Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Snapshots ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Third in the Snapshots series. The original characters of Haya, Aiko, Suma and Yayoi are mine, so are the twins Akina and Roka. All others aren't.

I've been trying to write a bittersweet (and sad!) story for two days now. This is the.....third (fourth?) attempt and the one I like best. So it automatically gets slated to be the next Snapshots chapter. XD Ain't that a great way to decide. It also came out MUCH longer then I expected.

Sad eyes stare at the headstone as Aiko slowly drops to her knees and places the flowers she was holding down gently. She presses her fingers against the name carved onto the stone, head turning to look over her shoulder at what remains of her family. Her father standing lone in his grief as he stares down at the double headstones. Naruto lingering by his shoulder with Sasuke nearly glued to his side and Sakura hovers further back. Rising, Aiko turns and goes to her father, wrapping arms around him tightly and presses her face into his black-clad shoulder. Slowly, she becomes aware of him muttering something and the words become clearer.

"Nonononononononono....not again...please..."

She lifts her head to look at her brother, concerned and not a little scared for their father's mental state. Reaching up, she cups his face between her hands and makes him look down at her. "Dad?"

Iruka stares right back at his daughter, unseeing her as he seems to look right through her to the graves behind her. Tears sliding down his face as his entire body shudders and he breaks free of her grip, throwing himself down across the wet grass and graves, weeping.

Swallowing hard, Naruto moves closer to his sister, wrapping his arms around her and hugs her hard. She rests her head on his shoulder as her own go around his waist, returning the hug. Her eyes move across the crowded cemetary, not at all surprised to see so many there. Closing her eyes, she twists around to burrow her face into his neck, finally allowing the tears she has been surpressing to come out, clinging to Naruto and whispers. "It's not fair."

"No, it isn't. But as Dad use to isn't fair, especially for ninjas."

"And what about Dad? What will he do now? He might have been able to work through this if one of them had survived."

Stroking her long silver hair that reminds him so much of their father, he closes his eyes against his own tears, having a difficult time looking at Aiko who embodies both of their deceased parents. "If only I hadn't given them that mission."

"You had no way of knowing." A new voice interrupts, unusually quiet and with an edge of grief to it.

"I'm Hokage. I gave my parents and uncles the mission which killed them, Sasuke! I as good as killed them myself!"

Sniffing, Aiko pulls away, rubbing at her face then gives them both a watery smile. "Sasuke is right. You can't see the future. No one can. No one is to blame but those who did this. They managed to take some of them out before..." Trailing off, she looks away.

"Iruka, you up from that wet grass." Suma sits down on her hind quarters and stares down at the sobbing man then lifts her head as the overcast sky opens up, soaking everyone outside within seconds. Green eyes glisten as the bobcat returns her attention to the man and sighing, climbs to her feet and padds over to him. Nudging his arm up, she curls up under it as he clutchs at her fur and for once doesn't bristle when it gets pulled. Movement catchs her attention as a panther settles down on the man's other side. "Aiko summoned you as well?"

"Hmm. Partially. Haya did actually. Before she died. I dragged Genma's ass back here but it wasn't soon enough. He managed to report to Naruto what happened before slumping sideways. Not even Shizune and Sakura working together could save him." Anger heard clearly her voice as Yayoi's tail lashes through the air. "For all of my speed, I wasn't able to save him. None of them."

"You know you did your best." Her ears twist sideways, catching the sounds of people approaching and lifts her head, silently regarding them as they file pass, each pausing to place flowers on each grave before moving on. She nudges Iruka who has fallen silent and nods at Yayoi; standing up, she lifts his upper body enough to allow Yayoi to wiggle under him and lift him free of the cold earth.

"Dad? Come on, let's get you home." Aiko smiles tiredly at Yayoi as she and Naruto ease Iruka off the panther's back. Wrapping her arm around his waist she turns to guide him away and not looking back even as his head moves to keep them in sight until the last possible moment.

Three weeks later

Iruka stands alone in the wind and rain swept cemetary that houses what little remains of his partners. In his arms two bright boquets and he carefully places one before each stone then without any care, sits down between them even as water seeps into his pants. "It's...hard. Without you both. I wake up and for that one split second think it was all a dream. That neither of you were dead. That you were just in the next room, having already gotten up. For that one moment, I feel....happy again. Then it crashes back down on me." His voice cracks as he lets out a laugh, burying his face in his hands. "I miss you both so much. You were such a huge part of my life and now that you're gone, I feel empty. Directionless. Naruto still won't let me go back to teaching. Not that I blame him, with the constant bouts of depression I'm having." Drawing his knees up, he rests his chin on them and stares out at the still graveyard. "Funny how something comes to mean so much to you and at the time, you never realize it until it's lost. I'm...not complete without you guys. The children have been wonderful. The twins keep showing up and asking if I want to move in with them. They fighting over who 'gets' me."

His voice trails off then sighs, a heartbroken sound. "They don't understand. Aiko and Naruto do. Sasuke understands, more then either Aiko or Naruto could ever hope to. What it's like lose everything and cling to the memories that remain, no matter how painful that is." A gust of wind spirals around him for a moment, making his ponytail bob and lifts his gaze skyward. "I know..I still have the children. It just isn't the same. I knew this day would always come too but as the years went by, the fear faded. ...GODDAMN IT! You both were suppose to be retired! No longer going on missions! Haya was going to train genin and you were going to hang around, pissing me off and being a pain in the ass and complaining about the lack of grandkids while I taught." His voice breaks as grief surges up in him again and he bursts into tears, burying his face into his updrawn knees, whispering. "I'm not strong enough without you, my loves. You were my strength. My pilars. The thing that kept me going when you were away on missions. How do I carry on? TELL ME!"

A stronger gusts races through the quiet cemetary, swirling around and two voices break the silence of this place dedicated to the dead.


His body tenses up at hearing that familiar voice he hasn't heard in almost a month. Very slowly, his head raises up until he is staring at the two figures before him. "...Kakashi..Haya...?"

"It's us."

" aren't dead.....Right?" Hope grows in his eyes, shifting and climbs to his feet, taking a step towards them.

Gently. "I'm sorry."

The light fades, crushed by those two words and his shoulders slump.

" Knew it was too good to be true."

"Love, you have to stop this."

Head shooting up, a fierce and almost angry look appears as he snaps. "Well forgive me for mourning you both! Forgive me for loving you guys so damn much that it feels like someone ripped my heart from my chest! F....orgive me...." Unable to stay angry and rubs his hand across his face, wiping his tears away. "I'm sorry.."

"For what? You did nothing wrong, koi."

"I...didn't get to say goodbye and tell you how sorry I was. About that argument we had. I said things I shouldn't have. I let you leave when we were all so angry..."

Haya glances at Kakashi then looks back at Iruka, choosing her words carefully. "You know that's not why we died. The fight had nothing to do with it. It was just...bad odds. We were outnumbered. Even if we had been younger, we still wouldn't have been able to make it back alive. Maybe. It was something outside of our control."


"Yes. Oh love, you should know by now that we would do anything within our power to come home safely. This last mission was no different. And just for you to know, even if we had been angry when we left, we pushed those emotions down because we were highly trained shinobis."

Feeling the tears pricking at the corner of his eyes, he swallows rapidly and drinks in the sight before him. "I love you both so much. I can't survive without you. Let me go with you!"

Another shared look and Kakashi approaches the shaking man, lowering his voice. "You can't, love. You're needed here. The children still need you. Shhh." A finger is placed against his lips as that oh-so familiar silver head shakes side to side slightly. "No protests, Iruka. You will be joining us soon enough. Enjoy what life you have left. I'm sorry we died and left you. We had no choice." The finger withdrawns but replaced by a palm cupping his cheek as a sad brown eye stares at him. "Don't mourn us forever. When it's your time, we'll be waiting. Know that." He glances over at Haya then returns his gaze to Iruka, smiling at him from under his mask. His free hand reaches up to pull it down then Kakashi leans forward to kiss him, pressing their mouths together as he pours all the love he has for him into it. Easing back, a longing yet sad expression on his features. "Shhhh no more tears, love." His thumb wipes the solitary tear away then steps aside even as Haya reaches for Iruka.

"We love you. Remember that. Keep the happy memories close to your heart." Her hands, cooler then normal, slide up to grasp his face, tugging him down for a kiss. Almond shaped eyes glisten with unshed tears as she hugs him tightly. "We had thirty years together. A lifetime to create memories. It was more then I could have hoped for, love. Promise that you'll take care of yourself."

Throat working but no sound comes as he desparately tries not to answer her even as her eyes darken and demand his promise from him. "I...."

"Haya, it's time."

"What? No not yet!" Her head jerks back towards Iruka, a mix of fear and pleading in her gaze. "Promise me you won't do anything foolish!"

Spurred by the expression she is giving him, he nods. "I promise." Shoulders sagging, he watches as his lovers stop before him. "This is goodbye then isn't it."

"Maaa more like a see you later."

Arms engulf his body and a rough yet sadly affectionate voice whispers in his ear as Iruka feels something press into his hand.

"Time to wake up, love."

"Wha....?" His voice trails off as darkness swarms over him, the last thing he sees is Haya and Kakashi staring back at him, sadness and love on their faces before they, too, fade away. Groaning, he shivers suddenly and cracks open his eyes to see four fearful faces staring down at him. "Kids...?"

A chorus of 'Dad!' and 'You're alive!' greet him as he struggles upright and looks around confused, wondering when he fell asleep and something warm and round is pressing against his palm. Slowly, he uncurls his hand to stare in muted surprise at the two wedding rings resting there. Rings that were buried in the nearly empty graves set aside for Kakashi and Haya.


His eyes come up to meet the still worried faces of his children. Feeling more at peace then he has since learning that not only did his spouses die but Genma and Raidou perished along side them.

"What's in your hand, Dad?"

"Are you alright, Dad?"

"Stupid question, idiot!"

"Hey! Watch who you are calling an idiot!"

"Akina! Roka! Would you both just shut up?!"

Watching his children fight, he feels a laugh bubbling up and begins to laugh so hard tears slide down his face. Rubbing at his face, he feels their eyes on him and reopens his to see Akina choking her twin as Aiko is hauling her backwards and Naruto is crouched by his side. "I'm fine, Naruto."

"You sure?" The blond stares at his father, blue eyes stricken from the memory of them finding him slumped between the headstones. "Don't do that to us again, please. We...thought we lost you too, Dad."

Staring back, he drags Naruto to him, giving him a tight hug. "I promise. I'm here to stay." Using the stone next to him as a crutch, he drags himself to his feet and lightly caresses the smooth stone. Looking up at them, he smiles. "Let's go home."

Many years later

Leaves float through the air, spun around by the wind as a small group of people huddle in coats against the chilly autumn air; everyone else having already came and gone for the funeral of one of Konoha's most loved teachers.

"Do you think he's happy now? I mean, really happy."

"He's with them again."

"Dad wasn't the same, even after that day. I'd still like to know where he got Mom and Dad's rings from. Didn't we have them buried?"

Three voices mingle together, a fourth figure standing away from them, staring at the third name added to the double headstone.

"You're finally with them again. I hope you're happy, Dad." Naruto places his hand on the top of the stone, no longer smooth and new but weather-worn and showing it's age. "I can't believe that it's been almost twenty years since Mom and Dad died. How you managed each day was nothing short of a miracle. Every day, we were so glad you didn't give in. We're going to miss you, you know." He doesn't look up as Sasuke appears at his side. "I'm not going back to my office today, Sasuke."

"I wasn't going to say that you should. Family is more important right now." Placing his hand over the one resting on the cold marble. "Something you and your family taught me." He pauses then straightens up, removing his hand. "I have something to tell you. Iruka-sensei made me promise that I wouldn't tell you until after he passed on."

"What is it?"

"The reason why he stopped wishing for death. It was the day you and your siblings found him unconscious here." Dark eyes meet bright blue as he pushes on. "He saw Haya-san and Kakashi. They made him promise them he wouldn't do anything stupid."

"How in the hell do you know this?"

"He told me."


"Iruka-sensei wanted to know if I had ever dreamt about my dead parents. About them coming to tell me goodbye and that they loved me. I asked why and he told me. He wanted you to know but knew you would have thought him crazy."

"Ehehehe. Maybe?"

"That's why he asked me not to say anything until afterwards."

"You really believe he saw them, don't you."

"The proof is undeniable. He showed me their rings. The rings that I watched being placed in a box and inserted into the grave."

Blue eyes move from his lover to his siblings huddled together still then lowers his gaze to the ground where a silent bobcat sits just staring at the headstone. Never before in his life had Naruto seen Suma so quiet; not even after his mother died. "Hey mangy cat. You going to just sit there forever?" His usual taunt of the summon lacking its usual heat and she doesn't even bother to response, causing a fission of concern to appear in his belly.

"Naruto, leave her be." A hand clamping on his wrist arrests the forward motion.

"Naruto, Sasuke."

Two heads, one dark and the other bright turn to face the silver-haired Aiko.

"There's a lot to still do."

"Hai. We're coming."

"It still hurts to look at her, doesn't it." Voice low to pervent her from overhearing as they move away from the grave and it's silent guardian.

"Sometimes. There'll be times where I caught a glimse of silver out of the corner of my eye, I'll look up expecting Dad to be grinning at me. Or when she pulls her hair back...I see Mom's face."

The small group exits the cemetary, not looking back as they struggle to unite against this newest tragedy in their lives. If they had looked back, they would have seem a glow flickering around the grave until two figures are standing there, just waiting patiently. Suma turns her face from the headstone to the two people standing nearby and nods once but doesn't budge. Soon, a third glow appears as a second man comes into existance. He looks down at himself then at the other two. A broad smile, free of all traces of sadness graces his face. The other two smile in return before stretching their arms out to embrace him.

"Welcome home. We missed you."

"I love you. I've missed you too."

The words are carried on a blast of icy wind, leaves scattering as if by an invisible hand.

"Goodbye everyone. Until we meet again.

Pure, joyful laughter seems to ring out across the cemetary as the glows mingle then flare and fade, leaving Suma all alone in the now empty graveyard.

"Goodbye, my friends."