not the top one and Sasuke being the one, he was known as the “Greatest Chuunin”.
It was a usual lunch time and the fifteen genins sat together, as always. They were chatting about, of course, the Christmas Dance. Some couldn't keep their excitement about it while some just didn't care.
“Sasuke-kun, are you going to the Dance?” Ino asked excitedly and expectantly. “I don't know. I'm not sure.” Sasuke replied. Ino really wished that Sasuke would be the one to ask her out. She still loved him so much and since this is her first dance, she wanted that her date would be her first love. Sakura simply remained silent about Ino's question. If before the two friends would fight about Sasuke, now they didn't. Sakura already told Ino that she would let her best friend have Sasuke if he would like and choose Ino. She also agreed that when Sasuke is around, she would let Ino spend time with him more. There was not so much reason about it. It's just that, Sakura simply promised to be nicer to people around her especially her best friend who was the girl who greatly understood her. Besides, after what Sasuke did to her at the Konoha gates before leaving, she thought she had done something wrong and had no hope for Sasuke. But even though that's the case, she still continued loving Sasuke secretly.
“What about you, Sakura? Are you going to the dance?” Lee asked excitedly. This was his chance. Sakura looked up from her food who was thinking deeply about Sasuke at that time. “Uh, maybe. I'm not yet sure.” Sakura muttered. “But Sakura, if you're going can I be your partner?” Lee asked. Everyone stopped eating abruptly and glared at Sakura. Sometimes, Lee can be so immature. He was so quick and simply didn't know that asking out was done in private. They all waited for Sakura's answer. Sakura smiled at Lee sheepishly. “Uh, the truth is I'm not yet sure. I'll think about it, I promise. I'll just let you know my answer if I'm ready. Is that fine with you, Lee-kun?” Sakura replied. “Of course, that's fine with me Sakura-chan!” Lee answered. He was a bit heartbroken about it but could bear it and he did not lose hope about it.
“Sister, are you going to the dance?” Kankorou asked Temari who was busily munching on her food. “Ah? No, I'm not. Speaking of that night, could I join you? I'd like to play video games too.” Temari replied, who simply had no interest in boys and who never had. “Ha! Ha! You're playing video games? That's too boyish for a girl.” Shino teased, who had the habit of teasing Temari. “Hn, I don't care. And you don't care what I do. Why? Are you even going?” Temari asked. “Whatever, Temari. At least I'm not going to play video games on a holiday night. That is, uh too out of season especially for a girl.” Shino replied, who had really a strong stand against video games. “Whatever, I don't care about what you say.” Temari said, ignoring him.