Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Seijin Shiki ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: All characters in the Naruto series belong to Misashi Kishimoto-sama.
That doesn't mean that we fanfic writers can't borrow then once in a while.
Seijin Shiki
Chapter 5
The full moon hung suspended in the air, its pockmarked surface gleaming faintly with a yellow hue. It cast an eerie light about the land, cloaking it with a golden glow. The forest seemed ominous as screech owls cried in the distance. A Konoha shinobi moved throughout the shadows, sharp eyes scanning the surrounding perimeter of their camp.
The darkness was quiet, peaceful as Kakashi checked the traps he and Sakura had set before sundown. All day there hadn't been any murderous or dangerous presences around their group. It was almost unheard of for a Daimyou not to be attacked. But luck was running in their favor for they were half a day ahead of schedule.
Kakashi crouched, testing the tautness of the nearly invisible wire with his keen eyes. An image began to surface to his mind. Why couldn't he stop thinking about her? All day he had been plagued with images of the young kunoichi. It hadn't helped any when she had continuously watched him with curious eyes. He groaned aloud, the sound banishing Sakura's heart-shaped face from his mind.
He stood, hesitating before walking back towards the circle of wagons where fires burned brightly. The caravan's wagons were in a standard defense tactic, circling the Daimyou and civilians with rudimentary protection. His light feet swiftly carried him across the short expanse of ground to the wagons. He stepped into the firelight before he looked up, his body frozen.
Sakura sat by one of the bright fires, tending to a child that had fallen from a wagon later that day. She had broken the young girls fall but not before acquiring a few bruises and scrapes of her own, which he noticed she still hadn't healed. The girl had a small scrape on her knee. Pride swelled his chest as he watched her head the girl. Her green chakra was mesmerizing, its glow almost supernatural. He had been on the receiving end of her chakra many times in the past couple of years. That kind of intimacy was something he had tried to avoid, but his feelings were getting the best of him.
His thoughts returned to present as the girl reached forward, circling her small arms around Sakura's neck. He watched with a soft smile as the girl pranced away, skipping happily. The glow from the fire cast her hair into the resemblance of strawberry champagne, its liquidity silky. Her jade eyes flickered, changing tones as a fish flickering in and out of the sunlight. The pale skin that softened in the sunlight was now a deep brown, patches of light alternating between sublimity and darkened transitions. Her slim figure stupefied him in a way that was frightening.
Shakily he wiped his hands on his pants, taking a deep breath before entering the firelight. Sakura immediately noticed his presence, a large smile greeting his entrance. His breath caught within his throat, invisible hands seemingly gripping him with a sense of unreality. With a mediocre amount of force he willed his unease away, slouching to his normal, uncaring posture.
As he got within a few feet of her the unique scent of roses and jasmine drifted on the breeze. The smell was everything that she was, roses because she was soft, unrelenting, and able to pull through many hardships. Jasmine for her exoticness and the woodsy scent that always seemed to cling to her clothing. He pushed these thoughts to the back of his mind as he walked the last few steps. “Is this seat taken?”
Sakura had followed his slow progress over to the fire. She had seen the way he had hesitated almost imperceptibly and the way his eye had flickered over her body. A thrill raced throughout her body. Why did he look at her that way? She smiled, putting her unease and thoughts away for later contemplation. “Go ahead. I need some company anyway.”
Kakashi smiled before taking the proffered stump. His arms dangled between his spread legs, his back slumped forward.
Sakura turned to her own injuries, the green glow making her skin look pallid. “I saw you checking the traps. Is everything in order?” She switched her attention to her other hand, mending the torn tissue.
“Yes.” He watched as she finished healing the few scratches on her legs. His eyes lingered on a small scar that stretched down the side of her knee. It didn't disfigure her skin in any way, it showed that she was an able kunoichi, not afraid of marring her body. His eye slowly traced from her small foot, along her muscled calve to her smooth thighs. He had never seen a kunoichi's body so perfect before nor had he ever admired one so blatantly. He shifted his gaze back to his face when she turned to look up at him questioningly. “Have you decided who you will be going to the Seijin Shiki with?”
Sakura shook her head, her pink locks bouncing in rhythm with the movement. She took her bottom lip between her teeth, a bad habit she had formed when nervous or thinking. She looked back up to Kakashi. She felt as if she could tell him anything. That he wouldn't judge or scold her. “Can I ask you something personal?”
Kakashi nodded, unable to tear his gaze away from her contemplative one.
She sighed, her uneasiness vanishing with the simple motion. “I don't have feelings for any of the boys back in Konoha, aside from Sasuke that is. Even if he liked me that way he still wouldn't go to the Seijin Shiki with me. I just don't know what to do. I feel as if I'm being left out. I can't fathom why I cannot get another boy to like me. Sasuke seems like such a lost cause.”
Kakashi remained silent, her words being analyzed within his mind. It was true that Sakura wasn't like any of the girls her age but that only made her more interesting. She was a young woman with depth, silly fantasies forgotten as she matured and grew. The feeling of jealousy or anger, he couldn't be sure, had jumped to the forefront of his mind when she had mentioned Sasuke. He was just looking out for her best interests, wasn't he? But he knew deep down, that his feelings were more complex than that.
He turned his head, his obsidian eye softened imperceptibly. “If Sasuke really cared about you then he will ask you to accompany him.” His heart clenched but he brushed the feeling aside. “You won't have to decide until we return to Konoha.” He reached out, laying a comforting hand on her bare knee. “Stop worrying.”
Sakura looked down at the hand resting so casually on her knee. She ignored the tingle that raced along her leg as she looked up, a smile blossoming on her face. On impulse she lay her hand atop his. “Thank you for listening.”
Kakashi lay his other hand atop his, sandwiching her soft appendage between his larger ones. He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “No problem.”
She rose, pulling her hand from his, suddenly missing the warmth he gave. She began walking towards her bedroll before Kakashi's deep voice pulled her back around. “If Sasuke loves you then he will ask you to attend the Seijin Shiki with him.” Sakura smiled, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.
Kakashi lowered his head, his lone eye wandering over the contours of his hand. He could still feel the light pressure of her smooth hand; her slim fingers curling overtop his. As he turned back towards the fire the scent of rose and jasmine rolled over him like a seductive whisper in the night. He tilted his head, looking back over his shoulder to see Sakura in her bedroll, her hair billowing out like an enchanted goddess. His heart tightened, his breath hitching within his throat. Why was this happening to him?
:) Another chapter finished! I would have had this up sooner but sometimes I procrastinate. Don't we all? This chapter was pretty much a filler but I wanted to advance their relationship just a little more without all the technical details. Sorry if I got a little cliché on you there. ^v^' I've been sampling with adding more detail to their conversations and I believe I'm doing a good job of it, instead of having only one scentance of he said, she said.
Thank you ZipperRabbit, without you I wouldn't be laughing everytime I read your betas. And I would be wondering if I made any mistakes. You're a savior!
Also, thanks for all those who have reviewed. And if you haven't reviewed T-T and you've read then please try. You won't have to type much. No pressure though (evil grin).