Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Shattered Truths ❯ Slipping Reflection ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Story: Shattered Truths, Chapter 1
After Team Seven's return from the Land of Waves, Naruto becomes depressed as he remembers his last conversation with Haku. Childhood memories begin to haunt him.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto
Konoha Gates
Approaching the gates, Naruto jumped ahead.
"I'm starved!" He proclaimed. "Sakura-chan, d-do you want to go on a date later? I'll pay for dinner."
"Why the hell would I want to eat with you?" Sakura jeered.
"Forget it...I'll catch you guys later!" Naruto shouted, as he ran off.
'That's strange...' Sakura noted, as she watched him running. She had noticed he had given up too quickly after she turned down his offer. Ever since Haku's death, Naruto had been acting somewhat strange. She pondered it for a second but decided to forget about it. Kakashi and Sasuke seemed to notice as well, but didn't think that much of it either.
"I've gotta go give my report on the mission. Make sure to meet me at bridge tomorrow morning at 8:00 AM sharp. Well, bye bye now." Kakashi said, disappearing in a cloud of smoke. Sakura sighed, but then wondered if Sasuke was still there.
"Sasuke-kun, I..." She trailed off into silence, as she looked behind her. Discovering he was gone, she screamed so loud, it caused a flock of birds to fly off.
Ichiraku Ramen Shop
"One bowl of Spicy Pork Miso!" Naruto grinned.
"You got it!" said Teuchi, then paused, as though he'd remembered something.
"Say, didn't you just get back from a mission?" he wanted to know. Naruto looked up at him, and smiled.
"Yeah, I did."
"Tell ya what, I'm gonna give you another bowl for free! Take it as a compliment for completing your first mission." Teuchi said, chuckling, as Naruto's smile was even bigger now.
"Now that's what I talking about!" He exclaimed. Ayame giggled, as she got the ingredients for the ramen.
"If it isn't Naruto. I thought I might find you here." someone said from outside. Naruto looked behind him curiously, recognizing the voice, for it was unmistakable.
"I was gonna ask how your mission went." Iruka explained, taking a seat.
"Oh," Naruto said smiply. "Okay."
He told Iruka about Zabuza and Haku, the battle at the bridge, Tazuna, Inari and everything else. He had finished off the first bowl, and started on the second. Iruka studied him, chuckling.
"It sounds like you had good time." He assumed. Naruto nodded.
"Haku was alot like me..." Naruto noted, as he stared down at his bowl. "Even though he had parents in the beginning, he ended up on the streets, with no friends. Nobody wanted him, nobody liked him... He was like an unwanted child. Zabuza was the first one to show him any kind of acknowledgement. After that, he decided that was his life's purpose, was to serve Zabuza...If we would've met each other somewhere else, I think we could've became friends..."
What Naruto said left Iruka speechless, for he didn't really know what to say. Naruto finished off the second bowl, deciding he was full. Iruka cocked an eyebrow at the fact Naruto had already decided he was full. He usually gobbled down three or four bowls before claiming was stuffed. 'That's strange...' he thought.
"You're already full?"
"Yup." Naruto answered, taking out his froggy coin purse to pay for his food.
"I'll pay." Iruka offered, as he stopped him and asked for the bill. When Teuchi showed it to him, Iruka gave him the money to cover it.
"Thanks, Iruka-sensei." Naruto smiled. Iruka nodded, saying it was fine. They talked a little while longer, before getting up to leave.
"I'll see you later, Iruka-sensei!" Naruto shouted, waving as he ran off. Iruka chuckled, watching him run.'You'll become a wonderful ninja, Naruto... I believe in you...'he thought to himself.
Naruto's Apartment
Laying on his bed, Naruto pondered Haku's last conversation with him.
"My all the world...there was no one that needed me...I was unnecessary..."Haku said. Naruto's eyes widened. 'Just like me...'he thought.
"Why is it you're so determined to become Hokage? Because you want everyone to look up to you and acknowledge your existence...It's only through the eyes of others that our life has meaning. When there is no body who sees you, nobody who will even look at you, it's as if you do not exist
. Then Zabuza came and looked at me, his eyes weren't full of hate nor fear...He didn't shun me for my strength. Indeed my special powers were just what he wanted. He made me necessary again..." Haku said, sadly.
'I have failed you Zabuza...I am like a broken tool that can no longer be used...' He thought, walking towards Naruto, who backed up in fear.
"Naruto...Kill me." he said, sternly.
*End of flashback.*
"He was a lot like me..." Naruto said to himself. "I wish we could've became friends...I could've helped him...I had the same experiences as him. I was criticized, glared at, I had no friends, no purpose. Most people wouldn't even look at me...until Iruka-Sensei came along. Could I have turned out like him...? I wonder..."
Naruto stared at some of the insults that villagers had painted all over the walls. There were insults like 'Demon' 'Monster' or 'Beast.' He smiled sadly, remembering how the children use to stay away from him. He would always set in the swing by himself. No one ever wanted to play with him...
Holding back tears, he remembered the things different people had said to him in the past.
"Daddy, who's that?" A boy asked.
"He's a Demon. get away from him." A man said, holding the boy's hand, as he pulled him away.
"You filthy wretch, stay away from my child!" A woman screamed, as she slapped the young blond.
"Can you imagine what would happen if he became a ninja? I mean, he's the-" A girl whispered, only to be interrupted by another.
"Shh, were not suppose to talk about that."
"Nobody wants you!" A man spat, slamming the door in Naruto's face.
"Why don't you just go and die!?"
"Get lost!"
"I won't let this stuff get to me!" Naruto shouted. "No...I can't let it get to me..."
He made his way to the kitchen to get some water. While drinking it, he started to realize how thirsty he really was. He hadn't drank anything all day, due to just getting back from the wave mission. Throwing his cup in the sink, he walked back to his bedroom. As he sat down he tried to think of positive stuff, rather than negative. With no success, he lied down. Soon after, he fell asleep, with one thing on his mind. The thoughts of his battle with Haku.
-The Next Morning-
Naruto's Apartment
Falling of the bed, Naruto hit his head on the corner of the dresser. He sat up, holding his head as he whined.
"Ow...That hurt..."
Looking out the window, he noticed it was still dark. It was only about 4:00 AM. He sighed, knowing he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep.
"There's no point in going back to bed..." he grumbled, as he got up. Turning on the light, he undressed, throwing his pajamas on the floor. He put on his orange jumpsuit and made his way to the kitchen, but didn't eat. He wasn't in the mood to eat much of anything, so he sat at the table, day dreaming for about five minutes before deciding to take a walk. Getting up from the table, he walked outside and stood there for several minutes. Then he headed towards the bridge.
Along the way, he passed a drunk man, who knocked him down. The man dropped the bottle that he had been holding. The glass shattered, and pieces flew everywhere.
"Heyyy youuu, waatch where you're gooooing..." The man slurred, as he tried to get up.
"Yeah, yeah..." Naruto muttered, as he walked off, leaving the drunk man on the ground.
At The Bridge
Naruto leaned against the railing of the bridge, as he gazed up at the sky. Seeing the stars, he gave a small smile. 'Such a peaceful morning...' He noted. Then the thoughts from the day before were flooding his mind again. He had tried his best to forget them, but the thoughts wouldn't go away. If anything, trying to forget it made him remember it even more. The thoughts he'd had the day before made him wonder. Now they were upsetting him.
Naruto set down against the railing, holding his knees against his chest. He spent the next thirty to forty minutes watching the Sunrise. The sun was about half way up meaning it was somewhere from 6:45 to 7:30 am. Finally, he broke the silence with a loud sigh. 'I wish we could've became friends...' was he final thoughts, before his teammates arrived thirty minutes later. He saw them in the corner of his eyes. Getting up, he waved at Sakura, who surprisingly waved back. Sasuke only sneered and looked away.
"How long have you been here?" Sakura wanted to know.
"Since about 5:20 to 5:30 AM." Naruto answered. Sakura raised an eyebrow, for she never would've expected Naruto to actually wake upthat early.
"Why were you up that early?" She questioned, worryingly.
"I fell off my bed..." Naruto muttered, getting a smirk from Sasuke. Naruto shot him a glare that caused him to scowl. Sakura observed both of them, immediately knowing what was going to happen next. 'Here we go again...' she thought, sighing.
"Something funny, Sasuke?" Naruto hissed.
"Why can't you two get along?" Sakura nagged. Naruto and Sasuke's ears twitched, and their glare grew even more vicious than before.
"WHAT?! With him? There's NO way I could get along with something like Sasuke!" Naruto retorted.
"The only reason you can't get along with me, is because you're jealous...You know it's true...I'm stronger, and smarter than you'll ever be...You're just a insolent, loudmouthed idiot that does things with out thinking...You're impulsive, and annoying...You're just like Sakura, you only get in the way." Sasuke said, simply. Naruto looked at the ground, clinching his fists. He knew everything Sasuke had said was true. But he wouldn't allow Sasuke to bad mouth Sakura. That was going too far.
"I don't care what you have to say about me...but don't dare insult Sakura-chan!" Naruto said. Sakura looked at Naruto in shock. He actually cares? She wondered.
"And what if I do?" Sasuke asked, calmly.
"You'll regret it..." Naruto warned.
"Why would I regret telling the truth? Actually, the only thing I've ever 'regretted' is being on your team."
Naruto clenched his fists, deciding what to do. Should I kick his ass, or should I keep my mouth shut? He asked himself. He suddenly felt the urge to do the smart thing. To not get involved in an argument.
"Forget this, I'm not wasting my time, arguing with a jerk like you. It's not worth it." Naruto decided, as he leaned against the railing of the bridge. Sasuke cocked an eyebrow. Was Naruto actually giving in? Sakura had noticed this as well. She couldn't believe it. Naruto would never give in, especially not while arguing with Sasuke, so why...?
Kakashi suddenly appeared in a cloud of smoke, on the rail behind Naruto, interrupting everyone's thoughts. "Yo."
Sakura and Naruto faced him, with a demonic look in their eyes.
"YOU'RE LATE!" They shouted in unison, pointing at him with their index finger. Sasuke scowled, looking away, an obvious irritated look in his eyes. "Hmph." he grunted.
"Sorry guys, I'm afraid I got lost on the-"
"THAT'S A LIE!" Sakura and Naruto exclaimed, interrupting him. Kakashi sighed, as he gave in. 'I didn't even get to finish my sentence...' He thought, pretending to sulk.
"Sensei, what are we doing today?" Sakura asked, curiously.
"For starters, Iruka has asked for some help. A few of his students have hid somewhere in the village and he needs you to find them. You'll meet up with Iruka at the Ninja Academy. Be sure to report back to me after you're done, even if you can't find them. See you later." Kakashi explained, before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.
"Come on, let's get this over with." Sasuke muttered, as he began to walk ahead. Sakura followed behind, but Naruto was left behind, staring at the ground with thoughtful eyes. Again, he was day dreaming about the loneliness and pain he had been through as a child. Everyday had been a struggle for him, until someone finally excepted him for who he was. Iruka was his first friend. He would gladly give his own life to save Iruka. Haku had felt that way about Zabuza and did sacrifice himself.
Sakura looked back, surprised to see to see Naruto just standing there. She saw his usual icy blue eyes were now cold, dark, and filled with sadness.
"Wait." Sakura whispered. Sasuke grumbled, but decided to stop. He turned around shocked. He had never seen Naruto look so depressed. He was always so happy. He was always smiling. But now he looked as if he was on the edge of breaking down. Sakura slowly walked over to Naruto, hoping she wouldn't startle him.
Naruto quickly looked up, at the sound of her voice. Darting back, He prepared to grab a Kunai, when he saw who it was.
"Oh, It's you..." Naruto sighed in relief.
"Are you okay...?" Sakura asked worryingly, as she noticed he was trembling.
"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me." Naruto assured her, as a huge smile appeared on his face.
"Okay, if you say so." Sakura nodded, but was unsure. 'There's no way he's fine, he's been acting strange ever since we've returned to the village.' she concluded. She pondered it for a minute, but then decided it was best not to worry too much until after they'd completed their mission. She looked up to see Naruto staring at her strangely. Her patience immediately began to grow short.
"NARUTOOOO! STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!" She shouted, as she punched him in the face. He was barely able to choke out, "Wait, Sakura! I didn't mean to-" The punch threw him several feet back. Naruto sat up, as he wined, rubbing his face.
"Ow...Sakura-chan, why did you do that...?"
"WHY DO YOU THINK I DID IT!?" Sakura retorted.
"Jeez..." Naruto muttered, sulking as he got up.
"You guys, we need to go, we're wasting time." Sasuke said, interrupting their thoughts.
"He's right, we need to go." Sakura agreed, as she ran up ahead. Naruto brushed off his pants, then followed them.
The Ninja Academy
Iruka stood at the Academy waiting, as Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto appeared, startling him.
"Sorry if we're late, Sensei." Sakura apologized, panting. "We got held back a little."
"I thought you'd never come." Iruka said, smiling. He chuckled.
"Anyways, could you explain the mission?" Sasuke asked. Iruka reached in his pocket, taking out three pictures. He handed one to each of them. Naruto stared at the picture for moment. It was Konohamaru.
"Heyyy, it's that the brat from before. Isn't his name Konohamaru, or something?" Naruto asked.
"Yes their names are Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon."
Sakura had Udon, And Sasuke had Moegi.
"Your mission is to find these kids and bring them back here. I'm counting on you."
"Right!" Sakura responded.
"Got it." Sasuke replied.
Naruto said nothing, he just stood there staring at the picture. Why won't these thoughts go away? Why couldn't he ignore them? Why did they bother him so much?
"Naruto...?" Iruka said, very much worried.
"Huh...?" he half-whispered.
"Are you alright...?" Iruka asked.
Naruto decided he couldn't hold it back anymore. It was like when you want to cry, it feels like you have a lump in your throat. Naruto felt that way, only it was alot worse. A mixture of anger and sadness swept over him. Suddenly, he threw down the picture.
"DAMN IT ALL! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" He cursed, as he ran off.
"Wait, Naruto!" Iruka called. "Damn..."
Sasuke's eyes were wide with awe. He was shocked by Naruto's actions. Sakura was as well. They had never seen Naruto get upset like that. He was always so happy, he was always smiling no matter how bad it got. Iruka was pondering the situation; Naruto was very unpredictable right now. He could hurt anyone, including himself. And if he were to release what was inside of him, the whole village would be in great danger.
"Sasuke, go report to the Hokage, and Sakura, go report to Kakashi!" Iruka ordered. However they didn't budge. They both wanted to know what caused Naruto's outburst. Was it something they had said to him? Could something have occurred during the wave mission that upset him? If not, what? They wondered. They wouldn't leave until they knew someone was going to check on him.
"What about Naruto?" Sakura asked, worryingly.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of him. Now go!"
"Right!" Sasuke and Sakura replied, as they ran off. Iruka darted back in the Academy. Storming in the classroom he announced that class had been canceled for the day. He smiled for a moment as the kids cheered. But it faded quickly and he was on his way to Naruto's apartment.
-End of Chapter-
A/N: What'd ya think? Hope u liked it. REVIEW!